This script is an automated installation script that install and deploy multiple variant of honeypot automatically with minimal of user interaction.
Currently installs and sets up:
- p0f
- dionaea
- kippo
- glastopf
All of these will be installed as system services so running this script once should turn a vanilla install in to a robust honeypot.
Currently this script is tested on Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS. /!\ Use with caution! /!\
This can script can cause damage to your system. (If you know what I mean ;D)
chmod +x
chmod +x
chmod +x
The script will promt you to enter your network interface and IP address before it begin installation. Also please ensure that you have a nice and steady internet connection or else the installation will corrupt.
- Moves SSH server from port 22 to 65534
- Installs Dionaea, Kippo, Glastopf, p0f
- Sets up Dionaea, Kippo, Glastopf and p0f as system services that run on startup
Start-up Script
- p0f:
/etc/init.d/p0f start|stop|status|restart
- Dionaea:
/etc/init.d/dionaea start|stop|status|restart
- Kippo:
/etc/init.d/kippo start|stop|status|restart
- Glastopf:
/etc/init.d/glastopf start|stop|status|restart
- Configuration
- Dionaea:
- Kippo:
- Glastopf:
- Dionaea:
- Kippo:
- Glastopf:
- p0f: