diff --git a/zarr/_storage/store.py b/zarr/_storage/store.py
index a779a4e26a..6f5bf78e28 100644
--- a/zarr/_storage/store.py
+++ b/zarr/_storage/store.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 from collections.abc import MutableMapping
 from typing import Any, List, Optional, Union
+from zarr.meta import Metadata2
 from zarr.util import normalize_storage_path
 # v2 store keys
@@ -32,6 +33,8 @@ class BaseStore(MutableMapping):
     _writeable = True
     _erasable = True
     _listable = True
+    _store_version = 2
+    _metadata_class = Metadata2
     def is_readable(self):
         return self._readable
@@ -114,6 +117,7 @@ class Store(BaseStore):
     .. added: 2.11.0
     def listdir(self, path: str = "") -> List[str]:
         path = normalize_storage_path(path)
         return _listdir_from_keys(self, path)
diff --git a/zarr/attrs.py b/zarr/attrs.py
index ec01dbe04f..eff1237db1 100644
--- a/zarr/attrs.py
+++ b/zarr/attrs.py
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 from collections.abc import MutableMapping
-from zarr.meta import parse_metadata
 from zarr._storage.store import Store
 from zarr.util import json_dumps
@@ -40,7 +39,7 @@ def _get_nosync(self):
         except KeyError:
             d = dict()
-            d = parse_metadata(data)
+            d = self.store._metadata_class.parse_metadata(data)
         return d
     def asdict(self):
diff --git a/zarr/core.py b/zarr/core.py
index 56b22ead8d..d366139423 100644
--- a/zarr/core.py
+++ b/zarr/core.py
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
-from zarr.meta import decode_array_metadata, encode_array_metadata
 from zarr.storage import array_meta_key, attrs_key, getsize, listdir, BaseStore
 from zarr.util import (
@@ -210,7 +209,7 @@ def _load_metadata_nosync(self):
             # decode and store metadata as instance members
-            meta = decode_array_metadata(meta_bytes)
+            meta = self._store._metadata_class.decode_array_metadata(meta_bytes)
             self._meta = meta
             self._shape = meta['shape']
             self._chunks = meta['chunks']
@@ -267,7 +266,7 @@ def _flush_metadata_nosync(self):
                     compressor=compressor_config, fill_value=self._fill_value,
                     order=self._order, filters=filters_config)
         mkey = self._key_prefix + array_meta_key
-        self._store[mkey] = encode_array_metadata(meta)
+        self._store[mkey] = self._store._metadata_class.encode_array_metadata(meta)
     def store(self):
diff --git a/zarr/hierarchy.py b/zarr/hierarchy.py
index 402b8dd976..763a5f1631 100644
--- a/zarr/hierarchy.py
+++ b/zarr/hierarchy.py
@@ -14,7 +14,6 @@
-from zarr.meta import decode_group_metadata
 from zarr.storage import (
@@ -134,8 +133,7 @@ def __init__(self, store, path=None, read_only=False, chunk_store=None,
         except KeyError:
             raise GroupNotFoundError(path)
-            meta = decode_group_metadata(meta_bytes)
-            self._meta = meta
+            self._meta = self._store._metadata_class.decode_group_metadata(meta_bytes)
         # setup attributes
         akey = self._key_prefix + attrs_key
diff --git a/zarr/meta.py b/zarr/meta.py
index 8a7d760c0f..c292b09a14 100644
--- a/zarr/meta.py
+++ b/zarr/meta.py
@@ -11,220 +11,231 @@
-def parse_metadata(s: Union[MappingType, str]) -> MappingType[str, Any]:
+class Metadata2:
-    # Here we allow that a store may return an already-parsed metadata object,
-    # or a string of JSON that we will parse here. We allow for an already-parsed
-    # object to accommodate a consolidated metadata store, where all the metadata for
-    # all groups and arrays will already have been parsed from JSON.
+    @classmethod
+    def parse_metadata(cls, s: Union[MappingType, str]) -> MappingType[str, Any]:
-    if isinstance(s, Mapping):
-        # assume metadata has already been parsed into a mapping object
-        meta = s
+        # Here we allow that a store may return an already-parsed metadata object,
+        # or a string of JSON that we will parse here. We allow for an already-parsed
+        # object to accommodate a consolidated metadata store, where all the metadata for
+        # all groups and arrays will already have been parsed from JSON.
-    else:
-        # assume metadata needs to be parsed as JSON
-        meta = json_loads(s)
+        if isinstance(s, Mapping):
+            # assume metadata has already been parsed into a mapping object
+            meta = s
-    return meta
+        else:
+            # assume metadata needs to be parsed as JSON
+            meta = json_loads(s)
+        return meta
-def decode_array_metadata(s: Union[MappingType, str]) -> MappingType[str, Any]:
-    meta = parse_metadata(s)
+    @classmethod
+    def decode_array_metadata(cls, s: Union[MappingType, str]) -> MappingType[str, Any]:
+        meta = cls.parse_metadata(s)
-    # check metadata format
-    zarr_format = meta.get('zarr_format', None)
-    if zarr_format != ZARR_FORMAT:
-        raise MetadataError('unsupported zarr format: %s' % zarr_format)
+        # check metadata format
+        zarr_format = meta.get("zarr_format", None)
+        if zarr_format != cls.ZARR_FORMAT:
+            raise MetadataError("unsupported zarr format: %s" % zarr_format)
-    # extract array metadata fields
-    try:
-        dtype = decode_dtype(meta['dtype'])
+        # extract array metadata fields
+        try:
+            dtype = cls.decode_dtype(meta["dtype"])
+            if dtype.hasobject:
+                import numcodecs
+                object_codec = numcodecs.get_codec(meta['filters'][0])
+            else:
+                object_codec = None
+            dimension_separator = meta.get("dimension_separator", None)
+            fill_value = cls.decode_fill_value(meta['fill_value'], dtype, object_codec)
+            meta = dict(
+                zarr_format=meta["zarr_format"],
+                shape=tuple(meta["shape"]),
+                chunks=tuple(meta["chunks"]),
+                dtype=dtype,
+                compressor=meta["compressor"],
+                fill_value=fill_value,
+                order=meta["order"],
+                filters=meta["filters"],
+            )
+            if dimension_separator:
+                meta['dimension_separator'] = dimension_separator
+        except Exception as e:
+            raise MetadataError("error decoding metadata") from e
+        else:
+            return meta
+    @classmethod
+    def encode_array_metadata(cls, meta: MappingType[str, Any]) -> bytes:
+        dtype = meta["dtype"]
+        sdshape = ()
+        if dtype.subdtype is not None:
+            dtype, sdshape = dtype.subdtype
+        dimension_separator = meta.get("dimension_separator")
         if dtype.hasobject:
             import numcodecs
             object_codec = numcodecs.get_codec(meta['filters'][0])
             object_codec = None
-        dimension_separator = meta.get('dimension_separator', None)
-        fill_value = decode_fill_value(meta['fill_value'], dtype, object_codec)
         meta = dict(
-            zarr_format=meta['zarr_format'],
-            shape=tuple(meta['shape']),
-            chunks=tuple(meta['chunks']),
-            dtype=dtype,
-            compressor=meta['compressor'],
-            fill_value=fill_value,
-            order=meta['order'],
-            filters=meta['filters'],
+            zarr_format=cls.ZARR_FORMAT,
+            shape=meta["shape"] + sdshape,
+            chunks=meta["chunks"],
+            dtype=cls.encode_dtype(dtype),
+            compressor=meta["compressor"],
+            fill_value=cls.encode_fill_value(meta["fill_value"], dtype, object_codec),
+            order=meta["order"],
+            filters=meta["filters"],
         if dimension_separator:
             meta['dimension_separator'] = dimension_separator
-    except Exception as e:
-        raise MetadataError('error decoding metadata: %s' % e)
-    else:
-        return meta
+        if dimension_separator:
+            meta["dimension_separator"] = dimension_separator
+        return json_dumps(meta)
-def encode_array_metadata(meta: MappingType[str, Any]) -> bytes:
-    dtype = meta['dtype']
-    sdshape = ()
-    if dtype.subdtype is not None:
-        dtype, sdshape = dtype.subdtype
-    dimension_separator = meta.get('dimension_separator')
-    if dtype.hasobject:
-        import numcodecs
-        object_codec = numcodecs.get_codec(meta['filters'][0])
-    else:
-        object_codec = None
-    meta = dict(
-        zarr_format=ZARR_FORMAT,
-        shape=meta['shape'] + sdshape,
-        chunks=meta['chunks'],
-        dtype=encode_dtype(dtype),
-        compressor=meta['compressor'],
-        fill_value=encode_fill_value(meta['fill_value'], dtype, object_codec),
-        order=meta['order'],
-        filters=meta['filters'],
-    )
-    if dimension_separator:
-        meta['dimension_separator'] = dimension_separator
-    return json_dumps(meta)
-def encode_dtype(d: np.dtype):
-    if d.fields is None:
-        return d.str
-    else:
-        return d.descr
-def _decode_dtype_descr(d) -> List[Any]:
-    # need to convert list of lists to list of tuples
-    if isinstance(d, list):
-        # recurse to handle nested structures
-        d = [(k[0], _decode_dtype_descr(k[1])) + tuple(k[2:]) for k in d]
-    return d
-def decode_dtype(d) -> np.dtype:
-    d = _decode_dtype_descr(d)
-    return np.dtype(d)
-def decode_group_metadata(s: Union[MappingType, str]) -> MappingType[str, Any]:
-    meta = parse_metadata(s)
-    # check metadata format version
-    zarr_format = meta.get('zarr_format', None)
-    if zarr_format != ZARR_FORMAT:
-        raise MetadataError('unsupported zarr format: %s' % zarr_format)
-    meta = dict(zarr_format=zarr_format)
-    return meta
-# N.B., keep `meta` parameter as a placeholder for future
-# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
-def encode_group_metadata(meta=None) -> bytes:
-    meta = dict(
-        zarr_format=ZARR_FORMAT,
-    )
-    return json_dumps(meta)
-    'NaN': np.nan,
-    'Infinity': np.PINF,
-    '-Infinity': np.NINF
-def decode_fill_value(v, dtype, object_codec=None):
-    # early out
-    if v is None:
-        return v
-    if dtype.kind == 'V' and dtype.hasobject:
-        if object_codec is None:
-            raise ValueError('missing object_codec for object array')
-        v = base64.standard_b64decode(v)
-        v = object_codec.decode(v)
-        v = np.array(v, dtype=dtype)[()]
-        return v
-    if dtype.kind == 'f':
-        if v == 'NaN':
-            return np.nan
-        elif v == 'Infinity':
-            return np.PINF
-        elif v == '-Infinity':
-            return np.NINF
+    @classmethod
+    def encode_dtype(cls, d: np.dtype):
+        if d.fields is None:
+            return d.str
+            return d.descr
+    @classmethod
+    def _decode_dtype_descr(cls, d) -> List[Any]:
+        # need to convert list of lists to list of tuples
+        if isinstance(d, list):
+            # recurse to handle nested structures
+            d = [(k[0], cls._decode_dtype_descr(k[1])) + tuple(k[2:]) for k in d]
+        return d
+    @classmethod
+    def decode_dtype(cls, d) -> np.dtype:
+        d = cls._decode_dtype_descr(d)
+        return np.dtype(d)
+    @classmethod
+    def decode_group_metadata(cls, s: Union[MappingType, str]) -> MappingType[str, Any]:
+        meta = cls.parse_metadata(s)
+        # check metadata format version
+        zarr_format = meta.get("zarr_format", None)
+        if zarr_format != cls.ZARR_FORMAT:
+            raise MetadataError("unsupported zarr format: %s" % zarr_format)
+        meta = dict(zarr_format=zarr_format)
+        return meta
+    # N.B., keep `meta` parameter as a placeholder for future
+    # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
+    @classmethod
+    def encode_group_metadata(cls, meta=None) -> bytes:
+        meta = dict(zarr_format=cls.ZARR_FORMAT)
+        return json_dumps(meta)
+    @classmethod
+    def decode_fill_value(cls, v: Any, dtype: np.dtype, object_codec: Any = None) -> Any:
+        # early out
+        if v is None:
+            return v
+        if dtype.kind == 'V' and dtype.hasobject:
+            if object_codec is None:
+                raise ValueError('missing object_codec for object array')
+            v = base64.standard_b64decode(v)
+            v = object_codec.decode(v)
+            v = np.array(v, dtype=dtype)[()]
+            return v
+        if dtype.kind == "f":
+            if v == "NaN":
+                return np.nan
+            elif v == "Infinity":
+                return np.PINF
+            elif v == "-Infinity":
+                return np.NINF
+            else:
+                return np.array(v, dtype=dtype)[()]
+        elif dtype.kind in "c":
+            v = (
+                cls.decode_fill_value(v[0], dtype.type().real.dtype),
+                cls.decode_fill_value(v[1], dtype.type().imag.dtype),
+            )
+            v = v[0] + 1j * v[1]
             return np.array(v, dtype=dtype)[()]
-    elif dtype.kind in 'c':
-        v = (decode_fill_value(v[0], dtype.type().real.dtype),
-             decode_fill_value(v[1], dtype.type().imag.dtype))
-        v = v[0] + 1j * v[1]
-        return np.array(v, dtype=dtype)[()]
-    elif dtype.kind == 'S':
-        # noinspection PyBroadException
-        try:
+        elif dtype.kind == "S":
+            # noinspection PyBroadException
+            try:
+                v = base64.standard_b64decode(v)
+            except Exception:
+                # be lenient, allow for other values that may have been used before base64
+                # encoding and may work as fill values, e.g., the number 0
+                pass
+            v = np.array(v, dtype=dtype)[()]
+            return v
+        elif dtype.kind == "V":
             v = base64.standard_b64decode(v)
-        except Exception:
-            # be lenient, allow for other values that may have been used before base64
-            # encoding and may work as fill values, e.g., the number 0
-            pass
-        v = np.array(v, dtype=dtype)[()]
-        return v
-    elif dtype.kind == 'V':
-        v = base64.standard_b64decode(v)
-        v = np.array(v, dtype=dtype.str).view(dtype)[()]
-        return v
-    elif dtype.kind == 'U':
-        # leave as-is
-        return v
-    else:
-        return np.array(v, dtype=dtype)[()]
-def encode_fill_value(v: Any, dtype: np.dtype, object_codec: Any = None) -> Any:
-    # early out
-    if v is None:
-        return v
-    if dtype.kind == 'V' and dtype.hasobject:
-        if object_codec is None:
-            raise ValueError('missing object_codec for object array')
-        v = object_codec.encode(v)
-        v = str(base64.standard_b64encode(v), 'ascii')
-        return v
-    if dtype.kind == 'f':
-        if np.isnan(v):
-            return 'NaN'
-        elif np.isposinf(v):
-            return 'Infinity'
-        elif np.isneginf(v):
-            return '-Infinity'
+            v = np.array(v, dtype=dtype.str).view(dtype)[()]
+            return v
+        elif dtype.kind == "U":
+            # leave as-is
+            return v
+        else:
+            return np.array(v, dtype=dtype)[()]
+    @classmethod
+    def encode_fill_value(cls, v: Any, dtype: np.dtype, object_codec: Any = None) -> Any:
+        # early out
+        if v is None:
+            return v
+        if dtype.kind == 'V' and dtype.hasobject:
+            if object_codec is None:
+                raise ValueError('missing object_codec for object array')
+            v = object_codec.encode(v)
+            v = str(base64.standard_b64encode(v), 'ascii')
+            return v
+        if dtype.kind == "f":
+            if np.isnan(v):
+                return "NaN"
+            elif np.isposinf(v):
+                return "Infinity"
+            elif np.isneginf(v):
+                return "-Infinity"
+            else:
+                return float(v)
+        elif dtype.kind in "ui":
+            return int(v)
+        elif dtype.kind == "b":
+            return bool(v)
+        elif dtype.kind in "c":
+            c = cast(np.complex128, np.dtype(complex).type())
+            v = (cls.encode_fill_value(v.real, c.real.dtype, object_codec),
+                 cls.encode_fill_value(v.imag, c.imag.dtype, object_codec))
+            return v
+        elif dtype.kind in "SV":
+            v = str(base64.standard_b64encode(v), "ascii")
+            return v
+        elif dtype.kind == "U":
+            return v
+        elif dtype.kind in "mM":
+            return int(v.view("i8"))
-            return float(v)
-    elif dtype.kind in 'ui':
-        return int(v)
-    elif dtype.kind == 'b':
-        return bool(v)
-    elif dtype.kind in 'c':
-        c = cast(np.complex128, np.dtype(complex).type())
-        v = (encode_fill_value(v.real, c.real.dtype, object_codec),
-             encode_fill_value(v.imag, c.imag.dtype, object_codec))
-        return v
-    elif dtype.kind in 'SV':
-        v = str(base64.standard_b64encode(v), 'ascii')
-        return v
-    elif dtype.kind == 'U':
-        return v
-    elif dtype.kind in 'mM':
-        return int(v.view('i8'))
-    else:
-        return v
+            return v
+# expose class methods for backwards compatibility
+parse_metadata = Metadata2.parse_metadata
+decode_array_metadata = Metadata2.decode_array_metadata
+encode_array_metadata = Metadata2.encode_array_metadata
+encode_dtype = Metadata2.encode_dtype
+_decode_dtype_descr = Metadata2._decode_dtype_descr
+decode_dtype = Metadata2.decode_dtype
+decode_group_metadata = Metadata2.decode_group_metadata
+encode_group_metadata = Metadata2.encode_group_metadata
+decode_fill_value = Metadata2.decode_fill_value
+encode_fill_value = Metadata2.encode_fill_value
diff --git a/zarr/storage.py b/zarr/storage.py
index 901011c9d2..7170eeaf23 100644
--- a/zarr/storage.py
+++ b/zarr/storage.py
@@ -231,8 +231,8 @@ def init_array(
     order: str = "C",
     overwrite: bool = False,
-    path: Path = None,
-    chunk_store: StoreLike = None,
+    path: Optional[Path] = None,
+    chunk_store: Optional[StoreLike] = None,
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ def init_array(
 def _init_array_metadata(
-    store,
+    store: StoreLike,
@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ def _init_array_metadata(
     path: Optional[str] = None,
-    chunk_store=None,
+    chunk_store: Optional[StoreLike] = None,
@@ -446,7 +446,10 @@ def _init_array_metadata(
                 order=order, filters=filters_config,
     key = _path_to_prefix(path) + array_meta_key
-    store[key] = encode_array_metadata(meta)
+    if hasattr(store, '_metadata_class'):
+        store[key] = store._metadata_class.encode_array_metadata(meta)  # type: ignore
+    else:
+        store[key] = encode_array_metadata(meta)
 # backwards compatibility
@@ -511,7 +514,10 @@ def _init_group_metadata(
     # be in future
     meta = dict()  # type: ignore
     key = _path_to_prefix(path) + group_meta_key
-    store[key] = encode_group_metadata(meta)
+    if hasattr(store, '_metadata_class'):
+        store[key] = store._metadata_class.encode_group_metadata(meta)  # type: ignore
+    else:
+        store[key] = encode_group_metadata(meta)
 def _dict_store_keys(d: Dict, prefix="", cls=dict):
@@ -568,7 +574,7 @@ def __eq__(self, other):
 class MemoryStore(Store):
-    """Store class that uses a hierarchy of :class:`dict` objects, thus all data
+    """Store class that uses a hierarchy of :class:`KVStore` objects, thus all data
     will be held in main memory.
@@ -581,7 +587,7 @@ class MemoryStore(Store):
         <class 'zarr.storage.MemoryStore'>
     Note that the default class when creating an array is the built-in
-    :class:`dict` class, i.e.::
+    :class:`KVStore` class, i.e.::
         >>> z = zarr.zeros(100)
         >>> type(z.store)
@@ -1685,7 +1691,10 @@ def migrate_1to2(store):
     del meta['compression_opts']
     # store migrated metadata
-    store[array_meta_key] = encode_array_metadata(meta)
+    if hasattr(store, '_metadata_class'):
+        store[array_meta_key] = store._metadata_class.encode_array_metadata(meta)
+    else:
+        store[array_meta_key] = encode_array_metadata(meta)
     # migrate user attributes
     store[attrs_key] = store['attrs']
@@ -2099,8 +2108,8 @@ class LRUStoreCache(Store):
-    def __init__(self, store: Store, max_size: int):
-        self._store = Store._ensure_store(store)
+    def __init__(self, store: StoreLike, max_size: int):
+        self._store: BaseStore = BaseStore._ensure_store(store)
         self._max_size = max_size
         self._current_size = 0
         self._keys_cache = None
diff --git a/zarr/tests/test_storage.py b/zarr/tests/test_storage.py
index 889fa80043..3438e60691 100644
--- a/zarr/tests/test_storage.py
+++ b/zarr/tests/test_storage.py
@@ -20,9 +20,7 @@
 from zarr.codecs import BZ2, AsType, Blosc, Zlib
 from zarr.errors import MetadataError
 from zarr.hierarchy import group
-from zarr.meta import (ZARR_FORMAT, decode_array_metadata,
-                       decode_group_metadata, encode_array_metadata,
-                       encode_group_metadata)
+from zarr.meta import ZARR_FORMAT, decode_array_metadata
 from zarr.n5 import N5Store, N5FSStore
 from zarr.storage import (ABSStore, ConsolidatedMetadataStore, DBMStore,
                           DictStore, DirectoryStore, KVStore, LMDBStore,
@@ -427,7 +425,7 @@ def test_init_array(self, dimension_separator_fixture):
         # check metadata
         assert array_meta_key in store
-        meta = decode_array_metadata(store[array_meta_key])
+        meta = store._metadata_class.decode_array_metadata(store[array_meta_key])
         assert ZARR_FORMAT == meta['zarr_format']
         assert (1000,) == meta['shape']
         assert (100,) == meta['chunks']
@@ -460,7 +458,7 @@ def test_init_group_overwrite_chunk_store(self):
     def _test_init_array_overwrite(self, order):
         # setup
         store = self.create_store()
-        store[array_meta_key] = encode_array_metadata(
+        store[array_meta_key] = store._metadata_class.encode_array_metadata(
@@ -482,7 +480,7 @@ def _test_init_array_overwrite(self, order):
             assert array_meta_key in store
-            meta = decode_array_metadata(store[array_meta_key])
+            meta = store._metadata_class.decode_array_metadata(store[array_meta_key])
             assert ZARR_FORMAT == meta['zarr_format']
             assert (1000,) == meta['shape']
             assert (100,) == meta['chunks']
@@ -498,7 +496,7 @@ def test_init_array_path(self):
         # check metadata
         key = path + '/' + array_meta_key
         assert key in store
-        meta = decode_array_metadata(store[key])
+        meta = store._metadata_class.decode_array_metadata(store[key])
         assert ZARR_FORMAT == meta['zarr_format']
         assert (1000,) == meta['shape']
         assert (100,) == meta['chunks']
@@ -519,8 +517,8 @@ def _test_init_array_overwrite_path(self, order):
-        store[array_meta_key] = encode_array_metadata(meta)
-        store[path + '/' + array_meta_key] = encode_array_metadata(meta)
+        store[array_meta_key] = store._metadata_class.encode_array_metadata(meta)
+        store[path + '/' + array_meta_key] = store._metadata_class.encode_array_metadata(meta)
         # don't overwrite
         with pytest.raises(ValueError):
@@ -537,7 +535,7 @@ def _test_init_array_overwrite_path(self, order):
             assert array_meta_key not in store
             assert (path + '/' + array_meta_key) in store
             # should have been overwritten
-            meta = decode_array_metadata(store[path + '/' + array_meta_key])
+            meta = store._metadata_class.decode_array_metadata(store[path + '/' + array_meta_key])
             assert ZARR_FORMAT == meta['zarr_format']
             assert (1000,) == meta['shape']
             assert (100,) == meta['chunks']
@@ -549,7 +547,7 @@ def test_init_array_overwrite_group(self):
         # setup
         path = 'foo/bar'
         store = self.create_store()
-        store[path + '/' + group_meta_key] = encode_group_metadata()
+        store[path + '/' + group_meta_key] = store._metadata_class.encode_group_metadata()
         # don't overwrite
         with pytest.raises(ValueError):
@@ -564,7 +562,7 @@ def test_init_array_overwrite_group(self):
             assert (path + '/' + group_meta_key) not in store
             assert (path + '/' + array_meta_key) in store
-            meta = decode_array_metadata(store[path + '/' + array_meta_key])
+            meta = store._metadata_class.decode_array_metadata(store[path + '/' + array_meta_key])
             assert ZARR_FORMAT == meta['zarr_format']
             assert (1000,) == meta['shape']
             assert (100,) == meta['chunks']
@@ -576,7 +574,7 @@ def _test_init_array_overwrite_chunk_store(self, order):
         # setup
         store = self.create_store()
         chunk_store = self.create_store()
-        store[array_meta_key] = encode_array_metadata(
+        store[array_meta_key] = store._metadata_class.encode_array_metadata(
@@ -600,7 +598,7 @@ def _test_init_array_overwrite_chunk_store(self, order):
             assert array_meta_key in store
-            meta = decode_array_metadata(store[array_meta_key])
+            meta = store._metadata_class.decode_array_metadata(store[array_meta_key])
             assert ZARR_FORMAT == meta['zarr_format']
             assert (1000,) == meta['shape']
             assert (100,) == meta['chunks']
@@ -614,7 +612,7 @@ def _test_init_array_overwrite_chunk_store(self, order):
     def test_init_array_compat(self):
         store = self.create_store()
         init_array(store, shape=1000, chunks=100, compressor='none')
-        meta = decode_array_metadata(store[array_meta_key])
+        meta = store._metadata_class.decode_array_metadata(store[array_meta_key])
         assert meta['compressor'] is None
@@ -625,7 +623,7 @@ def test_init_group(self):
         # check metadata
         assert group_meta_key in store
-        meta = decode_group_metadata(store[group_meta_key])
+        meta = store._metadata_class.decode_group_metadata(store[group_meta_key])
         assert ZARR_FORMAT == meta['zarr_format']
@@ -633,7 +631,7 @@ def test_init_group(self):
     def _test_init_group_overwrite(self, order):
         # setup
         store = self.create_store()
-        store[array_meta_key] = encode_array_metadata(
+        store[array_meta_key] = store._metadata_class.encode_array_metadata(
@@ -655,7 +653,7 @@ def _test_init_group_overwrite(self, order):
             assert array_meta_key not in store
             assert group_meta_key in store
-            meta = decode_group_metadata(store[group_meta_key])
+            meta = store._metadata_class.decode_group_metadata(store[group_meta_key])
             assert ZARR_FORMAT == meta['zarr_format']
         # don't overwrite group
@@ -675,8 +673,8 @@ def _test_init_group_overwrite_path(self, order):
-        store[array_meta_key] = encode_array_metadata(meta)
-        store[path + '/' + array_meta_key] = encode_array_metadata(meta)
+        store[array_meta_key] = store._metadata_class.encode_array_metadata(meta)
+        store[path + '/' + array_meta_key] = store._metadata_class.encode_array_metadata(meta)
         # don't overwrite
         with pytest.raises(ValueError):
@@ -693,7 +691,7 @@ def _test_init_group_overwrite_path(self, order):
             assert (path + '/' + array_meta_key) not in store
             assert (path + '/' + group_meta_key) in store
             # should have been overwritten
-            meta = decode_group_metadata(store[path + '/' + group_meta_key])
+            meta = store._metadata_class.decode_group_metadata(store[path + '/' + group_meta_key])
             assert ZARR_FORMAT == meta['zarr_format']
@@ -702,7 +700,7 @@ def _test_init_group_overwrite_chunk_store(self, order):
         # setup
         store = self.create_store()
         chunk_store = self.create_store()
-        store[array_meta_key] = encode_array_metadata(
+        store[array_meta_key] = store._metadata_class.encode_array_metadata(
@@ -726,7 +724,7 @@ def _test_init_group_overwrite_chunk_store(self, order):
             assert array_meta_key not in store
             assert group_meta_key in store
-            meta = decode_group_metadata(store[group_meta_key])
+            meta = store._metadata_class.decode_group_metadata(store[group_meta_key])
             assert ZARR_FORMAT == meta['zarr_format']
             assert 'foo' not in chunk_store
             assert 'baz' not in chunk_store
@@ -941,7 +939,7 @@ def test_init_array(self):
         # check metadata
         assert array_meta_key in store
-        meta = decode_array_metadata(store[array_meta_key])
+        meta = store._metadata_class.decode_array_metadata(store[array_meta_key])
         assert ZARR_FORMAT == meta['zarr_format']
         assert (1000,) == meta['shape']
         assert (100,) == meta['chunks']
@@ -1191,7 +1189,7 @@ def test_init_array(self):
         # check metadata
         assert array_meta_key in store
-        meta = decode_array_metadata(store[array_meta_key])
+        meta = store._metadata_class.decode_array_metadata(store[array_meta_key])
         assert ZARR_FORMAT == meta['zarr_format']
         assert (1000,) == meta['shape']
         assert (100,) == meta['chunks']
@@ -1267,7 +1265,7 @@ def test_init_array(self):
         # check metadata
         assert array_meta_key in store
-        meta = decode_array_metadata(store[array_meta_key])
+        meta = store._metadata_class.decode_array_metadata(store[array_meta_key])
         assert ZARR_FORMAT == meta['zarr_format']
         assert (1000,) == meta['shape']
         assert (100,) == meta['chunks']
@@ -1287,7 +1285,7 @@ def test_init_array_path(self):
         # check metadata
         key = path + '/' + array_meta_key
         assert key in store
-        meta = decode_array_metadata(store[key])
+        meta = store._metadata_class.decode_array_metadata(store[key])
         assert ZARR_FORMAT == meta['zarr_format']
         assert (1000,) == meta['shape']
         assert (100,) == meta['chunks']
@@ -1301,7 +1299,7 @@ def test_init_array_path(self):
     def test_init_array_compat(self):
         store = self.create_store()
         init_array(store, shape=1000, chunks=100, compressor='none')
-        meta = decode_array_metadata(store[array_meta_key])
+        meta = store._metadata_class.decode_array_metadata(store[array_meta_key])
         # N5Store wraps the actual compressor
         compressor_config = meta['compressor']['compressor_config']
         assert compressor_config is None
@@ -1332,7 +1330,7 @@ def test_init_group(self):
         assert group_meta_key in store
         assert group_meta_key in store.listdir()
         assert group_meta_key in store.listdir('')
-        meta = decode_group_metadata(store[group_meta_key])
+        meta = store._metadata_class.decode_group_metadata(store[group_meta_key])
         assert ZARR_FORMAT == meta['zarr_format']
     def test_filters(self):
@@ -1387,7 +1385,7 @@ def test_init_array(self):
         # check metadata
         assert array_meta_key in store
-        meta = decode_array_metadata(store[array_meta_key])
+        meta = store._metadata_class.decode_array_metadata(store[array_meta_key])
         assert ZARR_FORMAT == meta['zarr_format']
         assert (1000,) == meta['shape']
         assert (100,) == meta['chunks']
@@ -1407,7 +1405,7 @@ def test_init_array_path(self):
         # check metadata
         key = path + '/' + array_meta_key
         assert key in store
-        meta = decode_array_metadata(store[key])
+        meta = store._metadata_class.decode_array_metadata(store[key])
         assert ZARR_FORMAT == meta['zarr_format']
         assert (1000,) == meta['shape']
         assert (100,) == meta['chunks']
@@ -1421,7 +1419,7 @@ def test_init_array_path(self):
     def test_init_array_compat(self):
         store = self.create_store()
         init_array(store, shape=1000, chunks=100, compressor='none')
-        meta = decode_array_metadata(store[array_meta_key])
+        meta = store._metadata_class.decode_array_metadata(store[array_meta_key])
         # N5Store wraps the actual compressor
         compressor_config = meta['compressor']['compressor_config']
         assert compressor_config is None
@@ -1929,14 +1927,15 @@ def test_getsize():
     assert -1 == getsize(store)
-def test_migrate_1to2():
+@pytest.mark.parametrize('dict_store', [False, True])
+def test_migrate_1to2(dict_store):
     from zarr import meta_v1
     # N.B., version 1 did not support hierarchies, so we only have to be
     # concerned about migrating a single array at the root of the store
     # setup
-    store = KVStore(dict())
+    store = dict() if dict_store else KVStore(dict())
     meta = dict(
@@ -1974,7 +1973,7 @@ def test_migrate_1to2():
     assert meta_migrated['compressor'] == Zlib(1).get_config()
     # check dict compression_opts
-    store = KVStore(dict())
+    store = dict() if dict_store else KVStore(dict())
     meta['compression'] = 'blosc'
     meta['compression_opts'] = dict(cname='lz4', clevel=5, shuffle=1)
     meta_json = meta_v1.encode_metadata(meta)
@@ -1988,7 +1987,7 @@ def test_migrate_1to2():
             Blosc(cname='lz4', clevel=5, shuffle=1).get_config())
     # check 'none' compression is migrated to None (null in JSON)
-    store = KVStore(dict())
+    store = dict() if dict_store else KVStore(dict())
     meta['compression'] = 'none'
     meta_json = meta_v1.encode_metadata(meta)
     store['meta'] = meta_json