This fork aims to make the firmware run on the Digispark USB development board.
You need to install the Arduino tools as described in the Digispark tutorial: 'Connecting and Programming Your Digispark' first.
make clean
make hex
/opt/arduino-1.5.8-64bit/hardware/digistump/avr/tools/avrdude -cdigispark --timeout 30 -Uflash:w:main.hex:i
BlinkStick is a DIY open source USB RGB LED. It's small, the size of a USB flash stick and designed to be easy to assemble.
You can find more details about it here:
This repository contains the firmware required for the ATTiny85 chip.
Details about setting up the development environment will be released soon.
Released under CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 license:
(c) 2013 by Agile Innovative Ltd