- Prepare data
- Installation
- Run OrthoFinder for orthology
- Run WGDI for synteny
- Run SOI for orthologous synteny and species tree
Download and pre-process the example data:
# git-lfs has been installed
git lfs clone https://github.com/zhangrengang/evolution_example
cd evolution_example
chmod +x src/*
find . -name "*gz" | xargs gunzip
cat OrthoFinder/*fasta > pep.faa
cat CDS/* > cds.fa
cat wgdi/*gff > all_species_gene.gff
If it is hard to download from GitHub, altenatively you can try to download from BaiduYun. Now, the directory structure like this:
$ tree
├── all_species_gene.gff # all GFF
├── cds.fa # all CDS sequences
├── pep.faa # all protein sequences
├── species.design # speceis list
├── OrthoFinder # input for OrthoFinder
│ ├── Angelica_sinensis.fasta
│ ├── Apium_graveolens.fasta
│ ├── ......
└── wgdi # input for WGDI
├── Angelica_sinensis-Angelica_sinensis.blast
├── Angelica_sinensis-Angelica_sinensis.conf
├── Angelica_sinensis-Angelica_sinensis.ctl # for `soi dotplot`
├── Angelica_sinensis.gff
├── Angelica_sinensis.lens
├── ......
Note: the GENE ID is needed to label with SPECIES ID (e.g. Angelica_sinensis|AS01G00001
) for
uniqueness and compatibility (legacy from OrthoMCL).
The CHROMosome ID should also be unique (e.g. As1
, As2
) to avoid conflicts (legacy from MCscanX).
The IDs can be easily labeled for your own data; for example:
# using OrthoMCL command for fasta files:
orthomclAdjustFasta $SP $SP.pep 1
# or using sed:
sed 's/>/>'$SP'|/' $SP.pep > $SP.fasta # always using the separator '|'
# using awk for MCscanX/WGDI gff files:
awk -v sp=$SP -v OFS="\t" '{$2=sp"|"$2;print $0}' $SP.gff0 | perl -pe 's/^\D+/'$SP2'/' > $SP.gff
and SP2
can be the same.
If you have installed OrthoIndex, all the commands used in this pipeline should have been installed.
To infer 'orthology' using OrthoFinder2:
orthofinder -f OrthoFinder/ -M msa -t 60
can by replaced by Proteinortho6,
Broccoli and
To detect 'synteny' by WGDI, with visualization by SOI
cd wgdi
../src/comb2 `cat ../species.design` | while read LINE
# blast
diamond blastp -q ../OrthoFinder/$SP1.fasta -d ../OrthoFinder/$SP2.fasta -o $prefix.blast --more-sensitive -p 10 --quiet -e 0.001
# call synteny
wgdi -icl $conf
# dot plot colored by Orthology Index
soi dotplot -s $prefix.collinearity \
-g ../all_species_gene.gff -c $prefix.ctl \
--xlabel $SP1 --ylabel $SP2 \
--ks-hist --max-ks 1 -o $prefix.io \
--plot-ploidy --gene-axis --number-plots \
--ofdir ../OrthoFinder/OrthoFinder/Results_*/ \
# to show only orthology
soi dotplot -s $prefix.collinearity \
-g ../all_species_gene.gff -c $prefix.ctl \
--xlabel $SP1 --ylabel $SP2 \
--ks-hist --max-ks 1 -o $prefix.io \
--plot-ploidy --gene-axis --number-plots \
--ofdir ../OrthoFinder/OrthoFinder/Results_*/ \
--of-color --of-ratio 0.6
cd ..
If you also need Ks-based visualization:
cd wgdi
../src/comb2 `cat ../species.design` | while read LINE
# calculate Ks
wgdi -ks $conf
# dot plot colored by Ks
soi dotplot -s $prefix.collinearity \
-g ../all_species_gene.gff -c $prefix.ctl \
--kaks $prefix.collinearity.ks \
--xlabel $SP1 --ylabel $SP2 \
--ks-hist --max-ks 1.5 -o $prefix \
--plot-ploidy --gene-axis --number-plots
# to show only orthology
soi dotplot -s $prefix.collinearity \
-g ../all_species_gene.gff -c $prefix.ctl \
--kaks $prefix.collinearity.ks \
--xlabel $SP1 --ylabel $SP2 \
--ks-hist --max-ks 1.5 -o $prefix \
--plot-ploidy --gene-axis --number-plots \
--ofdir ../OrthoFinder/OrthoFinder/Results_*/ \
--of-ratio 0.6 # filtering by OI
cd ..
can be replaced by JCVI and
To cluster syntenic orthogroups (SOGs) and construct phylogenomic analyses:
cd phylogenomics
# to filter collinearity
soi filter -s ../wgdi/*.collinearity -o ../OrthoFinder/OrthoFinder/Results_*/ -c 0.6 > collinearity.ortho
# to cluster SOGs excluding outgroups that do not share the lineage-specific WGD
soi cluster -s collinearity.ortho -outgroup Lonicera_japonica Ilex_polyneura Vitis_vinifera -prefix cluster
# to add outgroups
soi outgroup -s collinearity.ortho -og cluster.mcl -outgroup Lonicera_japonica Ilex_polyneura Vitis_vinifera > cluster.mcl.plus
# to build multi-copy or single-copy gene trees
soi phylo -og cluster.mcl.plus -pep ../pep.faa -cds ../cds.fa -both -pre sog -mm 0.4 -p 80 -tmp tmp.mc.0.4
soi phylo -og cluster.mcl.plus -pep ../pep.faa -cds ../cds.fa -both -pre sog -mm 0.2 -p 80 -tmp tmp.sc.0.2 -sc -concat -trimal_opts " -gappyout" -iqtree_opts " -B 1000"
# to infer coalescent‐based species tree
astral-pro --root Vitis_vinifera sog.mc.cds.mm0.4.genetrees > sog.mc.cds.mm0.4.genetrees.astral
astral-hybrid --root Vitis_vinifera sog.sc.cds.mm0.2.genetrees > sog.sc.cds.mm0.2.genetrees.astral
# to infer concatenation‐based species tree
iqtree2 -s sog.sc.cds.mm0.2.concat.aln -T 60 -B 1000 -mset GTR -o Vitis_vinifera
Note: although we set a unified cutoff (0.6) in the pipeline, users should manually check the resulted dot plots for confirmation, and some extremely complex cases showing unexpected patterns need to be investigated on a case-by-case basis.