# x-pages

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> A simple static pages develop workflow (Convention over Configuration)


## Installation

# npm
$ npm i -g x-pages

# or yarn
$ yarn global add x-pages

## CLI Usage

# make project directory & cd into
$ mkdir my-project && cd $_

# init project structure
$ x-pages init

# dev hot reload serve
$ x-pages serve

# development build
$ x-pages build

# production build (minify css, minify js, autoprefixer css, non sourcemaps)
$ x-pages build --production

# deploy to gh pages (make sure proj root is github repo, and it has gh-pages branch)
$ x-pages deploy --production

## Project structure

└── my-project ·········································· proj root
    ├── assets ·········································· static assets
    │   ├── css ········································· styles (auto compile scss)
    │   │   ├── _variables.scss ························· partials scss (dont output)
    │   │   └── style.scss ······························ entry scss
    │   ├── img ········································· images (auto minify)
    │   │   └── rock.png ································ image file
    │   └── js ·········································· scripts (auto uglify)
    │       └── global.js ······························· script file
    ├── layouts ········································· layouts (dont output)
    │   └── basic.html ·································· layout file
    ├── partials ········································ partials (dont output)
    │   ├── footer.html ································· partial file
    │   └── header.html ································· partial file
    ├── config.js ······································· config file
    ├── favicon.ico ····································· site favicon
    └── index.html ······································ page file (use layout & partials)

## Example repo


## Default config

module.exports = {
  // assets dir name
  assets: 'assets',
  // layouts dir name
  layouts: 'layouts',
  // partials dir name
  partials: 'partials',
  // output dir name
  output: 'dist',
  // http server port
  port: 2080,
  // debug mode
  debug: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production',
  // ignore list
  exclude: []

And all of the properties in the `config.js` or `config.json` can be used as template variables in the template. e.g. `{{@site.title}}` => `config.title`.

In other words, you can add any template variables you need into the configuration file.


- [x] exclude

## Contributing

1. **Fork** it on GitHub!
2. **Clone** the fork to your own machine.
3. **Checkout** your feature branch: `git checkout -b my-awesome-feature`
4. **Commit** your changes to your own branch: `git commit -am 'Add some feature'`
5. **Push** your work back up to your fork: `git push -u origin my-awesome-feature`
6. Submit a **Pull Request** so that we can review your changes.

> **NOTE**: Be sure to merge the latest from "upstream" before making a pull request!

## License

[MIT](LICENSE) © [汪磊](https://zce.me)

[npm-image]: https://badge.fury.io/js/x-pages.svg
[npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/x-pages
[download-image]: https://img.shields.io/npm/dm/x-pages.svg
[download-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/x-pages
[travis-image]: https://travis-ci.org/zce/x-pages.svg?branch=master
[travis-url]: https://travis-ci.org/zce/x-pages
[dependency-image]: https://david-dm.org/zce/x-pages/status.svg
[dependency-url]: https://david-dm.org/zce/x-pages
[devdependency-image]: https://david-dm.org/zce/x-pages/dev-status.svg
[devdependency-url]: https://david-dm.org/zce/x-pages?type=dev
[style-image]: https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-standard-brightgreen.svg
[style-url]: http://standardjs.com/