Migrating from zohocrm/php-sdk-archive to zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
- Organization
- User
- Profiles
- Roles
- Taxes
- Notes
- Variables
- VariableGroups
- Fields
- Layouts
- CustomViews
- RelatedLists
- Records
- Tags
- Attachments
- RelatedRecords
$rest = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance();//to get the rest client $orgIns = $rest->getOrganizationDetails()->getData();//to get the organization in form of ZCRMOrganization instance
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of OrgOperations Class $orgOperations = new OrgOperations(); //Call getOrganization method $response = $orgOperations->getOrganization();
$rest = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance();//to get the rest client $users = $rest->getCurrentUser()->getData();//to get the users in form of ZCRMUser instances array
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of UsersOperations Class $usersOperations = new UsersOperations(); //Get instance of ParameterMap Class $paramInstance = new ParameterMap(); $paramInstance->add(GetUsersParam::type(), "CurrentUser"); // AllUsers, ActiveUsers, DeactiveUsers, ConfirmedUsers, NotConfirmedUsers, DeletedUsers, ActiveConfirmedUsers, AdminUsers, ActiveConfirmedAdmins $headerInstance = new HeaderMap(); //Call getUsers method that takes paramInstance as parameter $response = $usersOperations->getUsers($paramInstance, $headerInstance);
$orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance $responseIns = $orgIns->getUser("3524033191017");//to get the user
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of UsersOperations Class $usersOperations = new UsersOperations(); $headerInstance = new HeaderMap(); //Call getUser method that takes userId as parameter $response = $usersOperations->getUser($userId, $headerInstance);
$orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance $user = ZCRMUser::getInstance(NULL, NULL);//to get the user instance $user->setLastName("subject");//to set the last name of the user $user->setFirstName("test");//to set the first name of the user $user->setEmail("test1@gmail.com");//to set the email id of the user $role=ZCRMRole::getInstance("{role_id}", "{role_name}");//to get the role $user->setRole($role);//to get the role of the user $profile=ZCRMProfile::getInstance("{profile_id}", "{profile_name}");//to get the profile $user->setProfile($profile);//to set the profile of the user $responseIns = $orgIns->createUser($user);//to create the user
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of UsersOperations Class $usersOperations = new UsersOperations(); //Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body $request = new RequestWrapper(); //List of User instances $userList = array(); $userClass = "com\zoho\crm\api\users\User"; //Get instance of User Class $user1 = new $userClass(); $role = new Role(); $role->setId("347706126008"); $user1->setRole($role); $user1->setFirstName("TestUser"); $user1->setEmail("testuser@zoho.com"); $profile = new Profile(); $profile->setId("347706126014"); $user1->setProfile($profile); $user1->setLastName("12"); array_push($userList, $user1); $request->setUsers($userList); //Call createUser method that takes BodyWrapper class instance as parameter $response = $usersOperations->createUser($request);
$orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance $user = ZCRMUser::getInstance("{user_id}", "{user_name}");//to get the user instance $user->setId("{user_id}");//to set the id of the user $user->setFax("321432423423");//to set the fax number of the user $user->setMobile("4234234232");//to set the mobile number of the user $user->setPhone("2342342342");//to set the phone number of the user $user->setStreet("sddsfdsfd");//to set the street name of the user $user->setAlias("test");//to set the alias of the user $user->setWebsite("www.zoho.com");//to set the website of the user $user->setCity("chennai");//to set the city of the user $user->setCountry("India");//to set the country of the user $user->setState("Tamil nadu");//to set the state of the user $user->setZip("6000010");//to set the zip code of the user $responseIns = $orgIns->updateUser($user);//to update the user
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of UsersOperations Class $usersOperations = new UsersOperations(); //Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body $request = new BodyWrapper(); //List of User instances $userList = array(); $userClass = "com\zoho\crm\api\users\User"; //Get instance of User Class $user1 = new $userClass(); $role = new Role(); $role->setId("347706126008"); $user1->setRole($role); $user1->setCountryLocale("en_US"); array_push($userList, $user1); $request->setUsers($userList); //Call updateUser method that takes BodyWrapper instance and userId as parameter $response = $usersOperations->updateUser($userId, $request);
$orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance $responseIns = $orgIns->deleteUser("{user_id}");//to delete the user
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of UsersOperations Class $usersOperations = new UsersOperations(); //Call deleteUser method that takes userId as parameter $response = $usersOperations->deleteUser($userId);
$orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance $response = $orgIns->getAllProfiles();//to get the profiles
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of ProfilesOperations Class $profilesOperations = new ProfilesOperations(); //Call getProfiles method $response = $profilesOperations->getProfiles();
$orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance $response = $orgIns->getProfile("{profile_id}");//to get the profile
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of ProfilesOperations Class $profilesOperations = new ProfilesOperations(); //Call getProfile method that takes profileId as parameter $response = $profilesOperations->getProfile($profileId);
$orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance $response = $orgIns->getAllRoles();//to get the roles of the organization $roles = $response->getData();//to get the roles in form of array of ZCRMRole instances
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of RolesOperations Class $rolesOperations = new RolesOperations(); //Call getRoles method $response = $rolesOperations->getRoles();
$orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance $response = $orgIns->getRole("{role_id}");//to get the role of the organization
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of RolesOperations Class $rolesOperations = new RolesOperations(); //Call getRoles method $response = $rolesOperations->getRole($roleId);
$orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance $orgTaxes = $orgIns->getOrganizationTaxes();
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of TaxesOperations Class $taxesOperations = new TaxesOperations(); //Call getTaxes method $response = $taxesOperations->getTaxes();
$orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance $orgTax = $orgIns->getOrganizationTax("{organization_tax_id}")->getData();
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of TaxesOperations Class $taxesOperations = new TaxesOperations(); //Call getTax method that takes taxId as parameter $response = $taxesOperations->getTax($taxId);
$orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance $orgTax = ZCRMOrgTax::getInstance("fsdf", NULL); $orgTax->setValue("34"); $orgTaxInstances = array(); array_push($orgTaxInstances, $orgTax); $responseIns = $orgIns->createOrganizationTaxes($orgTaxInstances);
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of TaxesOperations Class $taxesOperations = new TaxesOperations(); //Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body $request = new BodyWrapper(); //List of Tax instances $taxList = array(); $tagClass = 'com\zoho\crm\api\taxes\Tax'; //Get instance of Tax Class $tax1 = new $tagClass(); $tax1->setName("MyTax22"); $tax1->setSequenceNumber(2); $tax1->setValue(10.0); array_push($taxList, $tax1); $tax1 = new $tagClass(); $tax1->setName("MyTax23"); $tax1->setValue(12.0); array_push($taxList, $tax1); $request->setTaxes($taxList); //Call createTaxes method that takes BodyWrapper class instance as parameter $response = $taxesOperations->createTaxes($request);
$orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance $orgTax = ZCRMOrgTax::getInstance("SalesTax","{org_tax_id}"); $orgTax->setValue("33"); $orgTaxInstances = array(); array_push($orgTaxInstances, $orgTax); $responseIns = $orgIns->updateOrganizationTaxes($orgTaxInstances);
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of TaxesOperations Class $taxesOperations = new TaxesOperations(); //Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body $request = new BodyWrapper(); //List of Tax instances $taxList = array(); $taxClass = 'com\zoho\crm\api\taxes\Tax'; //Get instance of Tax Class $tax1 = new $taxClass(); $tax1->setId("34770616499001"); $tax1->setName("MyTax1134"); $tax1->setSequenceNumber(1); $tax1->setValue(15.0); array_push($taxList, $tax1); //Get instance of Tax Class $tax1 = new $taxClass(); $tax1->setId("34770616499002"); $tax1->setValue(25.0); array_push($taxList, $tax1); $tax1 = new $taxClass(); $tax1->setId("3477061339001"); $tax1->setSequenceNumber(2);s array_push($taxList, $tax1); $request->setTaxes($taxList); //Call updateTaxes method that takes BodyWrapper instance as parameter $response = $taxesOperations->updateTaxes($request);
$orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance $responseIns = $orgIns->deleteOrganizationTaxes($orgTaxids);
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of TaxesOperations Class $taxesOperations = new TaxesOperations(); //Get instance of ParameterMap Class $paramInstance = new ParameterMap(); foreach($taxIds as $taxId) { $paramInstance->add(DeleteTaxesParam::ids(), $taxId); } //Call deleteTaxes method that takes paramInstance as parameter $response = $taxesOperations->deleteTaxes($paramInstance);
$orgIns = ZCRMRestClient::getOrganizationInstance(); // to get the organization instance $responseIn = $orgIns->deleteOrganizationTax("{org_tax_id}");
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of TaxesOperations Class $taxesOperations = new TaxesOperations(); //Call deleteTaxes method that takes taxId as parameter $response = $taxesOperations->deleteTax($taxId);
$org = ZCRMOrganization::getInstance(); /* For VERSION <=2.0.6 $notes = $org->getNotes()->getData(); // to get the notes in form of ZCRMNote instances array */ $param_map=array("page"=>"20","per_page"=>"200"); // key-value pair containing all the parameters - optional $header_map = array("if-modified-since"=>"2019-11-10T15:26:49+05:30"); // key-value pair containing all the headers - optional $response = $orgIns->getNotes($param_map,$header_map); // to get all the notes
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of NotesOperations Class $notesOperations = new NotesOperations(); //Get instance of ParameterMap Class $paramInstance = new ParameterMap(); $paramInstance->add(GetNotesParam::page(), 1); //$paramInstance->add(GetNotesParam::perPage(), 1); //Get instance of HeaderMap Class $headerInstance = new HeaderMap(); $headerInstance->add(GetNotesHeader::IfModifiedSince(), date_create("2019-05-07T15:32:24")->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()))); //Call getNotes method that takes paramInstance and headerInstance as parameters $response = $notesOperations->getNotes($paramInstance, $headerInstance);
$org = ZCRMOrganization::getInstance(); $record = ZCRMRecord::getInstance("Products", "35240333352001"); $noteIns = ZCRMNote::getInstance($record, NULL); // to get the note instance $noteIns->setTitle("Title_API1"); // to set the note title $noteIns->setContent("This is test content"); // to set the note content $noteIns1 = ZCRMNote::getInstance($record, NULL); // to get another note instance $noteIns1->setTitle("Title_API1"); // to set the note title $noteIns1->setContent("This is test content"); $noteInstances=[$noteIns,$noteIns1]; $responseIn=$org->createNotes($noteInstances);
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of NotesOperations Class $notesOperations = new NotesOperations(); //Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body $bodyWrapper = new BodyWrapper(); //List of Note instances $notes = array(); for($i = 1; $i <5; $i++) { $note->setNoteTitle("Contacted"); //Set NoteContent of the Note $note->setNoteContent("Need to do further tracking"); //Get instance of Record Class $parentRecord = new Record(); //Set ID of the Record $parentRecord->setId("34770615702002"); //Set ParentId of the Note $note->setParentId($parentRecord); //Set SeModule of the Record $note->setSeModule("Leads"); //Add Note instance to the list array_push($notes, $note); } //Set the list to notes in BodyWrapper instance $bodyWrapper->setData($notes); //Call createNotes method that takes BodyWrapper instance as parameter $response = $notesOperations->createNotes($bodyWrapper);
$org = ZCRMOrganization::getInstance(); $noteIds = ["35240333392002","35240333392001"]; $responseIn = $org->deleteNotes($noteIds);
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of NotesOperations Class $notesOperations = new NotesOperations(); //Get instance of ParameterMap Class $paramInstance = new ParameterMap(); foreach($notesID as $id) { $paramInstance->add(DeleteNotesParam::ids(), $id); } //Call deleteNotes method that takes paramInstance as parameter $response = $notesOperations->deleteNotes($paramInstance);
$record = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getRecordInstance("{module_api_name}", "{record_id}"); // To get record instance $noteIns = ZCRMNote::getInstance($record, null); // to get the note instance $noteIns->setTitle("Title_API1"); // to set the note title $noteIns->setContent("This is test content"); // to set the note content $responseIns = $record->addNote($noteIns); // to add the note
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
$record = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getRecordInstance("{moduel_api_name}", "{record_id}"); // To get record instance $noteIns = ZCRMNote::getInstance($record, "{note_id}"); // to get the note instance $noteIns->setTitle("Title_API1"); // to set the title of the note $noteIns->setContent("This is test cooontent"); // to set the content of the note $responseIns = $record->updateNote($noteIns); // to update the note
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of NotesOperations Class $notesOperations = new NotesOperations(); //Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body $bodyWrapper = new BodyWrapper(); //List of Note instances $notes = array(); $nodeClass = 'com\zoho\crm\api\notes\Note'; $note = new $nodeClass(); //Set Note_Title of the Note $note->setNoteTitle("Contacted12"); //Set NoteContent of the Note $note->setNoteContent("Need to do further tracking12"); //Add Note instance to the list array_push($notes, $note); //Set the list to notes in BodyWrapper instance $bodyWrapper->setData($notes); //Call updateNote method that takes BodyWrapper instance and noteId as parameter $response = $notesOperations->updateNote($noteId,$bodyWrapper);
$record = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getRecordInstance("{module_api_name}", "{record_id}"); // To get record instance $noteIns = ZCRMNote::getInstance($record, "{note_id}"); // to get the note instance $responseIns = $record->deleteNote($noteIns); // to delete the note
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of NotesOperations Class $notesOperations = new NotesOperations(); //Call deleteNotes method that takes BodyWrapper instance as parameter $response = $notesOperations->deleteNote($noteID);
$org_ins = ZCRMOrganization::getInstance(); $variable_instances = $org_ins->getVariables();
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of VariablesOperations Class $variablesOperations = new VariablesOperations(); //Get instance of ParameterMap Class $paramInstance = new ParameterMap(); $paramInstance->add(GetVariablesParam::group(), "General"); //Call getVariables method that takes paramInstance as parameter $response = $variablesOperations->getVariables($paramInstance);
$variable_array =array() ; $org_ins=ZCRMOrganization::getInstance(); $variable_ins=ZCRMVariable::getInstance();//to get the rest client $variable_ins->setName("v"); $variable_ins->setType("integer"); $variable_ins->setValue("2"); $variable_group = ZCRMVariableGroup::getInstance(); $variable_group->setId("3524033231001"); $variable_group->setApiName("General"); $variable_ins->setVariableGroup($variable_group); $variable_ins->setDescription("automated sdk"); array_push($variable_array,$variable_ins); $variable_ins1=ZCRMVariable::getInstance();//to get the rest client $variable_ins1->setName("v"); $variable_ins1->setType("integer"); $variable_ins1->setValue("2"); $variable_group = ZCRMVariableGroup::getInstance(); $variable_group->setId("3524033231001"); $variable_group->setApiName("General"); $variable_ins1->setVariableGroup($variable_group); $variable_ins1->setDescription("automated sdk"); array_push($variable_array,$variable_ins1); $responseIn=$org_ins->createVariables($variable_array);
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of VariablesOperations Class $variablesOperations = new VariablesOperations(); //Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body $request = new BodyWrapper(); //List of Variable instances $variableList = array(); $variableClass = 'com\zoho\crm\api\variables\Variable'; //Get instance of Variable Class $variable1 = new $variableClass(); $variable1->setName("asdasd"); $variable1->setAPIName("sdsd"); $variableGroup = new VariableGroup(); $variableGroup->setName("General"); $variableGroup->setId("347706189001"); $variable1->setVariableGroup($variableGroup); $variable1->setType("integer"); $variable1->setValue("42"); $variable1->setDescription("This denotes variable 5 description"); array_push($variableList, $variable1); $variable1 = new $variableClass(); $variable1->setName("Variable661"); $variable1->setAPIName("Variable661"); $variableGroup = new VariableGroup(); $variableGroup->setName("General"); $variable1->setVariableGroup($variableGroup); $variable1->setType("text"); $variable1->setValue("H2ello"); $variable1->setDescription("This denotes variable 6 description"); array_push($variableList, $variable1); $request->setVariables($variableList); //Call createVariables method that takes BodyWrapper instance as parameter $response = $variablesOperations->createVariables($request);
$variable_array =array() ; $org_ins=ZCRMOrganization::getInstance(); $variable_ins=ZCRMVariable::getInstance();//to get the rest client $variable_ins->setId("3524033999002"); $variable_ins->setName("x"); $variable_ins->setType("integer"); $variable_ins->setValue("2"); $variable_group = ZCRMVariableGroup::getInstance(); $variable_group->setId("352403301001"); $variable_group->setApiName("General"); $variable_ins->setVariableGroup($variable_group); $variable_ins->setDescription("automated sdk"); array_push($variable_array,$variable_ins); $variable_ins1=ZCRMVariable::getInstance();//to get the rest client $variable_ins1->setName("y"); $variable_ins1->setId("35240331"); $variable_ins1->setType("integer"); $variable_ins1->setValue("2"); $variable_group = ZCRMVariableGroup::getInstance(); $variable_group->setId("3524031001"); $variable_group->setApiName("General"); $variable_ins1->setVariableGroup($variable_group); $variable_ins1->setDescription("automated sdk"); array_push($variable_array,$variable_ins1); $responseIn=$org_ins->updateVariables($variable_array);
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of VariablesOperations Class $variablesOperations = new VariablesOperations(); //Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body $request = new BodyWrapper(); //List of Variable instances $variableList = array(); $variableClass = 'com\zoho\crm\api\variables\Variable'; //Get instance of Variable Class $variable1 = new $variableClass(); $variable1->setId("34770617444005"); $variable1->setValue("4763"); $variable1->setAPIName("er"); array_push($variableList, $variable1); $variable1 = new $variableClass(); $variable1->setId("34770617444010"); $variable1->setAPIName("eer"); $variable1->setDescription("This is a new description"); array_push($variableList, $variable1); $variable1 = new $variableClass(); $variable1->setId("3477061444012"); $variable1->setAPIName("re"); array_push($variableList, $variable1); $request->setVariables($variableList); //Call updateVariables method that takes BodyWrapper class instance as parameter $response = $variablesOperations->updateVariables($request);
$variable_ins=ZCRMVariable::getInstance();//to get the rest client ZCRMVariable::getDescription(); $variable_ins->setId("35240333124006"); $group_id = "35240330231001"; $variable_instance = $variable_ins->getVariable($group_id);
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of VariablesOperations Class $variablesOperations = new VariablesOperations(); //Get instance of ParameterMap Class $paramInstance = new ParameterMap(); $paramInstance->add(GetVariableByIDParam::group(), "34770613089001");//"General" //Call getVariableByGroupId method that takes paramInstance and variableId as parameter $response = $variablesOperations->getVariableById($variableId,$paramInstance);
$variable_ins=ZCRMVariable::getInstance();//to get the rest client $variable_ins->setId("3524039002"); $variable_ins->setValue("3"); $variable_ins->setDescription("automated sdk"); $responseIn=$variable_ins->updateVariable();
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of VariablesOperations Class $variablesOperations = new VariablesOperations(); //Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body $request = new BodyWrapper(); //List of Variable instances $variableList = array(); $variableClass = 'com\zoho\crm\api\variables\Variable'; //Get instance of Variable Class $variable1 = new $variableClass(); $variable1->setAPIName("TestAPIName"); array_push($variableList, $variable1); $request->setVariables($variableList); //Call updateVariableById method that takes BodyWrapper instance and variableId as parameter $response = $variablesOperations->updateVariableById($variableId,$request);
$variable_ins=ZCRMVariable::getInstance();//to get the rest client $variable_ins->setId("35240332999002"); $variable_ins->setValue("3"); $variable_ins->setDescription("automated sdk"); $responseIn=$variable_ins->deleteVariable();
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of VariablesOperations Class $variablesOperations = new VariablesOperations(); //Call deleteVariable method that takes variableId as parameter $response = $variablesOperations->deleteVariable($variableId);
$org_ins = ZCRMOrganization::getInstance();//to get the rest client $variable_group_instances = $org_ins->getVariableGroups();
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of VariableGroupsOperations Class $variableGroupsOperations = new VariableGroupsOperations(); //Call getVariableGroups method $response = $variableGroupsOperations->getVariableGroups();
$variable_group_ins=ZCRMVariableGroup::getInstance();//to get the rest client $variable_group_ins->setId("3524033000000231001"); $variable_group_instance = $variable_group_ins->getVariableGroup();
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of VariableGroupsOperations Class $variableGroupsOperations = new VariableGroupsOperations(); //Call getVariableGroupById method that takes variableGroupId as parameter $response = $variableGroupsOperations->getVariableGroupById($variableGroupId);
$moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // To get module instance $response = $moduleIns->getAllFields(); // to get the field
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of FieldsOperations Class that takes moduleAPIName as parameter $fieldOperations = new FieldsOperations($moduleAPIName); //Get instance of ParameterMap Class $paramInstance = new ParameterMap(); // $paramInstance->add(GetFieldsParam::type(), "Unused"); //Call getFields method that takes paramInstance as parameter $response = $fieldOperations->getFields($paramInstance);
$moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name"); // To get module instance $response = $moduleIns->getFieldDetails("{field_id}"); // to get the field
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of FieldsOperations Class that takes moduleAPIName as parameter $fieldOperations = new FieldsOperations($moduleAPIName); //Call getField method which takes fieldId as parameter $response = $fieldOperations->getField($fieldId);
$moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // To get module instance $response = $moduleIns->getAllLayouts(); // to get all the layout
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of LayoutsOperations Class that takes moduleAPIName as parameter $layoutsOperations = new LayoutsOperations($moduleAPIName); //Call getLayouts method $response = $layoutsOperations->getLayouts(); ``` [sample code](https://www.zoho.com/crm/developer/docs/php-sdk/v3/layouts-samples.html?src=get_layouts)
$moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // To get module instance $response = $moduleIns->getLayoutDetails("35240331055"); // to get the layout
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of LayoutsOperations Class that takes moduleAPIName as parameter $layoutsOperations = new LayoutsOperations($moduleAPIName); //Call getLayouts method $response = $layoutsOperations->getLayout($layoutId);
$moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // To get module instance /* For VERSION <=2.0.6 $response = $moduleIns->getAllCustomViews(); // to get all the custom views*/ $param_map = array("page"=>"5","per_page"=>"10");//parameters to be passed $response = $moduleIns->getAllCustomViews($param_map); // to get all the custom views /$param_map - optional
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of CustomViewOperations Class that takes moduleAPIName as parameter $customViewsOperations = new CustomViewsOperations($moduleAPIName); //Call getCustomViews method $response = $customViewsOperations->getCustomViews();
$moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // To get module instance $response = $moduleIns->getCustomView("{custom_view_id}"); // to get the custom view
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of CustomViewOperations Class that takes moduleAPIName as parameter $customViewsOperations = new CustomViewsOperations($moduleAPIName); //Call getCustomView method that takes customViewId as parameter $response = $customViewsOperations->getCustomView($customViewId);
$moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // To get module instance $response = $moduleIns->getAllRelatedLists(); // to get all the related lists
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of RelatedListsOperations Class that takes moduleAPIName as parameter $relatedListsOperations = new RelatedListsOperations($moduleAPIName); //Call getRelatedLists method $response = $relatedListsOperations->getRelatedLists();
$moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // To get module instance $response = $moduleIns->getRelatedListDetails("{related_list_id}"); // to get the related list
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of RelatedListsOperations Class that takes moduleAPIName as parameter $relatedListsOperations = new RelatedListsOperations($moduleAPIName); //Call getRelatedLists method which takes relatedListId as parameter $response = $relatedListsOperations->getRelatedList($relatedListId);
$moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // To get module instance /* For VERSION <=2.0.6 $response = $moduleIns->getRecords(null, null, null, 1, 100, null); // to get the records(parameter - custom_view_id,field_api_name,sort_order,customHeaders is optional and can be given null if not required), customheader is a keyvalue pair for eg("if-modified-since"=>"2008-09-15T15:53:00")*/ $param_map=array("page"=>10,"per_page"=>10); // key-value pair containing all the parameters - optional $header_map = array("if-modified-since"=>"2019-11-15T15:26:49+05:30"); // key-value pair containing all the headers - optional $response = $moduleIns->getRecords($param_map,$header_map); // to get the records($param_map - parameter map,$header_map - header map
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of RecordOperations Class that takes moduleAPIName as parameter $recordOperations = new RecordOperations(); $paramInstance = new ParameterMap(); // $paramInstance->add(GetRecordsParam::approved(), "true"); // $paramInstance->add(GetRecordsParam::converted(), "1234"); // $paramInstance->add(GetRecordsParam::cvid(), "347706189005"); // $ids = array("34770615623115", "34770614352001"); // foreach($ids as $id) // { // $paramInstance->add(GetRecordsParam::ids(), $id); // } // $paramInstance->add(GetRecordsParam::uid(), "34770615181008"); // $fieldNames = array("Last_Name", "City"); // foreach($fieldNames as $fieldName) // { $paramInstance->add(GetRecordsParam::fields(), "id"); // } // $paramInstance->add(GetRecordsParam::sortBy(), "Email"); // $paramInstance->add(GetRecordsParam::sortOrder(), "desc"); $paramInstance->add(GetRecordsParam::page(), 1); $paramInstance->add(GetRecordsParam::perPage(), 3); $startdatetime = date_create("2020-06-27T15:10:00+05:30")->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get())); // $paramInstance->add(GetRecordsParam::startDateTime(), $startdatetime); // $enddatetime = date_create("2020-06-29T15:10:00+05:30")->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get())); // $paramInstance->add(GetRecordsParam::endDateTime(), $enddatetime); // $paramInstance->add(GetRecordsParam::territoryId(), "34770613051357"); // $paramInstance->add(GetRecordsParam::includeChild(), true); $headerInstance = new HeaderMap(); // $datetime = date_create("2021-02-26T15:28:34+05:30")->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get())); // $headerInstance->add(GetRecordsHeader::IfModifiedSince(), $datetime); //Call getRecords method $response = $recordOperations->getRecords($moduleAPIName, $paramInstance, $headerInstance);
$moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // To get module instance $param_map = array("fields"=>"Company,Last_Name"); // key-value pair containing all the params - optional $header_map = array("header_name"=>"header_value"); // key-value pair containing all the headers - optional $response = $moduleIns->getRecord("{record_id}",$param_map,$header_map); // To get module record
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of RecordOperations Class $recordOperations = new RecordOperations(); //Get instance of ParameterMap Class $paramInstance = new ParameterMap(); // $paramInstance->add(GetRecordParam::approved(), "false"); // $paramInstance->add(GetRecordParam::converted(), "false"); // $fieldNames = array("Deal_Name", "Company"); // foreach($fieldNames as $fieldName) // { // $paramInstance->add(GetRecordParam::fields(), $fieldName); // } // $startdatetime = date_create("2020-06-27T15:10:00"); // $paramInstance->add(GetRecordParam::startDateTime(), $startdatetime); // $enddatetime = date_create("2020-06-29T15:10:00"); // $paramInstance->add(GetRecordParam::endDateTime(), $enddatetime); // $paramInstance->add(GetRecordParam::territoryId(), "34770613051357"); // $paramInstance->add(GetRecordParam::includeChild(), true); $headerInstance = new HeaderMap(); // $ifmodifiedsince = date_create("2020-06-02T11:03:06+05:30")->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get())); // $headerInstance->add(GetRecordHeader::IfModifiedSince(), $ifmodifiedsince); //Call getRecord method that takes paramInstance, moduleAPIName and recordID as parameter $response = $recordOperations->getRecord($recordId, $moduleAPIName, $paramInstance, $headerInstance);
Search Records by Word
$moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // To get module instance /* For VERSION <=2.0.6 $searchWord="word_to_search_for";//word to search for $page=1;//page number $perPage=200;//records per page $response = $moduleIns->searchRecords($searchWord, $page , $perPage ); // To get module records// $searchWord word to be searched// $page to get the list of records from the respective pages. Default value for page is 1.// $perPage To get the list of records available per page. Default value for per page is 200.*/ $searchWord = "automated";//word to search for $param_map = array("page"=>1,"per_page"=>1); // key-value pair containing all the parameters $response = $moduleIns->searchRecordsByWord($searchWord,$param_map) ;// To get module records// $searchWord word to be searched// $param_map-parameters key-value pair - optional $records = $response->getData(); // To get response data
Search Records by Phone
$moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // To get module instance $phone = 313213;//phone number to search for /*For VERSION searchRecordsByPhone($phone, $page, $perPage); // To get module records// $searchWord word to be searched// $page to get the list of records from the respective pages. Default value for page is 1.// $perPage To get the list of records available per page. Default value for per page is 200.*/ $param_map = array("page"=>1,"per_page"=>1); // key-value pair containing all the parameters $response = $moduleIns->searchRecordsByPhone($phone,$param_map) ;// To get module records// $phone phone to be searched// $param_map-parameters key-value pair - optional $records = $response->getData(); // To get response data
Search Records by Email
$moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // To get module instance /* For VERSION <=2.0.6 $email="{email_id}";//email id to search for $page=1;//page number $perPage=200;//records per page $response = $moduleIns->searchRecordsByEmail($email, $page, $perPage); // To get module records//$searchWord word to be searched//$page to get the list of records from the respective pages. Default value for page is 1.//$perPage To get the list of records available per page. Default value for per page is 200.*/ $email = "email_id";//email id to search for $param_map=array("page"=>1,"per_page"=>1); // key-value pair containing all the parameters $response = $moduleIns->searchRecordsByEmail($email,$param_map) ;// To get module records// $email email id to search for// $param_map-parameters key-value pair - optional
Search Records by Criteria
$moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // To get module instance $criteria = "criteria";//criteria to search for /* For VERSION <=2.0.6 $page=5;//page number $perPage=200;//records per page $response = $moduleIns->searchRecordsByCriteria($criteria, $page, $perPage); // To get module records//string $searchWord word to be searched//number $page to get the list of records from the respective pages. Default value for page is 1.//number $perPage To get the list of records available per page. Default value for per page is 200.*/ $param_map=array("page"=>1,"per_page"=>1); // key-value pair containing all the parameters $response = $moduleIns->searchRecordsByCriteria($criteria,$param_map) ;// To get module records// $criteria to search for to search for// $param_map-parameters key-value pair - optional
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//example, moduleAPIName = "Leads"; //Get instance of RecordOperations Class that takes moduleAPIName as parameter $recordOperations = new RecordOperations(); $paramInstance = new ParameterMap(); $paramInstance->add(SearchRecordsParam::criteria(), "((Last_Name:starts_with:Last Name) or (Company:starts_with:fasf\\(123\\) K))"); $paramInstance->add(SearchRecordsParam::email(), "abc@gmail.com"); $paramInstance->add(SearchRecordsParam::phone(), "234567890"); $paramInstance->add(SearchRecordsParam::word(), "First Name Last Name"); $paramInstance->add(SearchRecordsParam::converted(), "both"); $paramInstance->add(SearchRecordsParam::approved(), "both"); $paramInstance->add(SearchRecordsParam::page(), 1); $paramInstance->add(SearchRecordsParam::perPage(), 2); $headerInstance = new HeaderMap(); //Call getRecords method $response = $recordOperations->searchRecords($moduleAPIName, $paramInstance, $headerInstance);
$moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // to get the instance of the module $inventoryRecords = array(); /** * Following methods are being used only by same Inventory only * */ $record = ZCRMRecord::getInstance("{module_api_name}", "{record_id}"); // to get the instance of the record $record->setFieldValue("Subject", "Invoice3"); // This function use to set FieldApiName and value similar to all other FieldApis and Custom field $record->setFieldValue("Account_Name", "{account_id}"); $lineItem = ZCRMInventoryLineItem::getInstance("{line_item_id}"); // To get ZCRMInventoryLineItem instance $lineItem->setDescription("Product_description"); // To set line item description $lineItem->setDiscount(20); // To set line item discount $lineItem->setListPrice(3412); // To set line item list price $taxInstance1 = ZCRMTax::getInstance("{tax_name}"); // to get the tax instance $taxInstance1->setPercentage(20); // to set the tax percentage $taxInstance1->setValue(50); // to set the tax value $lineItem->addLineTax($taxInstance1); // to add the tax to the line item $lineItem->setQuantity(101); // To set product quantity to this line item $record->addLineItem($lineItem); // to add the line item to the record of invoice array_push($inventoryRecords, $record); // pushing the record to the array $record2 = ZCRMRecord::getInstance("{module_api_name}", "{record_id}"); // to get the instance of the record $record2->setFieldValue("Subject", "Invoice3"); // This function use to set FieldApiName and value similar to all other FieldApis and Custom field $record2->setFieldValue("Account_Name", "{account_id}"); $lineItem = ZCRMInventoryLineItem::getInstance("{line_item_id}"); // To get ZCRMInventoryLineItem instance $lineItem->setDescription("Product_description"); // To set line item description $lineItem->setDiscount(20); // To set line item discount $lineItem->setListPrice(3412); // To set line item list price $taxInstance1 = ZCRMTax::getInstance("{tax_name}"); // to get the tax instance $taxInstance1->setPercentage(20); // to set the tax percentage $taxInstance1->setValue(50); // to set the tax value $lineItem->addLineTax($taxInstance1); // to add the tax to the line item $lineItem->setQuantity(101); // To set product quantity to this line item $record2->addLineItem($lineItem); // to add the line item to the record of invoice array_push($inventoryRecords, $record2); // pushing the record to the array /** * for Price books module only */ $pricebookRecords = array(); $record = ZCRMRecord::getInstance("Price_Books", "price_book_id"); // to get the price book record $record->setFieldValue("Pricing_Details", json_decode('[ { "to_range": 5, "discount": 0, "from_range": 1 }, { "to_range": 11, "discount": 1, "from_range": 6 }, { "to_range": 17, "discount": 2, "from_range": 12 }, { "to_range": 23, "discount": 3, "from_range": 18 }, { "to_range": 29, "discount": 4, "from_range": 24 } ]', true)); // setting the discount , range of the pricebook record $record->setFieldValue("Pricing_Model", "Flat"); // setting the price book model array_push($pricebookRecords, $record); // pushing the record to the array $trigger=array();//triggers to include $responseIn = $moduleIns->updateRecords($inventoryRecords,$trigger); // updating the records.$trigger is optional , to update price book records$pricebookRecords can be used in the place of $inventoryRecords
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of RecordOperations Class $recordOperations = new RecordOperations(); //Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body $request = new BodyWrapper(); //List of Record instances $records = array(); $recordClass = 'com\zoho\crm\api\record\Record'; //Get instance of Record Class $record1 = new $recordClass(); $record1->setId("34770616606002"); /* * Call addFieldValue method that takes two arguments * 1 -> Call Field "." and choose the module from the displayed list and press "." and choose the field name from the displayed list. * 2 -> Value */ $field = new Field(""); $record1->addFieldValue(Leads::City(), "City"); $record1->addFieldValue(Leads::LastName(), "Last Name"); $record1->addFieldValue(Leads::FirstName(), "First Name"); $record1->addFieldValue(Leads::Company(), "KKRNP"); /* * Call addKeyValue method that takes two arguments * 1 -> A string that is the Field's API Name * 2 -> Value */ $record1->addKeyValue("Custom_field", "Value"); $record1->addKeyValue("Custom_field_2", "value"); //Add Record instance to the list // array_push($records, $record1); //Get instance of Record Class $record2 = new $recordClass(); $record2->setId("34770616603294"); /* * Call addFieldValue method that takes two arguments * 1 -> Call Field "." and choose the module from the displayed list and press "." and choose the field name from the displayed list. * 2 -> Value */ $record2->addFieldValue(Leads::City(), "City"); $record2->addFieldValue(Leads::LastName(), "Last Name"); $record2->addFieldValue(Leads::FirstName(), "First Name"); $record2->addFieldValue(Leads::Company(), "KKRNP"); /* * Call addKeyValue method that takes two arguments * 1 -> A string that is the Field's API Name * 2 -> Value */ $record2->addKeyValue("Custom_field", "Value"); $record2->addKeyValue("Custom_field_2", "value"); //Add Record instance to the list // array_push($records, $record2); //Set the list to Records in BodyWrapper instance $request->setData($records); $trigger = array("approval", "workflow", "blueprint"); $request->setTrigger($trigger); $headerInstance = new HeaderMap(); //Call createRecords method that takes BodyWrapper instance and moduleAPIName as parameter. $response = $recordOperations->updateRecords($moduleAPIName, $request, $headerInstance);
$moduleIns=ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); //to get the instance of the module $records=array(); $record=ZCRMRecord::getInstance("{module_api_name}",null); //To get ZCRMRecord instance $record->setFieldValue("Subject","Invoice"); //This function use to set FieldApiName and value similar to all other FieldApis and Custom field $record->setFieldValue("Account_Name","{account_id}"); //This function is for Invoices module /** Following methods are being used only by Inventory modules **/ $lineItem=ZCRMInventoryLineItem::getInstance(null); //To get ZCRMInventoryLineItem instance $lineItem->setDescription("Product_description"); //To set line item description $lineItem ->setDiscount(5); //To set line item discount $lineItem->setListPrice(100); //To set line item list price $taxInstance1=ZCRMTax::getInstance("{tax_name}"); //To get ZCRMTax instance $taxInstance1->setPercentage(2); //To set tax percentage $taxInstance1->setValue(50); //To set tax value $lineItem->addLineTax($taxInstance1); //To set line tax to line item $taxInstance1=ZCRMTax::getInstance("{tax_name}"); //to get the tax instance $taxInstance1->setPercentage(12); //to set the tax percentage $taxInstance1->setValue(50); //to set the tax value $lineItem->addLineTax($taxInstance1); //to add the tax to line item $lineItem->setProduct(ZCRMRecord::getInstance("{module_api_name}","{record_id}")); //To set product to line item $lineItem->setQuantity(100); //To set product quantity to this line item $record->addLineItem($lineItem); //to add the line item to the record array_push($records, $record); // pushing the record to the array. $trigger = array();//triggers to include $lar_id = {"lead_assignment_rule_id"};//lead assignment rule id $responseIn = $moduleIns->createRecords($records, $trigger,$lar_id); // updating the records.$trigger,$lar_id are optional
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of RecordOperations Class that takes moduleAPIName as parameter $recordOperations = new RecordOperations(); //Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body $bodyWrapper = new BodyWrapper(); //List of Record instances $records = array(); $recordClass = 'com\zoho\crm\api\record\Record'; //Get instance of Record Class $record1 = new $recordClass(); /* * Call addFieldValue method that takes two arguments * 1 -> Call Field "." and choose the module from the displayed list and press "." and choose the field name from the displayed list. * 2 -> Value */ $field = new Field(""); // $record1->addFieldValue(Leads::City(), "City"); $record1->addFieldValue(Leads::LastName(), "FROm PHP"); // $record1->addFieldValue(Leads::FirstName(), "First Name"); // $record1->addFieldValue(Leads::Company(), "KKRNP"); // $record1->addFieldValue(Vendors::VendorName(), "Vendor Name"); // $record1->addFieldValue(Deals::Stage(), new Choice("Clo")); // $record1->addFieldValue(Deals::DealName(), "deal_name"); // $record1->addFieldValue(Deals::Description(), "deals description"); // $record1->addFieldValue(Deals::ClosingDate(), new \DateTime("2021-06-02")); // $record1->addFieldValue(Deals::Amount(), 50.7); // $record1->addFieldValue(Campaigns::CampaignName(), "Campaign_Name"); // $record1->addFieldValue(Solutions::SolutionTitle(), "Solution_Title"); $record1->addFieldValue(Accounts::AccountName(), "Account_Name"); // $record1->addFieldValue(Cases::CaseOrigin(), new Choice("AutomatedSDK")); // $record1->addFieldValue(Cases::Status(), new Choice("AutomatedSDK")); /* * Call addKeyValue method that takes two arguments * 1 -> A string that is the Field's API Name * 2 -> Value */ // $record1->addKeyValue("Custom_field", "Value"); // $record1->addKeyValue("Custom_field_2", "value"); $record1->addKeyValue("Date_1", new \DateTime('2021-03-08')); $record1->addKeyValue("Date_Time_2", date_create("2020-06-02T11:03:06+05:30")->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()))); // $record1->addKeyValue("Subject", "From PHP"); // $taxName = array(new Choice("Vat"), new Choice("Sales Tax")); // $record1->addKeyValue("Tax", $taxName); // $record1->addKeyValue("Product_Name", "AutomatedSDK"); // $fileDetails = array(); // $fileDetail1 = new FileDetails(); // $fileDetail1->setFileId("ae9c7cefa30f3c0dee629"); // array_push($fileDetails, $fileDetail1); // $fileDetail2 = new FileDetails(); // $fileDetail2->setFileId("ae9c7cefa418aec1d92ec8454d7"); // array_push($fileDetails, $fileDetail2); // $fileDetail3 = new FileDetails(); // $fileDetail3->setFileId("ae9c7cefa418aec1d6aee6eb"); // array_push($fileDetails, $fileDetail3); // $record1->addKeyValue("File_Upload", $fileDetails); // /** Following methods are being used only by Inventory modules */ // $vendorName = new $recordClass(); // $record1->addFieldValue(Vendors::id(), "34770617247001"); // $record1->addFieldValue(Purchase_Orders::VendorName(), $vendorName); // $dealName = new $recordClass(); // $dealName->addFieldValue(Deals::id(), "34770614995070"); // $record1->addFieldValue(Sales_Orders::DealName(), $dealName); // $contactName = new $recordClass(); // $contactName->addFieldValue(Contacts::id(), "34770614977055"); // $record1->addFieldValue(Purchase_Orders::ContactName(), $contactName); // $accountName = new $recordClass(); // $accountName->addKeyValue("name", "automatedAccount"); // $record1->addFieldValue(Quotes::AccountName(), $accountName); // $record1->addKeyValue("Discount", 10.5); // $inventoryLineItemList = array(); // $inventoryLineItem = new InventoryLineItems(); // $lineItemProduct = new LineItemProduct(); // $lineItemProduct->setId("34770615356009"); // $inventoryLineItem->setProduct($lineItemProduct); // $inventoryLineItem->setQuantity(1.5); // $inventoryLineItem->setProductDescription("productDescription"); // $inventoryLineItem->setListPrice(10.0); // $inventoryLineItem->setDiscount("5.0"); // $inventoryLineItem->setDiscount("5.25%"); // $productLineTaxes = array(); // $productLineTax = new LineTax(); // $productLineTax->setName("Sales Tax"); // $productLineTax->setPercentage(20.0); // array_push($productLineTaxes, $productLineTax); // $inventoryLineItem->setLineTax($productLineTaxes); // array_push($inventoryLineItemList, $inventoryLineItem); // $record1->addKeyValue("Product_Details", $inventoryLineItemList); // $lineTaxes = array(); // $lineTax = new LineTax(); // $lineTax->setName("Sales Tax"); // $lineTax->setPercentage(20.0); // array_push($lineTaxes,$lineTax); // $record1->addKeyValue('$line_tax', $lineTaxes); /** End Inventory **/ /** Following methods are being used only by Activity modules */ // Tasks,Calls,Events // $record1->addFieldValue(Tasks::Description(), "Test Task"); // $record1->addKeyValue("Currency",new Choice("INR")); // $remindAt = new RemindAt(); // $remindAt->setAlarm("FREQ=NONE;ACTION=EMAILANDPOPUP;TRIGGER=DATE-TIME:2020-07-03T12:30:00.05:30"); // $record1->addFieldValue(Tasks::RemindAt(), $remindAt); // $whoId = new $recordClass(); // $whoId->setId("34770614977055"); // $record1->addFieldValue(Tasks::WhoId(), $whoId); // $record1->addFieldValue(Tasks::Status(),new Choice("Waiting for input")); // $record1->addFieldValue(Tasks::DueDate(), new \DateTime('2021-03-08')); // $record1->addFieldValue(Tasks::Priority(),new Choice("High")); // $record1->addKeyValue('$se_module', "Accounts"); // $whatId = new $recordClass(); // $whatId->setId("3477061207118"); // $record1->addFieldValue(Tasks::WhatId(), $whatId); /** Recurring Activity can be provided in any activity module*/ // $recurringActivity = new RecurringActivity(); // $recurringActivity->setRrule("FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=10;UNTIL=2020-08-14;DTSTART=2020-07-03"); // $record1->addFieldValue(Events::RecurringActivity(), $recurringActivity); // Events // $record1->addFieldValue(Events::Description(), "Test Events"); $startdatetime = date_create("2020-06-02T11:03:06+05:30")->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get())); $record1->addFieldValue(Events::StartDateTime(), $startdatetime); // $participants = array(); // $participant1 = new Participants(); // $participant1->setParticipant("abc@gmail.com"); // $participant1->setType("email"); // $participant1->setId("34770615902017"); // array_push($participants, $participant1); // $participant2 = new Participants(); // $participant2->addKeyValue("participant", "34770615844006"); // $participant2->addKeyValue("type", "lead"); // array_push($participants, $participant2); // $record1->addFieldValue(Events::Participants(), $participants); // $record1->addKeyValue('$send_notification', true); $record1->addFieldValue(Events::EventTitle(), "From PHP"); $enddatetime = date_create("2020-07-02T11:03:06+05:30")->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get())); $record1->addFieldValue(Events::EndDateTime(), $enddatetime); // $remindAt = date_create("2020-06-02T11:03:06+05:30")->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get())); // $record1->addFieldValue(Events::RemindAt(), $remindAt); // $record1->addFieldValue(Events::CheckInStatus(), "PLANNED"); // $remindAt = new RemindAt(); // $remindAt->setAlarm("FREQ=NONE;ACTION=EMAILANDPOPUP;TRIGGER=DATE-TIME:2020-07-23T12:30:00+05:30"); // $record1->addFieldValue(Tasks::RemindAt(), $remindAt); // $record1->addKeyValue('$se_module', "Leads"); // $whatId = new $recordClass(); // $whatId->setId("34770614381002"); // $record1->addFieldValue(Events::WhatId(), $whatId); // $record1->addFieldValue(Tasks::WhatId(), $whatId); // $record1->addFieldValue(Calls::CallType(), new Choice("Outbound")); // $record1->addFieldValue(Calls::CallStartTime(), date_create("2020-07-02T11:03:06+05:30")->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()))); /** End Activity **/ /** Following methods are being used only by Price_Books modules */ // $pricingDetails = array(); // $pricingDetail1 = new PricingDetails(); // $pricingDetail1->setFromRange(1.0); // $pricingDetail1->setToRange(5.0); // $pricingDetail1->setDiscount(2.0); // array_push($pricingDetails, $pricingDetail1); // $pricingDetail2 = new PricingDetails(); // $pricingDetail2->addKeyValue("from_range", 6.0); // $pricingDetail2->addKeyValue("to_range", 11.0); // $pricingDetail2->addKeyValue("discount", 3.0); // array_push($pricingDetails, $pricingDetail2); // $record1->addFieldValue(Price_Books::PricingDetails(), $pricingDetails); // $record1->addKeyValue("Email", "abc.k123@zoho.com"); // $record1->addFieldValue(Price_Books::Description(), "TEST"); // $record1->addFieldValue(Price_Books::PriceBookName(), "book_name"); // $record1->addFieldValue(Price_Books::PricingModel(), new Choice("Flat")); $tagList = array(); $tag = new Tag(); $tag->setName("Testtask"); array_push($tagList, $tag); //Set the list to Tags in Record instance $record1->setTag($tagList); //Add Record instance to the list // array_push($records, $record1); //Set the list to Records in BodyWrapper instance $bodyWrapper->setData($records); $trigger = array("approval", "workflow", "blueprint"); $bodyWrapper->setTrigger($trigger); //bodyWrapper.setLarId("347706187515"); $headerInstance = new HeaderMap(); //Call createRecords method that takes BodyWrapper instance as parameter. $response = $recordOperations->createRecords($moduleAPIName, $bodyWrapper, $headerInstance);
$moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // to get the instance of the module $recordids = array( "{record_id}", "{record_id}" ); // to create an array of record ids $responseIn = $moduleIns->deleteRecords($recordids); // to delete the recordss
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//API Name of the module to update record //$moduleAPIName = "Leads"; //Get instance of RecordOperations Class $recordOperations = new RecordOperations(); //Get instance of ParameterMap Class $paramInstance = new ParameterMap(); foreach($recordIds as $id) { $paramInstance->add(DeleteRecordsParam::ids(), $id); } // $paramInstance->add(DeleteRecordsParam::wfTrigger(), "true"); $headerInstance = new HeaderMap(); //Call deleteRecord method that takes ModuleAPIName and recordId as parameter. $response = $recordOperations->deleteRecords($moduleAPIName, $paramInstance, $headerInstance);
Get List of Deleted Records
$moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // to get the instance of the module /*For VERSION getAllDeletedRecords()->getData(); // to get the trashrecords inform of ZCRMTrashRecord array instances */ $param_map = array("page"=>"20","per_page"=>"200"); // key-value pair containing all the parameters - optional $header_map = array("if-modified-since"=>"2019-11-10T15:26:49+05:30"); // key-value pair containing all the headers - optional $trashRecords = $moduleIns->getAllDeletedRecords($param_map,$header_map)->getData(); // to get the trashrecords inform of ZCRMTrashRecord array instances/$param_map - parameter map, $header_map - header_map
Get Records from Recycle Bin
$moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // to get the instance of the module /* For VERSION <=2.0.6 $trashRecords = $moduleIns->getRecycleBinRecords()->getData(); // to get the trashrecords inform of ZCRMTrashRecord array instances*/ $param_map = array("page"=>"20","per_page"=>"200"); // key-value pair containing all the parameters - optional $header_map = array("if-modified-since"=>"2019-11-10T15:26:49+05:30"); // key-value pair containing all the headers - optional $trashRecords = $moduleIns->getRecycleBinRecords($param_map,$header_map)->getData(); // to get the trashrecords inform of ZCRMTrashRecord array instances/$param_map - parameter map, $header_map - header_map
Get List of Permanently Deleted Records
$moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("Leads"); // to get the instance of the module /* For VERSION <=2.0.6 $trashRecords = $moduleIns->getPermanentlyDeletedRecords()->getData(); // to get the trashrecords inform of ZCRMTrashRecord array instances*/ $param_map = array("page"=>"20","per_page"=>"200"); // key-value pair containing all the parameters - optional $header_map = array("if-modified-since"=>"2019-11-10T15:26:49+05:30"); // key-value pair containing all the headers - optional $trashRecords = $moduleIns->getPermanentlyDeletedRecords($param_map,$header_map)->getData(); // to get the trashrecords inform of ZCRMTrashRecord array instances/$param_map - parameter map, $header_map - header_map
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of RecordOperations Class $recordOperations = new RecordOperations(); //Get instance of ParameterMap Class $paramInstance = new ParameterMap(); $paramInstance->add(GetDeletedRecordsParam::type(), "recycle");//all, recycle, permanent // $paramInstance->add(GetDeletedRecordsParam::page(), 1); // $paramInstance->add(GetDeletedRecordsParam::perPage(), 2); //Get instance of HeaderMap Class $headerInstance = new HeaderMap(); $ifModifiedSince = date_create("2020-06-02T11:03:06+05:30")->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get())); $headerInstance->add(GetDeletedRecordsHeader::IfModifiedSince(), $ifModifiedSince); //Call getDeletedRecords method that takes paramInstance, headerInstance and moduleAPIName as parameter $response = $recordOperations->getDeletedRecords($moduleAPIName, $paramInstance, $headerInstance);
$moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{Module_api_name"); // to get the instance of the module $records = array(); /** * Following methods are being used only by Inventory modules * */ $record = ZCRMRecord::getInstance("{record_id}", null); // to get the instance of the record $record->setFieldValue("Company", "Invoisdsddsdce3"); // This function use to set FieldApiName and value similar to all other FieldApis and Custom field $record->setFieldValue("Email", "asdsdsdasd@asd.com"); $record->setFieldValue("Last_Name", "aaddasd"); array_push($records, $record); // pushing the record to the array $duplicate_check_fields = array('Company'); $lar_id = "{lar_id}"; $trigger = array();//trigger to include $responseIn = $moduleIns->upsertRecords($records, null, $lar_id, $duplicate_check_fields); // updating the records.
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of RecordOperations Class that takes moduleAPIName as parameter $recordOperations = new RecordOperations(); //Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body $request = new BodyWrapper(); //List of Record instances $records = array(); $recordClass = 'com\zoho\crm\api\record\Record'; //Get instance of Record Class $record1 = new $recordClass(); /* * Call addFieldValue method that takes two arguments * 1 -> Call Field "." and choose the module from the displayed list and press "." and choose the field name from the displayed list. * 2 -> Value */ $field = new Field(""); $record1->addFieldValue(Leads::City(), "City"); // $record1->addFieldValue(Leads::LastName(), "Last Name"); $record1->addFieldValue(Leads::FirstName(), "First Name"); $record1->addFieldValue(Leads::Company(), "Company1"); /* * Call addKeyValue method that takes two arguments * 1 -> A string that is the Field's API Name * 2 -> Value */ $record1->addKeyValue("Custom_field", "Value"); $record1->addKeyValue("Custom_field_2", "value"); //Add Record instance to the list array_push($records, $record1); //Get instance of Record Class $record2 = new $recordClass(); /* * Call addFieldValue method that takes two arguments * 1 -> Call Field "." and choose the module from the displayed list and press "." and choose the field name from the displayed list. * 2 -> Value */ $record2->addFieldValue(Leads::City(), "City"); // $record2->addFieldValue(Leads::LastName(), "Last Name"); $record2->addFieldValue(Leads::FirstName(), "First Name"); $record2->addFieldValue(Leads::Company(), "Company12"); /* * Call addKeyValue method that takes two arguments * 1 -> A string that is the Field's API Name * 2 -> Value */ $record2->addKeyValue("Custom_field", "Value"); $record2->addKeyValue("Custom_field_2", "value"); //Add Record instance to the list array_push($records, $record2); $duplicateCheckFields = array("City", "Last_Name", "First_Name"); $request->setDuplicateCheckFields($duplicateCheckFields); //Set the list to Records in BodyWrapper instance $request->setData($records); $headerInstance = new HeaderMap(); //Call createRecords method that takes BodyWrapper instance as parameter. $response = $recordOperations->upsertRecords($moduleAPIName, $request, $headerInstance);
$moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("leads"); // to get the instance of the module $entityIds = array( "{record_id}" ); // array of entity ids $responseIn = $moduleIns->massUpdateRecords($entityIds, "{field_api_name}", "{value to update}"); // to update the field api name with corresponding field value for the entities
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of RecordOperations Class $recordOperations = new RecordOperations(); //Get instance of MassUpdateBodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body $request = new MassUpdateBodyWrapper(); //List of Record instances $records = array(); $recordClass = 'com\zoho\crm\api\record\Record'; //Get instance of Record Class $record1 = new $recordClass(); /* * Call addKeyValue method that takes two arguments * 1 -> A string that is the Field's API Name * 2 -> Value */ $record1->addKeyValue("City", "Value"); //Add Record instance to the list array_push($records, $record1); //Set the list to Records in BodyWrapper instance $request->setData($records); $request->setCvid("347706187501"); // $ids = array("34770616603276"); // $request->setIds($ids); // $territory = new Territory(); // $territory->setId("34770613051357"); // $territory->setIncludeChild(true); // $request->setTerritory($territory); $request->setOverWrite(true); //Call massUpdateRecords method that takes BodyWrapper instance, ModuleAPIName as parameter. $response = $recordOperations->massUpdateRecords($moduleAPIName, $request);
$record = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getRecordInstance("{module_api_name}", "{record_id}"); // To get record instance $record->setFieldValue("Subject", "test2312"); // This function use to set FieldApiName and value similar to all other FieldApis and Custom field $record->setFieldValue("Account_Name", "35240331052013"); // Account Name can be given for a new account, account_id is not mandatory in that case /** * Following methods are being used only by Inventory modules * */ $lineItem = ZCRMInventoryLineItem::getInstance(null); // To get ZCRMInventoryLineItem instance $lineItem->setDescription("Product_description"); // To set line item description $lineItem->setDiscount(5); // To set line item discount $lineItem->setListPrice(100); // To set line item list price $taxInstance1 = ZCRMTax::getInstance("org"); // To get ZCRMTax instance $taxInstance1->setPercentage(2); // To set tax percentage $taxInstance1->setValue(50); // To set tax value $lineItem->addLineTax($taxInstance1); // To set line tax to line item $taxInstance1 = ZCRMTax::getInstance("org"); $taxInstance1->setPercentage(12); $taxInstance1->setValue(50); $lineItem->addLineTax($taxInstance1); $lineItem->setProduct(ZCRMRecord::getInstance("Products", "{product_id}")); // To set product to line item $lineItem->setQuantity(100); // To set product quantity to this line item $record->addLineItem($lineItem); $trigger=array();//triggers to include $lar_id="{lar_id}";//lead assignment rule id $responseIns = $record->create($trigger,$lar_id);//$trigger , $larid optional
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
$record = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getRecordInstance("{module_api_name}", "{record_id}"); // To get record instance /** * only for inventory module * */ $record->setFieldValue("Subject", "test2312"); // This function use to set FieldApiName and value similar to all other FieldApis and Custom field $record->setFieldValue("Account_Name", "{account_id}"); // Account Name can be given for a new account, account_id is not mandatory in that case $lineItem = ZCRMInventoryLineItem::getInstance("{line_item_id}"); // To get ZCRMInventoryLineItem instance the id of the line item $lineItem->setDescription("Product_description"); // To set line item description $lineItem->setDiscount(20); // To set line item discount $lineItem->setListPrice(3412); // To set line item list price $taxInstance1 = ZCRMTax::getInstance("{tax_name}"); // to get the tax instance $taxInstance1->setPercentage(20); // to set the tax percentage $taxInstance1->setValue(50); // to set the tax value $lineItem->addLineTax($taxInstance1); // to add the tax to the line item $lineItem->setQuantity(101); // To set product quantity to this line item $record->addLineItem($lineItem); // to add the line item to the record of invoice /** * for price book alone * $record->setFieldValue("Pricing_Details", json_decode('[ { "to_range": 5, "discount": 0, "from_range": 1 }, { "to_range": 11, "discount": 1, "from_range": 6 }, { "to_range": 17, "discount": 2, "from_range": 12 }, { "to_range": 23, "discount": 3, "from_range": 18 }, { "to_range": 29, "discount": 4, "from_range": 24 } ]',true));//setting the discount , range of the pricebook record * $record->setFieldValue("Pricing_Model","Flat"); //setting the price book model* */ $trigger=array();//triggers to include $lar_id="lar_id";//lead assignment rule id $responseIns = $record->update($trigger,$lar_id); // to update the record
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of RecordOperations Class $recordOperations = new RecordOperations(); //Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body $request = new BodyWrapper(); //List of Record instances $records = array(); $recordClass = 'com\zoho\crm\api\record\Record'; //Get instance of Record Class $record1 = new $recordClass(); /* * Call addFieldValue method that takes two arguments * 1 -> Call Field "." and choose the module from the displayed list and press "." and choose the field name from the displayed list. * 2 -> Value */ $field = new Field(""); // $record1->addFieldValue(Leads::City(), "City"); // $record1->addFieldValue(Leads::LastName(), "Last Name"); // $record1->addFieldValue(Leads::FirstName(), "First Name"); // $record1->addFieldValue(Leads::Company(), "KKRNP"); /* * Call addKeyValue method that takes two arguments * 1 -> A string that is the Field's API Name * 2 -> Value */ // $record1->addKeyValue("Custom_field", "Value"); // $record1->addKeyValue("Custom_field_2", "value"); // $record1->addKeyValue("Date_1", new \DateTime('2020-03-08')); // $record1->addKeyValue("Date_Time_2", date_create("2021-06-02T11:03:06+05:30")->setTimezone(new \DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()))); $fileDetails = array(); // $fileDetail1 = new FileDetails(); // $fileDetail1->setAttachmentId("34770616072005"); // $fileDetail1->setDelete("null"); // array_push($fileDetails, $fileDetail1); $fileDetail2 = new FileDetails(); $fileDetail2->setFileId("ae9c7cefa41863e2fd0a2d8c1c"); array_push($fileDetails, $fileDetail2); $fileDetail3 = new FileDetails(); $fileDetail3->setFileId("ae9c7cefc0f7433dd2098c"); array_push($fileDetails, $fileDetail3); $record1->addKeyValue("File_Upload", $fileDetails); //Add Record instance to the list array_push($records, $record1); //Set the list to Records in BodyWrapper instance $request->setData($records); $trigger = array("approval", "workflow", "blueprint"); $request->setTrigger($trigger); $headerInstance = new HeaderMap(); //Call updateRecord method that takes BodyWrapper instance, ModuleAPIName and recordId as parameter. $response = $recordOperations->updateRecord( $recordId, $moduleAPIName, $request, $headerInstance);
$record = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getRecordInstance("{module_api_name}", "{record_id}"); // To get record instance $responseIns = $record->delete();
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of RecordOperations Class $recordOperations = new RecordOperations(); //Get instance of ParameterMap Class $paramInstance = new ParameterMap(); $paramInstance->add(DeleteRecordParam::wfTrigger(), false); $headerInstance = new HeaderMap(); //Call deleteRecord method that takes paramInstance, ModuleAPIName and recordId as parameter. $response = $recordOperations->deleteRecord($recordId,$moduleAPIName, $paramInstance, $headerInstance);
$record = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getRecordInstance("Leads", "{lead_id}"); // To get record instance $deal = ZCRMRecord::getInstance("deals", Null); // to get the record of deal in form of ZCRMRecord insatnce $deal->setFieldValue("Deal_Name", "test3"); // to set the deal name $deal->setFieldValue("Stage", "Qualification"); // to set the stage $deal->setFieldValue("Closing_Date", "2016-03-30"); // to set the closing date $details = array("overwrite"=>TRUE,"notify_lead_owner"=>TRUE,"notify_new_entity_owner"=>TRUE,"Accounts"=>"{account_id}","Contacts"=>"{contact_id}","assign_to"=>"{user_id}"); $responseIn = $record->convert($deal, $details); // to convert record
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of RecordOperations Class $recordOperations = new RecordOperations(); //Get instance of ConvertBodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body $request = new ConvertBodyWrapper(); //List of LeadConverter instances $data = array(); //Get instance of LeadConverter Class $record1 = new LeadConverter(); $record1->setOverwrite(true); $record1->setNotifyLeadOwner(true); $record1->setNotifyNewEntityOwner(true); $record1->setAccounts("34770615848125"); $record1->setContacts("3477061358009"); $record1->setAssignTo("3477061173021"); $recordClass = 'com\zoho\crm\api\record\Record'; $deals = new $recordClass(); /* * Call addFieldValue method that takes two arguments * 1 -> Call Field "." and choose the module from the displayed list and press "." and choose the field name from the displayed list. * 2 -> Value */ $field = new Field(""); // $deals->addFieldValue(Deals::DealName(), "deal_name"); // $deals->addFieldValue(Deals::Description(), "deals description"); // $deals->addFieldValue(Deals::ClosingDate(), new \DateTime("2021-06-02")); // $deals->addFieldValue(Deals::Stage(), new Choice("Closed Won")); // $deals->addFieldValue(Deals::Amount(), 50.7); /* * Call addKeyValue method that takes two arguments * 1 -> A string that is the Field's API Name * 2 -> Value */ $deals->addKeyValue("Custom_field", "Value"); $deals->addKeyValue("Custom_field_2", "value"); $carryOverTags = new CarryOverTags(); $carryOverTags->setAccounts(["Test"]); $carryOverTags->setContacts(["Test"]); $carryOverTags->setDeals(["Test"]); $record1->setCarryOverTags($carryOverTags); // $record1->setDeals($deals); //Add Record instance to the list array_push($data, $record1); //Set the list to Records in BodyWrapper instance $request->setData($data); //Call updateRecord method that takes BodyWrapper instance, ModuleAPIName and recordId as parameter. $response = $recordOperations->convertLead($recordId,$request );
$record = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getRecordInstance("{module_api_name}", "{record_id}"); // To get record instance $responseIns = $record->uploadPhoto("path/to/photo"); // $photoPath - absolute path of the photo to be uploaded.
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of RecordOperations Class $recordOperations = new RecordOperations(); //Get instance of FileBodyWrapper class that will contain the request file $fileBodyWrapper = new FileBodyWrapper(); //Get instance of StreamWrapper class that takes absolute path of the file to be attached as parameter $streamWrapper = new StreamWrapper(null, null, $absoluteFilePath); //Set file to the FileBodyWrapper instance $fileBodyWrapper->setFile($streamWrapper); //Call uploadPhoto method that takes FileBodyWrapper instance, moduleAPIName and recordId as parameter $response = $recordOperations->uploadPhoto($recordId, $moduleAPIName,$fileBodyWrapper);
$record = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getRecordInstance("{module_api_name}", "{record_id}"); // To get record instance $fileResponseIns = $record->downloadPhoto(); // to download the photo
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of RecordOperations Class $recordOperations = new RecordOperations(); //Call downloadAttachment method that takes moduleAPIName and recordId as parameters $response = $recordOperations->getPhoto($recordId,$moduleAPIName );
$record = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getRecordInstance("{module_api_name}", "{record_id}"); // To get record instance $responseIns = $record->deletePhoto(); // $photoPath - absolute path of the photo to be uploaded.
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of RecordOperations Class $recordOperations = new RecordOperations(); //Call getAttachments method that takes moduleAPIName and recordId as parameter $response = $recordOperations->deletePhoto($recordId,$moduleAPIName);
$moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("module_api_name"); // to get the instance of the module $tags = $moduleIns->getTags(); // to get the trashrecords inform of ZCRMTag array instances
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
$tagsOperations = new TagsOperations(); //Get instance of ParameterMap Class $paramInstance = new ParameterMap(); $paramInstance->add(GetTagsParam::module(), $moduleAPIName); // $paramInstance->add(GetTagsParam::myTags(), ""); //Displays the names of the tags created by the current user. //Call getTags method that takes paramInstance as parameter $response = $tagsOperations->getTags($paramInstance);
$moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // to get the instance of the module $tag_count = $moduleIns->getTagCount("{record_id}");
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
$tagsOperations = new TagsOperations(); //Get instance of ParameterMap Class $paramInstance = new ParameterMap(); $paramInstance->add(GetRecordCountForTagParam::module(), $moduleAPIName); //Call getRecordCountForTag method that takes paramInstance and tagId as parameter $response = $tagsOperations->getRecordCountForTag($tagId,$paramInstance);
$moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // to get the module instance $tags = array(); // to create ZCRMTag instances array $tag = ZCRMTag::getInstance(); // to get the tag instance $tag->setName("test4"); // to set the tag name array_push($tags, $tag); // to push the tag to array of ZCRMTag instances $responseIn = $moduleIns->createTags($tags); // to create the tags
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of TagsOperations Class $tagsOperations = new TagsOperations(); //Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body $request = new BodyWrapper(); //Get instance of ParameterMap Class $paramInstance = new ParameterMap(); $paramInstance->add(CreateTagsParam::module(), $moduleAPIName); //List of Tag instances $tagList = array(); $tagClass = 'com\zoho\crm\api\tags\Tag'; //Get instance of Tag Class $tag1 = new $tagClass(); $tag1->setName("tagName"); array_push($tagList, $tag1); $request->setTags($tagList); //Call createTags method that takes BodyWrapper instance and paramInstance as parameter $response = $tagsOperations->createTags($request, $paramInstance);
$moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // to get the module instance $tags = array(); // to create ZCRMTag instances array $tag = ZCRMTag::getInstance("{tag_id}"); // to get the tag instance $tag->setName("testnew"); // to set the tag name array_push($tags, $tag); // to push the tag to array of ZCRMTag instances $tag = ZCRMTag::getInstance("{tag_id}"); // to get the tag instance $tag->setName("testnew2"); // to set the tag name array_push($tags, $tag); // to push the tag to array of ZCRMTag instances $responseIn = $moduleIns->updateTags($tags); // to update the tags
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of TagsOperations Class $tagsOperations = new TagsOperations(); //Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body $request = new BodyWrapper(); //Get instance of ParameterMap Class $paramInstance = new ParameterMap(); $paramInstance->add(UpdateTagsParam::module(), $moduleAPIName); //List of Tag instances $tagList = array(); $tagClass = 'com\zoho\crm\api\tags\Tag'; //Get instance of Tag Class $tag1 = new $tagClass(); $tag1->setId("34770616454014"); $tag1->setName("tagName1"); array_push($tagList, $tag1); $request->setTags($tagList); //Call updateTags method that takes BodyWrapper instance and paramInstance as parameter $response = $tagsOperations->updateTags($request, $paramInstance);
$moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("Leads"); // to get the module instance $recordids = array( "{record_id}", ); // array of record ids from which tags must be added $tagnames = array( "tea", "test2", "test3" ); // array of tags to be added $responseIn = $moduleIns->addTagsToRecords($recordids, $tagnames); // to add the tags to the record
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of TagsOperations Class $tagsOperations = new TagsOperations(); //Get instance of ParameterMap Class $paramInstance = new ParameterMap(); foreach($tagNames as $tagName) { $paramInstance->add(AddTagsToMultipleRecordsParam::tagNames(), $tagName); } foreach($recordIds as $recordId) { $paramInstance->add(AddTagsToMultipleRecordsParam::ids(), $recordId); } $paramInstance->add(AddTagsToMultipleRecordsParam::overWrite(), "false"); //Call addTagsToMultipleRecords method that takes paramInstance, moduleAPIName as parameter $response = $tagsOperations->addTagsToMultipleRecords($moduleAPIName,$paramInstance);
$moduleIns = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getModuleInstance("{module_api_name}"); // to get the module instance $recordids = array( "{record_id}", "{record_id}" ); // array of record ids from which tags must be removed $tagnames = array( "tea", "test2", "test3" ); // array of tags to be removed $responseIn = $moduleIns->removeTagsFromRecords($recordids, $tagnames); // to remove the tags from the records
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of TagsOperations Class $tagsOperations = new TagsOperations(); $paramInstance = new ParameterMap(); foreach($tagNames as $tagName) { $paramInstance->add(RemoveTagsFromMultipleRecordsParam::tagNames(), $tagName); } foreach($recordIds as $recordId) { $paramInstance->add(RemoveTagsFromMultipleRecordsParam::ids(), $recordId); } //Call RemoveTagsFromMultipleRecordsParam method that takes paramInstance, moduleAPIName as parameter $response = $tagsOperations->removeTagsFromMultipleRecords($moduleAPIName, $paramInstance);
$record = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getRecordInstance("{module_api_name}", "{record_id}"); // To get record instance $tagNames = array( "test1", "test2" ); // to create array of tag names $responseIns = $record->addTags($tagNames); // to add tags
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of TagsOperations Class $tagsOperations = new TagsOperations(); //Get instance of ParameterMap Class $paramInstance = new ParameterMap(); foreach($tagNames as $tagName) { $paramInstance->add(AddTagsToRecordParam::tagNames(), $tagName); } $paramInstance->add(AddTagsToRecordParam::overWrite(), "false"); //Call addTagsToRecord method that takes paramInstance, moduleAPIName and recordId as parameter $response = $tagsOperations->addTagsToRecord($recordId, $moduleAPIName,$paramInstance);
$record = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getRecordInstance("{module_api_name}", "{record_id}"); // To get record instance $tagNames = array( "test1", "test2" ); // to create array of tag names $responseIns = $record->removeTags($tagNames); // to remove tags
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of TagsOperations Class $tagsOperations = new TagsOperations(); //Get instance of ParameterMap Class $paramInstance = new ParameterMap(); foreach($tagNames as $tagName) { $paramInstance->add(RemoveTagsFromRecordParam::tagNames(), $tagName); } //Call removeTagsFromRecord method that takes paramInstance, moduleAPIName and recordId as parameter $response = $tagsOperations->removeTagsFromRecord($recordId, $moduleAPIName,$paramInstance);
/* For VERSION <=2.0.6 $records = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getRecordInstance("{module_api_name}", "{record_id}"); // To get record instance $responseIns = $records->getAttachments(1, 50); // to get the attachments */ $record = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getRecordInstance("{module_api_name}", "{record_id}"); // To get record instance $param_map=array("page"=>"1","per_page"=>"200"); // key-value pair containing all the parameters - optional $header_map = array("if-modified-since"=>"2019-12-12T15:26:49+05:30"); // key-value pair containing all the headers - optional $responseIns = $record->getAttachments($param_map, $header_map); // to get the attachments
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of AttachmentsOperations Class that takes recordId and moduleAPIName as parameter $attachmentOperations = new AttachmentsOperations($moduleAPIName, $recordId); //Call getAttachments method $response = $attachmentOperations->getAttachments();
$record = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getRecordInstance("{module_api_name}", "{record_id}"); // To get record instance $responseIns = $record->uploadAttachment("/path/to/file"); // $filePath - absolute path of the attachment to be uploaded.
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of AttachmentsOperations Class that takes recordId and moduleAPIName as parameter $attachmentOperations = new AttachmentsOperations($moduleAPIName, $recordId); //Get instance of FileBodyWrapper class that will contain the request file $fileBodyWrapper = new FileBodyWrapper(); //Get instance of StreamWrapper class that takes absolute path of the file to be attached as parameter $streamWrapper = new StreamWrapper(null, null, $absoluteFilePath); //Set file to the FileBodyWrapper instance $fileBodyWrapper->setFile($streamWrapper); //Call uploadAttachment method that takes FileBodyWrapper instance as parameter $response = $attachmentOperations->uploadAttachment($fileBodyWrapper);
$record = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getRecordInstance("{module_api_name}", "{record_id}"); // To get record instance $responseIns = $record->uploadLinkAsAttachment("{link}"); // $filePath - absolute path of the attachment to be uploaded.
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
/Get instance of AttachmentsOperations Class that takes recordId and moduleAPIName as parameter $attachmentOperations = new AttachmentsOperations($moduleAPIName, $recordId); //Get instance of ParameterMap Class $paramInstance = new ParameterMap(); $paramInstance->add(UploadLinkAttachmentParam::attachmentUrl(), $attachmentURL); //Call uploadAttachment method that takes paramInstance as parameter $response = $attachmentOperations->uploadLinkAttachment($paramInstance);
$record = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getRecordInstance("{module_api_name}", "{record_id}"); // To get record instance $fileResponseIns = $record->downloadAttachment("{attachment_id}");
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of AttachmentsOperations Class that takes recordId and moduleAPIName as parameter $attachmentOperations = new AttachmentsOperations($moduleAPIName, $recordId); //Call downloadAttachment method that takes attachmentId as parameters $response = $attachmentOperations->downloadAttachment($attachmentId);
$record = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getRecordInstance("{module_api_name}", "{record_id}"); // To get record instance $fileResponseIns = $record->deleteAttachment("{attachment_id}");
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of AttachmentsOperations Class that takes recordId and moduleAPIName as parameter $attachmentOperations = new AttachmentsOperations($moduleAPIName, $recordId); //Call deleteAttachment method that takes attachmentId as parameter $response = $attachmentOperations->deleteAttachment($attachmentId);
$record = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getRecordInstance("{module_api_name}", "{record_id}"); // To get record instance $junctionrecord = ZCRMJunctionRecord::getInstance("{module_api_name}", "{record_id}"); // to get the junction record instance $responseIns = $record->addRelation($junctionrecord); // to add a relation between the record and the junction record
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of RelatedRecordsOperations Class that takes moduleAPIName, relatedListAPIName as parameter $relatedRecordsOperations = new RelatedRecordsOperations( $relatedListAPIName, $moduleAPIName); //Get instance of BodyWrapper Class that will contain the request body $request = new BodyWrapper(); //List of Record instances $records = array(); //Get instance of Record Class $record1 = new Record(); /* * Call addKeyValue method that takes two arguments * 1 -> A string that is the Field's API Name * 2 -> Value */ $record1->addKeyValue("list_price", 50.56); //Add Record instance to the list array_push($records, $record1); //Set the list to Records in BodyWrapper instance $request->setData($records); $headerInstance = new HeaderMap(); //Call updateRecord method that takes relatedRecordId, recordId and BodyWrapper instance as parameter. $response = $relatedRecordsOperations->updateRelatedRecord($$relatedListId, $recordId, $request);
$record = ZCRMRestClient::getInstance()->getRecordInstance("{module_api_name}", "{record_id}"); // To get record instance $junctionrecord = ZCRMJunctionRecord::getInstance("{module_api_name}", "{record_id}"); // to get the junction record instance $responseIns = $record->removeRelation($junctionrecord); // to add a relation between the record and the junction record
v2.x.x - zohocrm/php-sdk-2.0
//Get instance of RelatedRecordsOperations Class that takes moduleAPIName, relatedListAPIName as parameter $relatedRecordsOperations = new RelatedRecordsOperations($relatedListAPIName,$moduleAPIName); $headerInstance = new HeaderMap(); //Call updateRecord method that takes relatedListId, recordId as parameter. $response = $relatedRecordsOperations->delinkRecord($relatedListId, $recordId);