Connect to Zowe API Mediation Layer authentication service and obtain a token,
-or disconnect from the authentication service and revoke the token.
The token provides authentication to services that support the API ML SSO
-(Single Sign-On) capability. When you log in, the token is stored in your
-default base profile until it expires. Base profiles store connection
-information shared by multiple services (e.g., z/OSMF), and are used if you do
-not supply connection information in a service profile. To take advantage of
-the API ML SSO capability, you should omit username and password in service
-profiles so that the token in the base profile is used.
Log in to Zowe API Mediation Layer authentication service and obtain or update a
The token provides authentication to services that support the API ML SSO
-(Single Sign-On) capability. When you log in, the token is stored in your
-default base profile until it expires. Base profiles store connection
-information shared by multiple services (e.g., z/OSMF), and are used if you do
-not supply connection information in a service profile. To take advantage of
-the API ML SSO capability, you should omit username and password in service
-profiles so that the token in the base profile is used.
zowe auth login apiml [options]
--show-token | --st(boolean)
Show the token when login is successful. If specified, does not save the token
-to a profile.
Base Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
Host name of service on the mainframe.
--port | -P(number)
Port number of service on the mainframe.
--user | -u(string)
User name to authenticate to service on the mainframe.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to service on the mainframe.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
Profile Options
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Log in to an API ML instance to obtain or update the token
-stored in your base profile:
zowe auth login apiml
Log in to an API ML instance to obtain a token without
-storing it in a profile:
Log out of the Zowe API Mediation Layer authentication service and revoke the
-token so it can no longer authenticate. Also remove the token from the default
-base profile, if it is stored on disk.
zowe auth logout apiml [options]
Base Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
Host name of service on the mainframe.
--port | -P(number)
Port number of service on the mainframe.
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
The name of the URIMAP to create. The maximum length of the urimap name is
-eight characters.
The CICS system definition (CSD) Group for the new urimap that you want to
-define. The maximum length of the group name is eight characters.
Required Options
--urimap-path | --up(string)
The path component of the URI.
--urimap-host | --uh(string)
The host component of the URI.
--urimap-scheme | --us(string)
The scheme component to be used with the request (http or https).
Default value: https
Allowed values: http, https
--authenticate | --auth(string)
The authentication and identification scheme to be used for client URIMAPs.
Allowed values: NO, BASIC
--certificate | --cert(string)
The label of a certificate in the keyring that is to be used as the client
-certificate in SSL handshakes
--description | --desc(string)
Description of the URIMAP resource being defined.
The CICS region name to which to define the new URIMAP.
The name of the CICSPlex to which to define the new URIMAP.
Whether or not the URIMAP is to be enabled on install by default.
Default value: true
Cics Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The CICS server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The CICS server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (CICS) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pw(string)
Mainframe (CICS) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--protocol | -o(string)
Specifies CMCI protocol (http or https).
Default value: https
Allowed values: http, https
Profile Options
--cics-profile | --cics-p(string)
The name of a (cics) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Define a URIMAP named URIMAPA to the region named MYREGION
-in the CSD group MYGRP where the host is and the path is
The name of the URIMAP to create. The maximum length of the urimap name is
-eight characters.
The CICS system definition (CSD) Group for the new urimap that you want to
-define. The maximum length of the group name is eight characters.
Required Options
--urimap-path | --up(string)
The path component of the URI.
--urimap-host | --uh(string)
The host component of the URI.
--pipeline-name | --pn(string)
The name of the PIPELINE resource definition for the URIMAP. The maximum length
-of the pipeline name is eight characters.
--urimap-scheme | --us(string)
The scheme component to be used with the request (http or https).
Default value: https
Allowed values: http, https
--description | --desc(string)
Description of the URIMAP resource being defined.
--transaction-name | --tn(string)
The name of the TRANSACTION resource definition for the URIMAP. The maximum
-length of the transaction name is four characters.
--webservice-name | --wn(string)
The name of the WEBSERVICE resource definition for the URIMAP. The maximum
-length of the transaction name is 32 characters.
--tcpipservice | --tcpip(string)
The TCPIPSERVICE to which the URIMAP definition applies.
The CICS region name to which to define the new URIMAP.
The name of the CICSPlex to which to define the new URIMAP.
Whether or not the URIMAP is to be enabled on install by default.
Default value: true
Cics Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The CICS server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The CICS server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (CICS) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pw(string)
Mainframe (CICS) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--protocol | -o(string)
Specifies CMCI protocol (http or https).
Default value: https
Allowed values: http, https
Profile Options
--cics-profile | --cics-p(string)
The name of a (cics) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Define a URIMAP named URIMAPA for the pipeline named PIPE123
-to the region named MYREGION in the CSD group MYGRP where the host is and the path is /example/index.html:
The name of the URIMAP to create. The maximum length of the urimap name is
-eight characters.
The CICS system definition (CSD) Group for the new urimap that you want to
-define. The maximum length of the group name is eight characters.
Required Options
--urimap-path | --up(string)
The path component of the URI.
--urimap-host | --uh(string)
The host component of the URI.
--program-name | --pn(string)
The application program that makes or handles the requests.
--urimap-scheme | --us(string)
The scheme component to be used with the request (http or https).
Default value: https
Allowed values: http, https
--description | --desc(string)
Description of the URIMAP resource being defined.
--tcpipservice | --tcpip(string)
The TCPIPSERVICE to which the URIMAP definition applies.
The CICS region name to which to define the new URIMAP.
The name of the CICSPlex to which to define the new URIMAP.
Whether or not the URIMAP is to be enabled on install by default.
Default value: true
Cics Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The CICS server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The CICS server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (CICS) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pw(string)
Mainframe (CICS) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--protocol | -o(string)
Specifies CMCI protocol (http or https).
Default value: https
Allowed values: http, https
Profile Options
--cics-profile | --cics-p(string)
The name of a (cics) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Define a URIMAP named URIMAPA for the program named PGM123
-to the region named MYREGION in the CSD group MYGRP where the host is and the path is /example/index.html:
The name of the WEBSERVICE to create. The maximum length of the web service
-name is eight characters.
The CICS system definition (CSD) Group for the new web service that you want to
-define. The maximum length of the group name is eight characters.
Required Options
--pipeline-name | --pn(string)
The name of the PIPELINE resource definition for the web service. The maximum
-length of the pipeline name is eight characters
The file name of the web service binding file on HFS.
--description | --desc(string)
Description of the web service resource being defined.
Specifies whether full validation of SOAP messages against the corresponding
-schema in the web service description should be performed at run time.
Default value: false
--wsdlfile | --wsdl(string)
The file name of the web service description (WSDL) file on HFS.
The CICS region name to which to define the new web service.
The name of the CICSPlex to which to define the new web service.
Cics Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The CICS server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The CICS server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (CICS) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pw(string)
Mainframe (CICS) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--protocol | -o(string)
Specifies CMCI protocol (http or https).
Default value: https
Allowed values: http, https
Profile Options
--cics-profile | --cics-p(string)
The name of a (cics) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Define a webservice named WEBSVCA for the pipeline named
-PIPE123 to the region named MYREGION in the CSD group MYGRP where the binding
-file is /u/exampleapp/wsbind/example.log:
Get resources (for example, programs or transactions) from CICS.
zowe cics get resource <resourceName> [options]
Positional Arguments
The name of the resource to get.
--region-name | --rn(string)
The CICS region name from which to get the resources
--cics-plex | --cp(string)
The name of the CICSPlex from which to get the resources
--criteria | -c(string)
The criteria by which to filter the resource
--parameter | -p(string)
The parameter by which to refine the resource
Cics Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The CICS server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The CICS server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (CICS) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pw(string)
Mainframe (CICS) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--protocol | -o(string)
Specifies CMCI protocol (http or https).
Default value: https
Allowed values: http, https
Profile Options
--cics-profile | --cics-p(string)
The name of a (cics) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Get program resources from the region named MYREGION:
zowe cics get resource CICSProgram --region-name MYREGION
Get local transaction resources from the region named
zowe cics get resource CICSLocalTransaction --region-name MYREGION
Get local file resources from the region named MYREGION:
zowe cics get resource CICSLocalFile --region-name MYREGION
Get program definition resources from the CSD group named
-GRP1 and the region named MYREGION:
zowe cics get resource CICSDefinitionProgram --region-name MYREGION --parameter "CSDGROUP(GRP1)"
Get transaction definition resources from the CSD group
-named GRP1 and the region named MYREGION:
zowe cics get resource CICSDefinitionTransaction --region-name MYREGION --parameter "CSDGROUP(GRP1)"
Get URIMap definition resources from the CSD group named
-GRP1 and the region named MYREGION:
zowe cics get resource CICSDefinitionURIMap --region-name MYREGION --parameter "CSDGROUP(GRP1)"
Get program resources that start with the name PRG from the
-region named MYREGION:
zowe cics get resource CICSProgram --region-name MYREGION --criteria "PROGRAM=PRG*"
Get a local transaction resource named TRAN from the region
-named MYREGION:
zowe cics get resource CICSLocalTransaction --region-name MYREGION --criteria "TRANID=TRAN"
Get program resources that start with the name MYPRG from
-the region named MYREGION and display various fields as a table:
zowe cics get resource CICSProgram --region-name MYREGION --criteria "PROGRAM=MYPRG*" --rft table --rfh --rff program length status
zowe config set <configName> <configValue> [options]
Positional Arguments
Setting name. Possible values:
-CredentialManager - The package name of a plugin that will override the default
-credential manager to allow for different credential storage methods.
Value to set
Set the default credential manager to my-credential-manager:
zowe config set CredentialManager my-credential-manager
Execute SQL queries against a Db2 region and retrieve the response. Enclose the
-query in quotes and escape any symbols that have a special meaning to the
Query application programs, regions or transactions across an IMSplex.The query
-returns information about application programs, regions and transactions. This
-command submits a 'QUERY PGM', 'DIS ACT' or 'QUERY TRAN' IMS command and returns
-the output.
The hostname of your instance of IMS Connect. This is typically the hostname of
-the mainframe LPAR where IMS Connect is running.
--ims-connect-port | --icp(number)
The port of your instance of IMS Connect. This port can be found in your IMS
-Connect configuration file on the mainframe.
--plex | -x(string)
The name of the IMS plex.
--user | -u(string)
The web server user name where the IMS Operations API resides.
--password | --pass(string)
The web server user password where the IMS Operations API resides.
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--ims-profile | --ims-p(string)
The name of a (ims) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Query information for an application program named PGM123:
zowe ims query program "PGM123"
Query information for application programs named ABC and
zowe ims query program "ABC XYZ"
Query information for application programs starting with
-PROG using the wild card character '*':
zowe ims query program "PROG*"
Query information for all application programs (default is
zowe ims query program
Query information for all application programs specifying
-optional parameters:
Displays only the REGION subset of the output. The display consists of active
Default value: true
--route | --rt(array)
Specifies the routes to return.
IMS Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The IMS Operations API server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The IMS Operations API server port.
--ims-connect-host | --ich(string)
The hostname of your instance of IMS Connect. This is typically the hostname of
-the mainframe LPAR where IMS Connect is running.
--ims-connect-port | --icp(number)
The port of your instance of IMS Connect. This port can be found in your IMS
-Connect configuration file on the mainframe.
--plex | -x(string)
The name of the IMS plex.
--user | -u(string)
The web server user name where the IMS Operations API resides.
--password | --pass(string)
The web server user password where the IMS Operations API resides.
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--ims-profile | --ims-p(string)
The name of a (ims) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Query information for regions on route IMS1:
zowe ims query region "IMS1"
Query information for regions on routes IMS1 and IMS2:
zowe ims query region "IMS1 IMS2"
Query DC and region information for regions on routes IMS1
-and IMS2:
zowe ims query region "IMS1 IMS2" --dc true --region true
Query information for regions specifying optional connection
The compare operator used to select transactions based on queue count. Valid
-values: LT, LE, GT, GE, EQ or NE.
--queue-count-value | --qcv(number)
The numeric value used with 'queue_count_operator' to select transactions
-based on queue count.
--conversation-attributes | --ca(string)
Selects transactions by the conversational attributes you specify.
--fast-path-options | --fpo(string)
Selects transactions by the Fast Path options you specify.
--remote-option-specified | --ros(string)
Selects transactions by the remote option you specify.
--response-mode-option-specified | --rmos(string)
Selects transactions by the response mode option you specify.
IMS Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The IMS Operations API server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The IMS Operations API server port.
--ims-connect-host | --ich(string)
The hostname of your instance of IMS Connect. This is typically the hostname of
-the mainframe LPAR where IMS Connect is running.
--ims-connect-port | --icp(number)
The port of your instance of IMS Connect. This port can be found in your IMS
-Connect configuration file on the mainframe.
--plex | -x(string)
The name of the IMS plex.
--user | -u(string)
The web server user name where the IMS Operations API resides.
--password | --pass(string)
The web server user password where the IMS Operations API resides.
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--ims-profile | --ims-p(string)
The name of a (ims) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Query transaction information for transaction named TRN12:
zowe ims query transaction "TRN12"
Query transaction information for transactions named TRAN1
-and TRAN2:
zowe ims query transaction "TRAN1 TRAN2"
Query transaction information for transactions starting with
-TRAN using the wild card character '*':
zowe ims query transaction "TRAN*"
Query transaction information for all transactions (default
-is all):
zowe ims query transaction
Query transaction information for all transactions
-specifying optional parameters:
Starts a region, application program, or transaction and makes IMS resources
-available for reference and use. This command submits a '/START REGION',
-'UPDATE PGM' or 'UPDATE TRAN' IMS command and returns the output.
The name of the application program(s) to start. The maximum length of a
-program name is eight characters.
--attributes | --att(array)
The attributes that are to be started
Default value: SCHD
Allowed values: SCHD, TRACE, REFRESH
--route | --rte(array)
The region(s) to route the command to
IMS Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The IMS Operations API server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The IMS Operations API server port.
--ims-connect-host | --ich(string)
The hostname of your instance of IMS Connect. This is typically the hostname of
-the mainframe LPAR where IMS Connect is running.
--ims-connect-port | --icp(number)
The port of your instance of IMS Connect. This port can be found in your IMS
-Connect configuration file on the mainframe.
--plex | -x(string)
The name of the IMS plex.
--user | -u(string)
The web server user name where the IMS Operations API resides.
--password | --pass(string)
The web server user password where the IMS Operations API resides.
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--ims-profile | --ims-p(string)
The name of a (ims) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Start an application program named PGM123:
zowe ims start program "PGM123"
Start all application programs beginning with ACC*:
zowe ims start program "ACC*"
Start an application program named PGM234 and start tracing:
zowe ims start program "PGM234" --attributes "SCHD TRACE"
Start an application program named PGM890 routing to control
-regions IMS1 and IMS2:
zowe ims start program "PGM890" --route "IMS1 IMS2"
Start an application programs named XYZ1 specifying optional
-connection parameters:
The name of the member that contains JCL for the region to start. The maximum
-length of the member name is eight characters. If no member name is specified,
-the default member name is used
--route | --rte(array)
The region(s) to route the command to
--local | -l(boolean)
If you specify the --local option, IMS overrides the symbolic IMSID parameter
-in the JCL of the default or specified member. --local is the default if you
-specify the --job-name option.
--job-name | --jn(string)
Use this option to override the job name on the JOB statement of the default or
-specified JCL member for a dependent region.
IMS Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The IMS Operations API server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The IMS Operations API server port.
--ims-connect-host | --ich(string)
The hostname of your instance of IMS Connect. This is typically the hostname of
-the mainframe LPAR where IMS Connect is running.
--ims-connect-port | --icp(number)
The port of your instance of IMS Connect. This port can be found in your IMS
-Connect configuration file on the mainframe.
--plex | -x(string)
The name of the IMS plex.
--user | -u(string)
The web server user name where the IMS Operations API resides.
--password | --pass(string)
The web server user password where the IMS Operations API resides.
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--ims-profile | --ims-p(string)
The name of a (ims) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Start a region stored in a member named MEM1:
zowe ims start region "MEM1"
Start a region stored in a member named MEM2 specifying the
-region to route the command:
zowe ims start region "MEM2" --route "IMS1"
Start a region stored in a member named MEM3 and override
-the job name:
zowe ims start region "MEM3" --job-name "JOB9"
Start a region stored in a member named MEM4 routing to
-control regions IMS1 and IMS2:
zowe ims start region "MEM4" --route "IMS1 IMS2"
Start a region stored in a member named MEM5 specifying
-optional connection parameters:
The name of the transaction(s) to start. The maximum length of a transaction
-name is eight characters.
--attributes | --att(array)
The attributes that are to be started
Default value: SCHD
Allowed values: Q, SCHD, SUSPEND, TRACE
--route | --rte(array)
The region(s) to route the command to
IMS Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The IMS Operations API server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The IMS Operations API server port.
--ims-connect-host | --ich(string)
The hostname of your instance of IMS Connect. This is typically the hostname of
-the mainframe LPAR where IMS Connect is running.
--ims-connect-port | --icp(number)
The port of your instance of IMS Connect. This port can be found in your IMS
-Connect configuration file on the mainframe.
--plex | -x(string)
The name of the IMS plex.
--user | -u(string)
The web server user name where the IMS Operations API resides.
--password | --pass(string)
The web server user password where the IMS Operations API resides.
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--ims-profile | --ims-p(string)
The name of a (ims) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Stops a running region, application program or transaction. This command
-submits a '/STOP REGION', 'UPDATE PGM' or 'UPDATE TRAN' IMS command and returns
-the output.",
The name( of the program(s) to stop. The maximum length of a program name is
-eight characters.
--attributes | --att(array)
The attributes that are to be stopped
Default value: SCHD
Allowed values: SCHD, TRACE
--route | --rte(array)
The region(s) to route the command
IMS Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The IMS Operations API server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The IMS Operations API server port.
--ims-connect-host | --ich(string)
The hostname of your instance of IMS Connect. This is typically the hostname of
-the mainframe LPAR where IMS Connect is running.
--ims-connect-port | --icp(number)
The port of your instance of IMS Connect. This port can be found in your IMS
-Connect configuration file on the mainframe.
--plex | -x(string)
The name of the IMS plex.
--user | -u(string)
The web server user name where the IMS Operations API resides.
--password | --pass(string)
The web server user password where the IMS Operations API resides.
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--ims-profile | --ims-p(string)
The name of a (ims) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Stop an application program named PGM123:
zowe ims stop program "PGM123"
Stop all application programs beginning with ACC*:
zowe ims stop program "ACC*"
Stop tracing an application program named PGM234:
zowe ims stop program "PGM234" --attributes "TRACE"
Stop an application program named PGM890 routing to control
-regions IMS1 and IMS2:
zowe ims stop program "PGM890" --route "IMS1 IMS2"
Stop an application programs named XYZ1 specifying optional
-connection parameters:
Region identifier numbers for the regions you want to stop. You must specify
-either this option or --job-name.
--job-name | --jn(string)
The name of the job for the IMS region you want to stop. You must specify
-either this option or --region-ids.
--route | --rte(array)
The region(s) to route the command to
Specify this option to cause abnormal termination (ABEND) of an application
-program. If the transaction indicated by this argument is currently running in
-the specified region, an error message is received at the master terminal,
-indicating an application program ABEND. The region will remain active, but the
-transaction will be stopped. The command is ignored if the transaction is not
-currently scheduled in the region.
Use this option if the region cannot be stopped with a stop region --abdump
-command. To use this option, you must have already submitted a stop region
-command using the --abdump option.
Specify a transaction in wait-for-input mode to stop its message processing
-within the specified region.
IMS Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The IMS Operations API server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The IMS Operations API server port.
--ims-connect-host | --ich(string)
The hostname of your instance of IMS Connect. This is typically the hostname of
-the mainframe LPAR where IMS Connect is running.
--ims-connect-port | --icp(number)
The port of your instance of IMS Connect. This port can be found in your IMS
-Connect configuration file on the mainframe.
--plex | -x(string)
The name of the IMS plex.
--user | -u(string)
The web server user name where the IMS Operations API resides.
--password | --pass(string)
The web server user password where the IMS Operations API resides.
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--ims-profile | --ims-p(string)
The name of a (ims) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Stop a region with job name JOBNM1:
zowe ims stop region --job-name "JOBNM1"
Stop multiple regions with region identifiers:
zowe ims stop region --region-ids 4 5
Stop a region with region identifier and cause the abnormal
-termination (ABEND) of the application program:
zowe ims stop region --region-ids 4 --abdump "TRAN1"
Stop a region with region identifier and specify 'cancel'
-because the 'abdump' option failed to stop the region:
zowe ims stop region --region-ids 4 --cancel true
Stop a region with job name JOBNM4 specifying optional
-connection parameters:
The name of the transaction(s) to stop. The maximum length of a transaction
-name is eight characters.
--attributes | --att(array)
The attributes that are to be stopped
Default value: SCHD
Allowed values: Q, SCHD, TRACE
--route | --rte(array)
The region(s) to route the command
IMS Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The IMS Operations API server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The IMS Operations API server port.
--ims-connect-host | --ich(string)
The hostname of your instance of IMS Connect. This is typically the hostname of
-the mainframe LPAR where IMS Connect is running.
--ims-connect-port | --icp(number)
The port of your instance of IMS Connect. This port can be found in your IMS
-Connect configuration file on the mainframe.
--plex | -x(string)
The name of the IMS plex.
--user | -u(string)
The web server user name where the IMS Operations API resides.
--password | --pass(string)
The web server user password where the IMS Operations API resides.
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--ims-profile | --ims-p(string)
The name of a (ims) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Updates the setting(s) for application program or transaction. This command
-submits a 'UPDATE PGM' or 'UPDATE TRAN' IMS command and returns the output.
The name of the application program(s) to update. The maximum length of a
-program name is eight characters.
--bmp-type | --bmptype(string)
Specifies whether the program runs in a BMP type region or not. (N or Y).
Allowed values: N, Y
--dynamic | --dopt(string)
Specifies the dynamic option (N or Y).
Allowed values: N, Y
--fast-path | --fp(string)
Specifies the Fast Path option (E or N).
Allowed values: E, N
--generated-psb | --gpsb(string)
Specifies the generated PSB option (N or Y).
Allowed values: N, Y
--language | --lang(string)
Specifies the language interface of the program or a GPSB or defined a DOPT(Y)
-program as using the JAVA language (ASSEM, COBOL, JAVA, PASCAL, PLI).
--lock | -l(string)
Specifies the LOCK status is to be set (ON or OFF).
Allowed values: ON, OFF
--option | -o(string)
Specifies to return response lines for all resources that are processed. It is
-only valid with --name * (ALLRSP).
Allowed values: ALLRSP
--resident | -r(string)
Specifies the resident option (N or Y).
Allowed values: N, Y
--route | --rte(array)
Specifies the region(s) to route the command.
--schedule-type | --schdtype(string)
Specifies whether this application program can be scheduled into more than one
-message region or batch message region simultaneously (PARALLEL or SERIAL).
Allowed values: PARALLEL, SERIAL
--transaction-level-stat | --transtat(string)
Specifies whether transaction level statistics should be logged (N or Y).
Allowed values: N, Y
IMS Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The IMS Operations API server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The IMS Operations API server port.
--ims-connect-host | --ich(string)
The hostname of your instance of IMS Connect. This is typically the hostname of
-the mainframe LPAR where IMS Connect is running.
--ims-connect-port | --icp(number)
The port of your instance of IMS Connect. This port can be found in your IMS
-Connect configuration file on the mainframe.
--plex | -x(string)
The name of the IMS plex.
--user | -u(string)
The web server user name where the IMS Operations API resides.
--password | --pass(string)
The web server user password where the IMS Operations API resides.
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--ims-profile | --ims-p(string)
The name of a (ims) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Update an application program named PGM123 to execute
-exclusively as Fast Path:
zowe ims update program "PGM123" --fp "E"
Update all application programs beginning with ACC* to not
-run in a BMP type region:
zowe ims update program "ACC*" --bmptype "N"
Unlock all programs beginning with PGM* to allow scheduling:
zowe ims update program "PGM*" --lock "OFF"
Update an application program named PGM890 to execute as
-Fast Path routing to control regions IMS1 and IMS2:
zowe ims update program "PGM890" --fp "E" --route "IMS1 IMS2"
Unlock an application programs named XYZ1 to allow
-scheduling specifying optional connection parameters:
Specifies the transaction class, which is an attribute used to select a
-transaction for scheduling.
--system-identification-local | --sidl(number)
Specifies the system identification (SYSID) of the local system in a
-multiple-IMS system (MSC) configuration.
--system-identification-remote | --sidr(number)
Specifies the system identification (SYSID) of the remote system in a
-multiple-IMS system (MSC) configuration.
--scratchpad-area-size | --spasz(number)
Specifies the scratchpad area (SPA) size, in bytes, for a conversational
-transaction. The value can be a number from 16 and 32767.
--scratchpad-area-truncation | --spatrunc(string)
Specifies the scratchpad area (SPA) truncation option of a conversational
-transaction (S or R).
Allowed values: S, R
--transaction-level-stat | --transtat(string)
Specifies whether transaction level statistics should be logged for message
-driven programs (N or Y).
Allowed values: N, Y
--wait-for-input | --wfi(string)
Specifies the wait-for input option (N or Y).
Allowed values: N, Y
IMS Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The IMS Operations API server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The IMS Operations API server port.
--ims-connect-host | --ich(string)
The hostname of your instance of IMS Connect. This is typically the hostname of
-the mainframe LPAR where IMS Connect is running.
--ims-connect-port | --icp(number)
The port of your instance of IMS Connect. This port can be found in your IMS
-Connect configuration file on the mainframe.
--plex | -x(string)
The name of the IMS plex.
--user | -u(string)
The web server user name where the IMS Operations API resides.
--password | --pass(string)
The web server user password where the IMS Operations API resides.
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--ims-profile | --ims-p(string)
The name of a (ims) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Update a transaction named TRN1 to process exclusively as
-Fast Path:
zowe ims update transaction "TRN1" --fp "E"
Unlock to allow scheduling all transactions beginning with
-TRN* and associated with class CLASSA:
The host name used to access the IBM MQ REST API. This might be the host name
-of the IBM MQ mqweb server, or the Zowe API Mediation Layer..
--port | -P(number)
The port number used to access the IBM MQ REST API. This might be the port
-number of the IBM MQ mqweb server, or the Zowe API Mediation Layer.
--user | -u(string)
The mainframe (MQ) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
The mainframe (MQ) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: false
--protocol | -o(string)
Specifies the MQ protocol (http or https).
Default value: http
Allowed values: http, https
Profile Options
--mq-profile | --mq-p(string)
The name of a (mq) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
The following sequence shows how to query a
-server-connection channel that is called NEWSVRCONN on an MQ queue manager - our
-example queue manager is called MQ99:
A space-separated list of plug-ins to install. A plug-in can be any format
-that is accepted by the `npm install` command (local directory, TAR file, git
-URL, public package, private package, etc...).
To use a relative local directory, at least one '/' or '' must exist in the
-plug-in path. For example, you have a local plug-in in a folder called
-'test-plugin' that you want to install. Specify the relative local directory
-by issuing the following command:
zowe plugins install ./test-plugin
If you omit the './', then the install command looks for 'test-plugin' in an
-npm registry.
If the plugin argument is omitted, the plugins.json file will determine which
-plug-ins are installed. For more information on the plugins.json file, see
-the --file option.
--file(local file path)
Specifies the location of a plugins.json file that contains the plug-ins you
-want to install.
All plug-ins specified in plugins.json will be installed to the base CLI and
-the contents will be placed into ~/.zowe/plugins/plugins.json.
If you do not specify a plugins.json file and do not specify a plug-in, the
-default plugin.json file (~/.zowe/plugins/plugins.json) will be
-used. This provides a way to install plug-ins that were lost or corrupted
-after reinstalling or updating Zowe CLI.
The npm registry that is used when installing remote packages. When this value
-is omitted, the value returned by `npm config get registry` is used.
The flag to add a registry user account to install from secure registry. It
-saves credentials to the .npmrc file using `npm adduser`. When this value is
-omitted, credentials from .npmrc file is used. If you used this flag once for
-specific registry, you don't have to use it again, it uses credentials from
-.npmrc file.
The flag to add a registry user account to install from secure registry. It
-saves credentials to the .npmrc file using `npm adduser`. When this value is
-omitted, credentials from .npmrc file is used. If you used this flag once for
-specific registry, you don't have to use it again, it uses credentials from
-.npmrc file.
Create a profile called 'base3' to connect to host and port 1443, not specifying a username or password so they are not
-stored on disk; these will need to be specified on every command:
Create a zosmf profile called 'base4' to connect to default
-port 443 and allow self-signed certificates, not specifying a username,
-password, or host so they are not stored on disk; these will need to be
-specified on every command:
A cics profile is required to issue commands in the cics command group that
-interact with CICS regions. The cics profile contains your host, port, user
-name, and password for the IBM CICS management client interface (CMCI) server of
-your choice.
An ims profile is used to issue commands in the ims command group that interact
-with IMS regions. The ims profile contains your IMS Operations API web server
-host, port, user name and password, IMS Connect host and port and IMS plex
Specifies the name of the new ims profile. You can load this profile by using
-the name on commands that support the "--ims-profile" option.
IMS Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The IMS Operations API server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The IMS Operations API server port.
--ims-connect-host | --ich(string)
The hostname of your instance of IMS Connect. This is typically the hostname of
-the mainframe LPAR where IMS Connect is running.
--ims-connect-port | --icp(number)
The port of your instance of IMS Connect. This port can be found in your IMS
-Connect configuration file on the mainframe.
--plex | -x(string)
The name of the IMS plex.
--user | -u(string)
The web server user name where the IMS Operations API resides.
--password | --pass(string)
The web server user password where the IMS Operations API resides.
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
--overwrite | --ow(boolean)
Overwrite the ims profile when a profile of the same name exists.
--disable-defaults | --dd(boolean)
Disable populating profile values of undefined properties with default values.
Create a ims profile named 'ims123' to connect to IMS APIs
-at host zos123 and port 1490. The name of the IMS plex in this example is
-'PLEX1' and the IMS region we want to communicate with has a host of zos124 and
-a port of 1491:
An MQREST profile is required to issue commands in the MQ command group that
-interacts with MQSC. The mq profile contains your host, port, user name, and
-password for the IBM MQ System Console interface
Create a ssh profile called 'ssh333' to connect to z/OS SSH
-server at host 'zos123' using a privatekey '/path/to/privatekey' and its
-decryption passphrase 'privateKeyPassphrase' for privatekey authentication:
Create a ssh profile called 'ssh444' to connect to z/OS SSH
-server on default port 22, without specifying username, host, or password,
-preventing those values from being stored on disk:
Specifies the name of the new zftp profile. You can load this profile by using
-the name on commands that support the "--zftp-profile" option.
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
--overwrite | --ow(boolean)
Overwrite the zftp profile when a profile of the same name exists.
--disable-defaults | --dd(boolean)
Disable populating profile values of undefined properties with default values.
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Create a zftp profile called 'myprofile' with default
-settings (port, timeout, etc.) to connect with the host system 123.:
Specifies the name of the new zosmf profile. You can load this profile by using
-the name on commands that support the "--zosmf-profile" option.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
--encoding | --ec(number)
The encoding for download and upload of z/OS data set and USS files. The
-default encoding if not specified is 1047.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
--overwrite | --ow(boolean)
Overwrite the zosmf profile when a profile of the same name exists.
--disable-defaults | --dd(boolean)
Disable populating profile values of undefined properties with default values.
Create a zosmf profile called 'zos123' to connect to z/OSMF
-at host zos123 and port 1443:
Create a zosmf profile called 'zos125' to connect to z/OSMF
-at the host zos125 and port 1443, not specifying a username or password so they
-are not stored on disk; these will need to be specified on every command:
Create a zosmf profile called 'zos126' to connect to z/OSMF
-on the default port 443 and allow self-signed certificates, not specifying a
-username, password, or host so they are not stored on disk; these will need to
-be specified on every command:
Delete a base profile. You must specify a profile name to be deleted. To find
-a list of available profiles for deletion, issue the profiles list command. By
-default, you will be prompted to confirm the profile removal.
Specifies the name of the base profile to be deleted. You can also load this
-profile by using the name on commands that support the "--base-profile"
Force deletion of profile, and dependent profiles if specified. No prompt will
-be displayed before deletion occurs.
Delete a cics profile. You must specify a profile name to be deleted. To find
-a list of available profiles for deletion, issue the profiles list command. By
-default, you will be prompted to confirm the profile removal.
Specifies the name of the cics profile to be deleted. You can also load this
-profile by using the name on commands that support the "--cics-profile"
Force deletion of profile, and dependent profiles if specified. No prompt will
-be displayed before deletion occurs.
Delete a db2 profile. You must specify a profile name to be deleted. To find a
-list of available profiles for deletion, issue the profiles list command. By
-default, you will be prompted to confirm the profile removal.
Specifies the name of the db2 profile to be deleted. You can also load this
-profile by using the name on commands that support the "--db2-profile"
Force deletion of profile, and dependent profiles if specified. No prompt will
-be displayed before deletion occurs.
Delete a ims profile. You must specify a profile name to be deleted. To find a
-list of available profiles for deletion, issue the profiles list command. By
-default, you will be prompted to confirm the profile removal.
Specifies the name of the ims profile to be deleted. You can also load this
-profile by using the name on commands that support the "--ims-profile"
Force deletion of profile, and dependent profiles if specified. No prompt will
-be displayed before deletion occurs.
Delete a mq profile. You must specify a profile name to be deleted. To find a
-list of available profiles for deletion, issue the profiles list command. By
-default, you will be prompted to confirm the profile removal.
Specifies the name of the mq profile to be deleted. You can also load this
-profile by using the name on commands that support the "--mq-profile"
Force deletion of profile, and dependent profiles if specified. No prompt will
-be displayed before deletion occurs.
Delete a ssh profile. You must specify a profile name to be deleted. To find a
-list of available profiles for deletion, issue the profiles list command. By
-default, you will be prompted to confirm the profile removal.
Specifies the name of the ssh profile to be deleted. You can also load this
-profile by using the name on commands that support the "--ssh-profile"
Force deletion of profile, and dependent profiles if specified. No prompt will
-be displayed before deletion occurs.
Delete a tso profile. You must specify a profile name to be deleted. To find a
-list of available profiles for deletion, issue the profiles list command. By
-default, you will be prompted to confirm the profile removal.
Specifies the name of the tso profile to be deleted. You can also load this
-profile by using the name on commands that support the "--tso-profile"
Force deletion of profile, and dependent profiles if specified. No prompt will
-be displayed before deletion occurs.
Delete a zftp profile. You must specify a profile name to be deleted. To find
-a list of available profiles for deletion, issue the profiles list command. By
-default, you will be prompted to confirm the profile removal.
Specifies the name of the zftp profile to be deleted. You can also load this
-profile by using the name on commands that support the "--zftp-profile"
Force deletion of profile, and dependent profiles if specified. No prompt will
-be displayed before deletion occurs.
Delete a zosmf profile. You must specify a profile name to be deleted. To find
-a list of available profiles for deletion, issue the profiles list command. By
-default, you will be prompted to confirm the profile removal.
Specifies the name of the zosmf profile to be deleted. You can also load this
-profile by using the name on commands that support the "--zosmf-profile"
Force deletion of profile, and dependent profiles if specified. No prompt will
-be displayed before deletion occurs.
A cics profile is required to issue commands in the cics command group that
-interact with CICS regions. The cics profile contains your host, port, user
-name, and password for the IBM CICS management client interface (CMCI) server of
-your choice.
zowe profiles list cics-profiles [options]
--show-contents | --sc(boolean)
List cics profiles and their contents. All profile details will be printed as
-part of command output.
List profiles of type cics:
zowe profiles list cics-profiles
List profiles of type cics and display their contents:
An ims profile is used to issue commands in the ims command group that interact
-with IMS regions. The ims profile contains your IMS Operations API web server
-host, port, user name and password, IMS Connect host and port and IMS plex
zowe profiles list ims-profiles [options]
--show-contents | --sc(boolean)
List ims profiles and their contents. All profile details will be printed as
-part of command output.
List profiles of type ims:
zowe profiles list ims-profiles
List profiles of type ims and display their contents:
An MQREST profile is required to issue commands in the MQ command group that
-interacts with MQSC. The mq profile contains your host, port, user name, and
-password for the IBM MQ System Console interface
zowe profiles list mq-profiles [options]
--show-contents | --sc(boolean)
List mq profiles and their contents. All profile details will be printed as
-part of command output.
List profiles of type mq:
zowe profiles list mq-profiles
List profiles of type mq and display their contents:
The base set default-profiles command allows you to set the default profiles
-for this command group. When a base command is issued and no profile override
-options are specified, the default profiles for the command group are
-automatically loaded for the command based on the commands profile
Specify a
-profile for default usage within the base group. When you issue commands within
-the base group without a profile specified as part of the command, the default
-will be loaded instead.
Set the default profile for type base to the profile named
The cics set default-profiles command allows you to set the default profiles
-for this command group. When a cics command is issued and no profile override
-options are specified, the default profiles for the command group are
-automatically loaded for the command based on the commands profile
Specify a
-profile for default usage within the cics group. When you issue commands within
-the cics group without a profile specified as part of the command, the default
-will be loaded instead.
Set the default profile for type cics to the profile named
The db2 set default-profiles command allows you to set the default profiles for
-this command group. When a db2 command is issued and no profile override
-options are specified, the default profiles for the command group are
-automatically loaded for the command based on the commands profile
Specify a
-profile for default usage within the db2 group. When you issue commands within
-the db2 group without a profile specified as part of the command, the default
-will be loaded instead.
Set the default profile for type db2 to the profile named
The ims set default-profiles command allows you to set the default profiles for
-this command group. When a ims command is issued and no profile override
-options are specified, the default profiles for the command group are
-automatically loaded for the command based on the commands profile
Specify a
-profile for default usage within the ims group. When you issue commands within
-the ims group without a profile specified as part of the command, the default
-will be loaded instead.
Set the default profile for type ims to the profile named
The mq set default-profiles command allows you to set the default profiles for
-this command group. When a mq command is issued and no profile override options
-are specified, the default profiles for the command group are automatically
-loaded for the command based on the commands profile requirements.
Specify a
-profile for default usage within the mq group. When you issue commands within
-the mq group without a profile specified as part of the command, the default
-will be loaded instead.
Set the default profile for type mq to the profile named
The ssh set default-profiles command allows you to set the default profiles for
-this command group. When a ssh command is issued and no profile override
-options are specified, the default profiles for the command group are
-automatically loaded for the command based on the commands profile
Specify a
-profile for default usage within the ssh group. When you issue commands within
-the ssh group without a profile specified as part of the command, the default
-will be loaded instead.
Set the default profile for type ssh to the profile named
The tso set default-profiles command allows you to set the default profiles for
-this command group. When a tso command is issued and no profile override
-options are specified, the default profiles for the command group are
-automatically loaded for the command based on the commands profile
Specify a
-profile for default usage within the tso group. When you issue commands within
-the tso group without a profile specified as part of the command, the default
-will be loaded instead.
Set the default profile for type tso to the profile named
The zftp set default-profiles command allows you to set the default profiles
-for this command group. When a zftp command is issued and no profile override
-options are specified, the default profiles for the command group are
-automatically loaded for the command based on the commands profile
Specify a
-profile for default usage within the zftp group. When you issue commands within
-the zftp group without a profile specified as part of the command, the default
-will be loaded instead.
Set the default profile for type zftp to the profile named
The zosmf set default-profiles command allows you to set the default profiles
-for this command group. When a zosmf command is issued and no profile override
-options are specified, the default profiles for the command group are
-automatically loaded for the command based on the commands profile
Specify a
-profile for default usage within the zosmf group. When you issue commands
-within the zosmf group without a profile specified as part of the command, the
-default will be loaded instead.
Set the default profile for type zosmf to the profile named
Update a {{type}} profile. You can update any property present within the
-profile configuration. The updated profile will be printed so that you can
-review the result of the updates.
A cics profile is required to issue commands in the cics command group that
-interact with CICS regions. The cics profile contains your host, port, user
-name, and password for the IBM CICS management client interface (CMCI) server of
-your choice.
An ims profile is used to issue commands in the ims command group that interact
-with IMS regions. The ims profile contains your IMS Operations API web server
-host, port, user name and password, IMS Connect host and port and IMS plex
Specifies the name of the new ims profile. You can load this profile by using
-the name on commands that support the "--ims-profile" option.
IMS Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The IMS Operations API server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The IMS Operations API server port.
--ims-connect-host | --ich(string)
The hostname of your instance of IMS Connect. This is typically the hostname of
-the mainframe LPAR where IMS Connect is running.
--ims-connect-port | --icp(number)
The port of your instance of IMS Connect. This port can be found in your IMS
-Connect configuration file on the mainframe.
--plex | -x(string)
The name of the IMS plex.
--user | -u(string)
The web server user name where the IMS Operations API resides.
--password | --pass(string)
The web server user password where the IMS Operations API resides.
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
An MQREST profile is required to issue commands in the MQ command group that
-interacts with MQSC. The mq profile contains your host, port, user name, and
-password for the IBM MQ System Console interface
Specifies the name of the new zftp profile. You can load this profile by using
-the name on commands that support the "--zftp-profile" option.
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Specifies the name of the new zosmf profile. You can load this profile by using
-the name on commands that support the "--zosmf-profile" option.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
--encoding | --ec(number)
The encoding for download and upload of z/OS data set and USS files. The
-default encoding if not specified is 1047.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Update a zosmf profile named 'zos123' with a new username
-and password:
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
Lists z/OSMF provisioning information such as the provisioned instances from the
-registry, the provisioned instance details, the available provisioning templates
-and provisioning template details.
Lists the z/OSMF service catalog published templates.
zowe provisioning list catalog-templates [options]
--all-info | --ai(boolean)
Display information about published z/OSMF service catalog templates (summary
-information is printed by default).
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
List all published templates in the z/OSMF service catalog
-(with full detail):
zowe provisioning list catalog-templates --all-info
List details about an instance provisioned with z/OSMF.
zowe provisioning list instance-info <name> [options]
Positional Arguments
Provisioned Instance Name
Level of information to display for the provisioned instance. Possible values:
summary - summary information, no actions or variables
-actions - (default) summary with actions, no variables
-vars - summary information with variables, no actions
-extended - extended information with actions
-full - all available information
Allowed values: extended, summary, vars, actions, full
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
List summary information with a list of actions for an
-instance with the name "instance1":
zowe provisioning list instance-info instance1
Show extended general information with actions for a
-provisioned instance with the name "instance1":
zowe provisioning list instance-info instance1 --display extended
List a set of variables and their values for a given name.
zowe provisioning list instance-variables <name> [options]
Positional Arguments
Provisioned Instance Name
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
List instance variables of "instance1":
zowe provisioning list instance-variables instance1
List the provisioned instances from the z/OSMF software registry.
zowe provisioning list registry-instances [options]
--all-info | --ai(boolean)
Display all available information about provisioned instances (summary by
--filter-by-type | --fbt(string)
Filter the list of provisioned instances by type (e.g. DB2 or CICS).
--filter-by-external-name | --fben(string)
Filter the list of provisioned instances by External Name.
--types | -t(boolean)
Display a list of all types for provisioned instances (e.g. DB2 or CICS).
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
List all provisioned instances (with full detail):
zowe provisioning list registry-instances --all-info
List details about a template published with z/OSMF Cloud Provisioning.
zowe provisioning list template-info <name> [options]
Positional Arguments
The name of a z/OSMF cloud provisioning template.
--all-info | --ai(boolean)
Display detailed information about published z/OSMF service catalog template
-(summary information is printed by default).
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
List summary information for template "template1":
Perform actions on instances previously provisioned with z/OSMF cloud
-provisioning services. To view the list of provisioned instances, use the
-"zowe provisioning list registry-instances" command. Once you have
-obtained an instance name you can use the "zowe provisioning list
-instance-info <name>" command to view the available instance actions.
The action name. Use the "zowe provisioning list instance-info <name>"
-command to view available instance actions.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Perform the "start" action on the provisioned instance
Using z/OSMF cloud provisioning services, provision available templates.
-You can view available templates using the zowe provisioning list
-catalog-templates command.
A sequence of string enclosed "name=value" pairs of prompt variables.
--properties-file | --pf(string)
Path to .yml file containing properties.
--domain-name | --dn(string)
Required if the user has consumer authorization to more than one domain with
-this template name.
--tenant-name | --tn(string)
Required if the user has consumer authorization to more than one tenant in the
-same domain that contains this template name.
--user-data-id | --udi(string)
ID for the user data specified with user-data. Passed into the software
-services registry.
--user-data | --ud(string)
User data that is passed into the software services registry. Can be specified
-only if user-data-id is provided.
--account-info | --ai(string)
Account information to use in the JCL JOB statement. The default is the account
-information that is associated with the resource pool for the tenant.
--system-nick-names | --snn(string)
Each string is the nickname of the system upon which to provision the software
-service defined by the template. The field is required if the resource pool
-associated with the tenant used for this operation is not set up to
-automatically select a system. Only one nickname is allowed.If the field is
-provided it is validated.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
Interact with z/OSMF console services. Issue z/OS console commands and collect
-responses. z/OS console services establishes extended MCS (EMCS) consoles on
-behalf of the user, which are used to issue the commands and collect responses.
Important! Before you use commands in the zos-console command group, ensure
-that you understand the implications of issuing z/OS console commands in your
z/OSMF console services provides a command response key upon successful issue of
-a console command. You can use this key to collect additional console message
The z/OSMF console REST APIs return a "solicited response key" after
-successfully issuing a synchronous console command that produces solicited
-responses. You can use the "solicited response key"on the "sync-responses"
-command to collect any additional outstanding solicited responses from the
-console the command was issued.
In general, when issuing a z/OS console command, z/OS applications route
-responses to the originating console. The command response messages are
-referred to as "solicited command responses" (i.e. direct responses to the
-command issued). When issuing a z/OS console command using Zowe CLI, collection
-of all solicited command responses is attempted by default. However, there is
-no z/OS mechanism that indicates the total number of response messages that may
-be produced from a given command. Therefore, the Zowe CLI console APIs return a
-"solicited response key" that can be used to "follow-up" and collect any
-additional solicited command responses.
The "solicited response key" provided in response to a previously issued console
-command. Used by the z/OSMF console API to collect any additional outstanding
-solicited responses from a previously issued console command. Must match
-regular expression: ^\[a\-zA\-Z0\-9\]\+$
--console-name | --cn | -c(string)
The name of the z/OS extended MCS console to direct the command. You must have
-the required authority to access the console specified. You may also specify an
-arbitrary name, if your installation allows dynamic creation of consoles with
-arbitrary names.
Allowed values: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Collect any outstanding additional solicited response
Issue a z/OS console command and print command responses (known as "solicited
-command responses").
In general, when issuing a z/OS console command, z/OS applications route
-responses to the originating console. The command response messages are
-referred to as "solicited command responses" (i.e. direct responses to the
-command issued). When issuing a z/OS console command using Zowe CLI, collection
-of all solicited command responses is attempted by default. However, there is
-no z/OS mechanism that indicates the total number of response messages that may
-be produced from a given command. Therefore, the Zowe CLI console APIs return a
-"solicited response key" that can be used to "follow-up" and collect any
-additional solicited command responses.
Zowe CLI will issue "follow-up" API requests by default to collect any
-additional outstanding solicited command responses until a request returns no
-additional responses. At that time, Zowe CLI will attempt a final collection
-attempt. If no messages are present, the command is complete. If additional
-messages are present, the process is repeated. However, this does not guarantee
-that all messages produced in direct response (i.e. solicited) have been
-collected. The z/OS application may produce additional messages in direct
-response to your command at some point in the future. You can manually collect
-additional responses using the "command response key" OR specify additional
-processing options to, for example, delay collection attempts by a specified
The name of the z/OS extended MCS console to direct the command. You must have
-the required authority to access the console specified. You may also specify an
-arbitrary name, if your installation allows dynamic creation of consoles with
-arbitrary names.
Allowed values: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$
--include-details | --id | -i(boolean)
Include additional details at the end of the Zowe CLI command response, such as
-the "command response key" and the z/OSMF command response URL.
--key-only | --ko | -k(boolean)
Displays only the "command response key" returned from the z/OSMF console API.
-You can collect additional messages using the command key with 'zowe
-zos-console collect sync-responses <key>'. Note that when using this option,
-you will not be presented with the "first set" of command response messages (if
-present in the API response). However, you can view them by using the
---response-format-json option.
--return-first | --rf | -r(boolean)
Indicates that Zowe CLI should return immediately with the response message set
-returned in the first z/OSMF API request (even if no responses are present).
-Using this option may result in partial or no response, but quicker Zowe CLI
-command response time. The z/OSMF console API has an implicit wait when
-collecting the first set of console command responses, i.e you will normally
-receive at least one set of response messages.
--solicited-keyword | --sk | -s(string)
For solicited responses (direct command responses) the response is considered
-complete if the keyword specified is present. If the keyword is detected, the
-command will immediately return, meaning the full command response may not be
-provided. The key only applies to the first request issued, follow up requests
-do not support searching for the keyword.
--sysplex-system | --ss | --sys(string)
Specifies the z/OS system (LPAR) in the current SYSPLEX (where your target
-z/OSMF resides) to route the z/OS console command.
--wait-to-collect | --wtc | -w(number)
Indicates that Zowe CLI wait at least the specified number of seconds before
-attempting to collect additional solicited response messages. If additional
-messages are collected on "follow-up" requests, the timer is reset until an
-attempt is made that results in no additional response messages.
--follow-up-attempts | --fua | -a(number)
Number of request attempts if no response returned
Default value: 1
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Issue a z/OS console command to display the IPL information
-for the system:
zowe zos-console issue command "D IPLINFO"
Issue a z/OS console command to display the local and
-coordinated universal time and date:
The name of the data set that you want to copy from
The name of the data set that you want to copy to (data set must be
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Copy the data set named 'USER.FROM.SET' to the data set
-named 'USER.TO.SET':
The block size for the data set (for example, 6160)
Default value: 27998
--data-class | --dc(string)
The SMS data class to use for the allocation
--data-set-type | --dst(string)
The data set type
--device-type | --dt(string)
The device type, also known as 'unit'
--directory-blocks | --db(number)
The number of directory blocks (for example, 25)
Default value: 25
--management-class | --mc(string)
The SMS management class to use for the allocation
--primary-space | --ps(number)
The primary space allocation (for example, 5)
Default value: 10
--record-format | --rf(string)
The record format for the data set (for example, FB for "Fixed Block")
Default value: U
--record-length | --rl(number)
The logical record length. Analogous to the length of a line (for example, 80)
Default value: 27998
--secondary-space | --ss(number)
The secondary space allocation (for example, 1)
--show-attributes | --pa(boolean)
Show the full allocation attributes
--size | --sz(string)
The size of the data set (specified as nCYL or nTRK - where n is the number of
-cylinders or tracks). Sets the primary allocation (the secondary allocation
-becomes ~10% of the primary).
--storage-class | --sc(string)
The SMS storage class to use for the allocation
--volume-serial | --vs(string)
The volume serial (VOLSER) on which you want the data set to be placed. A
-VOLSER is analogous to a drive name on a PC.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Create an empty binary partitioned data set (PDS) with
-default parameters:
The block size for the data set (for example, 6160)
Default value: 32760
--data-class | --dc(string)
The SMS data class to use for the allocation
--data-set-type | --dst(string)
The data set type
--device-type | --dt(string)
The device type, also known as 'unit'
--directory-blocks | --db(number)
The number of directory blocks (for example, 25)
Default value: 25
--management-class | --mc(string)
The SMS management class to use for the allocation
--primary-space | --ps(number)
The primary space allocation (for example, 5)
Default value: 1
--record-format | --rf(string)
The record format for the data set (for example, FB for "Fixed Block")
Default value: VB
--record-length | --rl(number)
The logical record length. Analogous to the length of a line (for example, 80)
Default value: 260
--secondary-space | --ss(number)
The secondary space allocation (for example, 1)
--show-attributes | --pa(boolean)
Show the full allocation attributes
--size | --sz(string)
The size of the data set (specified as nCYL or nTRK - where n is the number of
-cylinders or tracks). Sets the primary allocation (the secondary allocation
-becomes ~10% of the primary).
--storage-class | --sc(string)
The SMS storage class to use for the allocation
--volume-serial | --vs(string)
The volume serial (VOLSER) on which you want the data set to be placed. A
-VOLSER is analogous to a drive name on a PC.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Create an empty C code PDS with default parameters:
The block size for the data set (for example, 6160)
Default value: 6160
--data-class | --dc(string)
The SMS data class to use for the allocation
--data-set-type | --dst(string)
The data set type
--device-type | --dt(string)
The device type, also known as 'unit'
--directory-blocks | --db(number)
The number of directory blocks (for example, 25)
Default value: 25
--management-class | --mc(string)
The SMS management class to use for the allocation
--primary-space | --ps(number)
The primary space allocation (for example, 5)
Default value: 1
--record-format | --rf(string)
The record format for the data set (for example, FB for "Fixed Block")
Default value: FB
--record-length | --rl(number)
The logical record length. Analogous to the length of a line (for example, 80)
Default value: 80
--secondary-space | --ss(number)
The secondary space allocation (for example, 1)
--show-attributes | --pa(boolean)
Show the full allocation attributes
--size | --sz(string)
The size of the data set (specified as nCYL or nTRK - where n is the number of
-cylinders or tracks). Sets the primary allocation (the secondary allocation
-becomes ~10% of the primary).
--storage-class | --sc(string)
The SMS storage class to use for the allocation
--volume-serial | --vs(string)
The volume serial (VOLSER) on which you want the data set to be placed. A
-VOLSER is analogous to a drive name on a PC.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Create an empty z/OS 'classic' PDS with default parameters:
The block size for the data set (for example, 6160)
Default value: 6160
--data-class | --dc(string)
The SMS data class to use for the allocation
--data-set-type | --dst(string)
The data set type
--device-type | --dt(string)
The device type, also known as 'unit'
--directory-blocks | --db(number)
The number of directory blocks (for example, 25)
Default value: 5
--management-class | --mc(string)
The SMS management class to use for the allocation
--primary-space | --ps(number)
The primary space allocation (for example, 5)
Default value: 1
--record-format | --rf(string)
The record format for the data set (for example, FB for "Fixed Block")
Default value: FB
--record-length | --rl(number)
The logical record length. Analogous to the length of a line (for example, 80)
Default value: 80
--secondary-space | --ss(number)
The secondary space allocation (for example, 1)
--show-attributes | --pa(boolean)
Show the full allocation attributes
--size | --sz(string)
The size of the data set (specified as nCYL or nTRK - where n is the number of
-cylinders or tracks). Sets the primary allocation (the secondary allocation
-becomes ~10% of the primary).
--storage-class | --sc(string)
The SMS storage class to use for the allocation
--volume-serial | --vs(string)
The volume serial (VOLSER) on which you want the data set to be placed. A
-VOLSER is analogous to a drive name on a PC.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
The block size for the data set (for example, 6160)
Default value: 6160
--data-class | --dc(string)
The SMS data class to use for the allocation
--device-type | --dt(string)
The device type, also known as 'unit'
--directory-blocks | --db(number)
The number of directory blocks (for example, 25)
--management-class | --mc(string)
The SMS management class to use for the allocation
--primary-space | --ps(number)
The primary space allocation (for example, 5)
Default value: 1
--record-format | --rf(string)
The record format for the data set (for example, FB for "Fixed Block")
Default value: FB
--record-length | --rl(number)
The logical record length. Analogous to the length of a line (for example, 80)
Default value: 80
--secondary-space | --ss(number)
The secondary space allocation (for example, 1)
--show-attributes | --pa(boolean)
Show the full allocation attributes
--size | --sz(string)
The size of the data set (specified as nCYL or nTRK - where n is the number of
-cylinders or tracks). Sets the primary allocation (the secondary allocation
-becomes ~10% of the primary).
--storage-class | --sc(string)
The SMS storage class to use for the allocation
--volume-serial | --vs(string)
The volume serial (VOLSER) on which you want the data set to be placed. A
-VOLSER is analogous to a drive name on a PC.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Create an empty physical sequential data set with default
The SMS management class to use for the allocation
--retain-for | --rf(number)
The number of days that the VSAM cluster will be retained on the system. You
-can delete the cluster at any time when neither retain-for nor retain-to is
--retain-to | --rt(string)
The earliest date that a command without the PURGE parameter can delete an
-entry. Specify the expiration date in the form yyyyddd, where yyyy is a
-four-digit year (maximum value: 2155) and ddd is the three-digit day of the
-year from 001 through 365 (for non-leap years) or 366 (for leap years). You
-can delete the cluster at any time when neither retain-for nor retain-to is
-used. You cannot specify both the 'retain-to' and 'retain-for' options.
--secondary-space | --ss(number)
The number of items for the secondary space allocation (for example, 840). The
-type of item allocated is the same as the type used for the '--size' option.
-If you do not specify a secondary allocation, a value of ~10% of the primary
-allocation is used.
--show-attributes | --pa(boolean)
Show the full allocation attributes
--size | --sz(string)
The primary size to allocate for the VSAM cluster. Specify size as the number
-of items to allocate (nItems). You specify the type of item by keyword.
Default value: 840KB
--storage-class | --sc(string)
The SMS storage class to use for the allocation
--volumes | -v(string)
The storage volumes on which to allocate a VSAM cluster. Specify a single
-volume by its volume serial (VOLSER). To specify more than one volume, enclose
-the option in double-quotes and separate each VOLSER with a space. You must
-specify the volumes option when your cluster is not SMS-managed.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Create a VSAM data set named "SOME.DATA.SET.NAME" using
-default values of INDEXED, 840 KB primary storage and 84 KB secondary storage:
The name of the directory that you want to create.
--mode | -m(string)
Specifies the file permission bits to use when creating the directory.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Create a USS directory named "testDir" :
zowe zos-files create uss-directory testDir
Create a USS directory named "testDir" with mode "rwxrwxrwx"
Specifies the file permission bits to use when creating the file.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Create a USS file named "test.ext" :
zowe zos-files create uss-file text.txt
Create a USS file named "text.txt" with mode "rwxrwxrwx" :
The number of primary cylinders to allocate for the ZFS.
Default value: 10
--cyls-sec | --cs(number)
The number of secondary cylinders to allocate for the ZFS.
Default value: 2
--data-class | --dc(string)
The SMS data class to use for the allocation
--group | -g(string)
The z/OS group ID or GID for the group of the ZFS root directory.
--management-class | --mc(string)
The SMS management class to use for the allocation
--owner | -o(string)
The z/OS user ID or UID for the owner of the ZFS root directory.
--perms | -p(number)
The permissions code for the ZFS root directory.
Default value: 755
--storage-class | --sc(string)
The SMS storage class to use for the allocation
--timeout | -t(number)
The number of seconds to wait for the underlying "zfsadm format" command to
-complete. If this command times out, the ZFS may have been created but not
-formatted correctly.
Default value: 20
--volumes | -v(array)
The storage volumes on which to allocate the z/OS file system. Specify a single
-volume by its volume serial (VOLSER). To specify more than one volume, separate
-each VOLSER with a space. You must specify the volumes option when your cluster
-is not SMS-managed.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Create a ZFS named "HLQ.MYNEW.ZFS" using default values of
-755 permissions, 10 primary and 2 secondary cylinders allocated, and a timeout
-of 20 seconds:
Specify this option to confirm that you want to delete the data set
--volume | --vol(string)
The volume serial (VOLSER) where the data set resides. The option is required
-only when the data set is not catalogued on the system.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Delete the data set named 'ibmuser.cntl':
zowe zos-files delete data-set "ibmuser.cntl" -f
Delete the data set member named 'ibmuser.cntl(mem)':
The name of the VSAM cluster that you want to delete
--erase | -e(boolean)
Specify this option to overwrite the data component for the cluster with binary
-zeros. This option is ignored if the NOERASE attribute was specified when the
-cluster was defined or altered.
Default value: false
--purge | -p(boolean)
Specify this option to delete the VSAM cluster regardless of its retention
-period or date.
Default value: false
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Required Options
--for-sure | -f(boolean)
Specify this option to confirm that you want to delete the VSAM cluster
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Delete the VSAM data set named 'ibmuser.cntl.vsam':
The name of the migrated data set you want to delete.
--wait | -w(boolean)
If true then the function waits for completion of the request. If false
-(default) the request is queued.
Default value: false
--purge | -p(boolean)
If true then the function uses the PURGE=YES on ARCHDEL request. If false
-(default) the function uses the PURGE=NO on ARCHDEL request.
Default value: false
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
The name of the file or directory that you want to delete
Required Options
--for-sure | -f(boolean)
Specify this option to confirm that you want to delete the file or directory
--recursive | -r(boolean)
Delete directories recursively.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Delete the empty directory '/u/ibmuser/testcases':
The name of the z/OS file system that you want to delete.
Required Options
--for-sure | -f(boolean)
Specify this option to confirm that you want to delete the ZFS permanently.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
The name of the data set from which you want to download members
--binary | -b(boolean)
Download the file content in binary mode, which means that no data conversion is
-performed. The data transfer process returns each line as-is, without
-translation. No delimiters are added between records.
--directory | -d(string)
The directory to where you want to save the members. The command creates the
-directory for you when it does not already exist. By default, the command
-creates a folder structure based on the data set qualifiers. For example, the
-data set's members are downloaded to ibmuser/new/cntl).
--encoding | --ec(number)
Download the file content with encoding mode, which means that data conversion
-is performed using the file encoding specified.
--extension | -e(string)
Save the local files with a specified file extension. For example, .txt. Or
-"" for no extension. When no extension is specified, .txt is used as the
-default file extension.
--fail-fast | --ff(boolean)
Set this option to false to continue downloading dataset members if one or more
Default value: true
--max-concurrent-requests | --mcr(number)
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent z/OSMF REST API requests to download
-members. Increasing the value results in faster downloads. However, increasing
-the value increases resource consumption on z/OS and can be prone to errors
-caused by making too many concurrent requests. If the download process
-encounters an error, the following message displays:
-The maximum number of TSO address spaces have been created. When you specify 0,
-Zowe CLI attempts to download all members at once without a maximum number of
-concurrent requests.
Default value: 1
--preserve-original-letter-case | --po(boolean)
Specifies if the automatically generated directories and files use the original
-letter case
Default value: false
--volume-serial | --vs(string)
The volume serial (VOLSER) where the data set resides. You can use this option
-at any time. However, the VOLSER is required only when the data set is not
-cataloged on the system. A VOLSER is analogous to a drive name on a PC.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Download the members of the data set "ibmuser.loadlib" in
-binary mode to the directory "loadlib/":
The name of the data set that you want to download
--binary | -b(boolean)
Download the file content in binary mode, which means that no data conversion is
-performed. The data transfer process returns each line as-is, without
-translation. No delimiters are added between records.
--encoding | --ec(number)
Download the file content with encoding mode, which means that data conversion
-is performed using the file encoding specified.
--extension | -e(string)
Save the local files with a specified file extension. For example, .txt. Or
-"" for no extension. When no extension is specified, .txt is used as the
-default file extension.
--file | -f(string)
The path to the local file where you want to download the content. When you
-omit the option, the command generates a file name automatically for you.
--preserve-original-letter-case | --po(boolean)
Specifies if the automatically generated directories and files use the original
-letter case
Default value: false
--volume-serial | --vs(string)
The volume serial (VOLSER) where the data set resides. You can use this option
-at any time. However, the VOLSER is required only when the data set is not
-cataloged on the system. A VOLSER is analogous to a drive name on a PC.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Download the data set "ibmuser.loadlib(main)" in binary mode
-to the local file "main.obj":
Download the file content in binary mode, which means that no data conversion is
-performed. The data transfer process returns each line as-is, without
-translation. No delimiters are added between records.
--encoding | --ec(number)
Download the file content with encoding mode, which means that data conversion
-is performed using the file encoding specified.
--file | -f(string)
The path to the local file where you want to download the content. When you
-omit the option, the command generates a file name automatically for you.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Download the file "/a/ibmuser/my_text.txt" to ./my_text.txt:
Submit control statements for execution by Access Method Services (IDCAMS). You
-can use IDCAMS to create VSAM data sets (CSI, ZFS, etc...), delete data sets,
-and more. You must format the control statements exactly as the IDCAMS utility
-expects. For more information about control statements, see the IBM publication
-'z/OS DFSMS Access Method Services Commands'.
The path to a file that contains IDCAMS control statements. Ensure that your
-file does not contain statements that are longer than 255 characters (maximum
-allowed length).
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Reads the specified file and submits the controls
Submit control statements for execution by Access Method Services (IDCAMS). You
-can use IDCAMS to create VSAM data sets (CSI, ZFS, etc...), delete data sets,
-and more. You must format the control statements exactly as the IDCAMS utility
-expects. For more information about control statements, see the IBM publication
-'z/OS DFSMS Access Method Services Commands'.
The IDCAMS control statement that you want to submit. Zowe CLI attempts to
-split the inline control statement at 255 characters.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
List all members of a partitioned data set. To view additional information
-about each member, use the --attributes option under the Options section of
-this help text.
zowe zos-files list all-members <dataSetName> [options]
Positional Arguments
The name of the data set for which you want to list the members
--attributes | -a(boolean)
Display more information about each member. Data sets with an undefined record
-format display information related to executable modules. Variable and fixed
-block data sets display information about when the members were created and
--max-length | --max(number)
The option --max-length specifies the maximum number of items to return.
-Skip this parameter to return all items. If you specify an incorrect value, the
-parameter returns up to 1000 items.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Show members of the data set "ibmuser.asm":
zowe zos-files list all-members "ibmuser.asm"
Show attributes of members of the data set "ibmuser.cntl":
zowe zos-files list all-members "ibmuser.cntl" -a
Show the first 5 members of the data set "ibmuser.cntl":
zowe zos-files list all-members "ibmuser.cntl" --max 5
List data sets that match a pattern in the data set name
zowe zos-files list data-set <dataSetName> [options]
Positional Arguments
The name or pattern of the data set that you want to list
--attributes | -a(boolean)
Display more information about each member. Data sets with an undefined record
-format display information related to executable modules. Variable and fixed
-block data sets display information about when the members were created and
--max-length | --max(number)
The option --max-length specifies the maximum number of items to return.
-Skip this parameter to return all items. If you specify an incorrect value, the
-parameter returns up to 1000 items.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Show the data set "ibmuser.asm":
zowe zos-files list data-set "ibmuser.asm"
Show attributes of the data set "ibmuser.cntl":
zowe zos-files list data-set "ibmuser.cntl" -a
Show all data sets of the user "ibmuser":
zowe zos-files list data-set "ibmuser.*"
Show attributes of all data sets of the user "ibmuser":
zowe zos-files list data-set "ibmuser.*" -a
Show the first 5 data sets of the user "ibmuser":
zowe zos-files list data-set "ibmuser.cntl" --max 5
List all mounted filesystems, or the specific filesystem mounted at a given
-path, or the filesystem with a given filesystem name.
zowe zos-files list file-system [options]
--max-length | --max(number)
The option --max-length specifies the maximum number of items to return.
-Skip this parameter to return all items. If you specify an incorrect value, the
-parameter returns up to 1000 items.
--fsname | -f(string)
Specifies the name of the mounted file system. This option and --path are
-mutually exclusive.
--path | -p(string)
Specifies the path where the file system is mounted. This option and --fsname
-are mutually exclusive.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
List USS files and directories in a UNIX file path
zowe zos-files list uss-files <path> [options]
Positional Arguments
The directory containing the files and directories to be listed
--max-length | --max(number)
The option --max-length specifies the maximum number of items to return.
-Skip this parameter to return all items. If you specify an incorrect value, the
-parameter returns up to 1000 items.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Show the files and directories in path '/u/ibmuser':
zowe zos-files list uss-files "/u/ibmuser"
Show the files and directories in path '/u/ibmuser
-displaying only the file or directory name:
zowe zos-files list uss-files "/u/ibmuser" --rff name
Show the files and directories in path '/u/ibmuser'
-displaying the headers associated with the file detail:
If true then the function waits for completion of the request. If false
-(default) the request is queued.
Default value: false
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
Mount a UNIX file system on a specified directory.
zowe zos-files mount file-system <fileSystemName> <mountPoint> [options]
Positional Arguments
The name of the file system to mount.
The directory to use as a mount point.
--fs-type | --ft(string)
Specify the file system type that you are going to mount. The name must match
-the TYPE operand on a FILESYSTYPE statement in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member for
-the file system.
Default value: ZFS
--mode | -m(string)
Specify the mode for mounting the file system (rdonly - read-only, rdwr -
Default value: rdonly
Allowed values: rdonly, rdwr
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Mount a z/OS file system using default options:
zowe zos-files mount file-system MY.ZFS /a/ibmuser/mountdir
Mount a hierarchical file system with write access:
zowe zos-files mount file-system MY.HFS /a/ibmuser/mountdir --ft HFS -m rdwr
If true then the function waits for completion of the request. If false
-(default) the request is queued.
Default value: false
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Rename the data set named 'USER.BEFORE.SET' to
The name of the data set member that you want to rename.
The name you want to rename the data set member to.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
In the data set 'USER.DATA.SET', rename the member named
-'MEM1' to 'MEM2'.:
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
The path for a local directory that you want to upload to a PDS
The name of the partitioned data set to which you want to upload the files
--binary | -b(boolean)
Data content in binary mode, which means that no data conversion is performed.
-The data transfer process returns each record as-is, without translation. No
-delimiters are added between records.
--encoding | --ec(number)
Data content in encoding mode, which means that data conversion is performed
-according to the encoding specified.
--migrated-recall | --mr(string)
The method by which migrated data set is handled. By default, a migrated data
-set is recalled synchronously. You can specify the following values: wait,
-nowait, error
Default value: nowait
--volume-serial | --vs(string)
The volume serial (VOLSER) where the data set resides. You can use this option
-at any time. However, the VOLSER is required only when the data set is not
-cataloged on the system. A VOLSER is analogous to a drive name on a PC.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Upload a directory named "src" to a PDS named "ibmuser.src":
An optional .zosattributes file in the source directory can be used to control
-file conversion and tagging.
An example .zosattributes file: # pattern local-encoding remote-encoding # Don't upload the node_modules directory .* - *.jpg binary binary # Convert CICS Node.js profiles to EBCDIC *.profile ISO8859-1 EBCDIC
Lines starting with the ‘#’ character are comments. Each line can specify up
-to three positional attributes:
A pattern to match a set of files. Pattern-matching syntax follows
-the same rules as those that apply in .gitignore files (note that negated
-patterns that begin with ‘!’ are not supported). See
A local-encoding to identify a file’s encoding on the local
-workstation. If '-' is specified for local-encoding,files that match the
-pattern are not transferred.
A remote-encoding to specify the file’s desired character set on
-USS. This attribute must either match the local encoding or be set to EBCDIC.
-If set to EBCDIC, files are transferred in text mode and converted, otherwise
-they are transferred in binary mode. Remote files are tagged either with the
-remote encoding or as binary.
Due to a z/OSMF limitation, files that are transferred in text mode are
-converted to the default EBCDIC code page on the z/OS system. Therefore the
-only EBCDIC code page to specify as the remote encoding is the default code page
-for your system.
A .zosattributes file can either be placed in the top-level directory you want
-to upload, or its location can be specified by using the --attributes
-parameter. .zosattributes files that are placed in nested directories are
The local directory path that you want to upload to a USS directory
The name of the USS directory to which you want to upload the local directory
--binary | -b(boolean)
Data content in binary mode, which means that no data conversion is performed.
-The data transfer process returns each record as-is, without translation. No
-delimiters are added between records.
--recursive | -r(boolean)
Upload all directories recursively.
--binary-files | --bf(string)
Comma separated list of file names to be uploaded in binary mode. Use this
-option when you upload a directory in default ASCII mode, but you want to
-specify certain files to be uploaded in binary mode. All files matching
-specified file names will be uploaded in binary mode. If a .zosattributes file
-(or equivalent file specified via --attributes) is present, --binary-files
-will be ignored.
--ascii-files | --af(string)
Comma separated list of file names to be uploaded in ASCII mode. Use this
-option when you upload a directory with --binary/-b flag, but you want to
-specify certain files to be uploaded in ASCII mode. All files matching
-specified file names will be uploaded in ASCII mode. If a .zosattributes file
-(or equivalent file specified via --attributes) is present, --ascii-files
-will be ignored.
--attributes | --attrs(string)
Path of an attributes file to control how files are uploaded
--max-concurrent-requests | --mcr(number)
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent z/OSMF REST API requests to upload
-files. Increasing the value results in faster uploads. However, increasing the
-value increases resource consumption on z/OS and can be prone to errors caused
-by making too many concurrent requests. If the upload process encounters an
-error, the following message displays:
-The maximum number of TSO address spaces have been created. When you specify 0,
-Zowe CLI attempts to upload all members at once without a maximum number of
-concurrent requests.
Default value: 1
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Upload all files from the "local_dir" directory to the
-"/a/ibmuser/my_dir" USS directory:":
Upload all files from the "local_dir" directory to the
-"/a/ibmuser/my_dir" USS directory in default ASCII mode, while specifying a list
-of file names (without path) to be uploaded in binary mode::
Upload all files from the "local_dir" directory to the
-"/a/ibmuser/my_dir" USS directory in binary mode, while specifying a list of
-file names (without path) to be uploaded in ASCII mode::
Recursively upload all files from the "local_dir" directory
-to the "/a/ibmuser/my_dir" USS directory, specifying files to ignore and file
-encodings in the local file my_global_attributes::
The local file that you want to upload to a data set
The name of the data set to which you want to upload the file
--binary | -b(boolean)
Data content in binary mode, which means that no data conversion is performed.
-The data transfer process returns each record as-is, without translation. No
-delimiters are added between records.
--encoding | --ec(number)
Data content in encoding mode, which means that data conversion is performed
-according to the encoding specified.
--migrated-recall | --mr(string)
The method by which migrated data set is handled. By default, a migrated data
-set is recalled synchronously. You can specify the following values: wait,
-nowait, error
Default value: nowait
--volume-serial | --vs(string)
The volume serial (VOLSER) where the data set resides. You can use this option
-at any time. However, the VOLSER is required only when the data set is not
-cataloged on the system. A VOLSER is analogous to a drive name on a PC.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Upload file contents to a sequential data set named
The local file that you want to upload to a USS file
The name of the USS file to which you want to upload the file
--binary | -b(boolean)
Data content in binary mode, which means that no data conversion is performed.
-The data transfer process returns each record as-is, without translation. No
-delimiters are added between records.
--encoding | --ec(number)
Data content in encoding mode, which means that data conversion is performed
-according to the encoding specified.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Upload to the USS file "/a/ibmuser/my_text.txt" from the
-file "file.txt":
The name of the data set to which you want to upload data
--binary | -b(boolean)
Data content in binary mode, which means that no data conversion is performed.
-The data transfer process returns each record as-is, without translation. No
-delimiters are added between records.
--migrated-recall | --mr(string)
The method by which migrated data set is handled. By default, a migrated data
-set is recalled synchronously. You can specify the following values: wait,
-nowait, error
Default value: nowait
--volume-serial | --vs(string)
The volume serial (VOLSER) where the data set resides. You can use this option
-at any time. However, the VOLSER is required only when the data set is not
-cataloged on the system. A VOLSER is analogous to a drive name on a PC.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Stream content from stdin to a sequential data set named
-"" from a Windows console:
Data set and job functionality via FTP. This functionality uses the open source
-zos-node-accessor package from IBM. Commands under this group require you to
-create a zftp profile before using them.
-If you find this functionality useful, please consider setting up z/OSMF on your
-system to get improved stability and speed and more features (for example,
-issuing TSO and console commands) by using core Zowe CLI.
The data set (PDS member or physical sequential data set) which you would like
-to delete.
Required Options
--for-sure | -f(boolean)
Specify this option to confirm that you want to delete the data set
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
Cancel a job and purge its output. Note: this command will not work to delete
-TSU or STC type jobs.
zowe zos-ftp delete job <jobid> [options]
Positional Arguments
The ID of the job that you would like to delete
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Cancel the job "JOB00123" and purge its output, optionally
-abbreviating the job ID:
The absolute path to a USS file you would like to delete.
Required Options
--for-sure | -f(boolean)
Specify this option to confirm that you want to delete the data set
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
Delete the directory and all files/directories under it.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
The ID of the job for which you would like to list spool files
--directory | -d(string)
The local directory to save the spool content to. By default, it will be saved
-to "./output".
--omit-jobid-directory | --ojd(boolean)
If you specify this, the job output will be saved directly to the specified (or
-default) directory. For example, if you omit this, the output would be saved to
-./output/JOB00123. If you specify --ojd, the JOB00123 directory would not be
-included in the output path and the content would be saved to ./output.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Download all spool for the job with the ID JOB00123 to the
-default subdirectory in the current directory:
zowe zos-ftp download all-spool-by-jobid j123
Download all spool for the job with the ID JOB00123 to the
-directory build/job_output:
The data set (PDS member or physical sequential data set) which you would like
-to download to a local file.
--binary | -b(boolean)
Download the file content in binary mode, which means that no data conversion is
-performed. The data transfer process returns each line as-is, without
-translation. No delimiters are added between records.
--file | -f(string)
The path to the local file where you want to download the content. When you
-omit the option, the command generates a file name automatically for you.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Download the data set "ibmuser.loadlib(main)" in binary mode
-to the local file "main.obj":
The path to the USS file you would like to download.
--binary | -b(boolean)
Download the file content in binary mode, which means that no data conversion is
-performed. The data transfer process returns each line as-is, without
-translation. No delimiters are added between records.
--file | -f(string)
The path to the local file where you want to download the content. When you
-omit the option, the command generates a file name automatically for you.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Download the USS file "/u/users/ibmuser/main.obj" in binary
-mode to the local file "main.obj":
List all data sets that match a DSLEVEL pattern (see help below).
-The following values can be used with the --response-format-filter (--rff)
-argument to display more data from the data sets:volume, unit, referred, ext,
-used, recfm, lrecl, blksz, dsorg, and dsname.
zowe zos-ftp list data-set <pattern> [options]
Positional Arguments
The pattern or patterns to match data sets against. Also known as 'DSLEVEL', it
-is somewhat similar to the concept of a 'glob' (but not identical). The
-following special sequences can be used in the pattern:
-%: Matches any single character
-*: Matches any number of characters within a data set name qualifier (e.g.
-"ibmuser.j*.old" matches "ibmuser.jcl.old" but not
-**: Matches any number of characters within any number of data set name
-qualifiers (e.g. "ibmuser.**.old" matches both "ibmuser.jcl.old" and
-However, the pattern cannot begin with any of these sequences.
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
List all data sets beginning with "ibmuser" and ending in
List all members of the specified PDS or PDSE data set.
zowe zos-ftp list data-set-members <dsname> [options]
Positional Arguments
The PDS or PDSE data set name.
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
List all members in data set "ibmuser.test.cntl":
zowe zos-ftp list data-set-members "ibmuser.test.cntl"
List all data sets that match a DSLEVEL pattern (see help below).
zowe zos-ftp list jobs [options]
Required Options
Specify the job name prefix of the jobs you own and want to list. You can
-specify a wildcard, which is usually in the form "JOB*".
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
--owner | -o(string)
Specify the owner user ID of the jobs you want to list. The owner is the
-individual/user who submitted the job OR the user ID assigned to the job.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
List all jobs with names beginning beginning with "ibmu":
zowe zos-ftp list jobs --prefix "ibmu*"
List Alice's jobs with names beginning beginning with
zowe zos-ftp list jobs --prefix "ibmu*" --owner "alice"
Given a z/OS job JOBID, list the spool files (DDs) for a z/OS job on the
-JES/spool queues. The command does not pre-validate the JOBID. The command
-presents errors verbatim from the z/OSMF Jobs REST endpoints.
zowe zos-ftp list spool-files-by-jobid <jobid> [options]
Positional Arguments
The z/OS JOBID of the job with the spool files you want to list. No
-pre-validation of the JOBID is performed.
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
List the spool files of the job with JOBID JOB00123:
List USS files and subdirectories in a directory.
-The following values can be used with the --response-format-filter (--rff)
-argument todisplay more data from the data sets:name, size, owner, group, and
zowe zos-ftp list uss-files <directory> [options]
Positional Arguments
The USS directory to list files in
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
List USS files in the directory "/u/users/ibmuser/":
zowe zos-ftp list uss-files "/u/users/ibmuser"
List USS files in the directory "/u/users/ibmuser/" and show
-only the file name:
zowe zos-ftp list uss-files "/u/users/ibmuser/" --rff name
zowe zos-ftp make uss-directory <ussDirectory> [options]
Positional Arguments
The USS directory you'd like to make.
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Make a USS directory "/u/users/ibmuser/mydir":
zowe zos-ftp make uss-directory "/u/users/ibmuser/mydir"
The current name of the data set you want to rename.
The new name for the data set.
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
Rename the data set member "ibmuser.cntl(alloc)" to
-"ibmuser.cntl(alloc2)". Note: you can only rename members within the same
-partitioned data set. You cannot move a member to another data set with this
The current name of the USS file you want to rename.
The new name for the USS file.
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Rename the file /u/users/ibmuser/hello.txt to
Submit a job from a cataloged data set containing JCL. The JCL will be
-downloaded via FTP and then submitted.
zowe zos-ftp submit data-set <dataSet> [options]
Positional Arguments
The data set containing JCL that you would like to submit
--wait | -w(string)
Specify job query interval and max times of querying job status. The format of
-this option is comma-separated numeric values. For example, '5,12' means
-queries job status every 5 seconds for 12 times at most.
--wait-for-output | --wfo(boolean)
Wait for the job to enter OUTPUT status before completing the command.
--wait-for-active | --wfa(boolean)
Wait for the job to enter ACTIVE status before completing the command.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Submit a job residing in the data set
Specify job query interval and max times of querying job status. The format of
-this option is comma-separated numeric values. For example, '5,12' means
-queries job status every 5 seconds for 12 times at most.
--wait-for-output | --wfo(boolean)
Wait for the job to enter OUTPUT status before completing the command.
--wait-for-active | --wfa(boolean)
Wait for the job to enter ACTIVE status before completing the command.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Submit a job from the local file "my_build_jcl.txt":
zowe zos-ftp submit local-file "my_build_jcl.txt"
Submit a job from the local file "my_build_jcl.txt" and
-print only the job ID:
Submit a job from JCL written to the standard input (stdin) of this process.
zowe zos-ftp submit stdin [options]
--wait | -w(string)
Specify job query interval and max times of querying job status. The format of
-this option is comma-separated numeric values. For example, '5,12' means
-queries job status every 5 seconds for 12 times at most.
--wait-for-output | --wfo(boolean)
Wait for the job to enter OUTPUT status before completing the command.
--wait-for-active | --wfa(boolean)
Wait for the job to enter ACTIVE status before completing the command.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Submit a job from stdin, redirecting the contents of
-my_jcl.txt in.:
zowe zos-ftp submit stdin < my_jcl.txt
Submit a job from the local file "my_build_jcl.txt" and wait
-for job complete.:
The data set (PDS member or physical sequential data set) to which you would
-like to upload content.
--binary | -b(boolean)
Upload content in binary mode.
DCB parameters for dataset allocation if not existing. It's space separated
-like RECFM=FB LRECL=326 BLKSIZE=23472
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Upload to "ibmuser.cntl(iefbr14)" from the file iefbr14.txt:
Upload the contents of this local file to a data set.
The USS file to which you would like to upload content.
--binary | -b(boolean)
Upload content in binary mode.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Upload to "/u/users/ibmuser/iefbr14.txt" from the file
The data set (PDS member or physical sequential data set) to which you would
-like to upload content.
--binary | -b(boolean)
Upload content in binary mode.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Upload to "ibmuser.cntl(iefbr14)" from standard input (you
-can pipe into this command):
The USS file to which you would like to upload content.
--binary | -b(boolean)
Upload content in binary mode.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Upload to "/u/users/ibmuser/iefbr14.txt" from standard input
-(you can pipe into this command):
The ID of the job for which you would like to list spool files
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
View all spool content for the job with ID JOB00123
-(optionally abbreviating the job ID):
The data set (PDS member or physical sequential data set) which you would like
-to view the contents of.
--binary | -b(boolean)
View content in binary form without converting to ASCII text
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
View the content of the data set "ibmuser.cntl(iefbr14)":
View status details of a single z/OS job on spool/JES queues. The command does
-not prevalidate the JOBID. The command presents errors verbatim from the z/OSMF
-Jobs REST endpoints (expect for "no jobs found").
The ID of the jobfor which you would like to list spool files
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
View the status for the job with ID "JOB00123" (optionally
-abbreviating the ID):
View the contents of a spool file from a z/OS job on spool/JES queues. The
-command does not pre-validate the JOBID or spool ID. The command presents
-errors verbatim from the z/OSMF Jobs REST endpoints.
The z/OS JOBID of the job containing the spool file you want to view. No
-pre-validation of the JOBID is performed.
The spool file ID number for the spool file to view. Use the "imperative
-zos-jobs list spool-files-by-jobid" command to obtain spool ID numbers.No
-pre-validation of the ID is performed.
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
View the spool file with ID 4 for the job with job ID
View content in binary form without converting to ASCII text
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
View the content of the USS file
The job ID (e.g. JOB00123) of the job. Job ID is a unique identifier for z/OS
-batch jobs -- no two jobs on one system can have the same ID. Note: z/OS
-allows you to abbreviate the job ID if desired. You can use, for example
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
The job ID (e.g. JOB00123) of the job. Job ID is a unique identifier for z/OS
-batch jobs -- no two jobs on one system can have the same ID. Note: z/OS
-allows you to abbreviate the job ID if desired. You can use, for example
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
Download all job output to a local directory. Each spool DD will be downloaded
-to its own file in the directory.
zowe zos-jobs download output <jobid> [options]
Positional Arguments
The z/OS JOBID of the job containing the spool files you want to view. No
-pre-validation of the JOBID is performed.
--directory | -d | --dir(string)
The local directory you would like to download the output for the job to.
--extension | -e(string)
A file extension to save the job output with. Defaults to '.txt'.
--omit-jobid-directory | --ojd(boolean)
If specified, job output will be saved directly to the specified directory
-rather than creating a subdirectory named after the ID of the job.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Download all the output of the job with job ID JOB00234 to
-an automatically generated directory.:
List jobs on JES spool/queues. By default, the command lists jobs owned (owner)
-by the user specified in your z/OSMF profile. The default for prefix is "*".
-The command does not prevalidate your user ID. The command surfaces errors
-verbatim from the z/OSMF Jobs REST endpoints.
zowe zos-jobs list jobs [options]
--owner | -o(string)
Specify the owner of the jobs you want to list. The owner is the
-individual/user who submitted the job OR the user ID assigned to the job. The
-command does not prevalidate the owner. You can specify a wildcard according to
-the z/OSMF Jobs REST endpoint documentation, which is usually in the form
--prefix | -p(string)
Specify the job name prefix of the jobs you want to list. The command does not
-prevalidate the owner. You can specify a wildcard according to the z/OSMF Jobs
-REST endpoint documentation, which is usually in the form "JOB*".
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
List all jobs with default settings. The command returns
-jobs owned by your user ID with any job name:
zowe zos-jobs list jobs
List all jobs owned by user IDs starting with 'ibmu' and job
-names starting with 'myjo':
zowe zos-jobs list jobs -o "ibmu*" -p "myjo*"
List all jobs with default owner and prefix settings,
-displaying only the job ID of each job:
Given a z/OS job JOBID, list the spool files (DDs) for a z/OS job on the
-JES/spool queues. The command does not pre-validate the JOBID. The command
-presents errors verbatim from the z/OSMF Jobs REST endpoints.
zowe zos-jobs list spool-files-by-jobid <jobid> [options]
Positional Arguments
The z/OS JOBID of the job with the spool files you want to list. No
-pre-validation of the JOBID is performed.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
List the spool files of the job with JOBID JOB00123:
Submit a job (JCL) contained in a data set. The data set may be of type
-physical sequential or a PDS member. The command does not pre-validate the
-data set name. The command presents errors verbatim from the z/OSMF Jobs REST
-endpoints. For more information about z/OSMF Jobs API errors, see the z/OSMF
-Jobs API REST documentation.
zowe zos-jobs submit data-set <dataset> [options]
Positional Arguments
The z/OS data set containing the JCL to submit. You can specify a physical
-sequential data set (for example, "DATA.SET") or a partitioned data set
-qualified by a member (for example, "DATA.SET(MEMBER)").
--volume | --vol(string)
The volume serial (VOLSER) where the data set resides. The option is required
-only when the data set is not catalogued on the system.
--wait-for-output | --wfo(boolean)
Wait for the job to enter OUTPUT status before completing the command.
--wait-for-active | --wfa(boolean)
Wait for the job to enter ACTIVE status before completing the command.
--view-all-spool-content | --vasc(boolean)
Print all spool output. If you use this option you will wait the job to
--directory | -d(string)
The local directory you would like to download the output of the job. Creates a
-subdirectory using the jobID as the name and files are titled based on DD
-names. If you use this option you will wait the job to complete.
--extension | -e(string)
A file extension to save the job output with. Default is '.txt'.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Submit the JCL in the data set "ibmuser.cntl(deploy)":
Submit a job (JCL) contained in a local file. The command presents errors
-verbatim from the z/OSMF Jobs REST endpoints. For more information about z/OSMF
-Jobs API errors, see the z/OSMF Jobs API REST documentation.
Print all spool output. If you use this option you will wait the job to
--wait-for-output | --wfo(boolean)
Wait for the job to enter OUTPUT status before completing the command.
--wait-for-active | --wfa(boolean)
Wait for the job to enter ACTIVE status before completing the command.
--directory | -d(string)
The local directory you would like to download the output of the job. Creates a
-subdirectory using the jobID as the name and files are titled based on DD
-names. If you use this option you will wait the job to complete.
--extension | -e(string)
A file extension to save the job output with. Default is '.txt'.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Submit a job (JCL) passed to the command via the stdin stream. The command
-presents errors verbatim from the z/OSMF Jobs REST endpoints. For more
-information about z/OSMF Jobs API errors, see the z/OSMF Jobs API REST
zowe zos-jobs submit stdin [options]
--view-all-spool-content | --vasc(boolean)
Print all spool output. If you use this option you will wait the job to
--wait-for-output | --wfo(boolean)
Wait for the job to enter OUTPUT status before completing the command.
--wait-for-active | --wfa(boolean)
Wait for the job to enter ACTIVE status before completing the command.
--directory | -d(string)
The local directory you would like to download the output of the job. Creates a
-subdirectory using the jobID as the name and files are titled based on DD
-names. If you use this option you will wait the job to complete.
--extension | -e(string)
A file extension to save the job output with. Default is '.txt'.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
View status details of a single z/OS job on spool/JES queues. The command does
-not prevalidate the JOBID. The command presents errors verbatim from the z/OSMF
-Jobs REST endpoints (expect for "no jobs found").
The z/OS JOBID of the job you want to view. No prevalidation of the JOBID is
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
View status and other details of the job with the job ID
zowe zos-jobs view job-status-by-jobid j123
Print only the status (for example, "OUTPUT" or "ACTIVE") of
-the job with the job ID JOB00123:
zowe zos-jobs view job-status-by-jobid j123 --rff status --rft string
View the contents of a spool file from a z/OS job on spool/JES queues. The
-command does not pre-validate the JOBID or spool ID. The command presents
-errors verbatim from the z/OSMF Jobs REST endpoints.
The z/OS JOBID of the job containing the spool file you want to view. No
-pre-validation of the JOBID is performed.
The spool file ID number for the spool file to view. Use the "zowe zos-jobs
-list spool-files-by-jobid" command to obtain spool ID numbers.No
-pre-validation of the ID is performed.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
View the spool file with ID 4 for the job with job ID
Creates a TSO address space, issues a TSO command through the newly created
-address space, waits for the READY prompt to print the response, and terminates
-the TSO address space. All response data are returned to the user up to (but
-not including) the TSO 'READY' prompt.
Suppress console messages from start of address space.
--account | -a(string)
Your z/OS TSO/E accounting information.
--character-set | --cs(string)
Character set for address space to convert messages and responses from UTF-8 to
Default value: 697
--code-page | --cp(string)
Codepage value for TSO/E address space to convert messages and responses from
Default value: 1047
--columns | --cols(number)
The number of columns on a screen.
Default value: 80
--logon-procedure | -l(string)
The logon procedure to use when creating TSO procedures on your behalf.
Default value: IZUFPROC
--region-size | --rs(number)
Region size for the TSO/E address space.
Default value: 4096
The number of rows on a screen.
Default value: 24
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--tso-profile | --tso-p(string)
The name of a (tso) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Issue the TSO command "status" to display information about
-jobs for your user ID.:
The servlet key from a previously started TSO address space.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Ping the TSO address space identified by
The servlet key from a previously started TSO address space.
Required Options
The data to which we want to send to the TSO address space represented by the
-servlet key.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
"Send the TIME TSO command to the TSO address space
-identified by IBMUSER-329-aafkaaoc":
Start a TSO address space, from which you will receive a token (a.k.a
-'servlet-key') for further address space interaction (e.g. termination).
zowe zos-tso start address-space [options]
--account | -a(string)
Your z/OS TSO/E accounting information.
--character-set | --cs(string)
Character set for address space to convert messages and responses from UTF-8 to
Default value: 697
--code-page | --cp(string)
Codepage value for TSO/E address space to convert messages and responses from
Default value: 1047
--columns | --cols(number)
The number of columns on a screen.
Default value: 80
--logon-procedure | -l(string)
The logon procedure to use when creating TSO procedures on your behalf.
Default value: IZUFPROC
--region-size | --rs(number)
Region size for the TSO/E address space.
Default value: 4096
The number of rows on a screen.
Default value: 24
--servlet-key-only | --sko(boolean)
Specify this option to print only the servlet key
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--tso-profile | --tso-p(string)
The name of a (tso) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Start TSO/E address space:
zowe zos-tso start address-space
Start TSO/E address space, and receive response in JSON
zowe zos-tso start address-space --rfj
Start TSO/E address space, and print only the servlet key:
The servlet key from a previously started TSO address space.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Stop the TSO address space identified by
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Archive a workflow with workflow name "testworkflow":
User ID of the workflow owner. This user can perform the workflow steps or
-delegate the steps to other users.
--variables-input-file | --vif(string)
Specifies an optional properties file that you can use to pre-specify values
-for one or more of the variables that are defined in the workflow definition
--variables | --vs(string)
Includes a list of variables for the workflow. The variables that you specify
-here take precedence over the variables that are specified in the workflow
-variable input file. Make sure the value meets all regular expression
-requirements set for the corresponding variable.
--assign-to-owner | --ato(boolean)
Indicates whether the workflow steps are assigned to the workflow owner.
--access-type | --at(string)
Specifies the access type for the workflow. Public, Restricted or Private.
Allowed values: Public, Restricted, Private
--delete-completed | --dc(boolean)
Whether the successfully completed jobs to be deleted from the JES spool.
--overwrite | --ov(boolean)
Replaces an existing workflow with a new workflow.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Create a workflow with name "testworkflow" using the data
-set "TESTID.WKFLOW" that contains the workflow definition xml on the system
-"TESTM1" with owner "OTHERID" and delete workflow with the same name if it
-already exist in z/OSMF:
Create a workflow with name "testworkflow" using data set
-"TESTID.WKFLOW" containing workflow definition xml, on system "TESTM1" with
-owner "MYSYSID" and delete succesfully completed jobs:
Create a workflow with name "testworkflow" using data set
-"TESTID.WKFLOW" containing workflow definition xml, on system "TESTM1" with
-owner "MYSYSID" and with variable values in the member PROPERTIES of data set
Create a workflow with name "testworkflow" using the data
-set "TESTID.WKFLOW" that contains a workflow definition xml, on a system
-"TESTM1" with owner "MYSYSID" and with the variable name DUMMYVAR and the value
-DUMMYVAL. Assign it to the owner:
User ID of the workflow owner. This user can perform the workflow steps or
-delegate the steps to other users.
--variables-input-file | --vif(string)
Specifies an optional properties file that you can use to pre-specify values
-for one or more of the variables that are defined in the workflow definition
--variables | --vs(string)
Includes a list of variables for the workflow. The variables that you specify
-here take precedence over the variables that are specified in the workflow
-variable input file. Make sure the value meets all regular expression
-requirements set for the corresponding variable.
--assign-to-owner | --ato(boolean)
Indicates whether the workflow steps are assigned to the workflow owner.
--access-type | --at(string)
Specifies the access type for the workflow. Public, Restricted or Private.
Allowed values: Public, Restricted, Private
--delete-completed | --dc(boolean)
Whether the successfully completed jobs to be deleted from the JES spool.
--overwrite | --ov(boolean)
Replaces an existing workflow with a new workflow.
--remote-directory | --rd(string)
The remote uss directory where the files are to be uploaded. The directory has
-to exist
--keep-files | --kf(boolean)
Avoid deletion the uploaded files in /tmp or another specified directory after
-successful execution.
Default value: false
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Create a workflow with name "testworkflow" using the local
-file "TESTID_WKFLOW.xml" that contains the workflow definition xml on the system
-"TESTM1" with owner "OTHERID" and delete workflow with the same name if it
-already exist in z/OSMF:
User ID of the workflow owner. This user can perform the workflow steps or
-delegate the steps to other users.
--variables-input-file | --vif(string)
Specifies an optional properties file that you can use to pre-specify values
-for one or more of the variables that are defined in the workflow definition
--variables | --vs(string)
Includes a list of variables for the workflow. The variables that you specify
-here take precedence over the variables that are specified in the workflow
-variable input file. Make sure the value meets all regular expression
-requirements set for the corresponding variable.
--assign-to-owner | --ato(boolean)
Indicates whether the workflow steps are assigned to the workflow owner.
--access-type | --at(string)
Specifies the access type for the workflow. Public, Restricted or Private.
Allowed values: Public, Restricted, Private
--delete-completed | --dc(boolean)
Whether the successfully completed jobs to be deleted from the JES spool.
--overwrite | --ov(boolean)
Replaces an existing workflow with a new workflow.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Create a workflow with name "testworkflow" using uss file
-"/path/workflow.xml" containing workflow definition, on system "TESTM1" with
-owner "OTHERID" and delete workflow with the same name if it already exist in
Create a workflow with name "testworkflow" using uss file
-"/path/workflow.xml" containing workflow definition, on system "TESTM1" with
-owner "MYSYSID" and delete successfully completed jobs:
Create a workflow with name "testworkflow" using uss file
-"/path/workflow.xml" containing workflow definition, on system "TESTM1" with
-owner "MYSYSID" and with variable values in the member PROPERTIES of data set
Create a workflow with name "testworkflow" using uss file
-"/path/workflow.xml" containing workflow definition, on system "TESTM1" with
-owner "MYSYSID" and with variables VAR1 and VAR2 with values DUMMYVAL1 and
-DUMMYVAL2, and assign it to the owner:
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
To delete a workflow instance in z/OSMF with workflow key
Delete an archived workflow by specified workflow key
--workflow-name | --wn(string)
Delete an archived workflow by specified workflow name
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
To delete an archived workflow from z/OSMF with workflow key
zowe zos-workflows list active-workflow-details [options]
--workflow-name | --wn(string)
List active workflow details by specified workflow name.
--workflow-key | --wk(string)
List active workflow details by specified workflow key.
--list-steps | --ls(boolean)
Optional parameter for listing steps and their properties.
--steps-summary-only | --sso(boolean)
Optional parameter that lists steps summary only.
--list-variables | --lv(boolean)
Optional parameter for listing variables and their properties.
--skip-workflow-summary | --sws(boolean)
Optional parameter that skips the default workflow summary.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
To list the details of an active workflow with key
-"7c62c790-0340-86b2-61ce618d8f8c" including its steps and variables:
zowe zos-workflows list active-workflow-details --workflow-key "7c62c790-0340-86b2-61ce618d8f8c" --list-steps --list-variables
To list the details of an active workflow with name
-"testWorkflow" including its steps and variables:
zowe zos-workflows list active-workflow-details --workflow-name "testWorkflow" --list-steps --list-variables
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
List the workflow with name "testworkflow":
zowe zos-workflows list active-workflows --wn "testworkflow"
List multiple active workflows on the entire syspex with
-names containing"workflow":
zowe zos-workflows list active-workflows --wn ".*workflow.*"
List multiple active workflows on system "IBMSYS" with names
-beginnig with "testW" that are in status "complete":
zowe zos-workflows list active-workflows --wn "test.*" --sys "IBMSYS" --sn "complete"
List the archived z/OSMF workflows for a system or sysplex.
zowe zos-workflows list archived-workflows [options]
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Retrieve the contents of a z/OSMF workflow definition from a z/OS system.
zowe zos-workflows list definition-file-details <definitionFilePath> [options]
Positional Arguments
Specifies the location of the workflow definition file, which is either a UNIX
-path name or a fully qualified z/OS data set name.
--list-steps | --ls(boolean)
Optional parameter for listing steps and their properties.
--list-variables | --lv(boolean)
Optional parameter for listing variables and their properties.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
To list the contents of a workflow definition stored in the
-UNIX file "/user/dir/workflow.xml" including its steps and variables:
zowe zos-workflows list definition-file-details "/user/dir/workflow.xml" --list-steps --list-variables
To list the contents of a workflow definition stored in the
-z/OS data set "USER.DATA.SET.XML" including its steps and variables:
zowe zos-workflows list definition-file-details --workflow-name "testWorkflow" --list-steps --list-variables
Will run workflow from the beginning to the end or to the first manual step.
zowe zos-workflows start workflow-full [options]
--workflow-key | --wk(string)
Workflow key of workflow instance to be started
--workflow-name | --wn(string)
Workflow name of workflow instance to be started
--resolve-conflict-by | --rcb(string)
How variable conflicts should be handled.
-outputFileValue: Allow the output file values to override the existing values.
-existingValue: Use the existing variables values instead of the output file
-leaveConflict: Automation is stopped. The user must resolve the conflict
Identifies whether to wait for workflow instance to finish.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
To start a workflow instance in z/OSMF with workflow key
To start a workflow instance in z/OSMF with workflow key
-"d043b5f1-adab-48e7-b7c3-d41cd95fa4b0"and if there is a conflict in variable's
-value use the value that is in output file:
How variable conflicts should be handled.
-outputFileValue: Allow the output file values to override the existing values.
-existingValue: Use the existing variables values instead of the output file
-leaveConflict: Automation is stopped. The user must resolve the conflict
Identifies whether to perform also following steps in the workflow instance.
Default value: false
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
To start step "Step1" only in a workflow instance in z/OSMF
-with workflow key "d043b5f1-adab-48e7-b7c3-d41cd95fa4b0":
To start step "Step1" only in a workflow instance in z/OSMF
-with workflow key "d043b5f1-adab-48e7-b7c3-d41cd95fa4b0"and if there is a
-conflict in variable's value use the value that is in output file:
Confirm that z/OSMF is running on a system specified in your profile and gather
-information about the z/OSMF server for diagnostic purposes. The command
-outputs properties of the z/OSMF server such as version, hostname, and installed
zowe zosmf check status [options]
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Report the status of the z/OSMF server that you specified in
-your default z/OSMF profile:
zowe zosmf check status
Report the status of the z/OSMF server that you specified in
-a supplied z/OSMF profile:
zowe zosmf check status --zosmf-profile SomeZosmfProfileName
Report the status of the z/OSMF server that you specified
-manually via command line:
Obtain a list of systems that are defined to a z/OSMF instance.
zowe zosmf list systems [options]
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Obtain a list of systems defined to a z/OSMF instance with
-your default z/OSMF profile:
zowe zosmf list systems
Obtain a list of systems defined to a z/OSMF instance for
-the specified z/OSMF profile:
zowe zosmf list systems --zosmf-profile SomeZosmfProfileName
Obtain a list of the systems defined to a z/OSMF instance
-that you specified in the command line:
zowe zosmf list systems --host myhost --port 443 --user myuser --password mypass
Connect to Zowe API Mediation Layer authentication service and obtain a token,
-or disconnect from the authentication service and revoke the token.
The token provides authentication to services that support the API ML SSO
-(Single Sign-On) capability. When you log in, the token is stored in your
-default base profile until it expires. Base profiles store connection
-information shared by multiple services (e.g., z/OSMF), and are used if you do
-not supply connection information in a service profile. To take advantage of
-the API ML SSO capability, you should omit username and password in service
-profiles so that the token in the base profile is used.
Log in to Zowe API Mediation Layer authentication service and obtain or update a
The token provides authentication to services that support the API ML SSO
-(Single Sign-On) capability. When you log in, the token is stored in your
-default base profile until it expires. Base profiles store connection
-information shared by multiple services (e.g., z/OSMF), and are used if you do
-not supply connection information in a service profile. To take advantage of
-the API ML SSO capability, you should omit username and password in service
-profiles so that the token in the base profile is used.
zowe auth login apiml [options]
--show-token | --st(boolean)
Show the token when login is successful. If specified, does not save the token
-to a profile.
Base Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
Host name of service on the mainframe.
--port | -P(number)
Port number of service on the mainframe.
--user | -u(string)
User name to authenticate to service on the mainframe.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to service on the mainframe.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
Profile Options
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Log in to an API ML instance to obtain or update the token
-stored in your base profile:
zowe auth login apiml
Log in to an API ML instance to obtain a token without
-storing it in a profile:
Log out of the Zowe API Mediation Layer authentication service and revoke the
-token so it can no longer authenticate. Also remove the token from the default
-base profile, if it is stored on disk.
zowe auth logout apiml [options]
Base Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
Host name of service on the mainframe.
--port | -P(number)
Port number of service on the mainframe.
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
The name of the URIMAP to create. The maximum length of the urimap name is
-eight characters.
The CICS system definition (CSD) Group for the new urimap that you want to
-define. The maximum length of the group name is eight characters.
Required Options
--urimap-path | --up(string)
The path component of the URI.
--urimap-host | --uh(string)
The host component of the URI.
--urimap-scheme | --us(string)
The scheme component to be used with the request (http or https).
Default value: https
Allowed values: http, https
--authenticate | --auth(string)
The authentication and identification scheme to be used for client URIMAPs.
Allowed values: NO, BASIC
--certificate | --cert(string)
The label of a certificate in the keyring that is to be used as the client
-certificate in SSL handshakes
--description | --desc(string)
Description of the URIMAP resource being defined.
The CICS region name to which to define the new URIMAP.
The name of the CICSPlex to which to define the new URIMAP.
Whether or not the URIMAP is to be enabled on install by default.
Default value: true
Cics Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The CICS server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The CICS server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (CICS) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pw(string)
Mainframe (CICS) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--protocol | -o(string)
Specifies CMCI protocol (http or https).
Default value: https
Allowed values: http, https
Profile Options
--cics-profile | --cics-p(string)
The name of a (cics) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Define a URIMAP named URIMAPA to the region named MYREGION
-in the CSD group MYGRP where the host is and the path is
The name of the URIMAP to create. The maximum length of the urimap name is
-eight characters.
The CICS system definition (CSD) Group for the new urimap that you want to
-define. The maximum length of the group name is eight characters.
Required Options
--urimap-path | --up(string)
The path component of the URI.
--urimap-host | --uh(string)
The host component of the URI.
--pipeline-name | --pn(string)
The name of the PIPELINE resource definition for the URIMAP. The maximum length
-of the pipeline name is eight characters.
--urimap-scheme | --us(string)
The scheme component to be used with the request (http or https).
Default value: https
Allowed values: http, https
--description | --desc(string)
Description of the URIMAP resource being defined.
--transaction-name | --tn(string)
The name of the TRANSACTION resource definition for the URIMAP. The maximum
-length of the transaction name is four characters.
--webservice-name | --wn(string)
The name of the WEBSERVICE resource definition for the URIMAP. The maximum
-length of the transaction name is 32 characters.
--tcpipservice | --tcpip(string)
The TCPIPSERVICE to which the URIMAP definition applies.
The CICS region name to which to define the new URIMAP.
The name of the CICSPlex to which to define the new URIMAP.
Whether or not the URIMAP is to be enabled on install by default.
Default value: true
Cics Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The CICS server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The CICS server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (CICS) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pw(string)
Mainframe (CICS) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--protocol | -o(string)
Specifies CMCI protocol (http or https).
Default value: https
Allowed values: http, https
Profile Options
--cics-profile | --cics-p(string)
The name of a (cics) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Define a URIMAP named URIMAPA for the pipeline named PIPE123
-to the region named MYREGION in the CSD group MYGRP where the host is and the path is /example/index.html:
The name of the URIMAP to create. The maximum length of the urimap name is
-eight characters.
The CICS system definition (CSD) Group for the new urimap that you want to
-define. The maximum length of the group name is eight characters.
Required Options
--urimap-path | --up(string)
The path component of the URI.
--urimap-host | --uh(string)
The host component of the URI.
--program-name | --pn(string)
The application program that makes or handles the requests.
--urimap-scheme | --us(string)
The scheme component to be used with the request (http or https).
Default value: https
Allowed values: http, https
--description | --desc(string)
Description of the URIMAP resource being defined.
--tcpipservice | --tcpip(string)
The TCPIPSERVICE to which the URIMAP definition applies.
The CICS region name to which to define the new URIMAP.
The name of the CICSPlex to which to define the new URIMAP.
Whether or not the URIMAP is to be enabled on install by default.
Default value: true
Cics Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The CICS server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The CICS server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (CICS) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pw(string)
Mainframe (CICS) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--protocol | -o(string)
Specifies CMCI protocol (http or https).
Default value: https
Allowed values: http, https
Profile Options
--cics-profile | --cics-p(string)
The name of a (cics) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Define a URIMAP named URIMAPA for the program named PGM123
-to the region named MYREGION in the CSD group MYGRP where the host is and the path is /example/index.html:
The name of the WEBSERVICE to create. The maximum length of the web service
-name is eight characters.
The CICS system definition (CSD) Group for the new web service that you want to
-define. The maximum length of the group name is eight characters.
Required Options
--pipeline-name | --pn(string)
The name of the PIPELINE resource definition for the web service. The maximum
-length of the pipeline name is eight characters
The file name of the web service binding file on HFS.
--description | --desc(string)
Description of the web service resource being defined.
Specifies whether full validation of SOAP messages against the corresponding
-schema in the web service description should be performed at run time.
Default value: false
--wsdlfile | --wsdl(string)
The file name of the web service description (WSDL) file on HFS.
The CICS region name to which to define the new web service.
The name of the CICSPlex to which to define the new web service.
Cics Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The CICS server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The CICS server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (CICS) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pw(string)
Mainframe (CICS) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--protocol | -o(string)
Specifies CMCI protocol (http or https).
Default value: https
Allowed values: http, https
Profile Options
--cics-profile | --cics-p(string)
The name of a (cics) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Define a webservice named WEBSVCA for the pipeline named
-PIPE123 to the region named MYREGION in the CSD group MYGRP where the binding
-file is /u/exampleapp/wsbind/example.log:
Get resources (for example, programs or transactions) from CICS.
zowe cics get resource <resourceName> [options]
Positional Arguments
The name of the resource to get.
--region-name | --rn(string)
The CICS region name from which to get the resources
--cics-plex | --cp(string)
The name of the CICSPlex from which to get the resources
--criteria | -c(string)
The criteria by which to filter the resource
--parameter | -p(string)
The parameter by which to refine the resource
Cics Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The CICS server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The CICS server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (CICS) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pw(string)
Mainframe (CICS) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--protocol | -o(string)
Specifies CMCI protocol (http or https).
Default value: https
Allowed values: http, https
Profile Options
--cics-profile | --cics-p(string)
The name of a (cics) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Get program resources from the region named MYREGION:
zowe cics get resource CICSProgram --region-name MYREGION
Get local transaction resources from the region named
zowe cics get resource CICSLocalTransaction --region-name MYREGION
Get local file resources from the region named MYREGION:
zowe cics get resource CICSLocalFile --region-name MYREGION
Get program definition resources from the CSD group named
-GRP1 and the region named MYREGION:
zowe cics get resource CICSDefinitionProgram --region-name MYREGION --parameter "CSDGROUP(GRP1)"
Get transaction definition resources from the CSD group
-named GRP1 and the region named MYREGION:
zowe cics get resource CICSDefinitionTransaction --region-name MYREGION --parameter "CSDGROUP(GRP1)"
Get URIMap definition resources from the CSD group named
-GRP1 and the region named MYREGION:
zowe cics get resource CICSDefinitionURIMap --region-name MYREGION --parameter "CSDGROUP(GRP1)"
Get program resources that start with the name PRG from the
-region named MYREGION:
zowe cics get resource CICSProgram --region-name MYREGION --criteria "PROGRAM=PRG*"
Get a local transaction resource named TRAN from the region
-named MYREGION:
zowe cics get resource CICSLocalTransaction --region-name MYREGION --criteria "TRANID=TRAN"
Get program resources that start with the name MYPRG from
-the region named MYREGION and display various fields as a table:
zowe cics get resource CICSProgram --region-name MYREGION --criteria "PROGRAM=MYPRG*" --rft table --rfh --rff program length status
zowe config set <configName> <configValue> [options]
Positional Arguments
Setting name. Possible values:
-CredentialManager - The package name of a plugin that will override the default
-credential manager to allow for different credential storage methods.
Value to set
Set the default credential manager to my-credential-manager:
zowe config set CredentialManager my-credential-manager
Execute SQL queries against a Db2 region and retrieve the response. Enclose the
-query in quotes and escape any symbols that have a special meaning to the
Query application programs, regions or transactions across an IMSplex.The query
-returns information about application programs, regions and transactions. This
-command submits a 'QUERY PGM', 'DIS ACT' or 'QUERY TRAN' IMS command and returns
-the output.
The hostname of your instance of IMS Connect. This is typically the hostname of
-the mainframe LPAR where IMS Connect is running.
--ims-connect-port | --icp(number)
The port of your instance of IMS Connect. This port can be found in your IMS
-Connect configuration file on the mainframe.
--plex | -x(string)
The name of the IMS plex.
--user | -u(string)
The web server user name where the IMS Operations API resides.
--password | --pass(string)
The web server user password where the IMS Operations API resides.
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--ims-profile | --ims-p(string)
The name of a (ims) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Query information for an application program named PGM123:
zowe ims query program "PGM123"
Query information for application programs named ABC and
zowe ims query program "ABC XYZ"
Query information for application programs starting with
-PROG using the wild card character '*':
zowe ims query program "PROG*"
Query information for all application programs (default is
zowe ims query program
Query information for all application programs specifying
-optional parameters:
Displays only the REGION subset of the output. The display consists of active
Default value: true
--route | --rt(array)
Specifies the routes to return.
IMS Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The IMS Operations API server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The IMS Operations API server port.
--ims-connect-host | --ich(string)
The hostname of your instance of IMS Connect. This is typically the hostname of
-the mainframe LPAR where IMS Connect is running.
--ims-connect-port | --icp(number)
The port of your instance of IMS Connect. This port can be found in your IMS
-Connect configuration file on the mainframe.
--plex | -x(string)
The name of the IMS plex.
--user | -u(string)
The web server user name where the IMS Operations API resides.
--password | --pass(string)
The web server user password where the IMS Operations API resides.
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--ims-profile | --ims-p(string)
The name of a (ims) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Query information for regions on route IMS1:
zowe ims query region "IMS1"
Query information for regions on routes IMS1 and IMS2:
zowe ims query region "IMS1 IMS2"
Query DC and region information for regions on routes IMS1
-and IMS2:
zowe ims query region "IMS1 IMS2" --dc true --region true
Query information for regions specifying optional connection
The compare operator used to select transactions based on queue count. Valid
-values: LT, LE, GT, GE, EQ or NE.
--queue-count-value | --qcv(number)
The numeric value used with 'queue_count_operator' to select transactions
-based on queue count.
--conversation-attributes | --ca(string)
Selects transactions by the conversational attributes you specify.
--fast-path-options | --fpo(string)
Selects transactions by the Fast Path options you specify.
--remote-option-specified | --ros(string)
Selects transactions by the remote option you specify.
--response-mode-option-specified | --rmos(string)
Selects transactions by the response mode option you specify.
IMS Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The IMS Operations API server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The IMS Operations API server port.
--ims-connect-host | --ich(string)
The hostname of your instance of IMS Connect. This is typically the hostname of
-the mainframe LPAR where IMS Connect is running.
--ims-connect-port | --icp(number)
The port of your instance of IMS Connect. This port can be found in your IMS
-Connect configuration file on the mainframe.
--plex | -x(string)
The name of the IMS plex.
--user | -u(string)
The web server user name where the IMS Operations API resides.
--password | --pass(string)
The web server user password where the IMS Operations API resides.
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--ims-profile | --ims-p(string)
The name of a (ims) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Query transaction information for transaction named TRN12:
zowe ims query transaction "TRN12"
Query transaction information for transactions named TRAN1
-and TRAN2:
zowe ims query transaction "TRAN1 TRAN2"
Query transaction information for transactions starting with
-TRAN using the wild card character '*':
zowe ims query transaction "TRAN*"
Query transaction information for all transactions (default
-is all):
zowe ims query transaction
Query transaction information for all transactions
-specifying optional parameters:
Starts a region, application program, or transaction and makes IMS resources
-available for reference and use. This command submits a '/START REGION',
-'UPDATE PGM' or 'UPDATE TRAN' IMS command and returns the output.
The name of the application program(s) to start. The maximum length of a
-program name is eight characters.
--attributes | --att(array)
The attributes that are to be started
Default value: SCHD
Allowed values: SCHD, TRACE, REFRESH
--route | --rte(array)
The region(s) to route the command to
IMS Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The IMS Operations API server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The IMS Operations API server port.
--ims-connect-host | --ich(string)
The hostname of your instance of IMS Connect. This is typically the hostname of
-the mainframe LPAR where IMS Connect is running.
--ims-connect-port | --icp(number)
The port of your instance of IMS Connect. This port can be found in your IMS
-Connect configuration file on the mainframe.
--plex | -x(string)
The name of the IMS plex.
--user | -u(string)
The web server user name where the IMS Operations API resides.
--password | --pass(string)
The web server user password where the IMS Operations API resides.
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--ims-profile | --ims-p(string)
The name of a (ims) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Start an application program named PGM123:
zowe ims start program "PGM123"
Start all application programs beginning with ACC*:
zowe ims start program "ACC*"
Start an application program named PGM234 and start tracing:
zowe ims start program "PGM234" --attributes "SCHD TRACE"
Start an application program named PGM890 routing to control
-regions IMS1 and IMS2:
zowe ims start program "PGM890" --route "IMS1 IMS2"
Start an application programs named XYZ1 specifying optional
-connection parameters:
The name of the member that contains JCL for the region to start. The maximum
-length of the member name is eight characters. If no member name is specified,
-the default member name is used
--route | --rte(array)
The region(s) to route the command to
--local | -l(boolean)
If you specify the --local option, IMS overrides the symbolic IMSID parameter
-in the JCL of the default or specified member. --local is the default if you
-specify the --job-name option.
--job-name | --jn(string)
Use this option to override the job name on the JOB statement of the default or
-specified JCL member for a dependent region.
IMS Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The IMS Operations API server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The IMS Operations API server port.
--ims-connect-host | --ich(string)
The hostname of your instance of IMS Connect. This is typically the hostname of
-the mainframe LPAR where IMS Connect is running.
--ims-connect-port | --icp(number)
The port of your instance of IMS Connect. This port can be found in your IMS
-Connect configuration file on the mainframe.
--plex | -x(string)
The name of the IMS plex.
--user | -u(string)
The web server user name where the IMS Operations API resides.
--password | --pass(string)
The web server user password where the IMS Operations API resides.
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--ims-profile | --ims-p(string)
The name of a (ims) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Start a region stored in a member named MEM1:
zowe ims start region "MEM1"
Start a region stored in a member named MEM2 specifying the
-region to route the command:
zowe ims start region "MEM2" --route "IMS1"
Start a region stored in a member named MEM3 and override
-the job name:
zowe ims start region "MEM3" --job-name "JOB9"
Start a region stored in a member named MEM4 routing to
-control regions IMS1 and IMS2:
zowe ims start region "MEM4" --route "IMS1 IMS2"
Start a region stored in a member named MEM5 specifying
-optional connection parameters:
The name of the transaction(s) to start. The maximum length of a transaction
-name is eight characters.
--attributes | --att(array)
The attributes that are to be started
Default value: SCHD
Allowed values: Q, SCHD, SUSPEND, TRACE
--route | --rte(array)
The region(s) to route the command to
IMS Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The IMS Operations API server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The IMS Operations API server port.
--ims-connect-host | --ich(string)
The hostname of your instance of IMS Connect. This is typically the hostname of
-the mainframe LPAR where IMS Connect is running.
--ims-connect-port | --icp(number)
The port of your instance of IMS Connect. This port can be found in your IMS
-Connect configuration file on the mainframe.
--plex | -x(string)
The name of the IMS plex.
--user | -u(string)
The web server user name where the IMS Operations API resides.
--password | --pass(string)
The web server user password where the IMS Operations API resides.
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--ims-profile | --ims-p(string)
The name of a (ims) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Stops a running region, application program or transaction. This command
-submits a '/STOP REGION', 'UPDATE PGM' or 'UPDATE TRAN' IMS command and returns
-the output.",
The name( of the program(s) to stop. The maximum length of a program name is
-eight characters.
--attributes | --att(array)
The attributes that are to be stopped
Default value: SCHD
Allowed values: SCHD, TRACE
--route | --rte(array)
The region(s) to route the command
IMS Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The IMS Operations API server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The IMS Operations API server port.
--ims-connect-host | --ich(string)
The hostname of your instance of IMS Connect. This is typically the hostname of
-the mainframe LPAR where IMS Connect is running.
--ims-connect-port | --icp(number)
The port of your instance of IMS Connect. This port can be found in your IMS
-Connect configuration file on the mainframe.
--plex | -x(string)
The name of the IMS plex.
--user | -u(string)
The web server user name where the IMS Operations API resides.
--password | --pass(string)
The web server user password where the IMS Operations API resides.
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--ims-profile | --ims-p(string)
The name of a (ims) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Stop an application program named PGM123:
zowe ims stop program "PGM123"
Stop all application programs beginning with ACC*:
zowe ims stop program "ACC*"
Stop tracing an application program named PGM234:
zowe ims stop program "PGM234" --attributes "TRACE"
Stop an application program named PGM890 routing to control
-regions IMS1 and IMS2:
zowe ims stop program "PGM890" --route "IMS1 IMS2"
Stop an application programs named XYZ1 specifying optional
-connection parameters:
Region identifier numbers for the regions you want to stop. You must specify
-either this option or --job-name.
--job-name | --jn(string)
The name of the job for the IMS region you want to stop. You must specify
-either this option or --region-ids.
--route | --rte(array)
The region(s) to route the command to
Specify this option to cause abnormal termination (ABEND) of an application
-program. If the transaction indicated by this argument is currently running in
-the specified region, an error message is received at the master terminal,
-indicating an application program ABEND. The region will remain active, but the
-transaction will be stopped. The command is ignored if the transaction is not
-currently scheduled in the region.
Use this option if the region cannot be stopped with a stop region --abdump
-command. To use this option, you must have already submitted a stop region
-command using the --abdump option.
Specify a transaction in wait-for-input mode to stop its message processing
-within the specified region.
IMS Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The IMS Operations API server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The IMS Operations API server port.
--ims-connect-host | --ich(string)
The hostname of your instance of IMS Connect. This is typically the hostname of
-the mainframe LPAR where IMS Connect is running.
--ims-connect-port | --icp(number)
The port of your instance of IMS Connect. This port can be found in your IMS
-Connect configuration file on the mainframe.
--plex | -x(string)
The name of the IMS plex.
--user | -u(string)
The web server user name where the IMS Operations API resides.
--password | --pass(string)
The web server user password where the IMS Operations API resides.
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--ims-profile | --ims-p(string)
The name of a (ims) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Stop a region with job name JOBNM1:
zowe ims stop region --job-name "JOBNM1"
Stop multiple regions with region identifiers:
zowe ims stop region --region-ids 4 5
Stop a region with region identifier and cause the abnormal
-termination (ABEND) of the application program:
zowe ims stop region --region-ids 4 --abdump "TRAN1"
Stop a region with region identifier and specify 'cancel'
-because the 'abdump' option failed to stop the region:
zowe ims stop region --region-ids 4 --cancel true
Stop a region with job name JOBNM4 specifying optional
-connection parameters:
The name of the transaction(s) to stop. The maximum length of a transaction
-name is eight characters.
--attributes | --att(array)
The attributes that are to be stopped
Default value: SCHD
Allowed values: Q, SCHD, TRACE
--route | --rte(array)
The region(s) to route the command
IMS Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The IMS Operations API server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The IMS Operations API server port.
--ims-connect-host | --ich(string)
The hostname of your instance of IMS Connect. This is typically the hostname of
-the mainframe LPAR where IMS Connect is running.
--ims-connect-port | --icp(number)
The port of your instance of IMS Connect. This port can be found in your IMS
-Connect configuration file on the mainframe.
--plex | -x(string)
The name of the IMS plex.
--user | -u(string)
The web server user name where the IMS Operations API resides.
--password | --pass(string)
The web server user password where the IMS Operations API resides.
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--ims-profile | --ims-p(string)
The name of a (ims) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Updates the setting(s) for application program or transaction. This command
-submits a 'UPDATE PGM' or 'UPDATE TRAN' IMS command and returns the output.
The name of the application program(s) to update. The maximum length of a
-program name is eight characters.
--bmp-type | --bmptype(string)
Specifies whether the program runs in a BMP type region or not. (N or Y).
Allowed values: N, Y
--dynamic | --dopt(string)
Specifies the dynamic option (N or Y).
Allowed values: N, Y
--fast-path | --fp(string)
Specifies the Fast Path option (E or N).
Allowed values: E, N
--generated-psb | --gpsb(string)
Specifies the generated PSB option (N or Y).
Allowed values: N, Y
--language | --lang(string)
Specifies the language interface of the program or a GPSB or defined a DOPT(Y)
-program as using the JAVA language (ASSEM, COBOL, JAVA, PASCAL, PLI).
--lock | -l(string)
Specifies the LOCK status is to be set (ON or OFF).
Allowed values: ON, OFF
--option | -o(string)
Specifies to return response lines for all resources that are processed. It is
-only valid with --name * (ALLRSP).
Allowed values: ALLRSP
--resident | -r(string)
Specifies the resident option (N or Y).
Allowed values: N, Y
--route | --rte(array)
Specifies the region(s) to route the command.
--schedule-type | --schdtype(string)
Specifies whether this application program can be scheduled into more than one
-message region or batch message region simultaneously (PARALLEL or SERIAL).
Allowed values: PARALLEL, SERIAL
--transaction-level-stat | --transtat(string)
Specifies whether transaction level statistics should be logged (N or Y).
Allowed values: N, Y
IMS Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The IMS Operations API server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The IMS Operations API server port.
--ims-connect-host | --ich(string)
The hostname of your instance of IMS Connect. This is typically the hostname of
-the mainframe LPAR where IMS Connect is running.
--ims-connect-port | --icp(number)
The port of your instance of IMS Connect. This port can be found in your IMS
-Connect configuration file on the mainframe.
--plex | -x(string)
The name of the IMS plex.
--user | -u(string)
The web server user name where the IMS Operations API resides.
--password | --pass(string)
The web server user password where the IMS Operations API resides.
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--ims-profile | --ims-p(string)
The name of a (ims) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Update an application program named PGM123 to execute
-exclusively as Fast Path:
zowe ims update program "PGM123" --fp "E"
Update all application programs beginning with ACC* to not
-run in a BMP type region:
zowe ims update program "ACC*" --bmptype "N"
Unlock all programs beginning with PGM* to allow scheduling:
zowe ims update program "PGM*" --lock "OFF"
Update an application program named PGM890 to execute as
-Fast Path routing to control regions IMS1 and IMS2:
zowe ims update program "PGM890" --fp "E" --route "IMS1 IMS2"
Unlock an application programs named XYZ1 to allow
-scheduling specifying optional connection parameters:
Specifies the transaction class, which is an attribute used to select a
-transaction for scheduling.
--system-identification-local | --sidl(number)
Specifies the system identification (SYSID) of the local system in a
-multiple-IMS system (MSC) configuration.
--system-identification-remote | --sidr(number)
Specifies the system identification (SYSID) of the remote system in a
-multiple-IMS system (MSC) configuration.
--scratchpad-area-size | --spasz(number)
Specifies the scratchpad area (SPA) size, in bytes, for a conversational
-transaction. The value can be a number from 16 and 32767.
--scratchpad-area-truncation | --spatrunc(string)
Specifies the scratchpad area (SPA) truncation option of a conversational
-transaction (S or R).
Allowed values: S, R
--transaction-level-stat | --transtat(string)
Specifies whether transaction level statistics should be logged for message
-driven programs (N or Y).
Allowed values: N, Y
--wait-for-input | --wfi(string)
Specifies the wait-for input option (N or Y).
Allowed values: N, Y
IMS Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The IMS Operations API server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The IMS Operations API server port.
--ims-connect-host | --ich(string)
The hostname of your instance of IMS Connect. This is typically the hostname of
-the mainframe LPAR where IMS Connect is running.
--ims-connect-port | --icp(number)
The port of your instance of IMS Connect. This port can be found in your IMS
-Connect configuration file on the mainframe.
--plex | -x(string)
The name of the IMS plex.
--user | -u(string)
The web server user name where the IMS Operations API resides.
--password | --pass(string)
The web server user password where the IMS Operations API resides.
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--ims-profile | --ims-p(string)
The name of a (ims) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Update a transaction named TRN1 to process exclusively as
-Fast Path:
zowe ims update transaction "TRN1" --fp "E"
Unlock to allow scheduling all transactions beginning with
-TRN* and associated with class CLASSA:
The host name used to access the IBM MQ REST API. This might be the host name
-of the IBM MQ mqweb server, or the Zowe API Mediation Layer..
--port | -P(number)
The port number used to access the IBM MQ REST API. This might be the port
-number of the IBM MQ mqweb server, or the Zowe API Mediation Layer.
--user | -u(string)
The mainframe (MQ) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
The mainframe (MQ) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: false
--protocol | -o(string)
Specifies the MQ protocol (http or https).
Default value: http
Allowed values: http, https
Profile Options
--mq-profile | --mq-p(string)
The name of a (mq) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
The following sequence shows how to query a
-server-connection channel that is called NEWSVRCONN on an MQ queue manager - our
-example queue manager is called MQ99:
A space-separated list of plug-ins to install. A plug-in can be any format
-that is accepted by the `npm install` command (local directory, TAR file, git
-URL, public package, private package, etc...).
To use a relative local directory, at least one '/' or '' must exist in the
-plug-in path. For example, you have a local plug-in in a folder called
-'test-plugin' that you want to install. Specify the relative local directory
-by issuing the following command:
zowe plugins install ./test-plugin
If you omit the './', then the install command looks for 'test-plugin' in an
-npm registry.
If the plugin argument is omitted, the plugins.json file will determine which
-plug-ins are installed. For more information on the plugins.json file, see
-the --file option.
--file(local file path)
Specifies the location of a plugins.json file that contains the plug-ins you
-want to install.
All plug-ins specified in plugins.json will be installed to the base CLI and
-the contents will be placed into ~/.zowe/plugins/plugins.json.
If you do not specify a plugins.json file and do not specify a plug-in, the
-default plugin.json file (~/.zowe/plugins/plugins.json) will be
-used. This provides a way to install plug-ins that were lost or corrupted
-after reinstalling or updating Zowe CLI.
The npm registry that is used when installing remote packages. When this value
-is omitted, the value returned by `npm config get registry` is used.
The flag to add a registry user account to install from secure registry. It
-saves credentials to the .npmrc file using `npm adduser`. When this value is
-omitted, credentials from .npmrc file is used. If you used this flag once for
-specific registry, you don't have to use it again, it uses credentials from
-.npmrc file.
The flag to add a registry user account to install from secure registry. It
-saves credentials to the .npmrc file using `npm adduser`. When this value is
-omitted, credentials from .npmrc file is used. If you used this flag once for
-specific registry, you don't have to use it again, it uses credentials from
-.npmrc file.
Create a profile called 'base3' to connect to host and port 1443, not specifying a username or password so they are not
-stored on disk; these will need to be specified on every command:
Create a zosmf profile called 'base4' to connect to default
-port 443 and allow self-signed certificates, not specifying a username,
-password, or host so they are not stored on disk; these will need to be
-specified on every command:
A cics profile is required to issue commands in the cics command group that
-interact with CICS regions. The cics profile contains your host, port, user
-name, and password for the IBM CICS management client interface (CMCI) server of
-your choice.
An ims profile is used to issue commands in the ims command group that interact
-with IMS regions. The ims profile contains your IMS Operations API web server
-host, port, user name and password, IMS Connect host and port and IMS plex
Specifies the name of the new ims profile. You can load this profile by using
-the name on commands that support the "--ims-profile" option.
IMS Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The IMS Operations API server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The IMS Operations API server port.
--ims-connect-host | --ich(string)
The hostname of your instance of IMS Connect. This is typically the hostname of
-the mainframe LPAR where IMS Connect is running.
--ims-connect-port | --icp(number)
The port of your instance of IMS Connect. This port can be found in your IMS
-Connect configuration file on the mainframe.
--plex | -x(string)
The name of the IMS plex.
--user | -u(string)
The web server user name where the IMS Operations API resides.
--password | --pass(string)
The web server user password where the IMS Operations API resides.
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
--overwrite | --ow(boolean)
Overwrite the ims profile when a profile of the same name exists.
--disable-defaults | --dd(boolean)
Disable populating profile values of undefined properties with default values.
Create a ims profile named 'ims123' to connect to IMS APIs
-at host zos123 and port 1490. The name of the IMS plex in this example is
-'PLEX1' and the IMS region we want to communicate with has a host of zos124 and
-a port of 1491:
An MQREST profile is required to issue commands in the MQ command group that
-interacts with MQSC. The mq profile contains your host, port, user name, and
-password for the IBM MQ System Console interface
Create a ssh profile called 'ssh333' to connect to z/OS SSH
-server at host 'zos123' using a privatekey '/path/to/privatekey' and its
-decryption passphrase 'privateKeyPassphrase' for privatekey authentication:
Create a ssh profile called 'ssh444' to connect to z/OS SSH
-server on default port 22, without specifying username, host, or password,
-preventing those values from being stored on disk:
Specifies the name of the new zftp profile. You can load this profile by using
-the name on commands that support the "--zftp-profile" option.
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
--overwrite | --ow(boolean)
Overwrite the zftp profile when a profile of the same name exists.
--disable-defaults | --dd(boolean)
Disable populating profile values of undefined properties with default values.
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Create a zftp profile called 'myprofile' with default
-settings (port, timeout, etc.) to connect with the host system 123.:
Specifies the name of the new zosmf profile. You can load this profile by using
-the name on commands that support the "--zosmf-profile" option.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
--encoding | --ec(number)
The encoding for download and upload of z/OS data set and USS files. The
-default encoding if not specified is 1047.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
--overwrite | --ow(boolean)
Overwrite the zosmf profile when a profile of the same name exists.
--disable-defaults | --dd(boolean)
Disable populating profile values of undefined properties with default values.
Create a zosmf profile called 'zos123' to connect to z/OSMF
-at host zos123 and port 1443:
Create a zosmf profile called 'zos125' to connect to z/OSMF
-at the host zos125 and port 1443, not specifying a username or password so they
-are not stored on disk; these will need to be specified on every command:
Create a zosmf profile called 'zos126' to connect to z/OSMF
-on the default port 443 and allow self-signed certificates, not specifying a
-username, password, or host so they are not stored on disk; these will need to
-be specified on every command:
Delete a base profile. You must specify a profile name to be deleted. To find
-a list of available profiles for deletion, issue the profiles list command. By
-default, you will be prompted to confirm the profile removal.
Specifies the name of the base profile to be deleted. You can also load this
-profile by using the name on commands that support the "--base-profile"
Force deletion of profile, and dependent profiles if specified. No prompt will
-be displayed before deletion occurs.
Delete a cics profile. You must specify a profile name to be deleted. To find
-a list of available profiles for deletion, issue the profiles list command. By
-default, you will be prompted to confirm the profile removal.
Specifies the name of the cics profile to be deleted. You can also load this
-profile by using the name on commands that support the "--cics-profile"
Force deletion of profile, and dependent profiles if specified. No prompt will
-be displayed before deletion occurs.
Delete a db2 profile. You must specify a profile name to be deleted. To find a
-list of available profiles for deletion, issue the profiles list command. By
-default, you will be prompted to confirm the profile removal.
Specifies the name of the db2 profile to be deleted. You can also load this
-profile by using the name on commands that support the "--db2-profile"
Force deletion of profile, and dependent profiles if specified. No prompt will
-be displayed before deletion occurs.
Delete a ims profile. You must specify a profile name to be deleted. To find a
-list of available profiles for deletion, issue the profiles list command. By
-default, you will be prompted to confirm the profile removal.
Specifies the name of the ims profile to be deleted. You can also load this
-profile by using the name on commands that support the "--ims-profile"
Force deletion of profile, and dependent profiles if specified. No prompt will
-be displayed before deletion occurs.
Delete a mq profile. You must specify a profile name to be deleted. To find a
-list of available profiles for deletion, issue the profiles list command. By
-default, you will be prompted to confirm the profile removal.
Specifies the name of the mq profile to be deleted. You can also load this
-profile by using the name on commands that support the "--mq-profile"
Force deletion of profile, and dependent profiles if specified. No prompt will
-be displayed before deletion occurs.
Delete a ssh profile. You must specify a profile name to be deleted. To find a
-list of available profiles for deletion, issue the profiles list command. By
-default, you will be prompted to confirm the profile removal.
Specifies the name of the ssh profile to be deleted. You can also load this
-profile by using the name on commands that support the "--ssh-profile"
Force deletion of profile, and dependent profiles if specified. No prompt will
-be displayed before deletion occurs.
Delete a tso profile. You must specify a profile name to be deleted. To find a
-list of available profiles for deletion, issue the profiles list command. By
-default, you will be prompted to confirm the profile removal.
Specifies the name of the tso profile to be deleted. You can also load this
-profile by using the name on commands that support the "--tso-profile"
Force deletion of profile, and dependent profiles if specified. No prompt will
-be displayed before deletion occurs.
Delete a zftp profile. You must specify a profile name to be deleted. To find
-a list of available profiles for deletion, issue the profiles list command. By
-default, you will be prompted to confirm the profile removal.
Specifies the name of the zftp profile to be deleted. You can also load this
-profile by using the name on commands that support the "--zftp-profile"
Force deletion of profile, and dependent profiles if specified. No prompt will
-be displayed before deletion occurs.
Delete a zosmf profile. You must specify a profile name to be deleted. To find
-a list of available profiles for deletion, issue the profiles list command. By
-default, you will be prompted to confirm the profile removal.
Specifies the name of the zosmf profile to be deleted. You can also load this
-profile by using the name on commands that support the "--zosmf-profile"
Force deletion of profile, and dependent profiles if specified. No prompt will
-be displayed before deletion occurs.
A cics profile is required to issue commands in the cics command group that
-interact with CICS regions. The cics profile contains your host, port, user
-name, and password for the IBM CICS management client interface (CMCI) server of
-your choice.
zowe profiles list cics-profiles [options]
--show-contents | --sc(boolean)
List cics profiles and their contents. All profile details will be printed as
-part of command output.
List profiles of type cics:
zowe profiles list cics-profiles
List profiles of type cics and display their contents:
An ims profile is used to issue commands in the ims command group that interact
-with IMS regions. The ims profile contains your IMS Operations API web server
-host, port, user name and password, IMS Connect host and port and IMS plex
zowe profiles list ims-profiles [options]
--show-contents | --sc(boolean)
List ims profiles and their contents. All profile details will be printed as
-part of command output.
List profiles of type ims:
zowe profiles list ims-profiles
List profiles of type ims and display their contents:
An MQREST profile is required to issue commands in the MQ command group that
-interacts with MQSC. The mq profile contains your host, port, user name, and
-password for the IBM MQ System Console interface
zowe profiles list mq-profiles [options]
--show-contents | --sc(boolean)
List mq profiles and their contents. All profile details will be printed as
-part of command output.
List profiles of type mq:
zowe profiles list mq-profiles
List profiles of type mq and display their contents:
The base set default-profiles command allows you to set the default profiles
-for this command group. When a base command is issued and no profile override
-options are specified, the default profiles for the command group are
-automatically loaded for the command based on the commands profile
Specify a
-profile for default usage within the base group. When you issue commands within
-the base group without a profile specified as part of the command, the default
-will be loaded instead.
Set the default profile for type base to the profile named
The cics set default-profiles command allows you to set the default profiles
-for this command group. When a cics command is issued and no profile override
-options are specified, the default profiles for the command group are
-automatically loaded for the command based on the commands profile
Specify a
-profile for default usage within the cics group. When you issue commands within
-the cics group without a profile specified as part of the command, the default
-will be loaded instead.
Set the default profile for type cics to the profile named
The db2 set default-profiles command allows you to set the default profiles for
-this command group. When a db2 command is issued and no profile override
-options are specified, the default profiles for the command group are
-automatically loaded for the command based on the commands profile
Specify a
-profile for default usage within the db2 group. When you issue commands within
-the db2 group without a profile specified as part of the command, the default
-will be loaded instead.
Set the default profile for type db2 to the profile named
The ims set default-profiles command allows you to set the default profiles for
-this command group. When a ims command is issued and no profile override
-options are specified, the default profiles for the command group are
-automatically loaded for the command based on the commands profile
Specify a
-profile for default usage within the ims group. When you issue commands within
-the ims group without a profile specified as part of the command, the default
-will be loaded instead.
Set the default profile for type ims to the profile named
The mq set default-profiles command allows you to set the default profiles for
-this command group. When a mq command is issued and no profile override options
-are specified, the default profiles for the command group are automatically
-loaded for the command based on the commands profile requirements.
Specify a
-profile for default usage within the mq group. When you issue commands within
-the mq group without a profile specified as part of the command, the default
-will be loaded instead.
Set the default profile for type mq to the profile named
The ssh set default-profiles command allows you to set the default profiles for
-this command group. When a ssh command is issued and no profile override
-options are specified, the default profiles for the command group are
-automatically loaded for the command based on the commands profile
Specify a
-profile for default usage within the ssh group. When you issue commands within
-the ssh group without a profile specified as part of the command, the default
-will be loaded instead.
Set the default profile for type ssh to the profile named
The tso set default-profiles command allows you to set the default profiles for
-this command group. When a tso command is issued and no profile override
-options are specified, the default profiles for the command group are
-automatically loaded for the command based on the commands profile
Specify a
-profile for default usage within the tso group. When you issue commands within
-the tso group without a profile specified as part of the command, the default
-will be loaded instead.
Set the default profile for type tso to the profile named
The zftp set default-profiles command allows you to set the default profiles
-for this command group. When a zftp command is issued and no profile override
-options are specified, the default profiles for the command group are
-automatically loaded for the command based on the commands profile
Specify a
-profile for default usage within the zftp group. When you issue commands within
-the zftp group without a profile specified as part of the command, the default
-will be loaded instead.
Set the default profile for type zftp to the profile named
The zosmf set default-profiles command allows you to set the default profiles
-for this command group. When a zosmf command is issued and no profile override
-options are specified, the default profiles for the command group are
-automatically loaded for the command based on the commands profile
Specify a
-profile for default usage within the zosmf group. When you issue commands
-within the zosmf group without a profile specified as part of the command, the
-default will be loaded instead.
Set the default profile for type zosmf to the profile named
Update a {{type}} profile. You can update any property present within the
-profile configuration. The updated profile will be printed so that you can
-review the result of the updates.
zowe profiles update <command>
Where <command> is one of the following:
base-profile | base - Update a base profile. You can update any property present within the profile configuration. The updated profile will be printed so that you can review the result of the updates.
cics-profile | cics - Update a cics profile. You can update any property present within the profile configuration. The updated profile will be printed so that you can review the result of the updates.
db2-profile | db2 - Update a db2 profile. You can update any property present within the profile configuration. The updated profile will be printed so that you can review the result of the updates.
ims-profile | ims - Update a ims profile. You can update any property present within the profile configuration. The updated profile will be printed so that you can review the result of the updates.
mq-profile | mq - Update a mq profile. You can update any property present within the profile configuration. The updated profile will be printed so that you can review the result of the updates.
ssh-profile | ssh - Update a ssh profile. You can update any property present within the profile configuration. The updated profile will be printed so that you can review the result of the updates.
tso-profile | tso - Update a tso profile. You can update any property present within the profile configuration. The updated profile will be printed so that you can review the result of the updates.
zftp-profile | zftp - Update a zftp profile. You can update any property present within the profile configuration. The updated profile will be printed so that you can review the result of the updates.
zosmf-profile | zosmf - Update a zosmf profile. You can update any property present within the profile configuration. The updated profile will be printed so that you can review the result of the updates.
A cics profile is required to issue commands in the cics command group that
-interact with CICS regions. The cics profile contains your host, port, user
-name, and password for the IBM CICS management client interface (CMCI) server of
-your choice.
An ims profile is used to issue commands in the ims command group that interact
-with IMS regions. The ims profile contains your IMS Operations API web server
-host, port, user name and password, IMS Connect host and port and IMS plex
Specifies the name of the new ims profile. You can load this profile by using
-the name on commands that support the "--ims-profile" option.
IMS Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The IMS Operations API server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The IMS Operations API server port.
--ims-connect-host | --ich(string)
The hostname of your instance of IMS Connect. This is typically the hostname of
-the mainframe LPAR where IMS Connect is running.
--ims-connect-port | --icp(number)
The port of your instance of IMS Connect. This port can be found in your IMS
-Connect configuration file on the mainframe.
--plex | -x(string)
The name of the IMS plex.
--user | -u(string)
The web server user name where the IMS Operations API resides.
--password | --pass(string)
The web server user password where the IMS Operations API resides.
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
An MQREST profile is required to issue commands in the MQ command group that
-interacts with MQSC. The mq profile contains your host, port, user name, and
-password for the IBM MQ System Console interface
Specifies the name of the new zftp profile. You can load this profile by using
-the name on commands that support the "--zftp-profile" option.
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Specifies the name of the new zosmf profile. You can load this profile by using
-the name on commands that support the "--zosmf-profile" option.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
--encoding | --ec(number)
The encoding for download and upload of z/OS data set and USS files. The
-default encoding if not specified is 1047.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Update a zosmf profile named 'zos123' with a new username
-and password:
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
Lists z/OSMF provisioning information such as the provisioned instances from the
-registry, the provisioned instance details, the available provisioning templates
-and provisioning template details.
Lists the z/OSMF service catalog published templates.
zowe provisioning list catalog-templates [options]
--all-info | --ai(boolean)
Display information about published z/OSMF service catalog templates (summary
-information is printed by default).
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
List all published templates in the z/OSMF service catalog
-(with full detail):
zowe provisioning list catalog-templates --all-info
List details about an instance provisioned with z/OSMF.
zowe provisioning list instance-info <name> [options]
Positional Arguments
Provisioned Instance Name
Level of information to display for the provisioned instance. Possible values:
summary - summary information, no actions or variables
-actions - (default) summary with actions, no variables
-vars - summary information with variables, no actions
-extended - extended information with actions
-full - all available information
Allowed values: extended, summary, vars, actions, full
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
List summary information with a list of actions for an
-instance with the name "instance1":
zowe provisioning list instance-info instance1
Show extended general information with actions for a
-provisioned instance with the name "instance1":
zowe provisioning list instance-info instance1 --display extended
List a set of variables and their values for a given name.
zowe provisioning list instance-variables <name> [options]
Positional Arguments
Provisioned Instance Name
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
List instance variables of "instance1":
zowe provisioning list instance-variables instance1
List the provisioned instances from the z/OSMF software registry.
zowe provisioning list registry-instances [options]
--all-info | --ai(boolean)
Display all available information about provisioned instances (summary by
--filter-by-type | --fbt(string)
Filter the list of provisioned instances by type (e.g. DB2 or CICS).
--filter-by-external-name | --fben(string)
Filter the list of provisioned instances by External Name.
--types | -t(boolean)
Display a list of all types for provisioned instances (e.g. DB2 or CICS).
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
List all provisioned instances (with full detail):
zowe provisioning list registry-instances --all-info
List details about a template published with z/OSMF Cloud Provisioning.
zowe provisioning list template-info <name> [options]
Positional Arguments
The name of a z/OSMF cloud provisioning template.
--all-info | --ai(boolean)
Display detailed information about published z/OSMF service catalog template
-(summary information is printed by default).
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
List summary information for template "template1":
Perform actions on instances previously provisioned with z/OSMF cloud
-provisioning services. To view the list of provisioned instances, use the
-"zowe provisioning list registry-instances" command. Once you have
-obtained an instance name you can use the "zowe provisioning list
-instance-info <name>" command to view the available instance actions.
The action name. Use the "zowe provisioning list instance-info <name>"
-command to view available instance actions.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Perform the "start" action on the provisioned instance
Using z/OSMF cloud provisioning services, provision available templates.
-You can view available templates using the zowe provisioning list
-catalog-templates command.
A sequence of string enclosed "name=value" pairs of prompt variables.
--properties-file | --pf(string)
Path to .yml file containing properties.
--domain-name | --dn(string)
Required if the user has consumer authorization to more than one domain with
-this template name.
--tenant-name | --tn(string)
Required if the user has consumer authorization to more than one tenant in the
-same domain that contains this template name.
--user-data-id | --udi(string)
ID for the user data specified with user-data. Passed into the software
-services registry.
--user-data | --ud(string)
User data that is passed into the software services registry. Can be specified
-only if user-data-id is provided.
--account-info | --ai(string)
Account information to use in the JCL JOB statement. The default is the account
-information that is associated with the resource pool for the tenant.
--system-nick-names | --snn(string)
Each string is the nickname of the system upon which to provision the software
-service defined by the template. The field is required if the resource pool
-associated with the tenant used for this operation is not set up to
-automatically select a system. Only one nickname is allowed.If the field is
-provided it is validated.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
Interact with z/OSMF console services. Issue z/OS console commands and collect
-responses. z/OS console services establishes extended MCS (EMCS) consoles on
-behalf of the user, which are used to issue the commands and collect responses.
Important! Before you use commands in the zos-console command group, ensure
-that you understand the implications of issuing z/OS console commands in your
z/OSMF console services provides a command response key upon successful issue of
-a console command. You can use this key to collect additional console message
zowe zos-console collect <command>
Where <command> is one of the following:
sync-responses | sr - Collect outstanding synchronous console response messages
The z/OSMF console REST APIs return a "solicited response key" after
-successfully issuing a synchronous console command that produces solicited
-responses. You can use the "solicited response key"on the "sync-responses"
-command to collect any additional outstanding solicited responses from the
-console the command was issued.
In general, when issuing a z/OS console command, z/OS applications route
-responses to the originating console. The command response messages are
-referred to as "solicited command responses" (i.e. direct responses to the
-command issued). When issuing a z/OS console command using Zowe CLI, collection
-of all solicited command responses is attempted by default. However, there is
-no z/OS mechanism that indicates the total number of response messages that may
-be produced from a given command. Therefore, the Zowe CLI console APIs return a
-"solicited response key" that can be used to "follow-up" and collect any
-additional solicited command responses.
The "solicited response key" provided in response to a previously issued console
-command. Used by the z/OSMF console API to collect any additional outstanding
-solicited responses from a previously issued console command. Must match
-regular expression: ^\[a\-zA\-Z0\-9\]\+$
--console-name | --cn | -c(string)
The name of the z/OS extended MCS console to direct the command. You must have
-the required authority to access the console specified. You may also specify an
-arbitrary name, if your installation allows dynamic creation of consoles with
-arbitrary names.
Allowed values: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Collect any outstanding additional solicited response
Issue a z/OS console command and print command responses (known as "solicited
-command responses").
In general, when issuing a z/OS console command, z/OS applications route
-responses to the originating console. The command response messages are
-referred to as "solicited command responses" (i.e. direct responses to the
-command issued). When issuing a z/OS console command using Zowe CLI, collection
-of all solicited command responses is attempted by default. However, there is
-no z/OS mechanism that indicates the total number of response messages that may
-be produced from a given command. Therefore, the Zowe CLI console APIs return a
-"solicited response key" that can be used to "follow-up" and collect any
-additional solicited command responses.
Zowe CLI will issue "follow-up" API requests by default to collect any
-additional outstanding solicited command responses until a request returns no
-additional responses. At that time, Zowe CLI will attempt a final collection
-attempt. If no messages are present, the command is complete. If additional
-messages are present, the process is repeated. However, this does not guarantee
-that all messages produced in direct response (i.e. solicited) have been
-collected. The z/OS application may produce additional messages in direct
-response to your command at some point in the future. You can manually collect
-additional responses using the "command response key" OR specify additional
-processing options to, for example, delay collection attempts by a specified
The name of the z/OS extended MCS console to direct the command. You must have
-the required authority to access the console specified. You may also specify an
-arbitrary name, if your installation allows dynamic creation of consoles with
-arbitrary names.
Allowed values: ^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$
--include-details | --id | -i(boolean)
Include additional details at the end of the Zowe CLI command response, such as
-the "command response key" and the z/OSMF command response URL.
--key-only | --ko | -k(boolean)
Displays only the "command response key" returned from the z/OSMF console API.
-You can collect additional messages using the command key with 'zowe
-zos-console collect sync-responses <key>'. Note that when using this option,
-you will not be presented with the "first set" of command response messages (if
-present in the API response). However, you can view them by using the
---response-format-json option.
--return-first | --rf | -r(boolean)
Indicates that Zowe CLI should return immediately with the response message set
-returned in the first z/OSMF API request (even if no responses are present).
-Using this option may result in partial or no response, but quicker Zowe CLI
-command response time. The z/OSMF console API has an implicit wait when
-collecting the first set of console command responses, i.e you will normally
-receive at least one set of response messages.
--solicited-keyword | --sk | -s(string)
For solicited responses (direct command responses) the response is considered
-complete if the keyword specified is present. If the keyword is detected, the
-command will immediately return, meaning the full command response may not be
-provided. The key only applies to the first request issued, follow up requests
-do not support searching for the keyword.
--sysplex-system | --ss | --sys(string)
Specifies the z/OS system (LPAR) in the current SYSPLEX (where your target
-z/OSMF resides) to route the z/OS console command.
--wait-to-collect | --wtc | -w(number)
Indicates that Zowe CLI wait at least the specified number of seconds before
-attempting to collect additional solicited response messages. If additional
-messages are collected on "follow-up" requests, the timer is reset until an
-attempt is made that results in no additional response messages.
--follow-up-attempts | --fua | -a(number)
Number of request attempts if no response returned
Default value: 1
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Issue a z/OS console command to display the IPL information
-for the system:
zowe zos-console issue command "D IPLINFO"
Issue a z/OS console command to display the local and
-coordinated universal time and date:
The name of the data set that you want to copy from
The name of the data set that you want to copy to (data set must be
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Copy the data set named 'USER.FROM.SET' to the data set
-named 'USER.TO.SET':
The block size for the data set (for example, 6160)
Default value: 27998
--data-class | --dc(string)
The SMS data class to use for the allocation
--data-set-type | --dst(string)
The data set type
--device-type | --dt(string)
The device type, also known as 'unit'
--directory-blocks | --db(number)
The number of directory blocks (for example, 25)
Default value: 25
--management-class | --mc(string)
The SMS management class to use for the allocation
--primary-space | --ps(number)
The primary space allocation (for example, 5)
Default value: 10
--record-format | --rf(string)
The record format for the data set (for example, FB for "Fixed Block")
Default value: U
--record-length | --rl(number)
The logical record length. Analogous to the length of a line (for example, 80)
Default value: 27998
--secondary-space | --ss(number)
The secondary space allocation (for example, 1)
--show-attributes | --pa(boolean)
Show the full allocation attributes
--size | --sz(string)
The size of the data set (specified as nCYL or nTRK - where n is the number of
-cylinders or tracks). Sets the primary allocation (the secondary allocation
-becomes ~10% of the primary).
--storage-class | --sc(string)
The SMS storage class to use for the allocation
--volume-serial | --vs(string)
The volume serial (VOLSER) on which you want the data set to be placed. A
-VOLSER is analogous to a drive name on a PC.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Create an empty binary partitioned data set (PDS) with
-default parameters:
The block size for the data set (for example, 6160)
Default value: 32760
--data-class | --dc(string)
The SMS data class to use for the allocation
--data-set-type | --dst(string)
The data set type
--device-type | --dt(string)
The device type, also known as 'unit'
--directory-blocks | --db(number)
The number of directory blocks (for example, 25)
Default value: 25
--management-class | --mc(string)
The SMS management class to use for the allocation
--primary-space | --ps(number)
The primary space allocation (for example, 5)
Default value: 1
--record-format | --rf(string)
The record format for the data set (for example, FB for "Fixed Block")
Default value: VB
--record-length | --rl(number)
The logical record length. Analogous to the length of a line (for example, 80)
Default value: 260
--secondary-space | --ss(number)
The secondary space allocation (for example, 1)
--show-attributes | --pa(boolean)
Show the full allocation attributes
--size | --sz(string)
The size of the data set (specified as nCYL or nTRK - where n is the number of
-cylinders or tracks). Sets the primary allocation (the secondary allocation
-becomes ~10% of the primary).
--storage-class | --sc(string)
The SMS storage class to use for the allocation
--volume-serial | --vs(string)
The volume serial (VOLSER) on which you want the data set to be placed. A
-VOLSER is analogous to a drive name on a PC.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Create an empty C code PDS with default parameters:
The block size for the data set (for example, 6160)
Default value: 6160
--data-class | --dc(string)
The SMS data class to use for the allocation
--data-set-type | --dst(string)
The data set type
--device-type | --dt(string)
The device type, also known as 'unit'
--directory-blocks | --db(number)
The number of directory blocks (for example, 25)
Default value: 25
--management-class | --mc(string)
The SMS management class to use for the allocation
--primary-space | --ps(number)
The primary space allocation (for example, 5)
Default value: 1
--record-format | --rf(string)
The record format for the data set (for example, FB for "Fixed Block")
Default value: FB
--record-length | --rl(number)
The logical record length. Analogous to the length of a line (for example, 80)
Default value: 80
--secondary-space | --ss(number)
The secondary space allocation (for example, 1)
--show-attributes | --pa(boolean)
Show the full allocation attributes
--size | --sz(string)
The size of the data set (specified as nCYL or nTRK - where n is the number of
-cylinders or tracks). Sets the primary allocation (the secondary allocation
-becomes ~10% of the primary).
--storage-class | --sc(string)
The SMS storage class to use for the allocation
--volume-serial | --vs(string)
The volume serial (VOLSER) on which you want the data set to be placed. A
-VOLSER is analogous to a drive name on a PC.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Create an empty z/OS 'classic' PDS with default parameters:
The block size for the data set (for example, 6160)
Default value: 6160
--data-class | --dc(string)
The SMS data class to use for the allocation
--data-set-type | --dst(string)
The data set type
--device-type | --dt(string)
The device type, also known as 'unit'
--directory-blocks | --db(number)
The number of directory blocks (for example, 25)
Default value: 5
--management-class | --mc(string)
The SMS management class to use for the allocation
--primary-space | --ps(number)
The primary space allocation (for example, 5)
Default value: 1
--record-format | --rf(string)
The record format for the data set (for example, FB for "Fixed Block")
Default value: FB
--record-length | --rl(number)
The logical record length. Analogous to the length of a line (for example, 80)
Default value: 80
--secondary-space | --ss(number)
The secondary space allocation (for example, 1)
--show-attributes | --pa(boolean)
Show the full allocation attributes
--size | --sz(string)
The size of the data set (specified as nCYL or nTRK - where n is the number of
-cylinders or tracks). Sets the primary allocation (the secondary allocation
-becomes ~10% of the primary).
--storage-class | --sc(string)
The SMS storage class to use for the allocation
--volume-serial | --vs(string)
The volume serial (VOLSER) on which you want the data set to be placed. A
-VOLSER is analogous to a drive name on a PC.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
The block size for the data set (for example, 6160)
Default value: 6160
--data-class | --dc(string)
The SMS data class to use for the allocation
--device-type | --dt(string)
The device type, also known as 'unit'
--directory-blocks | --db(number)
The number of directory blocks (for example, 25)
--management-class | --mc(string)
The SMS management class to use for the allocation
--primary-space | --ps(number)
The primary space allocation (for example, 5)
Default value: 1
--record-format | --rf(string)
The record format for the data set (for example, FB for "Fixed Block")
Default value: FB
--record-length | --rl(number)
The logical record length. Analogous to the length of a line (for example, 80)
Default value: 80
--secondary-space | --ss(number)
The secondary space allocation (for example, 1)
--show-attributes | --pa(boolean)
Show the full allocation attributes
--size | --sz(string)
The size of the data set (specified as nCYL or nTRK - where n is the number of
-cylinders or tracks). Sets the primary allocation (the secondary allocation
-becomes ~10% of the primary).
--storage-class | --sc(string)
The SMS storage class to use for the allocation
--volume-serial | --vs(string)
The volume serial (VOLSER) on which you want the data set to be placed. A
-VOLSER is analogous to a drive name on a PC.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Create an empty physical sequential data set with default
The SMS management class to use for the allocation
--retain-for | --rf(number)
The number of days that the VSAM cluster will be retained on the system. You
-can delete the cluster at any time when neither retain-for nor retain-to is
--retain-to | --rt(string)
The earliest date that a command without the PURGE parameter can delete an
-entry. Specify the expiration date in the form yyyyddd, where yyyy is a
-four-digit year (maximum value: 2155) and ddd is the three-digit day of the
-year from 001 through 365 (for non-leap years) or 366 (for leap years). You
-can delete the cluster at any time when neither retain-for nor retain-to is
-used. You cannot specify both the 'retain-to' and 'retain-for' options.
--secondary-space | --ss(number)
The number of items for the secondary space allocation (for example, 840). The
-type of item allocated is the same as the type used for the '--size' option.
-If you do not specify a secondary allocation, a value of ~10% of the primary
-allocation is used.
--show-attributes | --pa(boolean)
Show the full allocation attributes
--size | --sz(string)
The primary size to allocate for the VSAM cluster. Specify size as the number
-of items to allocate (nItems). You specify the type of item by keyword.
Default value: 840KB
--storage-class | --sc(string)
The SMS storage class to use for the allocation
--volumes | -v(string)
The storage volumes on which to allocate a VSAM cluster. Specify a single
-volume by its volume serial (VOLSER). To specify more than one volume, enclose
-the option in double-quotes and separate each VOLSER with a space. You must
-specify the volumes option when your cluster is not SMS-managed.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Create a VSAM data set named "SOME.DATA.SET.NAME" using
-default values of INDEXED, 840 KB primary storage and 84 KB secondary storage:
The name of the directory that you want to create.
--mode | -m(string)
Specifies the file permission bits to use when creating the directory.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Create a USS directory named "testDir" :
zowe zos-files create uss-directory testDir
Create a USS directory named "testDir" with mode "rwxrwxrwx"
Specifies the file permission bits to use when creating the file.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Create a USS file named "test.ext" :
zowe zos-files create uss-file text.txt
Create a USS file named "text.txt" with mode "rwxrwxrwx" :
The number of primary cylinders to allocate for the ZFS.
Default value: 10
--cyls-sec | --cs(number)
The number of secondary cylinders to allocate for the ZFS.
Default value: 2
--data-class | --dc(string)
The SMS data class to use for the allocation
--group | -g(string)
The z/OS group ID or GID for the group of the ZFS root directory.
--management-class | --mc(string)
The SMS management class to use for the allocation
--owner | -o(string)
The z/OS user ID or UID for the owner of the ZFS root directory.
--perms | -p(number)
The permissions code for the ZFS root directory.
Default value: 755
--storage-class | --sc(string)
The SMS storage class to use for the allocation
--timeout | -t(number)
The number of seconds to wait for the underlying "zfsadm format" command to
-complete. If this command times out, the ZFS may have been created but not
-formatted correctly.
Default value: 20
--volumes | -v(array)
The storage volumes on which to allocate the z/OS file system. Specify a single
-volume by its volume serial (VOLSER). To specify more than one volume, separate
-each VOLSER with a space. You must specify the volumes option when your cluster
-is not SMS-managed.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Create a ZFS named "HLQ.MYNEW.ZFS" using default values of
-755 permissions, 10 primary and 2 secondary cylinders allocated, and a timeout
-of 20 seconds:
The name of the VSAM cluster that you want to delete
--erase | -e(boolean)
Specify this option to overwrite the data component for the cluster with binary
-zeros. This option is ignored if the NOERASE attribute was specified when the
-cluster was defined or altered.
Default value: false
--purge | -p(boolean)
Specify this option to delete the VSAM cluster regardless of its retention
-period or date.
Default value: false
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Required Options
--for-sure | -f(boolean)
Specify this option to confirm that you want to delete the VSAM cluster
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Delete the VSAM data set named 'ibmuser.cntl.vsam':
Specify this option to confirm that you want to delete the data set
--volume | --vol(string)
The volume serial (VOLSER) where the data set resides. The option is required
-only when the data set is not catalogued on the system.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Delete the data set named 'ibmuser.cntl':
zowe zos-files delete data-set "ibmuser.cntl" -f
Delete the data set member named 'ibmuser.cntl(mem)':
The name of the migrated data set you want to delete.
--wait | -w(boolean)
If true then the function waits for completion of the request. If false
-(default) the request is queued.
Default value: false
--purge | -p(boolean)
If true then the function uses the PURGE=YES on ARCHDEL request. If false
-(default) the function uses the PURGE=NO on ARCHDEL request.
Default value: false
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
The name of the file or directory that you want to delete
Required Options
--for-sure | -f(boolean)
Specify this option to confirm that you want to delete the file or directory
--recursive | -r(boolean)
Delete directories recursively.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Delete the empty directory '/u/ibmuser/testcases':
The name of the z/OS file system that you want to delete.
Required Options
--for-sure | -f(boolean)
Specify this option to confirm that you want to delete the ZFS permanently.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
The name of the data set from which you want to download members
--binary | -b(boolean)
Download the file content in binary mode, which means that no data conversion is
-performed. The data transfer process returns each line as-is, without
-translation. No delimiters are added between records.
--directory | -d(string)
The directory to where you want to save the members. The command creates the
-directory for you when it does not already exist. By default, the command
-creates a folder structure based on the data set qualifiers. For example, the
-data set's members are downloaded to ibmuser/new/cntl).
--encoding | --ec(number)
Download the file content with encoding mode, which means that data conversion
-is performed using the file encoding specified.
--extension | -e(string)
Save the local files with a specified file extension. For example, .txt. Or
-"" for no extension. When no extension is specified, .txt is used as the
-default file extension.
--fail-fast | --ff(boolean)
Set this option to false to continue downloading dataset members if one or more
Default value: true
--max-concurrent-requests | --mcr(number)
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent z/OSMF REST API requests to download
-members. Increasing the value results in faster downloads. However, increasing
-the value increases resource consumption on z/OS and can be prone to errors
-caused by making too many concurrent requests. If the download process
-encounters an error, the following message displays:
-The maximum number of TSO address spaces have been created. When you specify 0,
-Zowe CLI attempts to download all members at once without a maximum number of
-concurrent requests.
Default value: 1
--preserve-original-letter-case | --po(boolean)
Specifies if the automatically generated directories and files use the original
-letter case
Default value: false
--volume-serial | --vs(string)
The volume serial (VOLSER) where the data set resides. You can use this option
-at any time. However, the VOLSER is required only when the data set is not
-cataloged on the system. A VOLSER is analogous to a drive name on a PC.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Download the members of the data set "ibmuser.loadlib" in
-binary mode to the directory "loadlib/":
The name of the data set that you want to download
--binary | -b(boolean)
Download the file content in binary mode, which means that no data conversion is
-performed. The data transfer process returns each line as-is, without
-translation. No delimiters are added between records.
--encoding | --ec(number)
Download the file content with encoding mode, which means that data conversion
-is performed using the file encoding specified.
--extension | -e(string)
Save the local files with a specified file extension. For example, .txt. Or
-"" for no extension. When no extension is specified, .txt is used as the
-default file extension.
--file | -f(string)
The path to the local file where you want to download the content. When you
-omit the option, the command generates a file name automatically for you.
--preserve-original-letter-case | --po(boolean)
Specifies if the automatically generated directories and files use the original
-letter case
Default value: false
--volume-serial | --vs(string)
The volume serial (VOLSER) where the data set resides. You can use this option
-at any time. However, the VOLSER is required only when the data set is not
-cataloged on the system. A VOLSER is analogous to a drive name on a PC.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Download the data set "ibmuser.loadlib(main)" in binary mode
-to the local file "main.obj":
Download the file content in binary mode, which means that no data conversion is
-performed. The data transfer process returns each line as-is, without
-translation. No delimiters are added between records.
--encoding | --ec(number)
Download the file content with encoding mode, which means that data conversion
-is performed using the file encoding specified.
--file | -f(string)
The path to the local file where you want to download the content. When you
-omit the option, the command generates a file name automatically for you.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Download the file "/a/ibmuser/my_text.txt" to ./my_text.txt:
Submit control statements for execution by Access Method Services (IDCAMS). You
-can use IDCAMS to create VSAM data sets (CSI, ZFS, etc...), delete data sets,
-and more. You must format the control statements exactly as the IDCAMS utility
-expects. For more information about control statements, see the IBM publication
-'z/OS DFSMS Access Method Services Commands'.
The path to a file that contains IDCAMS control statements. Ensure that your
-file does not contain statements that are longer than 255 characters (maximum
-allowed length).
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Reads the specified file and submits the controls
Submit control statements for execution by Access Method Services (IDCAMS). You
-can use IDCAMS to create VSAM data sets (CSI, ZFS, etc...), delete data sets,
-and more. You must format the control statements exactly as the IDCAMS utility
-expects. For more information about control statements, see the IBM publication
-'z/OS DFSMS Access Method Services Commands'.
The IDCAMS control statement that you want to submit. Zowe CLI attempts to
-split the inline control statement at 255 characters.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
List all members of a partitioned data set. To view additional information
-about each member, use the --attributes option under the Options section of
-this help text.
zowe zos-files list all-members <dataSetName> [options]
Positional Arguments
The name of the data set for which you want to list the members
--attributes | -a(boolean)
Display more information about each member. Data sets with an undefined record
-format display information related to executable modules. Variable and fixed
-block data sets display information about when the members were created and
--max-length | --max(number)
The option --max-length specifies the maximum number of items to return.
-Skip this parameter to return all items. If you specify an incorrect value, the
-parameter returns up to 1000 items.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Show members of the data set "ibmuser.asm":
zowe zos-files list all-members "ibmuser.asm"
Show attributes of members of the data set "ibmuser.cntl":
zowe zos-files list all-members "ibmuser.cntl" -a
Show the first 5 members of the data set "ibmuser.cntl":
zowe zos-files list all-members "ibmuser.cntl" --max 5
List data sets that match a pattern in the data set name
zowe zos-files list data-set <dataSetName> [options]
Positional Arguments
The name or pattern of the data set that you want to list
--attributes | -a(boolean)
Display more information about each member. Data sets with an undefined record
-format display information related to executable modules. Variable and fixed
-block data sets display information about when the members were created and
--max-length | --max(number)
The option --max-length specifies the maximum number of items to return.
-Skip this parameter to return all items. If you specify an incorrect value, the
-parameter returns up to 1000 items.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Show the data set "ibmuser.asm":
zowe zos-files list data-set "ibmuser.asm"
Show attributes of the data set "ibmuser.cntl":
zowe zos-files list data-set "ibmuser.cntl" -a
Show all data sets of the user "ibmuser":
zowe zos-files list data-set "ibmuser.*"
Show attributes of all data sets of the user "ibmuser":
zowe zos-files list data-set "ibmuser.*" -a
Show the first 5 data sets of the user "ibmuser":
zowe zos-files list data-set "ibmuser.cntl" --max 5
List all mounted filesystems, or the specific filesystem mounted at a given
-path, or the filesystem with a given filesystem name.
zowe zos-files list file-system [options]
--max-length | --max(number)
The option --max-length specifies the maximum number of items to return.
-Skip this parameter to return all items. If you specify an incorrect value, the
-parameter returns up to 1000 items.
--fsname | -f(string)
Specifies the name of the mounted file system. This option and --path are
-mutually exclusive.
--path | -p(string)
Specifies the path where the file system is mounted. This option and --fsname
-are mutually exclusive.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
List USS files and directories in a UNIX file path
zowe zos-files list uss-files <path> [options]
Positional Arguments
The directory containing the files and directories to be listed
--max-length | --max(number)
The option --max-length specifies the maximum number of items to return.
-Skip this parameter to return all items. If you specify an incorrect value, the
-parameter returns up to 1000 items.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Show the files and directories in path '/u/ibmuser':
zowe zos-files list uss-files "/u/ibmuser"
Show the files and directories in path '/u/ibmuser
-displaying only the file or directory name:
zowe zos-files list uss-files "/u/ibmuser" --rff name
Show the files and directories in path '/u/ibmuser'
-displaying the headers associated with the file detail:
If true then the function waits for completion of the request. If false
-(default) the request is queued.
Default value: false
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
Mount a UNIX file system on a specified directory.
zowe zos-files mount file-system <fileSystemName> <mountPoint> [options]
Positional Arguments
The name of the file system to mount.
The directory to use as a mount point.
--fs-type | --ft(string)
Specify the file system type that you are going to mount. The name must match
-the TYPE operand on a FILESYSTYPE statement in the BPXPRMxx parmlib member for
-the file system.
Default value: ZFS
--mode | -m(string)
Specify the mode for mounting the file system (rdonly - read-only, rdwr -
Default value: rdonly
Allowed values: rdonly, rdwr
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Mount a z/OS file system using default options:
zowe zos-files mount file-system MY.ZFS /a/ibmuser/mountdir
Mount a hierarchical file system with write access:
zowe zos-files mount file-system MY.HFS /a/ibmuser/mountdir --ft HFS -m rdwr
If true then the function waits for completion of the request. If false
-(default) the request is queued.
Default value: false
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
The name of the data set member that you want to rename.
The name you want to rename the data set member to.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
In the data set 'USER.DATA.SET', rename the member named
-'MEM1' to 'MEM2'.:
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Rename the data set named 'USER.BEFORE.SET' to
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
The path for a local directory that you want to upload to a PDS
The name of the partitioned data set to which you want to upload the files
--binary | -b(boolean)
Data content in binary mode, which means that no data conversion is performed.
-The data transfer process returns each record as-is, without translation. No
-delimiters are added between records.
--encoding | --ec(number)
Data content in encoding mode, which means that data conversion is performed
-according to the encoding specified.
--migrated-recall | --mr(string)
The method by which migrated data set is handled. By default, a migrated data
-set is recalled synchronously. You can specify the following values: wait,
-nowait, error
Default value: nowait
--volume-serial | --vs(string)
The volume serial (VOLSER) where the data set resides. You can use this option
-at any time. However, the VOLSER is required only when the data set is not
-cataloged on the system. A VOLSER is analogous to a drive name on a PC.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Upload a directory named "src" to a PDS named "ibmuser.src":
An optional .zosattributes file in the source directory can be used to control
-file conversion and tagging.
An example .zosattributes file: # pattern local-encoding remote-encoding # Don't upload the node_modules directory .* - *.jpg binary binary # Convert CICS Node.js profiles to EBCDIC *.profile ISO8859-1 EBCDIC
Lines starting with the ‘#’ character are comments. Each line can specify up
-to three positional attributes:
A pattern to match a set of files. Pattern-matching syntax follows
-the same rules as those that apply in .gitignore files (note that negated
-patterns that begin with ‘!’ are not supported). See
A local-encoding to identify a file’s encoding on the local
-workstation. If '-' is specified for local-encoding,files that match the
-pattern are not transferred.
A remote-encoding to specify the file’s desired character set on
-USS. This attribute must either match the local encoding or be set to EBCDIC.
-If set to EBCDIC, files are transferred in text mode and converted, otherwise
-they are transferred in binary mode. Remote files are tagged either with the
-remote encoding or as binary.
Due to a z/OSMF limitation, files that are transferred in text mode are
-converted to the default EBCDIC code page on the z/OS system. Therefore the
-only EBCDIC code page to specify as the remote encoding is the default code page
-for your system.
A .zosattributes file can either be placed in the top-level directory you want
-to upload, or its location can be specified by using the --attributes
-parameter. .zosattributes files that are placed in nested directories are
The local directory path that you want to upload to a USS directory
The name of the USS directory to which you want to upload the local directory
--binary | -b(boolean)
Data content in binary mode, which means that no data conversion is performed.
-The data transfer process returns each record as-is, without translation. No
-delimiters are added between records.
--recursive | -r(boolean)
Upload all directories recursively.
--binary-files | --bf(string)
Comma separated list of file names to be uploaded in binary mode. Use this
-option when you upload a directory in default ASCII mode, but you want to
-specify certain files to be uploaded in binary mode. All files matching
-specified file names will be uploaded in binary mode. If a .zosattributes file
-(or equivalent file specified via --attributes) is present, --binary-files
-will be ignored.
--ascii-files | --af(string)
Comma separated list of file names to be uploaded in ASCII mode. Use this
-option when you upload a directory with --binary/-b flag, but you want to
-specify certain files to be uploaded in ASCII mode. All files matching
-specified file names will be uploaded in ASCII mode. If a .zosattributes file
-(or equivalent file specified via --attributes) is present, --ascii-files
-will be ignored.
--attributes | --attrs(string)
Path of an attributes file to control how files are uploaded
--max-concurrent-requests | --mcr(number)
Specifies the maximum number of concurrent z/OSMF REST API requests to upload
-files. Increasing the value results in faster uploads. However, increasing the
-value increases resource consumption on z/OS and can be prone to errors caused
-by making too many concurrent requests. If the upload process encounters an
-error, the following message displays:
-The maximum number of TSO address spaces have been created. When you specify 0,
-Zowe CLI attempts to upload all members at once without a maximum number of
-concurrent requests.
Default value: 1
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Upload all files from the "local_dir" directory to the
-"/a/ibmuser/my_dir" USS directory:":
Upload all files from the "local_dir" directory to the
-"/a/ibmuser/my_dir" USS directory in default ASCII mode, while specifying a list
-of file names (without path) to be uploaded in binary mode::
Upload all files from the "local_dir" directory to the
-"/a/ibmuser/my_dir" USS directory in binary mode, while specifying a list of
-file names (without path) to be uploaded in ASCII mode::
Recursively upload all files from the "local_dir" directory
-to the "/a/ibmuser/my_dir" USS directory, specifying files to ignore and file
-encodings in the local file my_global_attributes::
The local file that you want to upload to a data set
The name of the data set to which you want to upload the file
--binary | -b(boolean)
Data content in binary mode, which means that no data conversion is performed.
-The data transfer process returns each record as-is, without translation. No
-delimiters are added between records.
--encoding | --ec(number)
Data content in encoding mode, which means that data conversion is performed
-according to the encoding specified.
--migrated-recall | --mr(string)
The method by which migrated data set is handled. By default, a migrated data
-set is recalled synchronously. You can specify the following values: wait,
-nowait, error
Default value: nowait
--volume-serial | --vs(string)
The volume serial (VOLSER) where the data set resides. You can use this option
-at any time. However, the VOLSER is required only when the data set is not
-cataloged on the system. A VOLSER is analogous to a drive name on a PC.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Upload file contents to a sequential data set named
The local file that you want to upload to a USS file
The name of the USS file to which you want to upload the file
--binary | -b(boolean)
Data content in binary mode, which means that no data conversion is performed.
-The data transfer process returns each record as-is, without translation. No
-delimiters are added between records.
--encoding | --ec(number)
Data content in encoding mode, which means that data conversion is performed
-according to the encoding specified.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Upload to the USS file "/a/ibmuser/my_text.txt" from the
-file "file.txt":
The name of the data set to which you want to upload data
--binary | -b(boolean)
Data content in binary mode, which means that no data conversion is performed.
-The data transfer process returns each record as-is, without translation. No
-delimiters are added between records.
--migrated-recall | --mr(string)
The method by which migrated data set is handled. By default, a migrated data
-set is recalled synchronously. You can specify the following values: wait,
-nowait, error
Default value: nowait
--volume-serial | --vs(string)
The volume serial (VOLSER) where the data set resides. You can use this option
-at any time. However, the VOLSER is required only when the data set is not
-cataloged on the system. A VOLSER is analogous to a drive name on a PC.
--responseTimeout | --rto(number)
The maximum amount of time in seconds the z/OSMF Files TSO servlet should run
-before returning a response. Any request exceeding this amount of time will be
-terminated and return an error. Allowed values: 5 - 600
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Stream content from stdin to a sequential data set named
-"" from a Windows console:
Data set and job functionality via FTP. This functionality uses the open source
-zos-node-accessor package from IBM. Commands under this group require you to
-create a zftp profile before using them.
-If you find this functionality useful, please consider setting up z/OSMF on your
-system to get improved stability and speed and more features (for example,
-issuing TSO and console commands) by using core Zowe CLI.
zowe zos-ftp <group>
Where <group> is one of the following:
delete | del - Delete data sets, jobs, and USS files
download | dl - Download data set, job spool, and USS file content
list | ls - List data sets, data set members, uss files, jobs, spool files
The data set (PDS member or physical sequential data set) which you would like
-to delete.
Required Options
--for-sure | -f(boolean)
Specify this option to confirm that you want to delete the data set
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
Cancel a job and purge its output. Note: this command will not work to delete
-TSU or STC type jobs.
zowe zos-ftp delete job <jobid> [options]
Positional Arguments
The ID of the job that you would like to delete
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Cancel the job "JOB00123" and purge its output, optionally
-abbreviating the job ID:
The absolute path to a USS file you would like to delete.
Required Options
--for-sure | -f(boolean)
Specify this option to confirm that you want to delete the data set
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
Delete the directory and all files/directories under it.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
The ID of the job for which you would like to list spool files
--directory | -d(string)
The local directory to save the spool content to. By default, it will be saved
-to "./output".
--omit-jobid-directory | --ojd(boolean)
If you specify this, the job output will be saved directly to the specified (or
-default) directory. For example, if you omit this, the output would be saved to
-./output/JOB00123. If you specify --ojd, the JOB00123 directory would not be
-included in the output path and the content would be saved to ./output.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Download all spool for the job with the ID JOB00123 to the
-default subdirectory in the current directory:
zowe zos-ftp download all-spool-by-jobid j123
Download all spool for the job with the ID JOB00123 to the
-directory build/job_output:
The data set (PDS member or physical sequential data set) which you would like
-to download to a local file.
--binary | -b(boolean)
Download the file content in binary mode, which means that no data conversion is
-performed. The data transfer process returns each line as-is, without
-translation. No delimiters are added between records.
--file | -f(string)
The path to the local file where you want to download the content. When you
-omit the option, the command generates a file name automatically for you.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Download the data set "ibmuser.loadlib(main)" in binary mode
-to the local file "main.obj":
The path to the USS file you would like to download.
--binary | -b(boolean)
Download the file content in binary mode, which means that no data conversion is
-performed. The data transfer process returns each line as-is, without
-translation. No delimiters are added between records.
--file | -f(string)
The path to the local file where you want to download the content. When you
-omit the option, the command generates a file name automatically for you.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Download the USS file "/u/users/ibmuser/main.obj" in binary
-mode to the local file "main.obj":
List all members of the specified PDS or PDSE data set.
zowe zos-ftp list data-set-members <dsname> [options]
Positional Arguments
The PDS or PDSE data set name.
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
List all members in data set "ibmuser.test.cntl":
zowe zos-ftp list data-set-members "ibmuser.test.cntl"
List all data sets that match a DSLEVEL pattern (see help below).
-The following values can be used with the --response-format-filter (--rff)
-argument to display more data from the data sets:volume, unit, referred, ext,
-used, recfm, lrecl, blksz, dsorg, and dsname.
zowe zos-ftp list data-set <pattern> [options]
Positional Arguments
The pattern or patterns to match data sets against. Also known as 'DSLEVEL', it
-is somewhat similar to the concept of a 'glob' (but not identical). The
-following special sequences can be used in the pattern:
-%: Matches any single character
-*: Matches any number of characters within a data set name qualifier (e.g.
-"ibmuser.j*.old" matches "ibmuser.jcl.old" but not
-**: Matches any number of characters within any number of data set name
-qualifiers (e.g. "ibmuser.**.old" matches both "ibmuser.jcl.old" and
-However, the pattern cannot begin with any of these sequences.
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
List all data sets beginning with "ibmuser" and ending in
List all data sets that match a DSLEVEL pattern (see help below).
zowe zos-ftp list jobs [options]
Required Options
Specify the job name prefix of the jobs you own and want to list. You can
-specify a wildcard, which is usually in the form "JOB*".
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
--owner | -o(string)
Specify the owner user ID of the jobs you want to list. The owner is the
-individual/user who submitted the job OR the user ID assigned to the job.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
List all jobs with names beginning beginning with "ibmu":
zowe zos-ftp list jobs --prefix "ibmu*"
List Alice's jobs with names beginning beginning with
zowe zos-ftp list jobs --prefix "ibmu*" --owner "alice"
Given a z/OS job JOBID, list the spool files (DDs) for a z/OS job on the
-JES/spool queues. The command does not pre-validate the JOBID. The command
-presents errors verbatim from the z/OSMF Jobs REST endpoints.
zowe zos-ftp list spool-files-by-jobid <jobid> [options]
Positional Arguments
The z/OS JOBID of the job with the spool files you want to list. No
-pre-validation of the JOBID is performed.
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
List the spool files of the job with JOBID JOB00123:
List USS files and subdirectories in a directory.
-The following values can be used with the --response-format-filter (--rff)
-argument todisplay more data from the data sets:name, size, owner, group, and
zowe zos-ftp list uss-files <directory> [options]
Positional Arguments
The USS directory to list files in
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
List USS files in the directory "/u/users/ibmuser/":
zowe zos-ftp list uss-files "/u/users/ibmuser"
List USS files in the directory "/u/users/ibmuser/" and show
-only the file name:
zowe zos-ftp list uss-files "/u/users/ibmuser/" --rff name
zowe zos-ftp make uss-directory <ussDirectory> [options]
Positional Arguments
The USS directory you'd like to make.
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Make a USS directory "/u/users/ibmuser/mydir":
zowe zos-ftp make uss-directory "/u/users/ibmuser/mydir"
The current name of the data set you want to rename.
The new name for the data set.
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
Rename the data set member "ibmuser.cntl(alloc)" to
-"ibmuser.cntl(alloc2)". Note: you can only rename members within the same
-partitioned data set. You cannot move a member to another data set with this
The current name of the USS file you want to rename.
The new name for the USS file.
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Rename the file /u/users/ibmuser/hello.txt to
Submit a job from a cataloged data set containing JCL. The JCL will be
-downloaded via FTP and then submitted.
zowe zos-ftp submit data-set <dataSet> [options]
Positional Arguments
The data set containing JCL that you would like to submit
--wait | -w(string)
Specify job query interval and max times of querying job status. The format of
-this option is comma-separated numeric values. For example, '5,12' means
-queries job status every 5 seconds for 12 times at most.
--wait-for-output | --wfo(boolean)
Wait for the job to enter OUTPUT status before completing the command.
--wait-for-active | --wfa(boolean)
Wait for the job to enter ACTIVE status before completing the command.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Submit a job residing in the data set
Specify job query interval and max times of querying job status. The format of
-this option is comma-separated numeric values. For example, '5,12' means
-queries job status every 5 seconds for 12 times at most.
--wait-for-output | --wfo(boolean)
Wait for the job to enter OUTPUT status before completing the command.
--wait-for-active | --wfa(boolean)
Wait for the job to enter ACTIVE status before completing the command.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Submit a job from the local file "my_build_jcl.txt":
zowe zos-ftp submit local-file "my_build_jcl.txt"
Submit a job from the local file "my_build_jcl.txt" and
-print only the job ID:
Submit a job from JCL written to the standard input (stdin) of this process.
zowe zos-ftp submit stdin [options]
--wait | -w(string)
Specify job query interval and max times of querying job status. The format of
-this option is comma-separated numeric values. For example, '5,12' means
-queries job status every 5 seconds for 12 times at most.
--wait-for-output | --wfo(boolean)
Wait for the job to enter OUTPUT status before completing the command.
--wait-for-active | --wfa(boolean)
Wait for the job to enter ACTIVE status before completing the command.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Submit a job from stdin, redirecting the contents of
-my_jcl.txt in.:
zowe zos-ftp submit stdin < my_jcl.txt
Submit a job from the local file "my_build_jcl.txt" and wait
-for job complete.:
The data set (PDS member or physical sequential data set) to which you would
-like to upload content.
--binary | -b(boolean)
Upload content in binary mode.
DCB parameters for dataset allocation if not existing. It's space separated
-like RECFM=FB LRECL=326 BLKSIZE=23472
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Upload to "ibmuser.cntl(iefbr14)" from the file iefbr14.txt:
Upload the contents of this local file to a data set.
The USS file to which you would like to upload content.
--binary | -b(boolean)
Upload content in binary mode.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Upload to "/u/users/ibmuser/iefbr14.txt" from the file
The data set (PDS member or physical sequential data set) to which you would
-like to upload content.
--binary | -b(boolean)
Upload content in binary mode.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Upload to "ibmuser.cntl(iefbr14)" from standard input (you
-can pipe into this command):
The USS file to which you would like to upload content.
--binary | -b(boolean)
Upload content in binary mode.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Upload to "/u/users/ibmuser/iefbr14.txt" from standard input
-(you can pipe into this command):
The ID of the job for which you would like to list spool files
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
View all spool content for the job with ID JOB00123
-(optionally abbreviating the job ID):
The data set (PDS member or physical sequential data set) which you would like
-to view the contents of.
--binary | -b(boolean)
View content in binary form without converting to ASCII text
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
View the content of the data set "ibmuser.cntl(iefbr14)":
View status details of a single z/OS job on spool/JES queues. The command does
-not prevalidate the JOBID. The command presents errors verbatim from the z/OSMF
-Jobs REST endpoints (expect for "no jobs found").
The ID of the jobfor which you would like to list spool files
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
View the status for the job with ID "JOB00123" (optionally
-abbreviating the ID):
View the contents of a spool file from a z/OS job on spool/JES queues. The
-command does not pre-validate the JOBID or spool ID. The command presents
-errors verbatim from the z/OSMF Jobs REST endpoints.
The z/OS JOBID of the job containing the spool file you want to view. No
-pre-validation of the JOBID is performed.
The spool file ID number for the spool file to view. Use the "imperative
-zos-jobs list spool-files-by-jobid" command to obtain spool ID numbers.No
-pre-validation of the ID is performed.
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
View the spool file with ID 4 for the job with job ID
View content in binary form without converting to ASCII text
Set to true for both control and data connection encryption, 'control' for
-control connection encryption only, or 'implicit' for implicitly encrypted
-control connection (this mode is deprecated in modern times, but usually uses
-port 990). Note: Unfortunately, this plugin's functionality only works with FTP
-and FTPS, not 'SFTP' which is FTP over SSH.
Default value: true
--connection-timeout | --ct(number)
How long (in milliseconds) to wait for the control connection to be
Default value: 10000
Required Options
--host | -H(string)
The hostname or IP address of the z/OS server to connect to.
--port | -P(number)
The port of the z/OS FTP server.
Default value: 21
--user | -u(string)
Username for authentication on z/OS
--password | -p | --pass | --pw(string)
Password to authenticate to FTP.
TLS / Secure Connection options
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates. Only specify this if you are connecting to a
-secure FTP instance.
--server-name | --sn(string)
Server name for the SNI (Server Name Indication) TLS extension. Only specify if
-you are connecting securely
Profile Options
--zftp-profile | --zftp-p(string)
The name of a (zftp) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
View the content of the USS file
The job ID (e.g. JOB00123) of the job. Job ID is a unique identifier for z/OS
-batch jobs -- no two jobs on one system can have the same ID. Note: z/OS
-allows you to abbreviate the job ID if desired. You can use, for example
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
The job ID (e.g. JOB00123) of the job. Job ID is a unique identifier for z/OS
-batch jobs -- no two jobs on one system can have the same ID. Note: z/OS
-allows you to abbreviate the job ID if desired. You can use, for example
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
Download all job output to a local directory. Each spool DD will be downloaded
-to its own file in the directory.
zowe zos-jobs download output <jobid> [options]
Positional Arguments
The z/OS JOBID of the job containing the spool files you want to view. No
-pre-validation of the JOBID is performed.
--directory | -d | --dir(string)
The local directory you would like to download the output for the job to.
--extension | -e(string)
A file extension to save the job output with. Defaults to '.txt'.
--omit-jobid-directory | --ojd(boolean)
If specified, job output will be saved directly to the specified directory
-rather than creating a subdirectory named after the ID of the job.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Download all the output of the job with job ID JOB00234 to
-an automatically generated directory.:
List jobs on JES spool/queues. By default, the command lists jobs owned (owner)
-by the user specified in your z/OSMF profile. The default for prefix is "*".
-The command does not prevalidate your user ID. The command surfaces errors
-verbatim from the z/OSMF Jobs REST endpoints.
zowe zos-jobs list jobs [options]
--owner | -o(string)
Specify the owner of the jobs you want to list. The owner is the
-individual/user who submitted the job OR the user ID assigned to the job. The
-command does not prevalidate the owner. You can specify a wildcard according to
-the z/OSMF Jobs REST endpoint documentation, which is usually in the form
--prefix | -p(string)
Specify the job name prefix of the jobs you want to list. The command does not
-prevalidate the owner. You can specify a wildcard according to the z/OSMF Jobs
-REST endpoint documentation, which is usually in the form "JOB*".
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
List all jobs with default settings. The command returns
-jobs owned by your user ID with any job name:
zowe zos-jobs list jobs
List all jobs owned by user IDs starting with 'ibmu' and job
-names starting with 'myjo':
zowe zos-jobs list jobs -o "ibmu*" -p "myjo*"
List all jobs with default owner and prefix settings,
-displaying only the job ID of each job:
Given a z/OS job JOBID, list the spool files (DDs) for a z/OS job on the
-JES/spool queues. The command does not pre-validate the JOBID. The command
-presents errors verbatim from the z/OSMF Jobs REST endpoints.
zowe zos-jobs list spool-files-by-jobid <jobid> [options]
Positional Arguments
The z/OS JOBID of the job with the spool files you want to list. No
-pre-validation of the JOBID is performed.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
List the spool files of the job with JOBID JOB00123:
Submit a job (JCL) contained in a data set. The data set may be of type
-physical sequential or a PDS member. The command does not pre-validate the
-data set name. The command presents errors verbatim from the z/OSMF Jobs REST
-endpoints. For more information about z/OSMF Jobs API errors, see the z/OSMF
-Jobs API REST documentation.
zowe zos-jobs submit data-set <dataset> [options]
Positional Arguments
The z/OS data set containing the JCL to submit. You can specify a physical
-sequential data set (for example, "DATA.SET") or a partitioned data set
-qualified by a member (for example, "DATA.SET(MEMBER)").
--volume | --vol(string)
The volume serial (VOLSER) where the data set resides. The option is required
-only when the data set is not catalogued on the system.
--wait-for-output | --wfo(boolean)
Wait for the job to enter OUTPUT status before completing the command.
--wait-for-active | --wfa(boolean)
Wait for the job to enter ACTIVE status before completing the command.
--view-all-spool-content | --vasc(boolean)
Print all spool output. If you use this option you will wait the job to
--directory | -d(string)
The local directory you would like to download the output of the job. Creates a
-subdirectory using the jobID as the name and files are titled based on DD
-names. If you use this option you will wait the job to complete.
--extension | -e(string)
A file extension to save the job output with. Default is '.txt'.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Submit the JCL in the data set "ibmuser.cntl(deploy)":
Submit a job (JCL) contained in a local file. The command presents errors
-verbatim from the z/OSMF Jobs REST endpoints. For more information about z/OSMF
-Jobs API errors, see the z/OSMF Jobs API REST documentation.
Print all spool output. If you use this option you will wait the job to
--wait-for-output | --wfo(boolean)
Wait for the job to enter OUTPUT status before completing the command.
--wait-for-active | --wfa(boolean)
Wait for the job to enter ACTIVE status before completing the command.
--directory | -d(string)
The local directory you would like to download the output of the job. Creates a
-subdirectory using the jobID as the name and files are titled based on DD
-names. If you use this option you will wait the job to complete.
--extension | -e(string)
A file extension to save the job output with. Default is '.txt'.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Submit a job (JCL) passed to the command via the stdin stream. The command
-presents errors verbatim from the z/OSMF Jobs REST endpoints. For more
-information about z/OSMF Jobs API errors, see the z/OSMF Jobs API REST
zowe zos-jobs submit stdin [options]
--view-all-spool-content | --vasc(boolean)
Print all spool output. If you use this option you will wait the job to
--wait-for-output | --wfo(boolean)
Wait for the job to enter OUTPUT status before completing the command.
--wait-for-active | --wfa(boolean)
Wait for the job to enter ACTIVE status before completing the command.
--directory | -d(string)
The local directory you would like to download the output of the job. Creates a
-subdirectory using the jobID as the name and files are titled based on DD
-names. If you use this option you will wait the job to complete.
--extension | -e(string)
A file extension to save the job output with. Default is '.txt'.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
View status details of a single z/OS job on spool/JES queues. The command does
-not prevalidate the JOBID. The command presents errors verbatim from the z/OSMF
-Jobs REST endpoints (expect for "no jobs found").
The z/OS JOBID of the job you want to view. No prevalidation of the JOBID is
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
View status and other details of the job with the job ID
zowe zos-jobs view job-status-by-jobid j123
Print only the status (for example, "OUTPUT" or "ACTIVE") of
-the job with the job ID JOB00123:
zowe zos-jobs view job-status-by-jobid j123 --rff status --rft string
View the contents of a spool file from a z/OS job on spool/JES queues. The
-command does not pre-validate the JOBID or spool ID. The command presents
-errors verbatim from the z/OSMF Jobs REST endpoints.
The z/OS JOBID of the job containing the spool file you want to view. No
-pre-validation of the JOBID is performed.
The spool file ID number for the spool file to view. Use the "zowe zos-jobs
-list spool-files-by-jobid" command to obtain spool ID numbers.No
-pre-validation of the ID is performed.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
View the spool file with ID 4 for the job with job ID
Creates a TSO address space, issues a TSO command through the newly created
-address space, waits for the READY prompt to print the response, and terminates
-the TSO address space. All response data are returned to the user up to (but
-not including) the TSO 'READY' prompt.
Suppress console messages from start of address space.
--account | -a(string)
Your z/OS TSO/E accounting information.
--character-set | --cs(string)
Character set for address space to convert messages and responses from UTF-8 to
Default value: 697
--code-page | --cp(string)
Codepage value for TSO/E address space to convert messages and responses from
Default value: 1047
--columns | --cols(number)
The number of columns on a screen.
Default value: 80
--logon-procedure | -l(string)
The logon procedure to use when creating TSO procedures on your behalf.
Default value: IZUFPROC
--region-size | --rs(number)
Region size for the TSO/E address space.
Default value: 4096
The number of rows on a screen.
Default value: 24
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--tso-profile | --tso-p(string)
The name of a (tso) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Issue the TSO command "status" to display information about
-jobs for your user ID.:
The servlet key from a previously started TSO address space.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Ping the TSO address space identified by
The servlet key from a previously started TSO address space.
Required Options
The data to which we want to send to the TSO address space represented by the
-servlet key.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
"Send the TIME TSO command to the TSO address space
-identified by IBMUSER-329-aafkaaoc":
address-space | as - Start a TSO address space, from which you will receive a token (a.k.a 'servlet-key') for further address space interaction (e.g. termination).
Start a TSO address space, from which you will receive a token (a.k.a
-'servlet-key') for further address space interaction (e.g. termination).
zowe zos-tso start address-space [options]
--account | -a(string)
Your z/OS TSO/E accounting information.
--character-set | --cs(string)
Character set for address space to convert messages and responses from UTF-8 to
Default value: 697
--code-page | --cp(string)
Codepage value for TSO/E address space to convert messages and responses from
Default value: 1047
--columns | --cols(number)
The number of columns on a screen.
Default value: 80
--logon-procedure | -l(string)
The logon procedure to use when creating TSO procedures on your behalf.
Default value: IZUFPROC
--region-size | --rs(number)
Region size for the TSO/E address space.
Default value: 4096
The number of rows on a screen.
Default value: 24
--servlet-key-only | --sko(boolean)
Specify this option to print only the servlet key
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--tso-profile | --tso-p(string)
The name of a (tso) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Start TSO/E address space:
zowe zos-tso start address-space
Start TSO/E address space, and receive response in JSON
zowe zos-tso start address-space --rfj
Start TSO/E address space, and print only the servlet key:
The servlet key from a previously started TSO address space.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Stop the TSO address space identified by
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Archive a workflow with workflow name "testworkflow":
User ID of the workflow owner. This user can perform the workflow steps or
-delegate the steps to other users.
--variables-input-file | --vif(string)
Specifies an optional properties file that you can use to pre-specify values
-for one or more of the variables that are defined in the workflow definition
--variables | --vs(string)
Includes a list of variables for the workflow. The variables that you specify
-here take precedence over the variables that are specified in the workflow
-variable input file. Make sure the value meets all regular expression
-requirements set for the corresponding variable.
--assign-to-owner | --ato(boolean)
Indicates whether the workflow steps are assigned to the workflow owner.
--access-type | --at(string)
Specifies the access type for the workflow. Public, Restricted or Private.
Allowed values: Public, Restricted, Private
--delete-completed | --dc(boolean)
Whether the successfully completed jobs to be deleted from the JES spool.
--overwrite | --ov(boolean)
Replaces an existing workflow with a new workflow.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Create a workflow with name "testworkflow" using the data
-set "TESTID.WKFLOW" that contains the workflow definition xml on the system
-"TESTM1" with owner "OTHERID" and delete workflow with the same name if it
-already exist in z/OSMF:
Create a workflow with name "testworkflow" using data set
-"TESTID.WKFLOW" containing workflow definition xml, on system "TESTM1" with
-owner "MYSYSID" and delete succesfully completed jobs:
Create a workflow with name "testworkflow" using data set
-"TESTID.WKFLOW" containing workflow definition xml, on system "TESTM1" with
-owner "MYSYSID" and with variable values in the member PROPERTIES of data set
Create a workflow with name "testworkflow" using the data
-set "TESTID.WKFLOW" that contains a workflow definition xml, on a system
-"TESTM1" with owner "MYSYSID" and with the variable name DUMMYVAR and the value
-DUMMYVAL. Assign it to the owner:
User ID of the workflow owner. This user can perform the workflow steps or
-delegate the steps to other users.
--variables-input-file | --vif(string)
Specifies an optional properties file that you can use to pre-specify values
-for one or more of the variables that are defined in the workflow definition
--variables | --vs(string)
Includes a list of variables for the workflow. The variables that you specify
-here take precedence over the variables that are specified in the workflow
-variable input file. Make sure the value meets all regular expression
-requirements set for the corresponding variable.
--assign-to-owner | --ato(boolean)
Indicates whether the workflow steps are assigned to the workflow owner.
--access-type | --at(string)
Specifies the access type for the workflow. Public, Restricted or Private.
Allowed values: Public, Restricted, Private
--delete-completed | --dc(boolean)
Whether the successfully completed jobs to be deleted from the JES spool.
--overwrite | --ov(boolean)
Replaces an existing workflow with a new workflow.
--remote-directory | --rd(string)
The remote uss directory where the files are to be uploaded. The directory has
-to exist
--keep-files | --kf(boolean)
Avoid deletion the uploaded files in /tmp or another specified directory after
-successful execution.
Default value: false
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Create a workflow with name "testworkflow" using the local
-file "TESTID_WKFLOW.xml" that contains the workflow definition xml on the system
-"TESTM1" with owner "OTHERID" and delete workflow with the same name if it
-already exist in z/OSMF:
User ID of the workflow owner. This user can perform the workflow steps or
-delegate the steps to other users.
--variables-input-file | --vif(string)
Specifies an optional properties file that you can use to pre-specify values
-for one or more of the variables that are defined in the workflow definition
--variables | --vs(string)
Includes a list of variables for the workflow. The variables that you specify
-here take precedence over the variables that are specified in the workflow
-variable input file. Make sure the value meets all regular expression
-requirements set for the corresponding variable.
--assign-to-owner | --ato(boolean)
Indicates whether the workflow steps are assigned to the workflow owner.
--access-type | --at(string)
Specifies the access type for the workflow. Public, Restricted or Private.
Allowed values: Public, Restricted, Private
--delete-completed | --dc(boolean)
Whether the successfully completed jobs to be deleted from the JES spool.
--overwrite | --ov(boolean)
Replaces an existing workflow with a new workflow.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Create a workflow with name "testworkflow" using uss file
-"/path/workflow.xml" containing workflow definition, on system "TESTM1" with
-owner "OTHERID" and delete workflow with the same name if it already exist in
Create a workflow with name "testworkflow" using uss file
-"/path/workflow.xml" containing workflow definition, on system "TESTM1" with
-owner "MYSYSID" and delete successfully completed jobs:
Create a workflow with name "testworkflow" using uss file
-"/path/workflow.xml" containing workflow definition, on system "TESTM1" with
-owner "MYSYSID" and with variable values in the member PROPERTIES of data set
Create a workflow with name "testworkflow" using uss file
-"/path/workflow.xml" containing workflow definition, on system "TESTM1" with
-owner "MYSYSID" and with variables VAR1 and VAR2 with values DUMMYVAL1 and
-DUMMYVAL2, and assign it to the owner:
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
To delete a workflow instance in z/OSMF with workflow key
Delete an archived workflow by specified workflow key
--workflow-name | --wn(string)
Delete an archived workflow by specified workflow name
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
To delete an archived workflow from z/OSMF with workflow key
zowe zos-workflows list active-workflow-details [options]
--workflow-name | --wn(string)
List active workflow details by specified workflow name.
--workflow-key | --wk(string)
List active workflow details by specified workflow key.
--list-steps | --ls(boolean)
Optional parameter for listing steps and their properties.
--steps-summary-only | --sso(boolean)
Optional parameter that lists steps summary only.
--list-variables | --lv(boolean)
Optional parameter for listing variables and their properties.
--skip-workflow-summary | --sws(boolean)
Optional parameter that skips the default workflow summary.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
To list the details of an active workflow with key
-"7c62c790-0340-86b2-61ce618d8f8c" including its steps and variables:
zowe zos-workflows list active-workflow-details --workflow-key "7c62c790-0340-86b2-61ce618d8f8c" --list-steps --list-variables
To list the details of an active workflow with name
-"testWorkflow" including its steps and variables:
zowe zos-workflows list active-workflow-details --workflow-name "testWorkflow" --list-steps --list-variables
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
List the workflow with name "testworkflow":
zowe zos-workflows list active-workflows --wn "testworkflow"
List multiple active workflows on the entire syspex with
-names containing"workflow":
zowe zos-workflows list active-workflows --wn ".*workflow.*"
List multiple active workflows on system "IBMSYS" with names
-beginnig with "testW" that are in status "complete":
zowe zos-workflows list active-workflows --wn "test.*" --sys "IBMSYS" --sn "complete"
List the archived z/OSMF workflows for a system or sysplex.
zowe zos-workflows list archived-workflows [options]
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Response Format Options
--response-format-filter | --rff(array)
Filter (include) fields in the response. Accepts an array of field/property
-names to include in the output response. You can filter JSON objects properties
-OR table columns/fields. In addition, you can use this option in conjunction
-with '--response-format-type' to reduce the output of a command to a single
-field/property or a list of a single field/property.
--response-format-type | --rft(string)
The command response output format type. Must be one of the following:
table: Formats output data as a table. Use this option when the output data is
-an array of homogeneous JSON objects. Each property of the object will become a
-column in the table.
list: Formats output data as a list of strings. Can be used on any data type
-(JSON objects/arrays) are stringified and a new line is added after each entry
-in an array.
object: Formats output data as a list of prettified objects (or single object).
-Can be used in place of "table" to change from tabular output to a list of
-prettified objects.
string: Formats output data as a string. JSON objects/arrays are stringified.
Allowed values: table, list, object, string
--response-format-header | --rfh(boolean)
If "--response-format-type table" is specified, include the column headers
-in the output.
Retrieve the contents of a z/OSMF workflow definition from a z/OS system.
zowe zos-workflows list definition-file-details <definitionFilePath> [options]
Positional Arguments
Specifies the location of the workflow definition file, which is either a UNIX
-path name or a fully qualified z/OS data set name.
--list-steps | --ls(boolean)
Optional parameter for listing steps and their properties.
--list-variables | --lv(boolean)
Optional parameter for listing variables and their properties.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
To list the contents of a workflow definition stored in the
-UNIX file "/user/dir/workflow.xml" including its steps and variables:
zowe zos-workflows list definition-file-details "/user/dir/workflow.xml" --list-steps --list-variables
To list the contents of a workflow definition stored in the
-z/OS data set "USER.DATA.SET.XML" including its steps and variables:
zowe zos-workflows list definition-file-details --workflow-name "testWorkflow" --list-steps --list-variables
Will run workflow from the beginning to the end or to the first manual step.
zowe zos-workflows start workflow-full [options]
--workflow-key | --wk(string)
Workflow key of workflow instance to be started
--workflow-name | --wn(string)
Workflow name of workflow instance to be started
--resolve-conflict-by | --rcb(string)
How variable conflicts should be handled.
-outputFileValue: Allow the output file values to override the existing values.
-existingValue: Use the existing variables values instead of the output file
-leaveConflict: Automation is stopped. The user must resolve the conflict
Identifies whether to wait for workflow instance to finish.
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
To start a workflow instance in z/OSMF with workflow key
To start a workflow instance in z/OSMF with workflow key
-"d043b5f1-adab-48e7-b7c3-d41cd95fa4b0"and if there is a conflict in variable's
-value use the value that is in output file:
How variable conflicts should be handled.
-outputFileValue: Allow the output file values to override the existing values.
-existingValue: Use the existing variables values instead of the output file
-leaveConflict: Automation is stopped. The user must resolve the conflict
Identifies whether to perform also following steps in the workflow instance.
Default value: false
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
To start step "Step1" only in a workflow instance in z/OSMF
-with workflow key "d043b5f1-adab-48e7-b7c3-d41cd95fa4b0":
To start step "Step1" only in a workflow instance in z/OSMF
-with workflow key "d043b5f1-adab-48e7-b7c3-d41cd95fa4b0"and if there is a
-conflict in variable's value use the value that is in output file:
Confirm that z/OSMF is running on a specified system and gather information
-about the z/OSMF server for diagnostic purposes.
zowe zosmf check <command>
Where <command> is one of the following:
status - Confirm that z/OSMF is running on a system specified in your profile and gather information about the z/OSMF server for diagnostic purposes. The command outputs properties of the z/OSMF server such as version, hostname, and installed plug-ins.
Confirm that z/OSMF is running on a system specified in your profile and gather
-information about the z/OSMF server for diagnostic purposes. The command
-outputs properties of the z/OSMF server such as version, hostname, and installed
zowe zosmf check status [options]
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Report the status of the z/OSMF server that you specified in
-your default z/OSMF profile:
zowe zosmf check status
Report the status of the z/OSMF server that you specified in
-a supplied z/OSMF profile:
zowe zosmf check status --zosmf-profile SomeZosmfProfileName
Report the status of the z/OSMF server that you specified
-manually via command line:
Obtain a list of systems that are defined to a z/OSMF instance.
zowe zosmf list systems [options]
Zosmf Connection Options
--host | -H(string)
The z/OSMF server host name.
--port | -P(number)
The z/OSMF server port.
Default value: 443
--user | -u(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) user name, which can be the same as your TSO login.
--password | --pass | --pw(string)
Mainframe (z/OSMF) password, which can be the same as your TSO password.
--reject-unauthorized | --ru(boolean)
Reject self-signed certificates.
Default value: true
--base-path | --bp(string)
The base path for your API mediation layer instance. Specify this option to
-prepend the base path to all z/OSMF resources when making REST requests. Do not
-specify this option if you are not using an API mediation layer.
Profile Options
--zosmf-profile | --zosmf-p(string)
The name of a (zosmf) profile to load for this command execution.
--base-profile | --base-p(string)
The name of a (base) profile to load for this command execution.
Base Connection Options
--token-type | --tt(string)
The type of token to get and use for the API. Omit this option to use the
-default token type, which is provided by 'zowe auth login'.
--token-value | --tv(string)
The value of the token to pass to the API.
Obtain a list of systems defined to a z/OSMF instance with
-your default z/OSMF profile:
zowe zosmf list systems
Obtain a list of systems defined to a z/OSMF instance for
-the specified z/OSMF profile:
zowe zosmf list systems --zosmf-profile SomeZosmfProfileName
Obtain a list of the systems defined to a z/OSMF instance
-that you specified in the command line:
zowe zosmf list systems --host myhost --port 443 --user myuser --password mypass