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metadata.json keys (Legacy)

Vlad Zahorodnii edited this page Jul 4, 2020 · 1 revision


  • Id

    The unique id of the dynamic wallpaper. This key is required.

  • Name

    The user visible name of the dynamic wallpaper, it will be displayed below the preview image. This key is required.


  • Preview

    The filename of the preview image. This key is optional.

  • Smooth

    A boolean value that specifies whether wallpaper images can be blended. This key is optional.

    plasma5-wallpapers-dynamic may need to blend a couple of images to produce an image that reflects the user's light situation as accurately as possible. However, in some cases, blending images can cause more harm than good, for example if the dynamic wallpaper contains a moving object. In order to prevent blending wallpaper images, set this key to false.

    The default is true.

    Rule of thumb: if the contents of the wallpaper is mostly static, i.e. there are no moving objects, set this field to true; otherwise to false.

  • Type

    The type of the dynamic wallpaper. Possible values: solar and timed.

    The default is solar.

Solar metadata

  • Azimuth

    The azimuth angle of the Sun, in decimal degrees.

  • Elevation

    The altitude of the Sun, in decimal degrees.

Timed metadata

  • Time

    A real number between 0 and 1, which is computed as follows

    time = the number of seconds since the start of the day / 86400

In order to make life easier for yourself, you could use a Python script to compute the Time field

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import argparse

from dateutil import parser as datetime_parser

argument_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
arguments = argument_parser.parse_args()

datetime = datetime_parser.parse(arguments.input)
midnight = datetime.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)

print((datetime - midnight).total_seconds() / 86400)

Example usage

$ ./ "10:44 AM"

$ ./ "10:44"

$ ./ "10:44 PM"

$ ./ "22:44"