- fix: return valid address for zksync deployment by @kiriyaga
- apply 'waitConfirmations' to all transactions
- Replace deprecated zksync-web3 with zksync-ethers by janjakubnanista
- Init companion networks for all tasks (by tim-becker)
- Ledger: add path support by @ifelsedeveloper
- Change companion networks init to work with hardhat ^2.16 (by nataouze)
- added moonbeam support for etherscan (by sashaaldrick)
- Added typing to 'deployments' (by codebydolapo)
- added cronos and cronosTestnet to network (by adeojoemmanuel)
- export function to get network name (by passabilities)
- Make network deployment file copying to localhost synchronous (by bstchow)
- Missing await in save method (by blukat29)
- Expose signer interface (by huyhuynh3103)
- implements custom upgrade function (by zmalatrax)
- add --tags-require-all flag allowing to execute only deploy scripts containing all the tags specified in --tags
- Allow deterministic support for zkSync
- fix deterministic UUPS proxy
- fix: _setOwner before _setImplementation in solc_0.8 EIP173Proxy by @gitpusha
- Allow override custom proxy params (by @LeoVS09)
- Add filtering of selectors by facets in Diamonds (by @idkravitz)
- add bnreplacer to stringify values from ethers v6
- fix ledger account @ifelsedeveloper
- add trezor support
- fix ledger
- fix ledger support by @stupid-boar
- use pnpm + support latest zksync
- allow to export as typescript const
- allow to use HARDHAT_DEPLOY_EXPORT for the export command too
- Adding the Sepolia network to the network list, so we can verify contracts in the Sepolia network.
- fix UUPS upgrade logic
- add UUPS optio
- preliminary work for external tx support
- Added chain id 421613 and API endpoint https://api-goerli.arbiscan.io
- fix typo for export
- add env variable for EXPORT
- fix(367): catch exceptions by artifactExists
- support optimism-goerli
- catch evm_snapshot and evm_revert errors
- upgrade zksync-web by @MarkuSchick
- fix DiamondLoupeFacet
- Update the dependencies for latest deployment of the zkSync v2 test network.
- export-artifacts: do not export libraries or interfaces by defaults
- preserve artifact dir structure when exporting
- fix --hide-sources
- rename --no-metadata to --hide-sources
- ability to export artifact without metadata
- a103f2d: workaround for ledger
- 283ec68: zksync support
- workaround for ledger
- zksync support
- add metis block explorer
- fix proxyAdmin
- 8bbfbae: add --contract-name to etherscan-verify
- do not resave, increasing unecessarely numDeployments for diamond
- 54ad195: revamp diamond support
- 3216a31: fix old diamond detection
- e8737d5: fix
- e40546a: fix
- 0810042: diamond : do not save diamondCut + do not resave if no changes
- 5602a44: support old diamond + fix Loupe typo
- diamond : do not save diamondCut + do not resave if no changes
- fix old diamond detection
- support old diamond + fix Loupe typo
- fix
- fix
- revamp diamond support
- add --contract-name to sourcify to specify only one contract to be verified
- do nor override original receipt for diamond
- zksync support
- simplify the export-all format
- 42e5330: export option for etherscan request, now even with no error
- more debugging output for etherscan
- add writePostDataOnError option for etherscan
- etherscan config updates: use verify + add optin to set apiURL
- allow exporting to STDOUT via special - filepath
- add BUSL-1.1 license support at Etherscan verification tool
- fix waitConfirmations
- add --api-url for etherscan-verify
- support multiple artifacts folder for external deploy script
- fix facet artifact metadata missing
- adding onlyOwner for Diamond
- add facet options
- implementationName => used a contract by default
- support proxyArgs for UUPS + allow to specify implementationName to reuse implementation across multiple proxies
- ensure dir exist for exports
- remove showAccount as now hardhta-deploy hide it by default unless it is the default test mnemonic, use latest hardhat as peer deps
- throw if multiple artifact with same not-fully qualified exist from hardhat artifacts
- remove previousDeployment saving
- allow etherscan api key config per network
- support @anders-t/ethers-ledger for ledger support
- cleanup overrides for ethers
- use numDeployments instead of history to not have deployment file grow in size too much
- always setup accounts, was only doing it when loading unnamed or named accounts
- add --report-gas
- fix getNetworkName
- add getNetworkName() which return the forked name if any
- fix forgot to add readDotFile to types
- add readDotFile
- add wau to delete deployment and dotFIles
- more etherscan-verify destination + saveDotFile
- if deployment's tx is not found, error out to prevent redeployment by mistake
- add etherscan for avalanche
- add arbitrum testnet etherscan + add missing deps
- fix deterministic function for proxies
- fix diamantaire diamonds constructor args generation
- Allow to define custom deterministic deployment information
- Skip Implementation deployment if already deployed
- Delete libraries link from proxy deploymen
- Add option to wait for specific number of confirmation when deploy a contract
- allow multiple export files by separating via commas
- support eip-1559 for pending tx retry and add command line arg to specify globally the maxfee / priorityfee support for arbiscan
- f96f725: EIP-1559
- EIP-1559
- fix artifact info resolution
- add mumbai for polygonscan
- tags consider for external deploy scripts
- remove error when from !+ proxyAdminOwner
- fix deterministic proxy deployment when using Transparent Proxies (that uses a ProxyAdmin)
- rework the unknown signer case
- Revamp the fork handling
- update dependencies
- handle pending transactions
- consider global gasprice everywhere + use latest nonce (not pending)
- proxy auto fallback on owner to perform upgrade tx
- 74c35d7: Add companion networks feature allowing to access multiple networks from same deploy script
- 3e0d44d: merge new Proxied in
- 0276a09: merge from master fix for coverage
- 0809a58: merge fixes from 0.7
- proxy init option + breaking change: error on non-matching arg length even if implementation constructor has no args
- cb9f57d: support self companion emulation
- 7ecec00: merge from 0.7.11
- merge from 0.7.11
- merge fixes from 0.7
- merge from master fix for coverage
- support self companion emulation
- merge new Proxied in
- Add companion networks feature allowing to access multiple networks from same deploy script
- add polygonscan + throw error when using fully qualified name as deployment name
- add sleep option for etherscan to not exceed api rate-limit
- republish
- fix typing for etherscan
- fix etherscan api type + add log option via env var
- fix vyper + fixes by @guotie
- add etherscan config, lower solc run for etherscan compatibility, output better error for etherscan task and update deps
- use peerDependencies instead of optional
- update dependencies + make ledger support optional to not carry the heavy deps if not used
- lazy load hre.network to be compatible with plugin which expect to modify it before end + improve global fixture handling on load
- different naming for Proxied.sol
- 94092e7: Improve Proxy with support for OpenZeppelin Transparent Proxies
1840518: use proxy constructor abi for proxied contracts
c5450ee: Bumps axios from 0.19.2 to 0.21.1.
7719b3f: fix proxies deployment
d704e1a: workaround hardhat_reset snapshot memory loss
d411d25: add new etherscan endpoint + allow test to access existing deployment (useful for fork testing)
0a8fbc3: fix SPDX regex
7ded716: fix reset on node --watch + fix msg.value for Proxy + allow receive ETH for Proxy
83953c3: default to write deployment to file so can run scripts that deploy contract without losing info
8a215f6: Ensure node task do not run on non-hardhat network
9da5ba5: add solidity source of Proxied.sol for solidity 0.8
b15b50f: fix value 0
9f3b98f: add env HARDHAT_DEPLOY_ACCOUNTS_NETWORK to specify a different network for named accounts
d6144a2: allow multiple tags for --tags + add type param for deployments.createFixture
543483c: allow multiple folder for deploy script, configurable per network
9698753: Add privatekey:// protocol for named accounts
1b831fb: fix bug introduced in last changes : node task args were not considered
f8ebefd: fix supportsInterface for Proxied Contract and fix custom Proxy contract by saving the extended artifacts
69be84b: node task reset deployments by default (use --no-reset to not reset)
6239f31: fix createFixture
5b89a3b: log tx hash + wait for tx (where it was not) + add sourcify task (wip)
fc524e6: fix getUnnamedAccounts : return addresses not named in namedAccounts
07d9aa4: fix proxy upgrade
4ab4b32: fix types declaration not being published
665b57c: Breaking change for external field: isolate external deploy script from other artifacts
ad70a48: allow to execute proxy deploy after deployment was made elsewhere to actualise the deployment files
9bf606d: bring back diamond support
4a03db2: from as privateKey fix + clear npm script cache so watch work as intended
7035011: add support for ledger hardware wallet
5ea8f50: fix deterministic deployment overwrite + add auto account impersonation
c973c7f: fix external deploy exec order + add export-artifacts task to export extended artifacts
e82ddb0: better message for tx that need to be executed from other account
43c975c: remove new types from hardhat/types module If you use typescript in your deploy script and import the
type for example you ll need to update the importfrom
import {HardhatRuntimeEnvironment, DeployFunction} from 'hardhat/types';
import {HardhatRuntimeEnvironment} from 'hardhat/types'; import {DeployFunction} from 'hardhat-deploy/types';
2c7afa4: add better typing for createFixture options
3f81eeb: fix determinsitic diamond redeployment + verifiability of contracts using libraries
b4a8037: remove abi conflict checks for default transparent proxies
fad474b: fix wrong link for sourcify and add binance chain for etherscan verification
- Add privatekey:// protocol for named accounts
- fix proxy upgrade
- bring back diamond support
- fix proxies deployment
- remove abi conflict checks for default transparent proxies
- Improve Proxy with support for OpenZeppelin Transparent Proxies
- allow multiple folder for deploy script, configurable per network
- add support for ledger hardware wallet
- add solidity source of Proxied.sol for solidity 0.8
- fix deterministic deployment overwrite + add auto account impersonation
- better message for tx that need to be executed from other account
- add new etherscan endpoint + allow test to access existing deployment (useful for fork testing)
- fix wrong link for sourcify and add binance chain for etherscan verification
- allow to execute proxy deploy after deployment was made elsewhere to actualise the deployment files
- fixed (by @zgorizzo69) for artfiact using full qualified names
- default to write deployment to file so can run scripts that deploy contract without losing info
- fix bug introduced in last changes : node task args were not considered
- add env HARDHAT_DEPLOY_ACCOUNTS_NETWORK to specify a different network for named accounts
- Bumps axios from 0.19.2 to 0.21.1.
- Ensure node task do not run on non-hardhat network
- fix SPDX regex
- from as privateKey fix + clear npm script cache so watch work as intended
- use proxy constructor abi for proxied contracts
- fix supportsInterface for Proxied Contract and fix custom Proxy contract by saving the extended artifacts
- fix getUnnamedAccounts : return addresses not named in namedAccounts
- add better typing for createFixture options
- log tx hash + wait for tx (where it was not) + add sourcify task (wip)
- fix value 0
- fix reset on node --watch + fix msg.value for Proxy + allow receive ETH for Proxy
- node task reset deployments by default (use --no-reset to not reset)
- workaround hardhat_reset snapshot memory loss
- add --fork-deployments for the node task to allow forked chain to get access to deployment from that chain
- Breaking change for external field: isolate external deploy script from other artifacts
- fix determinsitic diamond redeployment + verifiability of contracts using libraries
- fix createFixture
- allow multiple tags for --tags + add type param for deployments.createFixture
- fix external deploy exec order + add export-artifacts task to export extended artifacts
- fix types declaration not being published
remove new types from hardhat/types module If you use typescript in your deploy script and import the
type for example you ll need to update the importfrom
import {HardhatRuntimeEnvironment, DeployFunction} from 'hardhat/types';
import {HardhatRuntimeEnvironment} from 'hardhat/types'; import {DeployFunction} from 'hardhat-deploy/types';
- fix --reset order to ensure clearing before fetching deployment