constructor(chainId: ChainId, address: string, decimals: number, symbol?: string, name?: string)
The Token entity represents an ERC-20 token at a specific address on a specific chain.
import { ChainId, Token } from '10k_swap-sdk'
const token = new Token(ChainId.MAINNET, '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001', 18, 'HOT', 'Caffeine')
chainId: ChainId
See ChainId
address: string
decimals: number
symbol?: string
name?: string
equals(other: Token): boolean
Checks if the current instance is equal to another (has an identical chainId and address).
sortsBefore(other: Token): boolean
Checks if the current instance sorts before another, by address.