采访编辑/秦雪 后制/李智远
Doom to the Party: The Collapse of China’s Housing Market
Many indications that the Chinese real estate boom is nearing an end are showing themselves. Tourists who visit any Chinese city will find an excessive amount of newly constructed houses, resulting in ghost towns.
These so-called ghost towns are regarded by foreign media as clear evidence that the housing boom is coming to an end.
A Chinese entrepreneur said despite China’s swelling housing bubble, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its banks, as well as developers are desperately trying to save the market. However, once the bubble finally bursts, the CCP’s regime will subsequently collapse.
The Wall Street Journal reported on March 19 that in Harbin, an industrial city in North China, many ghost towns are visible when heading downtown from the airport.
Ghost towns are mostly unoccupied communities with many high-rise residences. The truth is that much of the savings of China’s middle-class were spent buying those houses. In big cities such as Shanghai and Beijing, housing prices have risen by five times between 2002 and 2012.
Wang Ying, a Chinese entrepreneur, said an excessive housing supply is a phenomena seen all over China. Wang believes that the CCP authorities will still try their best to maintain the current situation because the government and banks have invested so much into the market.
Wang Ying: “Banks make loans to developers and developers mortgage houses to banks. Many local governments are also involved in such business.
Therefore the CCP officials make every effort to keep that connection; otherwise all their interests will be lost. In other words, they don’t want such an interest chain to be cut off. For this reason, developers, banks and governments form an interest group to drive the current housing prices.”
Wang Ying commented that in the past three decades, China’s housing market has been an important tool of the Communist Party in redistribution of social wealth.
Wang Ying, Chinese entrepreneur: “The party used to redistribute social wealth by killing landlords and seizing their land.
In the last three decades, the housing market had become the most important tool to do the same. However, the redistribution did not follow rules commonly understood by the public. Chinese people never owned property for the purpose of acquiring assets, and were unaware assets could be acquired through owning a home.”
Currently, serious problems have developed with many real estate investments. This January, the price of new housing growthshowed a slowdown compared to last January, the first time in a year. Meanwhile, the total trade volume also began to drop.
The CCP authorities recently issued new regulations requiring officials higher than divisional-level to declare all property. Consequently, many officials had to quickly dispose of their houses.
Wang Ying: “For many officials, a large proportion of their assets, especially concealed, are private houses. The future attitude of this group regarding housing purchases, will indeed impact China’s house market.”
Now, as the CCP authority finds it extremely difficult to break the vicious cycle of the swelling housing bubble, many people have taken notice.
Wang Ying believes that the more dangerous the party believes the situation is, the more resources they will pour into the housing market.
Wang Ying:“It (the current bubble) is like a dike holding a flooding river. All their farmland and crops are protected by the dike.
As they cannot move their farmland, the only thing to do is to continuously build the dike up to a higher level.”
Eventually, the swelling housing bubble has to burst. Wang Ying said she does not know when that will happen. However, once that day comes, it will bring a great disaster to the CCP’s regime.
Wang Ying: “I think the collapse of China’s house market is a doom to the party. Once the housing bubble bursts, the party will no longer be able to maintain its regime. All serious problems of the regime have been reflected in China’s housing market. Therefore any prediction of when housing bubble will burst is almost equivalent to talking about when the entire regime will collapse.
Currently I cannot comment further.”
Gordon G. Chang, famous Chinese-American author, once said the CCP leaders hate to see any economic decline, as it makes them feel insecure about their political power.
As they have enough resources and power to affect the market, they use them to avoid a natural recession. For the same reason, the market imbalance keeps heading towards an extreme. After that imbalance exceeds a certain level, the unavoidable collapse of the housing market will finally lead to disastrous consequences to the entire regime.
Interview & Edit/QinxuePost-Production/Lizhiyuan
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