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走过了多少路途 历经了多少阴晴圆缺 已难记得 家园的记忆却时时相随 那些阳光灿烂的日子远了 一步步向前走 已是日暮黄昏 Back Home in the Evening Hsu ChiCheng And is difficult for me to rememberMany routes I have past As well as many yīn qíng yuán quē I have experiented But there follows me the remembers of my homeland very often It’s far from me those sunny and brilliant days I go forward step by step It’s the evening 责任编辑:林芳宇 相关新闻:编辑推荐: 本文转自大纪元(国内需用翻墙软件才能访问) 手机上长按并复制下面二维码分享本文章: |