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2006年7月,由加拿大前亚太司司长、资深国会议员大卫?乔高(David Kilgour)、和国际人权律师大卫?麦塔斯(David Matas)组成的独立调查组,向国际社会公布了“中国活体摘取法轮功学员器官指控的报告”。报告从12个方面汇集了调查的起因、方法、证据、反证、可信度、结论及建议等。最后得出结论,这项指控是真实的。报告说“这是这个星球上从未发生过的邪恶”。

而且,2011年12月8号,美国知名调查记者伊桑葛特曼(Ethan Gutmann)在美国国会作证说:“2008年北京奥运前,约有6万5千位法轮功学员,在心脏还在跳动的情况下,被活摘了器官。”



采访编辑/田净 后制/孙宁

A Chinese Witness: 14 People Had Their Kidney Changed At Same Time

Recently, a Chinese netizen who had his kidney
transplanted 13 years ago contacted NTD Television.
He said that 14 kidney patients had their kidney changed
at the same time with him in the hospital.
A doctor told him that the kidney donor was very healthy.

This patient suspected that the kidney was from live organ
harvesting of a Falun Gong practitioner.
Let’s take a look.

This patient didn’t give his name for security reasons, he told
NTD about his experiences in Guangzhou.

A Chinese netizen: “I affected uremia in 2001,
I noticed this problem in 2001.
Two months later I had my kidney changed.
I was lucky I only waited for 30 minutes after I stood in a queue,
they faxed out my blood type, half an hour later,
they told me to stay in the hospital next day."

This netizen reveals that he had his operation done
in Guangzhou, it cost him 80,000 yuan.
It was a military doctor did the operation for him,
This military doctor gave him some information.

Chinese netizen: “Because my girlfriend is a nurse.
The military doctor told me that the donor was 28 years old
and was healthy, the donor was from Guizhou Province.
He only told me the three issues, nothing else,
They didn’t say what the donor does, let alone the name."

This netizen reveals that there were other 13 uremia
patients had operations on the same day.

Chinese netizen: “On that day, 13 other people
had the kidney transplanted.
Seven were Taiwanese, seven
were mainland Chinese including me.
We were waiting in the operating room, the kidneys were
delivered by airplane, they collected it from an airport.
In the operating room, I could hear the ambulance come.
We knew the kidneys had arrived.
Doctors opened my abdomen and started the operation."

Sources say that there was a complicated process
before the transplants.
Firstly was to find matched blood type,
secondly was to find matched donor.
However, how was this netizen so lucky, trhat it only took a half
hour to find a matched kidney?
Furthermore, there were 14 people had the kidney
transplants on the same day.
How could they be so lucky to have these donors?

According to the US health ministry’s report on website,
a kidney patient in the US needs to wait for
about 1,121 days to have kidney transplanted.
a liver patient needs to wait for 796 days,
a heart patient needs 231 days.
It was a similar waiting time before 2000 in China.

In March 2010, Guangdong journalist of Southern Weekly
published an article titled “Puzzle of Organs Donors".
The reporter interviewed He Xiaoshun, Deputy Director of
the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhongshan Medical University.
“2000 is the turning point for China’s organ transplantation.
Liver transplantation increased
10 times more than in 1999.
In 2005, it increased 3 times", said He Xiaoshun.

However, China official statistics said that 2000 only increased
one time more than in 1999.

US-based Chinese magazine Epoch Weekly reported that
according to China’s official statistics on annual organ transplantation numbers,
China was behind the US, becoming the world’s
second transplantation country.
Chen Shi, member of Chinese Society of Organ Transplantation
said that at the end of 2005, more than 85,000 organ transplants were done.
Amongst them, there were 74,000 kidney transplants,
over dozens of thousands of liver transplants,
more than 4,000 heart transplants.

Especially from 2002, every year, there were more than
10,000 organ transplants done.
In 2005, it broke the record that reached
more than 12,000 organ transplants.

Where do so many organs come from?

The Chinese regime announced six times about
donors’ sources but each time was different.
It claimed that majority of the donors were
executed prisoners.
However, according to international human rights
organization’s investigation,
about 2,000 executed prisoners were announced each year.

Even if they are all donors, it is difficult to explain the large
number of organ transplants taking place in China.

Some international medical experts analyze that in China,
underground human organ stores likely exist.
People have even been harvested of their organs while alive.

In July 2006, David Kilgour, former Canadian Secretary of
State (Asia-Pacific), member of parliament,
and David Matas, international human rights lawyer,
formed an independent investigation group,
and published a report about allegations of live organ harvesting
from Falun Gong practitioners in China.
The report brings 12 aspects of the investigation together.

It includes the causes, methods, proof, disproof, credibility,
conclusion and suggestion etc.
The final conclusion is that the allegations are true.
The report says that “this is indeed
‘a form of evil yet to be seen on this planet.'"

On Dec. 8, 2011, Ethan Gutmann, a US investigative
journalist, testified to the US Congress.
He said that before the Beijing Olympics in 2008, there were
about 65,000 Falun Gong practitioners being live
harvested of their organs, with their hearts still beating.

On August 27, 2013, US-based Epoch Times group
exclusively obtained an audio file.
The report said that on Sept. 13, 2006, Bo Xilai was then
China’s Minister of Commerce,
he visited Hamburg in Germany with then Premier Wen Jiabao,
he admitted in the audio recording, it was Jiang Zemin issued
an order to live harvest Falun Gong practitioners’ organs.

In April 1999, Jiang Zemin was the leader
of the Chinese Communist Party,
he clearly stated in a meeting of the politburo standing
committee how to deal with Falun Gong.
He said “defaming their reputation, bankrupting them
financially, destroy them physically.”
Since then, under Jiang’s acquiescence and connivance,
many Falun Gong practitioners and executed prisoners
were organ harvested when they were still alive.

The large source of live organs were Falun Gong practitioners
who were illegally sent to labor camps.
It is still happening today.

Interview & Edit/Tian Jing Post-Production/Sun Ning


  • 江泽民遗体告别式被取消 真实死亡时间遭质疑
  • 追查国际发布公告 彻底清算江泽民反人类罪
  • 追查国际公告:彻底清算审判江泽民反人类罪
  • 评:江泽民是反人类罪罪犯 终将受到正义审判
  • 江泽民虽死 罪行声讨不绝 政局走向有玄机
  • 【禁闻】江泽民死亡 一生罪行受关注
  • 【禁闻】专家:江泽民靠贪污治国 中国人靠勤奋富强
  • 追查国际:继续追查江泽民所犯罪恶 不会停
  • 专家:江泽民两大政治遗产 酿社会恶果 也将中国带向深渊

  • 编辑推荐:

  • 【探索时分】美陆军为何选V280接替A10和黑鹰
  • 【25周年专题】“天安门自焚”真相
  • 【25周年专题】感谢李洪志师父
  • 洛杉矶海滩大集会 法轮功曝中共骇人罪恶

  • 热门新闻:

  • 【新闻大家谈】深夜拉人隔离?贵州车祸惹众怒
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  • 【禁闻】拜登:如果中共入侵 美军将保卫台湾

  • 本文转自新唐人(国内需用翻墙软件才能访问)



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