###What is this? The purpose of the plugin is to save the time it takes to switch from Vim to another terminal window/pane and execute the script you've been editing. This is beneficial when you're in the workflow cycle best described as "modify script -> save file -> switch to other terminal -> run script -> switch back to vim -> repeat". vim-fifo slims down this cycle to: "modify script -> save file -> <C-m> -> repeat"
In addition to adding the plugin folder to your vim directory, just add these lines to your $SHELL's rc file:
function ctrl_c_trap() {
trap - INT
function vim_fifo() {
trap ctrl_c_trap INT
while [[ -e $VIM_FIFO_FILE ]]; do
eval $(tail $VIM_FIFO_FILE)
alias vimfifo="vim_fifo"
###Running vim-fifo
- After you have the script in your rc file, run the
command in another terminal - Press
to execute the current file in vim
###Custom file types
- You can define custom run scripts based on a certain file type with the
g:vimfifo# + file extension
variable. - To reference the current file in the script, use
- Examples:
let g:vimfifo#myscript = "cat %s" "This will be translated to 'cat /file/im/working/on/myfile.myscript'
let g:vimfifo#cpp = "g++ -O2 -Wall -march=native %s -o output.vimfifo && ./output.vimfifo"
let g:vimfifo#py = "python %s"
let g:vimfifo#pytimed = "time python %s"
let g:vimfifo#ssh = "ssh $(head -n1 %s) -p 2222"
let g:fifo_file = "/tmp/vim.fifo" "Default fifo file
###Supported File Types
- Python
- Ruby
- JavaScript (through node)
- Perl
- sh/zsh/bash
- C (experimental)
- C++ (experimental)