Thank you for taking the time to contribute to the Helm chart for the 1Password SCIM bridge.
If the bug an issue with the 1Password SCIM bridge or functionality related to automated provisioning in 1Password, do not open up a GitHub issue. Instead reach out to the our support team directly.
Search if the bug has already been reported by searching on GitHub under Issues. Comment on any existing issues with your context to help us resolve the issue.
If you're unable to find an open issue addressing the problem, open a new one. Be sure to include a title and clear description, as much relevant information as possible, and steps that demonstrate the expected behavior that is not occurring.
Open a new GitHub pull request with the patch.
Ensure the PR description clearly describes the problem and solution. Include the relevant issue number if applicable.
Changes that are cosmetic in nature and do not add anything substantial to the stability, functionality, or testability of this project will be rejected.
Note that a primary use case for this project is to facilitate our one-click deployment options for the Google Cloud Marketplace and DigitalOcean Marketplace applications. This is not to say that this project cannot be used more broadly to deploy the SCIM bridge, but rather that bug fixes and feature requests will be evaluated in terms of how they objectively improve the general deployment use case and our own marketplace applications. Any requests that are tailored towards supporting a configuration or scenario unique to your deployment environment will not be considered.
Before submitting a PR with suggested changes, consider filing a new issue that describes the problem, how it could be addressed and how this is an improvement over the status quo.
Suggest your change by subitting a new PR. Be sure to include a detailed description of the changes, the problem that's being addressed and how this is objectively a worthwhile addition to the project.
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Thanks! ❤️
The Provisioning Team @ 1Password