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Ethash implementation in TypeScript.

Note: this README reflects the state of the library from v1.0.0 onwards. See README from the standalone repository for an introduction on the last preceding release.


npm install @ethereumjs/ethash


PoW Validation

import Ethash from '@ethereumjs/ethash'
import { Block } from '@ethereumjs/block'
const level = require('level-mem')

const cacheDB = level()

const ethash = new Ethash(cacheDB)
const validblockRlp =

const validBlock = Block.fromRLPSerializedBlock(Buffer.from(validblockRlp, 'hex'))

const result = await ethash.verifyPOW(validBlock)
console.log(result) // => true

PoW Ethash CPU Miner

There is a simple CPU miner included within Ethash package which can be used for testing purposes.

See the following example on how to use the new Miner class:

import { Block } from '@ethereumjs/block'
import Ethash from '@ethereumjs/ethash'
import Common from '@ethereumjs/common'
import { BN } from 'ethereumjs-util'
const level = require('level-mem')

const cacheDB = level()
const block = Block.fromBlockData({
  header: {
    difficulty: new BN(100),
    number: new BN(1),

const e = new Ethash(cacheDB)
const miner = e.getMiner(block.header)
const solution = await miner.iterate(-1) // iterate until solution is found


See Documentation.

