- Thanks everyone!
- Follow up: What are we doing with this?
- "Like making the movie as we go along"
- Taking direction from the community as a whole
- New Brand
- "#bada55"
- Simple, streamlined, lends itself to being an avatar
- Sass and Development
- Help to use our product and make things easier
- Sass (scss) & OO
- Responsive Mixin library SassSquatch: bringing value to the community independent of the theme
Welcome contributions (promote via Twitter) Curated, not cobbled together Create a best-practice starting place Not too complex like Compass - Backwards compatibility vs. go-to-market
- Using CSS still possible for end users if necessary
- Keeping Grunt/JS in mind
- User Education
- Videos, Tutorials, Documentation
- Not building this for child themes (changes)
- Emphasis on good front-end workflow
- Opportunity exists to point people towards good hosting
Premium host partnership with 3themes? - Unique opportunity: very specific plugins for our themes Example: hero image convert to slider
- Design
- Analysis of standard content in real industries
- Industry verticals: restaurant, music/band, landscaping, legal/financial
- UML - Attributes, Tram
- Find the patterns by analyzing niche markets, to create modular design
- Content plugin - Our sample content (for these verticals)
- Action Items
- Parsing Mixin Library
- Setup questions/analysis of selected industry verticals
- Github account for text
- Plugin architecture?
- Podcast things: custom overlay, custom audio?