- Update the project to be compatible with Django 1.11
- Fix compat with old Django
- Fix celery tasks (use transaction.pk instead of transaction object)
- Fix returned status for simple_trade
- Change error message in buy_xrp
- handle input better in simple_trade
- add simple_trade function for currency exchange. Uses method similar to what ripple client does in 'Trade -> Simple' mode.
Changed "amount" to "value" in create_offer, according to https://ripple.com/build/transactions/#offercreate
Offset option RIPPLE_TRANSACTION_MONITOR_MIN_LEDGER_INDEX for transaction monitor.
Transaction monitor to support account param.
Minor PEP8 fixes
Changed description of error in buy_xrp
Added trade api
Added ability to trade USD -> XRP (buy_xrp)
Added XRP support to create_offer
- return funds for transactions marked as MUST_BE_RETURN
- retry failed transactions by creating new ones
Added configurable (in settings) timeout to management/commands/process_transactions.py
Fixed tx and balance calls
- added path_find support to tasks.sign_task
Added path_find
- retry transaction status if got telINSUF_FEE_P from server
- multiple servers can be specified in django settings.
- ripple_api.ripple_api.* methods now support speciying API-server url
- ripple_api.ripple_api.* methods now support speciying API-server user and password
- initial release