Plugin to control Buderus boilers using an additional Logamatic web KM200 module. Logamatic web KM50 and KM300 modules should also be supported.
This plugin is still under development! I use this plugin to lower heating when no presence is detected for longer period or when the alarm system is activated.
The following python packages need to be installed on your system:
- urllib
- crypto
You need to generate a key from your a) device password, printed on a sticker and b) from your user defined password used to access EasyControl App for example.
cd directory
cd plugins
git clone
class_name = Buderus
class_path = plugins.buderus
host = <ip_address>
key = <key generated from>
cycle = 900 # default every 15 minutes
type = str
km_id = "/gateway/DateTime"
type = str
km_id = "/gateway/versionFirmware"
type = str
km_id = "/gateway/versionHardware"
type = str
km_id = "/system/brand"
type = str
km_id = "/system/healthStatus"
type = num
km_id = "/system/sensors/temperatures/outdoor_t1"
Influx = true
type = num
km_id = "/system/sensors/temperatures/supply_t1"
Influx = true
type = num
km_id = "/system/sensors/temperatures/hotWater_t2"
Influx = true
type = str
km_id = "/heatSources/flameStatus"
type = num
km_id = "/heatSources/hs1/numberOfStarts"
# Heating circuit 1
type = num
km_id = "/heatingCircuits/hc1/currentRoomSetpoint"
Influx = true
type = num
km_id = "/heatingCircuits/hc1/manualRoomSetpoint"
type = num
km_id = "/heatingCircuits/hc1/temporaryRoomSetpoint"
type = num
km_id = "/heatingCircuits/hc1/temperatureLevels/eco"
Influx = true
type = num
km_id = "/heatingCircuits/hc1/temperatureLevels/comfort2"
Influx = true
type = str
km_id = "/heatingCircuits/hc1/activeSwitchProgram"
type = str
km_id = "/heatingCircuits/hc1/operationMode"
# Hot water circuit 1
type = num
km_id = "/dhwCircuits/dhw1/actualTemp"
Influx = true
type = num
km_id = "/dhwCircuits/dhw1/currentSetpoint"
Influx = true
type = num
km_id = "/dhwCircuits/dhw1/waterFlow"
Influx = true
type = num
km_id = "/dhwCircuits/dhw1/workingTime"
Influx = true
See URLs for more valid km_id's.