Ensure optimal service performance with our API endpoint data scan add-on, which gives you a real-time view of your systems' health, enabling you to maintain robust, uninterrupted online services.
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For each of your EndPoint, the following keys are mandatory:
- "rules": this refers to the set of rules files you want to apply to this environment.
- "prefix": the prefix is the particle to be placed in front of the environment variables to be quoted here.
- "METHOD": It's define the way to communicate with the endpoint: "GET", "POST", "DELETE", "PATCH", ....
- "URL": destination of the request
Optional keys to add more detail to your request:
- "header": it's a json that collapse all your additional key/value you want. If you want to add AUTHORIZATION please refer to environment
- "body": You can pass want ever you want except file
The following keys are recommended to ensure better readability when re-reading the configuration:
- "name": the name refers to the environment concerned by one or more keywords.
- "description": the description helps to clarify the name and avoid any possible confusion about the environment concerned.
Example config for 2 environments:
You can add authorization to your request but it's not mandatory. However you want it:
note that "METHOD" and "URL" can also be set as environment variables instead of in "default.json".
If you want to have more documentation about the API you want request, please refer to its documentation.
If you want to have more documentation about our request, we use axios