To upload a photo, you need to do 2 requests:
POST /photos
POST url-obtained-from-first-request
First, send a POST
request to /photos
(see documentation) with the photo details like title, description and so on. You may also want to set the privacy
parameter to 1
if you wish to do a private upload or 0
for public upload. Finally, you can pass auto_activate
parameter set to true
to have to photo marked active as soon as it is uploaded.
This request will return a JSON with the upload url
and a data structure that you need to use for the second request. Here's an example of such data structure taken from the POST /photos
"presigned_post": {
"url": "",
"fields": {
The second request is uploading the file itself. You do that by sending a POST request to the url
that you obtained from the previous request. The body of the request must be in the multipart form-data format and must have all the properties from the fields
structure that was returned in the first request. NOTE: the order matters, you need to supply the fields
in the exact same order you received it. The last parameter is the file to be uploaded in the file
Here's an example request, the fields are form-data
name="key" 238921583/cb47e80843a0eaaaaac2fc242c9cd6bcecd6f36/0.jpg
name="x-amz-meta-user_id" 16972409
name="x-amz-meta-client_application_id" 0
name="x-amz-meta-user_agent" Chrome/62.0.3202.94 Safari/537.36
name="policy" eyJleHBpcmF0aW9uIjoiMjAxN...
name="x-amz-credential" ASDASDASDASDASD/20171212/us-east-1/s3/aws1_request
name="x-amz-algorithm" AWS4-HMAC-SHA256
name="x-amz-date" 20171212T195326Z
name="x-amz-signature" 47aa1...
name="file"; filename="IMG_20171028_175620-01.jpeg"
Content-Type: image/jpeg
...the file contents...
POST /photos
will return HTTP status 200 on success. Proceed with the second request only when you get back the 200 status.
POST url-from-first-request
will return HTTP status 204 upon successful upload.