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This repo and the other related ones (atoll-shared etc.) are being transitioned to the atoll-mono monorepo. The only thing that will be retained (at least for now) is the issue list that's being maintained in the Github Issues tab for this repo. Everything else, including this and other documentation has been duplicated in atoll-mono and will be maintained there going forward, so this documentation will become out-of-date and should not be used for reference!


The goal of this project is to create a good agile project management tool that adheres as closely to scrum best practices as possible.

Getting Started

If you're interested in getting a detailed explanation of the various parts of this project you may want to also take a look at the "Document Index" section below. If not, and you just want to get going as quickly as possible then you may only need to read this section.

Everyone contributing to this repo should read this document before doing anything:

For specialized instructions (to save you time trying to do various things):

Many code standards and conventions can be picked up from existing patterns in the code but it is advisable to use this resource as well:

Tools Used

  1. At time of writing, Node v16.14.2 was used with NPM v8.15.0.
    NOTE: you may experience silent script failures (no errors) when using npm run setup if you are using Node v14+. Also, npm start may not create the database structure (see "Unsupported Version of Node" in the wiki pages if you'd like to see what the typical output is).
  2. VS Code is the editor of choice for this project (v1.37.0 or newer).
    • Make sure you install the recommended workspace extensions.
  3. Yalc (yalc) to locally "publish" npm modules for easier development.
  4. PostgreSQL 12.2 for storing data: (Windows 10 / Mac OS X) (Ubuntu with links to other distros)

Steps after Cloning Repo

  1. npm ci (if you see errors about removing node_modules then remove package-lock.json and use npm i instead)
  2. Clone atoll-shared repo and follow instructions in its to get it building correctly.
  3. npm run sync-quick in atoll-core repo to get it to use the latest version of the shared repo code.
  4. npm run build (if this succeeds you have all dependencies correct)
  5. Do not use pgAdmin UI to create the database, just use the query tool to run the setup.sql statements in the next step.
  6. Use setup.sql to set up "atoll" database schema.
  7. Set environment variable ATOLL_DATABASE_URL to "postgres://atoll:l1m3atoll@localhost:5432/atoll" (use ~/.zprofile file or equivalent).
  8. Set environment variable ATOLL_DATABASE_USE_SSL to "false" (use ~/.zprofile file or equivalent).
  9. Set environment variable ATOLL_AUTH_KEY to "local-dev-test-key" (use ~/.zprofile file or equivalent).
  10. Restart your system to ensure that environment variables are set correctly.
  11. Use npm run setup to set to the test account (the data.sql script will not run correctly if this step is skipped).
  12. Use data.sql to set up some sample data.
  13. Use VS Code to open atoll-core-main.code-workspace - this will ensure that you see atoll-core and atoll-shared folders in the editor.
  14. Install all recommended extensions in VS Code.
  15. Use VS Code's debugger to launch "App" and/or "Storybook"
  • If you prefer to use npm scripts you can use npm start and/or npm run storybook but you won't be able to set breakpoints in the app if you use npm start so we recommend the former approach.
  1. Use npm test while editing code to ensure that the tests keep passing while you perform TDD coding iterations. This will cause the tests to run every time code changes are saved and coverage gutters will be updated automatically (use "Watch" in the VS Code tray area).

Active Development

  • Use npm start to start up the local dev server (after using npm run sync-quick at least once to make sure it compiles and uses the local "atoll-shared" module).
  • Use npm run storybook to start up storybook for developing components.

Debugging Server

  1. start:client-only (which runs npm run build:dev and then npm run start:clent)
  2. Use VS Code's debugger to launch "Server"

Strict Mode

Adding the query param strict-mode=true to the URL will turn on strict mode. Strict mode will cause the app to throw errors for inconsistencies as they occur. Most of the time these errors don't appear to cause problems but they are unexpected so a developer should be aware of them. A user, on the other hand, would prefer that the app is as stable as possible... so a random error thrown every now and then may not go down well for "production" use. Developers can also add more "strict mode" errors by using the isStrictMode selector. In future this will probably be turned on when running using a localhost URL, but for now it has been turned off unless specifically requested in this way.

Document Index

General Use - This document is intended as the index document to find out where to go next.

End Users - An entrypoint for end users of Atoll.

Contributor Related - Read this! - Important naming conventions information. - Architecture related info - Code-level architecture related info - Contains details for how to implement things. - Detailed information about the npm packages used. - Detailed information about the build & npm scripts. - The past history of this project. - Github branch policies etc. - Glossary specific to this project. - This may be useful if you're running into problems. - Mapping the requirements to the data model. - The index document for processes that should be followed.

Github Wiki