Reactive Leda is a customizable UI component library with built-in forms handling and some other niceties.
Leda supports TypeScript and React@^16.8.0 (the one with hooks).
All available features are documented in Russian. English version is on it's way.
Made by Artem Povolskikh and Andrew Dimitrov for their company with invaluable help of the company's frontend team:
- Alexei Binetsky
- Andrey Shamin
- Denis Ozerov
- Diana Saginbaeva
- Dmitry Zhmudikov
- Efim Roshal
- Ekaterina Dmitrieva
- Igor Khromov
- Konstantin Tishkunov
- Maxim Fomin
- Oksana Kukushkina
- Vyacheslav Semyonov