A command-line-based arXiv.org article browser and batch downloader.
$ paper.py --publish-years 2015-2019 'ti:"attention is all you need"' | fold -w 80
ID: 1706.03762v7
Authors: ['Ashish Vaswani', 'Noam Shazeer', 'Niki Parmar', 'Jakob Uszkoreit', 'L
lion Jones', 'Aidan N. Gomez', 'Lukasz Kaiser', 'Illia Polosukhin']
Title: Attention Is All You Need
Published: Mon Jun 12 2017 05:57:34PM UTC
Updated: Wed Aug 02 2023 12:41:18AM UTC
Output file name: 2017-Ashish_Vaswani-Noam_Shazeer-Niki_Parmar-Jakob_Uszkoreit-L
PDF links:
Other links:
ID: 1910.14537v3
Authors: ['Sufeng Duan', 'Hai Zhao']
Title: Attention Is All You Need for Chinese Word Segmentation
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019 03:32:19PM UTC
Updated: Tue Oct 06 2020 06:38:42AM UTC
Output file name: 2019-Sufeng_Duan-Hai_Zhao-Attention_Is_All_You_Need_for_Chines
PDF links:
Other links:
ID: 1906.02792v1
Authors: ['Manjot Bilkhu', 'Siyang Wang', 'Tushar Dobhal']
Title: Attention is all you need for Videos: Self-attention based Video
Summarization using Universal Transformers
Published: Thu Jun 06 2019 07:59:56PM UTC
Updated: Thu Jun 06 2019 07:59:56PM UTC
Output file name: 2019-Manjot_Bilkhu-Siyang_Wang-Tushar_Dobhal-Attention_is_all_
PDF links:
Other links:
$ paper.py --download --download-selection 1 \
> --publish-years 2015-2019 'ti:"attention is all you need"' >/dev/null
$ ls | fold -w 80
- Install Python3 (tested using
). - Clone this repository.
- Copy the file
to some directory that is in thePATH
environment variable of your Operating system. - Optional: add the following convenience functions and aliases to the configuration of your POSIX-shell-compatible OS shell:
arxivh() { cat <<EOF arxivall <query> [option...] arxivtitle <query> [option...] arxivauthor <query> [option...] arxivabstract <query> [option...] arxivcomment <query> [option...] arxivjournalreference <query> [option...] arxivsubjectcategory <query> [option...] arxivreportnumber <query> [option...] arxivid <query> [option...] For arxivXYZ, the <query> parameter specifies a query of type XYZ. [option...] is a list of options to be passed to paper.py. The query for arxivauthor should be an author name in the following form: <lowercase-last-name>_<first-name-initial>_<optional-middle-name-initial> The query for author "Art I. Ficial" should be "ficial_a_i". If the last name comprises of multiple words, then they must be separated by underscores. For example, the query for "Fictional Del Maestro" should be "del_maestro_f". EOF } _arxiv_parent() { ARXIV_QUERY_TYPE="$1" ARXIV_QUERY="$2" shift 2 paper.py "$@" "${ARXIV_QUERY_TYPE}:${ARXIV_QUERY}" } alias arxivall='_arxiv_parent all' alias arxivtitle='_arxiv_parent ti' alias arxivauthor='_arxiv_parent au' alias arxivabstract='_arxiv_parent abs' alias arxivcomment='_arxiv_parent co' alias arxivjournalreference='_arxiv_parent jr' alias arxivsubjectcategory='_arxiv_parent cat' alias arxivreportnumber='_arxiv_parent rn' # alias arxivid='_arxiv_parent id' arxivid() { paper.py --id-list "$@" }
Run paper.py -h
to get a list of fine-tuning options, usage examples, and relevant sources for arXiv.org search query construction.
Search for articles by author Art I. Ficial
$ paper.py "au:ficial_a_i"
The list looks good? Download the articles (pdf):
$ paper.py -d "au:ficial_a_i"
Look up articles by their arXiv ids...
$ paper.py -i 2309.06314,1811.02452
... and download them:
$ paper.py -d -i 2309.06314,1811.02452
Search for articles by title:
$ paper.py "ti:quantum"
Combine them:
$ paper.py "au:ficial_a_i AND ti:quantum"
$ paper.py "au:ficial_a_i AND (ti:quantum OR ti:subconvexity)"
$ paper.py "au:ficial_a_i ANDNOT (ti:quantum OR ti:subconvexity)"
$ paper.py -i 2309.06314,1811.02452 'au:ficial_a_i AND ti:"quantum unique ergodicity"'
Inspired by GNU Emacs-based ideas of @ultronozm.