The AAGIQuarto
Quarto extension provides official Analytics for the Australian Grains Industry (AAGI) project theming for Quarto documents.
If you prefer to use R Markdown, please see the excellent {AAGIThemes} package, which AAGIQuarto has feature parity with and shares the same underlying AAGI templates for the individual AAGI documents so that the outputs should be similiar if not identical between these two tools.
AAGIQuarto was developed to provide next-generation literate programming tools for AAGI's reporting and presentation needs that support R, Python and Julia languages.
See the included template and demo file for each format here:
- AAGI PDF Short Report: AAGI PDF Short Report Demo (Source)
- AAGI PDF Report: AAGI PDF Report Demo (Source)
- AAGI Word Document Report: AAGI Word Document Demo (Source)
- AAGI Word Document Short Report: AAGI Word Document Short Demo (Source)
- AAGI revealjs Presentation: AAGI revealjs Slide Demo (Source) (this is an AAGIQuarto exclusive)
- AAGI PowerPoint Presentation: AAGI PPT Slide Demo (Source)
Use your terminal or command prompt to run the install commands.
Alternatively, if you use RStudio or VS Code(ium)/Positron you can use the terminal emulator, but not the R/Python/Julia REPL, in those IDEs to run the commands.
Or, if you prefer and you are using Windows, you may need to install the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to use the bash
For more information, see Microsoft's documentation.
You can obtain a copy of the extension by using the following commands in your bash terminal (CLI):
cd your_quarto_project_folder
quarto use template AAGI-AUS/AAGIQuarto
This will install the extension and create an example qmd file that you can use as a starting place for your LaTeX PDF, MS Word .docx or reveal.js presentation slides.
For documentation on using reveal.js slides in Quarto, please see,
To use the formatted output, save your qmd file into the extension folder that you created using the command above. Then, in the output format use:
, for a full length MS Word reportaagi-docx+short+report
, for a short MS Word reportaagi-pptx
, for MS PPT outputaagi-revealjs
, for a revealjs presentationaagi-pdf+report
, for a full length PDF reportaagi-pdf+short+report
, for a short PDF report
If you use the bash
command above to install the extension and create a sub directory following the command prompt, there
will be a .qmd file created using the name that you input for the sub directory.
By default, these templates use {AAGIThemes} and {AAGIPalettes} for R graphical and tabular outputs.
As we continue to improve this extension through bug fixes or adding new functionality, you can update it easily like so:
cd your_quarto_project_folder
quarto update AAGI-AUS/AAGIQuarto
The logo of this project and the AAGI strategic partners do not come under MIT License. The Analytics for the Australian Grains Industry (AAGI) project retains full rights to the AGGI logo and the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) and strategic partners, Curtin University, the University of Queensland and Adelaide University, retain full rights to their own logos, respectively.