These commented examples show how to integrate a custom device (a rocket attached to the robot end-effector!) into the XBot2.0 framework, at all supported levels. More specifically:
defines an abstract, high-level API for the device; this API is used by high-level users (i.e. plugin implementers)rocket_packet.h
defines the low level structure for RT and TX messages to be exchanged (i) between gazebo and XBot2 and (ii) between XBot2 componentsgz_rocket_server.h
integrates the device inside gazebo, and provides the server side of the gazebo <-> XBot2 communication; the rocket will apply a force about the end-effector z-axis according to the value inside the TX fieldrocket_device.cpp
provides the client side of the gazebo <-> XBot2 communication, plus integrates the device inside the XBot2 HAL systemrocket_plugin.h
implements an example plugin using the rocket API