Meet Austin: the SMARTbat
Austin, the SMARTBat, is a shoulder mounted robot that monitors the wearer's heart rate, oxygen saturation, respiration, and GSR to build a live approximate model of the level of stress experienced by the wearer and autonomoulsy administers deep touch pressure therapy through a pnuematic vest when stress levels are out of normal range. Austin also monitors the social environment with verbal feedback on the "emotion" of the room using computer vision and tone analysis and names the faces it recognizes when queried. Communicating with Austin is possible thanks to the following Google Cloud services:
Austin is wrapped up in an adorably-cuddleable brown bat plushie that magnetically attaches to the wearer's shoulder and is programmed with physical(gestures) and emotional(RGB LED eyes) responses.
- /Documents - Images, reports, presentations, papers, etc
- /Software - Arduino sketches, Python scripts, and Log files
- /Hardware - Eagle files
- /sensors_test - UART Communication tests between devices
To publish and subscribe to messages via MQTT, make sure you have an environment variable CLOUDMQTT_URL:
export CLOUDMQTT_URL=<url of your mqtt broker>
Python scripts also require the Eclipse Paho MQTT Python client library to be installed:
pip install --upgrade paho-mqtt
First plug Arduino
to your computer or raspberry pi on which you are going to run this python script.
Upload a sketch called Software/stress_sensors_and_austin_emotes_ctrl/AustinOutput/AustinOutput.ino
to the Arduino
To receive commands from MQTT and to forward the commands to Austin, just run
python Software/integration/ --serial_port=<serial port of your arduino>
The belt has a separate sketch from that of Austin's.
Please upload a sketch called Software/motion_control/motion_control.ino
to the other Arduino on the belt.
See Facial and Emotion Recognition Documentation.
The VUI requires a Google Cloud service account with access to the Cloud Speech-to-Text API and Cloud Text-to-Speech API. The location of the key file for the service account should be specified with the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS
environment variable.
The VUI works with Python 3.7.1, and the required packages specific to the VUI can be installed as follows:
pip install --upgrade google-cloud-texttospeech
pip install --upgrade google-cloud-speech
pip install --upgrade pyaudio
pip install --upgrade pygame
To start the VUI, run the following:
cd ./Software/voice_user_interface
The stress classifier works with Python 3.7.1, and has no additional dependencies.
To start the stress classifier, run the following:
cd ./Software/stress_classifier
The arduino sketch Sensors serially outputs the heart rate, blood oxygen saturation, respiration and GSR data values which is read the script mqtt_on_body_sensors_pub_emotions_sub. This script then publishes the sensor data to a broker via MQTT.
- Video to come
This product is open source!
Distributed as-is; no warranty is given. This is not a medical device and should not be used for the detection or prevention of disease, illness or otherwise.