Note: Please look at!
- What goals you had set for the week and whether they were accomplished or not
- What problems you encountered (if any) that prevented you from meeting your goals
- What you plan to accomplish or attempt next week
- Goal: Basic setup + Chessboard Update [COMPLETED - on week 6]
- Setup the project
- Install required dependencies
- Setup any readme files
- Get the chessboard represented on the website
- Chessboard FEN Parser and Interpreter
- Chessboard Legal Moves Checker (if have time)
- Problems:
- Most of the time was spent on brainstorming and getting the project setup
- A large part of the last 2 goals were not done, but was completed the next week
- Goal: Chess Single-player update [COMPLETED - on week 10]
- Ensure chess engine works
- Test chess engine
- Represent chess engine on the website
- FEN parsing and displaying on the website
- Pass and play complete
- Problems:
- Unfortunately, having OBS on this week meant that a large part of the week I didn't have enough rest and motivation to make a lot of progress
- There was a bunch of other details I had to iron out, and was not planned properly i guess
- Were able to get done all of the points until the last
- Completed on week 10 instead (took a lot longer than i expected), but the code is much neater and much more optimised
- Goal: UI Update [COMPLETED - Week 10 Weekends]
- Improve on the UI of the app in general
- Chatting functionality [SCRAPPED - No multiplayer so no need for this]
- Catch up on any updates that have not been done
- Problems:
- Didn't have much problems doing this one, it was actually done in a matter of 2 days or so
- The main issue was trying to refractor the chessboard renderer portion of the code to synchronise with the extended part of the chessboard (i.e. the side panels)
All updates (Week 8 to 10) below were scrapped because:
- I didn't see a need for some of the updates
- They would take too much time at the moment
- I completely misjudged the amount of time I would have (because of EOYs and other WA3s hogging up time for Week 8 and 9)
- Goal: Authentication Update [SCRAPPED]
- Sign up functionality
- Login functionality
- Other account-related functionality
- Editing of profiles
- Friend systems [If there is time]
- Goal: AI update [SCRAPPED]
- New section of the website: Playing against an AI
- Different levels of the AI
- Set up the AI player
- Implement basic algorithms for the AI to calculate moves
- Alpha-beta pruning
- Min-max searching
- New section of the website: Playing against an AI
- Goal: AI Update-2.0 [SCRAPPED]
- Implement much more complex algorithms
- (Possibly) Training of a model
- Implement different levels of the AI
- Ensure playing against AI works
- Goal: Final Touches Update
- Catch up on anything not done yet
- Improve the UI and playing experiences (includes optimisation)
- Improving on docs
- Drawing the UML Diagram
- Recording instructions for usage of site etc.
- Problems:
- (not updated)