has the latest version of ALIGN-public installed on a Ubuntu 22.04 image.
To pull this image use:
docker pull darpaalign/align-public:latest
To create your own image with modifications, use the dockerfile
in this directory.
The source code of the ALIGN version installed is in the directory /ALIGN-public
in the docker image. The examples and mock PDK that are packaged with ALIGN are available in this directory.
Create a dockerfile with the following contents:
FROM darpaalign/align-public:latest AS env
RUN if [ "$GID" -ne "0" ] ; then echo $GID && groupadd -g $GID -o align; else echo 1000 && groupadd -g 1000 -o align; fi
RUN if [ "$UID" -ne "0" ] ; then useradd -m -u $UID -g $GID -p align -o -s /bin/bash align; else useradd -m -u 1000 -g 1000 -p align -o -s /bin/bash align; fi
RUN chown -R align /work
USER align
Run the command docker build --build-arg UID=$(id -u) --build-arg GID=$(id -g) -t <your_preferred_name> .
to create a corresponding docker image that generates files with appropriate file permissions in Linux.
You can do this in the ${ALIGN_HOME}/install
directory using the build.sh
Use the following command to mount a custom PDK/schematic directory in the host machine inside the docker image:
docker run -i -t --mount src=<absolute_path>/<PDK_DIR>,target=/<PDK_DIR>,type=bind \
--mount src=<absolute_path>/<SCH_DIR>,target=/<SCH_DIR>,type=bind \
--mount src=<RUN_DIR>,target=/work,type=bind \
-w /work <your_preferred_name> bash
The paths in the host machine appear as mounted volumes inside the docker container.
To run ALIGN, use schematic2layout.py -p /<PDK_DIR> /<SCH_DIR>
in the bash shell inside the docker container.
Refer to ALIGN-public for detailed documentation on the usage of schematic2layout.py
is a script inside docker that runs ALIGN on a schematic/PDK directory specified using the env variables ALIGN_CKT_DIR
docker run -e ALIGN_PDK_DIR=/<PDK_DIR> -e ALIGN_CKT_DIR=/<SCH_DIR> \
--mount src=<absolute_path>/<PDK_DIR>,target=/<PDK_DIR>,type=bind \
--mount src=<absolute_path>/<SCH_DIR>,target=/<SCH_DIR>,type=bind \
--mount src=<RUN_DIR>,target=/work,type=bind \
-w /work <your_preferred_name> run_align
This command will automatically generate the ALIGN outputs in the <RUN_DIR>