This step is only necessary if your domain is not hosted in AWS Route53. If it is, proceed directly to step 3
AWS Documentation:
For this step you will require two things:
- A domain name for the DP Dash application
- The ability to set CNAME records for that domain which reference AWS DNS names
Log in to your AWS console and navigate to the Certificate Manager service.
Click the Request button in the top right corner.
Select "Request a public certificate".
Enter the fully qualified domain name at which the DP Dash app will be hosted, e.g.
if using a subdomain. Leave all other settings unchanged and click "Request".
AWS will provide a CNAME record to add to your DNS records. Set this record in the management system for your domain and AWS will automatically verify it and create your certificate.
Copy the ARN of the issued certificate and save it locally. We will use it when configuring the deployment for your environment.
This step is only necessary if your domain is not hosted in AWS Route53. If it is, proceed directly to step 3
AWS Documentation:
On the AWS Simple Email Service dashboard, navigate to "Verified Identities" and select "Create Identity".
On the Create Identity form, select Identity Type of Domain and a domain of your root domain (e.g.
even if hosting at
Select Create Identity. On the page for the new identity, scroll down to the "Publish DNS Records" section and select Download CSV Record Set at the bottom of the section. Set all of these records in the DNS records for your domain and wait for AWS to automatically verify domain ownership.
Save the domain you used locally. We will use it when configuring the deployment for your environment.
AWS Documentation:
Navigate to the IAM service in the AWS Console.
Select "Roles" from the IAM Dashboard and click the Create button.
For Trusted Entity select "Web Identity". For Identity Provider select "". For Audience select "". Enter your Github Organization Name and the repo you wish to grant access to. Click "Create".
Copy the ARN of the new role and save it locally. We will use it when configuring the deployment for your environment.
This step will only need to be completed if the CDK has not been bootstrapped for your account/AWS environment. Ensure you are logged in via the AWS CLI. From the root of the project directory run:
npm i
npm run bootstrap
Create secret values in AWS encrypted SSM Parameter store:
export DPDASH_IMPORT_API_USERS_DEV=dev-api-user
Secret values can be retrieved and decryted via the ./bin/
Run the following commands from the root of this repository:
export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity --query "Account")
docker pull mongo:5.0.21
docker build -t dpdash:latest .
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin $
docker tag mongo:5.0.21 $
docker push $
docker tag dpdash:latest $
docker push $
Github Documentation:
Navigate to your Github repository and select the Settings tab. Open the "Secrets and Variables" menu on the left-hand side and select "Actions", then "New Variable".
Create 2 variables:
- Create the variable ROLE_ARN with a value of the ARN of your Role from Step 3.
- Create the variable BASE_DOMAIN with the root domain you will use to host the app (e.g.
). If you use an outside DNS rather than Route53, this will be the domain used in Step 2.
If you keep your domain outside of Route53, create one more variable:
- Create the variable CERT_ARN with a value of the ARN of your AWS Certificate from Step 1.
Navigate to the Actions tab and the Deploy Infrastructure workflow. Select "Run Workflow". The application will deploy.
To verify that the application is deployed, view the DNS name with the following command:
aws elbv2 describe-load-balancers --names dpDashDevLoadBalancer --query "LoadBalancers[0].DNSName"
Visit this domain in your browser via https://
. You will get a warning from your browser that the certificate is incorrect. This is the expected behavior and means that the server is responding appropriately. It is not necessary to override the browser warning
You may then set a CNAME record in your DNS system for the intended domain of this application, and direct requests to the URL retrieved from the above command.