JeffBot2 is out! Check it out at here
(Yet another) comical and extensible chat bot.
JeffBot is just another chat bot...nothing to see here.
JeffBot is a markov/neural-network based machine learning experiment in the form of a chat bot.
We are still in the early stages of development. JeffBot was originally supposed to be a fun weekend project, but due to the request of multiple developers, it has been published here on GitHub for all to see.
Sure! Just be sure to document your code and your PRs. You are responsible for testing your code before submitting. Also, make sure that when you submit a PR that you do it against the dev
branch. Other than that, remember to keep it simple! For more details, take a look at our CONTRIBUTING file.
We use the standalone-migrations gem. You can add migrations by running:
$ rake db:new_migration name=add_other_field_to_entries
You can then edit the migration as normal:
class AddOtherFieldToEntries < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :entries, :other_field, :string
We accept Gratipay donations. We also benefit from sharing the site with your friends. The more people that talk to JeffBot, the faster it learns!
This is the backend process. This is meerly a RabbitMQ subscriber & it will call the correct method based on the queue the message was received on.
You can use any one of the fron end applications!
Checkout our FAQ page for answers!