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RStudio Workbench

Version: 0.4.4 AppVersion: 1.4.1717-3

Official Helm chart for RStudio Workbench

Data Scientists use RStudio Workbench to analyze data and create data products using R and Python.


This chart is "beta" quality. It will likely undergo breaking changes without warning as it moves towards stability.

As a result, please:

  • Ensure you "pin" the version of the Helm chart that you are using. You can do this using the helm dependency command and the associated "Chart.lock" files or the --version flag. IMPORTANT: This protects you from breaking changes
  • Before upgrading, to avoid breaking changes, use helm diff upgrade to check for breaking changes
  • Pay close attention to for updates on breaking changes, as well as documentation below on how to use the chart

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-release at version 0.4.4:

helm repo add rstudio
helm install my-release rstudio/rstudio-workbench --version=0.4.4

Required Configuration

This chart requires the following in order to function:

  • A license key, license file, or address of a running license server. See the license configuration below.
  • A Kubernetes PersistentVolume that contains the home directory for users.
    • If homeStorage.create is set, a PVC that relies on the default storage class will be created to generate the PersistentVolume. Most Kubernetes environments do not have a default storage class that you can use with ReadWriteMany access mode out-of-the-box. In this case, we recommend you disable homeStorage.create and create your own PersistentVolume and PersistentVolumeClaim, then mount them into the container by specifying the pod.volumes and pod.volumeMounts parameters, or by specifying your PersistentVolumeClaim using and homeStorage.mount.
    • If you cannot use a PersistentVolume to properly mount your users' home directories, you'll need to mount your data in the container by using a regular Kubernetes Volume, specified in pod.volumes and pod.volumeMounts.
    • If you cannot use a Volume to mount the directories, you'll need to manually mount them during container startup with a mechanism similar to what is described below for joining to auth domains.
    • If not using homeStorage.create, you'll need to configure config.serverDcf.launcher-mounts to ensure that the correct mounts are used when users create new sessions.
  • If using load balancing (by setting replicas > 1), you will need similar storage defined for sharedStorage to store shared project configuration.
  • A method to join the deployed rstudio-workbench container to your auth domain. The default rstudio/rstudio-server-pro image does not contain a way to join domains. We recommend creating your own Docker image that derives from this base image to provide domain joining that fits your needs. Your image can then use a process supervisor like supervisord to run multiple processes: in the most common case, rstudio-server, rstudio-launcher, and sssd. See here for an example of this.

Recommended Configuration

In addition to the above required configuration, we recommend setting the following to ensure a reliable deployment:

  • Set the launcherPem value to ensure that it stays the same between releases. This will ensure that users can continue to properly connect to older sessions even after a redeployment of the chart. See the RSW Admin Guide for details on generating the file.
  • Set the global.secureCookieKey so that user authentication continues to work between deployments. A valid value can be obtained by simply running the uuid command.
  • Some use-cases may require special PAM profiles to run. By default, no PAM profiles other than the basic auth profile will be used to authenticate users. If this is not sufficient then you will need to add your PAM profiles into the container (similar to adding sssd.conf as specified above).

General Principles

  • In most places, we opt to pass Helm values directly into ConfigMaps. We translate these into the valid .ini or .dcf file formats required by RStudio Workbench. Those config files and their mount locations are below.
  • If you need to modify the jobs launched by RStudio Workbench, you want to use job-json-overrides. There is a section on this below and a support article on the topic in general.
  • If you are running in an HA environment, there is an experimental sidecar container that maintains the load-balancer file and HUPs the rstudio-server service.
  • The prestart script for RStudio Workbench is highly customized to:
    • Get the service account information off of the RStudio Workbench pod for use in launching jobs
    • Generate as needed (if launcher.pem is provided). If it is not provided, the Helm chart will generate it automatically but this information will be lost for subsequent deployments and can cause users to be locked out sessions started by a previous deployment.
  • RStudio Workbench does not export prometheus metrics on its own. Instead, we run a sidecar graphite exporter as described here

Configuration files

These configuration values all take the form of usual helm values so you can set the database password with something like:

... --set config.secret.database\.conf.password=mypassword ...

The files are converted into configuration files in the necessary format via go-templating.

The names of files are dynamically used, so you can usually add new files as needed. Beware that some files have default values, so moving them can have adverse effects. Also, if you use a different mounting paradigm, you will need to change the XDG_CONFIG_DIRS environment variable

  • Session Configuration
    • These configuration files are mounted into the server and will ideally be mounted into the session pods as well.
    • repos.conf, rsession.conf, notifications.conf
    • located in the config.session.<< name of file >> helm values
    • mounted at /mnt/session-configmap/rstudio/
  • Secret Configuration
    • These configuration files are mounted into the server with more restrictive permissions
    • database.conf, launcher.pem
    • They are located in the config.secret.<< name of file >> helm values
    • mounted at /mnt/secret-configmap/rstudio/
  • Server Configuration
    • These configuration files are mounted into the server (.ini file format)
    • rserver.conf, launcher.conf, jupyter.conf, launcher.kubernetes.profiles.conf, logging.conf
    • They are located at config.server.<< name of file >> helm values
    • mounted at /mnt/configmap/rstudio/
  • Server DCF Configuration
    • These configuration files are mounted into the server (.dcf file format)
    • launcher-mounts, launcher-env
    • They are located at config.serverDcf.<< name of file >> helm values
    • included at /mnt/configmap/rstudio/
  • Load Balancer file
    • If replicas > 1 then we create and maintain a load balancer file at /mnt/load-balancer/rstudio/
    • This is maintained by a sidecar that queries the Kubernetes API for other RStudio pods
  • Prestart
    • This is provided by the helm chart in a configmap
    • It is mounted into the pod at /scripts/
  • Job Json Overrides
    • If you want to customize the job launch process, you will need to edit a few items:
      • Set the job-json-overrides config values in config.server.launcher\.kubernetes\.profiles\.conf
      • Set the jobJsonOverridesFiles helm value to be a map of files, which are translated verbatim from YAML to JSON
      • These are written to /mnt/job-json-overrides/<< key / file name >>


Key Type Default Description
args list ["/scripts/prestart.bash","/usr/local/bin/"] args is the pod container's run arguments. By default, it uses a kubernetes-specific prestart script that exec's the default container startup script.
command list ["tini","-s","--"] command is the pod container's run command.
config.profiles object {}
config.secret."database.conf" object {}
config.server."jupyter.conf".default-session-cluster string "Kubernetes"
config.server."jupyter.conf".jupyter-exe string "/opt/python/3.6.5/bin/jupyter"
config.server."jupyter.conf".labs-enabled int 1
config.server."jupyter.conf".notebooks-enabled int 1
config.server."launcher.conf" string "Kubernetes"
config.server."launcher.conf".cluster.type string "Kubernetes"
config.server."launcher.conf".server.address string ""
config.server."launcher.conf".server.admin-group string "rstudio-server"
config.server."launcher.conf".server.authorization-enabled int 1
config.server."launcher.conf".server.enable-debug-logging int 0
config.server."launcher.conf".server.port int 5559
config.server."launcher.conf".server.server-user string "rstudio-server"
config.server."launcher.conf".server.thread-pool-size int 4
config.server."logging.conf" object {}
config.server."rserver.conf".admin-enabled int 1
config.server."rserver.conf".launcher-address string ""
config.server."rserver.conf".launcher-default-cluster string "Kubernetes"
config.server."rserver.conf".launcher-port int 5559
config.server."rserver.conf".launcher-sessions-enabled int 1
config.server."rserver.conf".monitor-graphite-client-id string "rstudio"
config.server."rserver.conf".monitor-graphite-enabled int 1
config.server."rserver.conf".monitor-graphite-host string ""
config.server."rserver.conf".monitor-graphite-port int 9109
config.server."rserver.conf".server-health-check-enabled int 1
config.server."rserver.conf".server-project-sharing int 1
config.server."rserver.conf".www-port int 8787
config.serverDcf.launcher-mounts list []
config.session."notifications.conf" object {}
config.session."repos.conf".CRAN string ""
config.session."repos.conf".RSPM string ""
config.session."rsession.conf" object {}
dangerRegenerateAutomatedValues bool false
fullnameOverride string "" the full name of the release (can be overridden)
global.secureCookieKey string ""
homeStorage.accessModes list ["ReadWriteMany"] accessModes defined for the storage PVC (represented as YAML)
homeStorage.create bool false whether to create the persistentVolumeClaim for homeStorage
homeStorage.mount bool false Whether the persistentVolumeClaim should be mounted (even if not created) string "" The name of the pvc. By default, computes a value from the release name
homeStorage.path string "/home" the path to mount the homeStorage claim within the pod string "10Gi" the volume of storage to request for this persistent volume claim
homeStorage.storageClassName bool false storageClassName - the type of storage to use. Must allow ReadWriteMany
image.imagePullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" the imagePullPolicy for the main pod image
image.repository string "rstudio/rstudio-workbench" the repository to use for the main pod image
image.tag string "" Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
ingress.annotations object {}
ingress.enabled bool false
ingress.hosts string nil
ingress.tls list []
initContainers bool false the initContainer spec that will be used verbatim
jobJsonOverridesFiles object {} jobJsonOverridesFiles is a map of maps. Each item in the map will become a file (named by the key), and the underlying object will be converted to JSON as the file's contents
launcher.enabled bool true determines whether the launcher should be started in the container
launcher.namespace string "" allow customizing the namespace that sessions are launched into. Note RBAC and some config issues today
launcherPem string ""
launcherPub bool false
license.file object {"contents":false,"mountPath":"/etc/rstudio-licensing","mountSubPath":false,"secret":false,"secretKey":"license.lic"} the file section is used for licensing with a license file
license.file.contents bool false contents is an in-line license file
license.file.mountPath string "/etc/rstudio-licensing" mountPath is the place the license file will be mounted into the container
license.file.mountSubPath bool false mountSubPath is whether to mount the subPath for the file secret. -- It can be preferable not to enable this, because then updates propagate automatically
license.file.secret bool false secret is an existing secret with a license file in it
license.file.secretKey string "license.lic" secretKey is the key for the secret to use for the license file
license.key string nil key is the license to use
license.server bool false server is the : for a license server
livenessProbe object {"enabled":false,"failureThreshold":10,"initialDelaySeconds":10,"periodSeconds":5,"timeoutSeconds":2} livenessProbe is used to configure the container's livenessProbe
loadBalancer.appLabelKey string ""
loadBalancer.env list [] env is an array of maps that is injected as-is into the "env:" component of the loadBalancer sidecar spec
loadBalancer.forceEnabled bool false whether to force the loadBalancer to be enabled. Otherwise requires replicas > 1. Worth setting if you are HA but may only have one node
loadBalancer.image.imagePullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" the imagePullPolicy to use for the side-car pod image
loadBalancer.image.repository string "rstudio/rstudio-server-load-balancer-manager" the repository to use for the side-car pod image
loadBalancer.image.tag string "2.2" the tag to use for the side-car pod image
loadBalancer.securityContext.capabilities.add[0] string "SYS_PTRACE"
loadBalancer.sleepDuration int 15
nameOverride string "" the name of the chart deployment (can be overridden)
pod.annotations object {} podAnnotations is a map of keys / values that will be added as annotations to the rstudio-pm pods
pod.env list [] env is an array of maps that is injected as-is into the "env:" component of the pod.container spec
pod.sidecar bool false sidecar is an array of containers that will be run alongside the main container
pod.volumeMounts list [] volumeMounts is injected as-is into the "volumeMounts:" component of the pod.container spec
pod.volumes list [] volumes is injected as-is into the "volumes:" component of the pod.container spec
prometheusExporter.enabled bool true whether the prometheus exporter sidecar should be enabled
prometheusExporter.image.imagePullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
prometheusExporter.image.repository string "prom/graphite-exporter"
prometheusExporter.image.tag string "v0.9.0"
prometheusExporter.mappingYaml string nil Yaml that defines the graphite exporter mapping. null by default, which uses the embedded / default mapping yaml file
rbac.clusterRoleCreate bool false Whether to create the ClusterRole that grants access to the Kubernetes nodes API. This is used by the Launcher to get all of the IP addresses associated with the node that is running a particular job. In most cases, this can be disabled as the node's internal address is sufficient to allow proper functionality.
rbac.create bool true Whether to create rbac. (also depends on launcher.enabled = true)
rbac.serviceAccount object {"annotations":{},"create":true,"name":""} The serviceAccount to be associated with rbac (also depends on launcher.enabled = true)
readinessProbe object {"enabled":true,"failureThreshold":3,"initialDelaySeconds":3,"periodSeconds":3,"successThreshold":1,"timeoutSeconds":1} readinessProbe is used to configure the container's readinessProbe
replicas int 1 replicas is the number of replica pods to maintain for this service. Use 2 or more to enable HA
resources object {"limits":{"cpu":"2000m","enabled":false,"ephemeralStorage":"200Mi","memory":"4Gi"},"requests":{"cpu":"100m","enabled":false,"ephemeralStorage":"100Mi","memory":"2Gi"}} resources define requests and limits for the rstudio-server pod
secureCookieKey string ""
securityContext object {}
service.annotations object {} annotations for the service definition
service.nodePort bool false the nodePort to use when using service type NodePort. If not defined, Kubernetes will provide one automatically
service.type string "NodePort" the service type (i.e. NodePort, LoadBalancer, etc.)
session.defaultConfigMount bool true Whether to automatically mount the config.session configuration into session pods. If launcher.namespace is different from Release Namespace, then the chart will duplicate the session configmap in both namespaces to facilitate this
session.image.repository string "rstudio/r-session-complete" The repository to use for the session image
session.image.tag string "" A tag override for the session image. Overrides the "tagPrefix" above, if set. Default tag is {{ tagPrefix }}{{ version }}
session.image.tagPrefix string "bionic-" A tag prefix for session images (common selections: bionic-, centos-). Only used if tag is not defined
shareProcessNamespace bool true whether to provide shareProcessNamespace to the pod. Important for HA environments for the sidecar
sharedStorage.accessModes list ["ReadWriteMany"] accessModes defined for the storage PVC (represented as YAML)
sharedStorage.create bool false whether to create the persistentVolumeClaim for shared storage
sharedStorage.mount bool false Whether the persistentVolumeClaim should be mounted (even if not created) string "" The name of the pvc. By default, computes a value from the release name
sharedStorage.path string "/var/lib/rstudio-server" the path to mount the sharedStorage claim within the pod string "10Gi" the volume of storage to request for this persistent volume claim
sharedStorage.storageClassName bool false storageClassName - the type of storage to use. Must allow ReadWriteMany
startupProbe object {"enabled":false,"failureThreshold":30,"initialDelaySeconds":10,"periodSeconds":10,"timeoutSeconds":1} startupProbe is used to configure the container's startupProbe
startupProbe.failureThreshold int 30 failureThreshold * periodSeconds should be strictly > worst case startup time
strategy.rollingUpdate.maxSurge string "100%"
strategy.rollingUpdate.maxUnavailable int 0
strategy.type string "RollingUpdate"
userCreate bool false userCreate determines whether a user should be created at startup (if true)
userName string "rstudio" userName determines the username of the created user
userPassword string "rstudio" userPassword determines the password of the created user
userUid string "10000" userUid determines the UID of the created user
versionOverride string "" A Workbench version to override the "tag" for the RStudio Workbench image and the session images. Necessary until helm/helm#8194
xdgConfigDirs string "/mnt/dynamic:/mnt/session-configmap:/mnt/secret-configmap:/mnt/configmap:/mnt/load-balancer/" The XDG config dirs (directories where configuration will be read from). Do not change without good reason.
xdgConfigDirsExtra list [] A list of additional XDG config dir paths

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.5.0