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282 lines (228 loc) · 11.4 KB

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282 lines (228 loc) · 11.4 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog.

[6.0.0] - 2023-05-02


  • Breaking change: Now targets RBS 3.0

[5.1.0] - 2023-05-22


  • Add support for a single @overload tag, typically used to describe methods defined outside of Ruby. Thanks @ohai!

[5.0.1] - 2023-05-02


  • Use File#exist? instead of File#exists?, for Ruby 3.2 support. Thanks @matmorel!

[5.0.0] - 2022-10-06


  • If a derived class does not provide tags for a method, but it is overridden from a base class which does, then the base class' documentation will be used to generate types for the derived method.
  • When generating RBS, if a duck type matches one of RBS' built-in interfaces, this type will be generated instead. (For example, #to_s will generate the type _ToS.)
  • Added the --hide-private flag, which will omit outputting items with private visibility.
  • To improve resolution, types for gems are now loaded from the RBS collection.
  • If you are using custom YARD tags, Sord can now be made aware of these by passing the --tags option.


  • Breaking change: Support for versions of Ruby prior to 2.7 has been dropped.
  • When Sord runs YARD automatically, it no longer generates HTML documentation, since this isn't necessary for Sord's analysis. If you were relying on this as part of your workflow, then this could be a breaking change.


  • Duck-typed methods ending with ? or !, and operator methods like #[]=, are now correctly recognised as duck types.
  • Fixed an exception when referring to built-in types with root namespace (::Array<Foo>) syntax.
  • @yieldparams without a parameter name no longer cause an exception, and instead use default names of the pattern: arg0, arg1, ...

[4.0.0] - 2022-07-19


  • Constants are now assigned types when generating RBS, using @return.
  • Class-level attr_accessors are converted to methods when generating RBS.
  • Added the --exclude-untyped flag, which skips generating type signatures for methods with untyped return values.


  • If YARD tags are present for a block, but there is no block param (such as when using yield), the type signature now includes the documented block. This could be a breaking change leading to type errors in existing code where such methods are called.


  • Added workaround for YARD syntax error when a default parameter value begins with a unary minus
  • Name resolutions from the root (e.g. ::X) now behave correctly; previously they may have selected a class named X nested within another namespace. This may be a breaking change if any part of your generated type signatures was relying on the old, buggy behaviour.

[3.0.1] - 2020-12-28


  • Fixed SortedSet crash on Ruby 3
  • Fixed incorrect extend order on YARD 0.9.26

[3.0.0] - 2020-12-26


  • Sord now uses the Parlour 5 beta's RBS generation to generate RBS files!
  • Added --rbi and --rbs to select an output format to use (if neither given, tries to infer from file extension).


  • RbiGenerator has been renamed to Generator.
  • TypeConverter#yard_to_sorbet is now TypeConverter#yard_to_parlour, and returns Parlour::Types::Type instances rather than strings.


  • #return [nil] no longer produces a union of zero types, instead becoming void for method returns or untyped for attributes.
3.0.0 pre-releases

[3.0.0.beta.2] - 2020-10-05


  • Sord is no longer limited to a known set of generics, and will instead generate Parlour::Types::Generic types for user-defined generics.

[3.0.0.beta.1] - 2020-09-16


  • Sord now uses the Parlour 5 beta's RBS generation to generate RBS files!
  • Added --rbi and --rbs to select an output format to use (if neither given, tries to infer from file extension).


  • RbiGenerator has been renamed to Generator.
  • TypeConverter#yard_to_sorbet is now TypeConverter#yard_to_parlour, and returns Parlour::Types::Type instances rather than strings.


  • #return [nil] no longer produces a union of zero types, instead becoming void for method returns or untyped for attributes.

[2.0.0] - 2020-03-16


  • Sord now supports generating attr_accessor, attr_reader and attr_writer and will do so automatically when these are used in your code.
    • Depending on what you're doing with Sord, this is potentially breaking, as for example attributes which would previously generate two foo and foo= methods in Sord will now just generate an attr_accessor.
  • #initialize is now always typed as returning void, which is potentially breaking if you directly call #initialize in code.
    • The --use-original-initialize-return flag restores the old behaviour of using whatever return type is provided, like any other method.

[1.0.0] - 2020-02-16


  • Added the --skip-constants flag to avoid generating RBIs for constants.


  • Parlour 2.0.0 is now being used.


  • Fixed a bug where blank parameters were sometimes treated like non-blank parameters.
  • Fixed parameter order sometimes being incorrect.
  • Fixed multiline parameter lists sometimes generating invalid RBIs.
  • Multiline comments are now generated correctly.
  • Fixed an incorrect README link.

[0.10.0] - 2019-09-14


  • Comments in RBIs are now converted from YARD into Markdown format, making them look much better when viewed in an IDE. (To restore the old behaviour of copying the YARD comments verbatim, use the --keep-original-comments flag.)


  • Parlour 0.8.0 is now being used.
  • References to self as a type in YARD docs are now generated as T.self_type, rather than a fixed self type determined by Sord.

[0.9.0] - 2019-08-09


  • Add the --replace-constants-with-untyped flag, which generates T.untyped instead of SORD_ERROR constants.
  • Added an option to clean the sord_examples directory when seeding or reseeding.
  • Added a Rake task to typecheck the sord_examples directory.
  • Added a .parlour file to the project for generating Sord's RBIs.
  • Added CI with Travis.


  • Code generation has been broken out into the Parlour gem, and Sord is now a Parlour plugin.
  • Rainbow is now used for coloured output instead of colorize.
  • Duplicate type signatures are no longer generated for inherited methods.
  • The Resolver can now resolve more objects.
  • If a parameter has nil as its default, it now has a nilable type.
  • Generation of constants has been improved.
  • Superclass names are now generated as fully-qualified identifiers.


  • Fixed T::Hash and T::Array syntax being generated incorrectly.
  • Fix a bug where the --no-comments or --no-generate flags were ignored.
  • Collections of T.untyped now have signatures generated correctly.
  • Fix generation of hashes when they are given too few parameters.
  • YARD no longer prints irrelevant error messages when running rake.

[0.8.0] - 2019-07-07


  • Block types can now be generated using @yieldparam and @yieldreturn.
  • Long lists of parameters (at least 4) are now broken onto multiple lines. The threshold can be altered with the --break-params option.
  • If a constant used is not found, Sord will now attempt to locate it and fully-qualify its name.
  • Add the --replace-errors-with-untyped flag; when present, T.untyped is used instead of SORD_ERROR_ constants.
  • Add the --include/exclude-messages flags, which can be used to suppress certain log message kinds.
  • Add support for the Class<...> generic becoming T.class_of(...). (#44)
  • Add YARD array (<...>) and hash ({... => ...}) shorthands. (#43)
  • Sord now has an examples set of Rake tasks to test Sord on a large number of repos.
  • Sord now bundles an RBI for itself.


  • Methods without any YARD documentation are now typed as T.untyped rather than void.


  • Duck types in the form of setters (#foo=) are now interpreted properly.
  • Fix some cases where indentation was incorrect. (#30, #46)
  • Fix include and extend calls being swapped, and give them proper blank lines.
  • Fix incorrect blank lines inside empty namespaces.
  • Fix a crash when a @param has no name given.

[0.7.1] - 2019-06-24


  • Fix bug where --no-regenerate flag was ignored.

[0.7.0] - 2019-06-24


  • A warning message is now shown if the YARD registry has no objects. (#31)
  • Integer, Float and Symbol literals are now supported as types. (#26)
  • Add support for multi-method YARD duck types. (#38)
  • Namespaces are now indented properly. (#41)
  • Individual method and namespace counts are now shown, rather than just an overall object count. (#36)


  • Paths to log message items are now bold rather than white, so that they can be seen on white terminals. (#28)
  • Alias methods are now ignored. (#34)
  • Remove Gemfile.lock. (#33)
  • YARD is executed when Sord is executed. To disable this behaviour, use --no-regenerate. (#31)


  • Resolved crash when a @return tag gave no type. (#35)

[0.6.0] - 2019-06-23


  • Namespaces are now nested inside each other in the RBI file, fixing many constant scoping issues. (#25)


  • Move unfinished tasks from README to GitHub issues.


  • Fix typo of 'duck' as 'ducl' (#24)

[0.5.0] - 2019-06-23


  • Hash rocket syntax for hash types is now supported. (#18)
  • Arrays with multiple element types are handled correctly. (#21)


  • Move a dependency from Gemfile to Gemspec for consistency. (#19)
  • Fix bug where splat-args (*a) were always called args in signatures. (#20)

[0.4.1] - 2019-06-22


  • The changelog for this version is the same as 0.4.0, but resolving an issue where some changes were not published correctly to RubyGems.

[0.4.0] - 2019-06-22 [YANKED]


  • Commander is now used for the CLI, which enables a --help switch.
  • Add a --no-comments switch for disabling comments in the RBI file.


  • Sord now exits as early as possible if no filename is specified. (#17)


  • Remove & in block parameter names in signatures, fixing a syntax error in RBIs. (#16)

[0.3.0] - 2019-06-22


  • self now resolves to a type in signatures.
  • true and false are now converted to T::Boolean in signatures.
  • If a T.any contains nil, it now instead wraps that part of the signature in a T.nilable instead.
  • Add GitHub issue templates.


  • .vscode is now git-ignored.
  • Method definitions now have a semicolon before the end for consistency with Sorbet's RBIs. (#6)
  • params is now omitted from signatures if a method has no parameters. (#4)


  • Fix kwargs in signatures by removing the duplicate colon from their identifier. (#12)
  • Fix kwargs in definitions by not inserting an equal-to symbol for their defaults. (#11)

[0.2.1] - 2019-06-22


  • Fix exception on launch due to forgetting to initialise a class variable. (#1)

[0.2.0] - 2019-06-22


  • Add RSpec tests.
  • Add the Logging class with prettier output.
  • Generic types can now take more than one type parameter.
  • Add documentation for all classes.
  • Add a README.
  • Add Sorbet directory and typing mode comments (srb init).


  • Sord now requires a command-line argument to save the RBI to.

[0.1.0] 2019-06-21


  • First release.