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This file is part of AREG SDK and describes the examples
Copyright (c) 2017-2021, Aregtech
Contact: info[at]

The AREG SDK contains various examples to demonstrate features of the engine and framework.

💡 To run Public services of examples based on IPC, make sure the process mcrouter has started. Otherewise, the service is no visible in the network. The mcrouter is a part of the AREG SDK.

To compile examples, call one of these from command line:

# Compile areg-sdk sources and examples. The option 'all' is optional
$ make all

If areg library is already compiled, call

# Compile only examples
$ make examples

Below is the list of examples:

  1. 00_helloservice -- multithreading and multiprocessing applications used as an example in developer guide.
  2. 01_hello -- multithreading console application to output "Hello World" message.
  3. 02_buffer -- multithreading console application to demonstrate streaming in shared buffer.
  4. 03_file -- console application to demonstrate work with text and binary files, and use of file name masks.
  5. 04_trace -- multithreading console application to start and use logging.
  6. 05_timer -- multithreading console application to start Timer Service and use various timers.
  7. 06_threads -- multithreading console application to start and stop various threads.
  8. 07_synch -- multithreading console application to use various combined synchronization objects.
  9. 08_service -- multithreading console application to start empty servicing component.
  10. 09_svcmulti -- multithreading console application to create multiple instances of the same servicing component.
  11. 10_locsvc -- multithreading console application to demonstrate Local servicing component.
  12. 11_locmesh -- multithreading console application to demonstrate multi-instances of same Local service.
  13. 12_pubsvc -- multiprocessing (IPC) application to demonstrate Public service and the service client.
  14. 13_pubmesh -- multiprocessing (IPC) application to demonstrate mesh of Public and Local services and the use of service clients.
  15. 14_pubtraffic -- multiprocessing (IPC) application to demonstrate dynamic model creation and the custom event processing.
  16. 15_pubworker -- multiprocessing (IPC) application to demonstrate Worker Thread definition in the model and custom event processing.
  17. 16_pubfsm -- multiprocessing (IPC) application to demonstrate the work of Finite State-Machine (FSM) using AREG framework features.
  18. 17_winchat -- Windows GUI application (IPC) to demonstrate dynamic modeling, fault tolerant and distributed system.

The list will be updated. We recommend periodically checking the list.

For more details of every project, read ReadMe.txt file of each example project.