sources used:
Word Freak
We are creating a linked list of words(along with their frequencies) and in the list no two same words can repeat. We have made several helper methods like search(Word* wl, char* wordStr), makeNode(char word) , addWord(Word head, char* word)
search-> takes head of the list and searches for the word we are looking for. Returns a pointer to the given word if found or returns the pointer to the last node in the list(this is useful when we have to add a new node to the end of the list)
addWord-> takes the head of the list and it uses the search method. If the word is found, it increases the frequency by 1 or else add the new node to the end of the list.
The main functioning of the program is done using wordFreq(Word* wl, char* filename, int fd1) This function takes a newly initiated wordlist (currently empty) and a filename or a file descriptor.
This makes our whole list of words along with their frequencies.
Finally we have format_and_print(wl); which formats and gives us our final output using sprintf() and write()
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