To edit device information:
- Select "Devices" in the menu on the left of the screen
- Find the device you want to edit in the central table
- Go to the device page by clicking on the device name or status
- Press "Details" tab of the device
- Edit the device data
- Press the "Save" button
- MAC: MAC addres of the device. Not editable.
- Name: Friendly device name
- Owner: Device owner (The list is self-populated with existing owners)
- Type: Select a device type from the dropdown list (Smartphone, Table, Laptop, TV, router, ....) or type a new device type
- Vendor: Automatically updated by Pi.Alert when empty
- Favorite: Mark the device as favorite and then it will appears at the begining of the device list
- Group: Select a grouper ('Always on', 'Personal', Friends') or type your own Group name
- Comments: Type any comments for the device
- Status: Show device status : On-line / Off-Line
- First Session: Date and time of the first connection
- Last Session: Date and time of the last connection
- Last IP: Last known IP used during the last connection
- Static IP: Check this box to identify devices that always use the same IP
- Scan Cycle: Select the scan cycle: 0, 1', 15'
- Some devices do not respond to all ARP packets, for this cases is better to use a 15' cycle.
- For Apple devices I recommend using 15' cycle
- Alert All Events: Send a notification in each event (connection, disconnection, IP Changed, ...)
- Alert Down: Send a notification when the device is down
- (Userful with "always connected" devices: Router, AP, Camera, Alexa, ...)
- Skip repeated notifications during: Do not send more than one
notification to this device for X hours
- (Useful to avoid notification saturation on devices that frequently connects and disconnects)
The latest versions of some operating systems (IOS and Android) incorporate a new & interesting functionality to improve privacy: Random MACs.
This functionality allows you to hide the true MAC of the device and assign a random MAC when we connect to WIFI networks.
This behavior is especially useful when connecting to WIFI's that we do not know, but it is totally useless when connecting to our own WIFI's or known networks.
I recommend disabling this operation when connecting our devices to our own WIFI's, in this way, Pi.Alert will be able to identify the device, and it will not identify it as a new device every so often (every time IOS or Android decides to change the MAC).
- How to Disable MAC Randomization in Android 10
- How do I disable random Wi-Fi MAC address on Android 10
GPL 3.0 Read more here
Suggestions and comments are welcome