Name | Type | Description | Notes |
resend_subject | string | The subject line used when resending the email campaign activity. | [optional] |
delay_days | int | The number of days to wait before Constant Contact resends the email. Valid values include <code>1</code> to <code>10</code> days. This value is only returned in the response results if the resend activity was created with <code>delay_days</code> or the <code>delay_minutes</code> equal to an exact day value. | [optional] |
delay_minutes | int | The number of minutes to wait before Constant Contact resends the email. There are 1,440 minutes in a day. Valid values includes a minimum of <code>720</code> (12 hours) and a maximum of <code>14,400</code> minutes (10 days). This property is mutually exclusive with <code>delay_days</code>. | [optional] |
resend_date | \DateTime | The system generated date and time (in ISO-8601 format) that the email campaign activity was resent to non-openers (only included in the response results for sent resend activities). | [optional] [readonly] |
resend_request_id | string | For scheduled or sent resend to non-opener emails, the system generates an ID that identifies the resend to non-openers activity. For draft email campaign resend activities, the system returns <code>DRAFT</code>. | [optional] |
resend_status | string | The status of the resend to non-openers campaign activity. The <code>resend_status</code> is only returned in the response results if the campaign activity is either scheduled to be sent or was already sent. | [optional] |