This document describes the overall strategy behind crossify
's algorithms.
At a glance, crossify
generates lines that connect sidewalks across street
intersections. Some of these crossings may be crosswalks, or entirely unmarked:
such information is treated as metadata to be added later as attributes of
the crossings generated by crossify
Given a streets dataset and sidewalks dataset, crossify attempts to draw one crossing per street in an intersection, given that there are appropriate sidewalks on either side. It accomplishes this in an N-step process:
Streets are split when they share a node (point) and are at the same z-level. Streets are also joined end-to-end at all other locations. Note: this step is not actually implemented yet, so datasets are assumed to have been appropriately split in advance.
Intersections are identified as shared nodes with more than 2 streets from step one.
Intersections are grouped based on proximity, as some may be complex (e.g. 6-way intersections, boulevards). The street segment(s) connecting each intersection node are ignored. All further logic happens on a per-intersection group basis.
Create a buffer of 10 meters (by default) around the intersection's node(s) and do an intersection operation on the streets/sidewalks: all streets and sidewalks are clipped at 10 meters from an intersection node. In most cases, this will mean that all streets and sidewalks are cut off by a 30-meter radius circle. If necessary, streets are temporarily extended to be 30 meters long. Idea: possibly use polygonized street data? Idea: use voronoi polygons?
Select all incoming streets and split the buffer by them. This aids the algorithm in ensure a connection across the street, guaranteeing each end of a crossing connects to left or right.
Extend 'up' each street in 1-meter increments, finding the closest sidewalk on each side. Only extend at most half-way down the street.
If each sidewalk side differs too much in length, the entire crossing is discarded. The problem this is attempting to solve is one where incoming streets have a very acute angle, and we don't want to select the sidewalk on the opposite side.
Choose the first 1-meter increment node that's relatively straight. Can abort generating any further 1-meter increment nodes for this street.
Make that crossing truly straight - connect each side with a straight line.
If the option is set, the first and last ~1 meter of the crossing is converted to a short line of 'sidewalk'. The point where a 1-meter segment of new sidewalk meets a crossing is where a curb interface should eventually be annotated.
There are many ways that these strategies could be improved. Here's a list of ideas:
Generate crossings automatically for long sidewalk stretches so that the pedestrian network remains well-connected even with missing data.
Generate half-crossings where sidewalks end, so they are more appropriately connected to the street network.
Add option to generate crossing lines from street node metadata, e.g. OpenStreetMap's highway=crossing data.