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Garrett Dimon edited this page Oct 5, 2016 · 12 revisions

The repository includes some automation to help with building and testing. Check out Gruntfile.js for more details on how each task works.


Once you've built everything, it's just a bunch of files that all need to be put together, right? This is how it happens.

Starting the build daemon

In most cases running npm start and letting the watcher do the builds for you will get the job done. This will automatically watch for any changes in the relevant Handlebars folders. emails, layouts, partials, and stylesheets.

npm start

Building HTML or CSS

If you ever want to just rebuild the HTML or CSS independently, you can use either of the following.

npm run html
npm run css

Managing Image Assets

In order to use images with your email templates in Postmark, you'll need to host the images on a CDN or asset server. Once you've finished with configuration, this task will automatically grab your images and FTP them to your asset server.

Since MailMason assumes that you're not using images, there's no built-in monitoring for changes to image files. When you change images, you'll need to explicitly update them on your asset server when you make changes locally.

npm run images


The emails need to look great, right? So you'll have to see them in action? So there are a handful of commands to help you do this. To use these, you'll have to configure Postmark settings in secrets.json so you can send the emails.


Spamcheck is a free Postmark service to send the content of your emails through a basic Spam Assassin check for content. The current setup for grunt-spamcheck doesn't include headers in the requests. So the API will return some header-related errors. It's safe to ignore these. We're working on updating the Spamcheck API and grunt-spamcheck to handle this a little more gracefully.

npm run spamcheck


If you have a Litmus account, this makes it easier for you to fire off a test email to your Litmus account. Once you specify the Litmus test email address in config.json you're off to the races.

npm run litmus

Send All the Emails

This will send a copy of each email in the /emails folder to your testing address.

Important: If you have a lot of templates, this will send a lot of emails to your personal address. Use it wisely.

npm run flood
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