- Added props for changing activation method on SideBySideMagnifier and MagnifierPreview.
- Added support for images with transparency in Magnifier component by hiding preview image when zoomed.
- Fixed an issue preventing the custom magnifier components from functioning properly in an SSR project.
- Improved SSR support by ensuring that the client side DOM matches the server side DOM when hydrating.
- Added additional layout/sizing options to the SideBySideMagnifier, including the ability to fill all available space on zoom.
- Added additional customization options to preview overlays.
- Added autoInPlace and inPlaceMinBreakpoint props to the MagnifierContainer component. These can be used to cause custom layout magnifiers to go into "in place" mode under certain conditions.
- Added onZoomStart and onZoomEnd props.
- Added a switchSides prop to the SideBySideMagnifier. When used, the zoomed image will be displayed to the left side of the preview (instead of the right side).
- Added image fallback feature. imageSrc and largeImageSrc props now accept an array of paths.
- Added MagnifierContainer, MagnifierPreview, and MagnifierZoom components for creating more advanced magnifier layouts.
- Updated react-input-position to improve touch interactions.
- Fixed typo in README.
- Added onImageLoad and onLargeImageLoad props to all magnifier components.
- Fixed remaining "window is not defined" error in SideBySideRenderer when used in SSR. All components now support SSR.
- Updated react-input-position@1.1.7.
- Add styling to ensure large image width is set to auto.
- Fixed "window is not defined" error in SideBySideRenderer when used in SSR.
- Font size is no longer zero when using PictureInPicture's renderOverlay render prop.
- Added tests for styles and utils helpers.
- Improved the handling of images that are too small for the magnifying functionality. Some components used to behave erratically in this situation. Now, if an image is less than or equal to the size of the container, the magnifier component will simply size the image to the container and hide/disable the controls.
- Updated README.
- Updated README.
- Updated github links.
- Updated react-input-position@1.1.3.
- Initial public release.