- Major speedup implemeted in phaseModel.
- Ellipsoid model added to phaseModel.
- phaseModel function added.
- dateCalibrator function added.
- Major speed up for estimateDataDomain function
- Truncated models only for populaton dynamics clearly distinguished from phase models.
- semi-ellipse model added.
- removed dependency on 'methods' package.
- removed dependency on various other bits, bringing minimum R version down to 3.3.0
- removed dependency on 'zoo' package.
- fast rollmean function.
- removed dependency on 'scales' package.
- removed dependency on 'grDevices' package by using greyscale instead
- taphonomy parameter deprecated. Instead, include 'power' as a model type, and allocate two parameters to it.
- Non-parametric models of any complexity handled. Requires a 'timeseries' data frame, and a single parameter to determine the relative amplitude.
- Parametric models can now be aggregated to any required complexity. For example, multiple sinewaves, or a Gaussian multiplied by an exponential.
- Minor updates
- svg replaced with png to resolve request from Prof Brian Ripley.
- svg now imported from grDevices in NAMESPACE, following request from Prof Brian Ripley.
- 14C datasets from taphonomic papers added (Surovell, Bluhm, Bryson etc).
- Substantial update to guide, detailing taphonomy.
- Taphonomy option now included: major update.
- Taphonomy parameter incorporated into convertPars(), objectiveFunction(), proposalFunction(), mcmc()
- New CPLparsToHinges() helper function purely to handle converting CPL parameters into hinges
- Toy data sets 1,2,3 changed to a more recent date range, to better demonstrate the power law model.
- Power Law model added to guide, and all guide models rerun under 'Other models in ADMUR'.
- MCMC extended to handle other models.
- Integrated full formula for truncated Cauchy model into calculations and manual.
- Added Power law model
- Typo corrected in Guide - thanks to Ricardo Fernandes.
- Bug in relativeRate() corrected. Generation time was fixed on 25 yrs.
- Further detail in guide on likelihood calculations.
- Added a logistic model.
- Added three toy datasets.
- New section in guide, exploring further models.
- Substantial improvement in the area breaking algorithm, total rebuild of convertParsCPL(). Be aware that the raw parameter values now differ from v1.0.0 for a given model.
- Added a Cauchy model, as a Gaussian model is the devil's work. Real data from single events have long tails.
- Added a sigmoidal model. Earth-related systems (e.g. climate) should be expected to oscillate.
- Added a Gaussian model.
- Added checkData()
Resubmission to CRAN as version 1.0.0 following the fix and resubmit request. Many thanks to Gregor Seyer for hugely helpful comments.
- All instances of \dontrun{} in the manual examples changed to \donttest{}, as these take > 5 secs.
- Changes to warning settings removed from summedCalibrator(). Instead, to avoid repetitive warnings in a loop, warnings are now a logical argument.
- All instances of par() changes within functions have been removed.
- All instances of par() changes in vignettes are reset to user's par().
Initial submission to CRAN as version 1.0.0