This repo adds support for connecting to a Kafka Cluster with SSL certificates. The code is based on the work of on this n8n-io/n8n#6398, plus some additional configuration.
Use visual studio code for best experience.
- Clone this repository.
- Install node and npm.
- Install pnpm
npm i -g pnpm
- Install local package
pnpm install
- Build n8n
pnpm run build
- Run n8n in docker mode
- Configure n8n docker container to use this custom node. Add the following volume for n8n-main service
- ~/n8n-nodes-kafka-ssl/dist:/home/node/.n8n/custom/node_modules/n8n-nodes-kafka-ssl
- Make changes to nodes or credentials
- Delete compiled files
rm -rf dist
- Build packages and n8n
pnpm run build
- Restart n8n (make sure to be in n8n directory)
docker compose restart n8n-main