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Request 1 BLD

Dan Connolly edited this page Mar 14, 2022 · 38 revisions

tldr: Join the Agoric discord and make your request in the #validator-1-bld channel.

Request 1 BLD

The Agoric blockchain is increasingly decentralized. Anyone can start a node that follows the chain, but in order to get into the market for top 100 validators that participate in consensus, they have to have at least 1 BLD so they can execute a create-validator transaction. Agoric encourages node operators to Request 1 BLD for this purpose.

How to request ?

Setup your mainnet node, make sure it's fully synced, once done, please hop on to the #validator-1-bld channel and provide a screenshot of the below command

First install jq which is needed to run the command

sudo apt-get install jq


echo YOUR_DISCORD_USER_NAME `ag0 keys show YOUR_KEY_NAME --output json | jq -r .address` `ag0 keys show YOUR_KEY_NAME --bech val --output json | jq -r .address` `date` `curl http://localhost:26657/status | jq -r` `curl http://localhost:26657/status | jq -r .result.sync_info.latest_block_height` `curl http://localhost:26657/status | jq -r .result.sync_info.catching_up`
  • Change YOUR_DISCORD_USER_NAME and YOUR_KEY_NAME in the above command.
  • Paste a screenshot of the above command along with its output in the channel, tag @mod-1-bld if you want to

Thanks to our reviewers

Processed Requests

  1. 2022-02-26
  2. 2022-03-07 ItalyBLD | HWL
  3. 2022-03-10 MonkeyDao
  4. 2022-03-14 GWtest
  5. 2022-03-14 agoric10mtu...
  6. 2022-03-14 agoric19a7pwd...

these typically come from agoric15qxmfuf...


see also: review Request 1 BLD requests · Issue #80 · Agoric/validator-profiles

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