Android Studio example how to use vsomeip between two app services from native code.
Based on the original vsomeip example
- Android Studio
- CMake 3.17.2 (for boost-cmake)
Git submodule projects:
- vsomeip (
- boost-cmake: Used CMake adapted boost (
- Clone main git project:
git clone
- Clone submodule projects:
git submodule update --init
- Run Android Studio
- Then open ndk-vsomeip-hello-world/vsomeip-hello-world project
- Build and run
- Expected app output in Logcat:
2020-06-05 11:13:06.407 31221-31266/com.example.vsomeiphelloworld I/hello_world_client: Sending: World
2020-06-05 11:13:06.437 31221-31266/com.example.vsomeiphelloworld I/hello_world_client: Received: Hello World