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Merge pull request #3977 from LordMike/feature/aht10_usermod
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Add a usermod for AHT10, AHT15 and AHT20 temperature/humidity sensors
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blazoncek authored May 21, 2024
2 parents 0bcdc96 + 77e6a6d commit 31b232d
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Showing 7 changed files with 385 additions and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .gitignore
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Expand Up @@ -21,4 +21,4 @@
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions platformio_override.sample.ini
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Expand Up @@ -94,6 +94,9 @@ build_flags = ${common.build_flags} ${esp8266.build_flags}
; Use AHT10/AHT15/AHT20 usermod
; Use INA226 usermod
Expand Down
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions usermods/AHT10_v2/
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@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
# Usermod AHT10
This Usermod is designed to read a `AHT10`, `AHT15` or `AHT20` sensor and output the following:
- Temperature
- Humidity

Configuration is performed via the Usermod menu. The following settings can be configured in the Usermod Menu:
- I2CAddress: The i2c address in decimal. Set it to either 56 (0x38, the default) or 57 (0x39).
- SensorType, one of:
- 0 - AHT10
- 1 - AHT15
- 2 - AHT20
- CheckInterval: Number of seconds between readings
- Decimals: Number of decimals to put in the output

Dependencies, These must be added under `lib_deps` in your `platform.ini` (or `platform_override.ini`).
- Libraries
- `enjoyneering/AHT10@~1.1.0` (by [enjoyneering](
- `Wire`

## Author

# Compiling

To enable, compile with `USERMOD_AHT10` defined (e.g. in `platformio_override.ini`)
extends = env:esp32dev
build_flags =
${common.build_flags} ${esp32.build_flags}
; -D USERMOD_AHT10_DEBUG ; -- add a debug status to the info modal
lib_deps =
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions usermods/AHT10_v2/platformio_override.ini
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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
extends = env:esp32dev
build_flags =
${common.build_flags} ${esp32.build_flags}
; -D USERMOD_AHT10_DEBUG ; -- add a debug status to the info modal
lib_deps =
327 changes: 327 additions & 0 deletions usermods/AHT10_v2/usermod_aht10.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
#pragma once

#include "wled.h"
#include <AHT10.h>

#define AHT10_SUCCESS 1

class UsermodAHT10 : public Usermod
static const char _name[];

unsigned long _lastLoopCheck = 0;

bool _settingEnabled : 1; // Enable the usermod
bool _mqttPublish : 1; // Publish mqtt values
bool _mqttPublishAlways : 1; // Publish always, regardless if there is a change
bool _mqttHomeAssistant : 1; // Enable Home Assistant docs
bool _initDone : 1; // Initialization is done

// Settings. Some of these are stored in a different format than they're user settings - so we don't have to convert at runtime
uint8_t _i2cAddress = AHT10_ADDRESS_0X38;
uint16_t _checkInterval = 60000; // milliseconds, user settings is in seconds
float _decimalFactor = 100; // a power of 10 factor. 1 would be no change, 10 is one decimal, 100 is two etc. User sees a power of 10 (0, 1, 2, ..)

uint8_t _lastStatus = 0;
float _lastHumidity = 0;
float _lastTemperature = 0;

float _lastHumiditySent = 0;
float _lastTemperatureSent = 0;

AHT10 *_aht = nullptr;

float truncateDecimals(float val)
return roundf(val * _decimalFactor) / _decimalFactor;

void initializeAht()
if (_aht != nullptr)
delete _aht;

_aht = new AHT10(_i2cAddress, _ahtType);

_lastStatus = 0;
_lastHumidity = 0;
_lastTemperature = 0;

delete _aht;
_aht = nullptr;

void mqttInitialize()
// This is a generic "setup mqtt" function, So we must abort if we're not to do mqtt
if (!WLED_MQTT_CONNECTED || !_mqttPublish || !_mqttHomeAssistant)

char topic[128];
snprintf_P(topic, 127, "%s/temperature", mqttDeviceTopic);
mqttCreateHassSensor(F("Temperature"), topic, F("temperature"), F("°C"));

snprintf_P(topic, 127, "%s/humidity", mqttDeviceTopic);
mqttCreateHassSensor(F("Humidity"), topic, F("humidity"), F("%"));

void mqttPublishIfChanged(const __FlashStringHelper *topic, float &lastState, float state, float minChange)
// Check if MQTT Connected, otherwise it will crash the 8266
// Only report if the change is larger than the required diff
if (WLED_MQTT_CONNECTED && _mqttPublish && (_mqttPublishAlways || fabsf(lastState - state) > minChange))
char subuf[128];
snprintf_P(subuf, 127, PSTR("%s/%s"), mqttDeviceTopic, (const char *)topic);
mqtt->publish(subuf, 0, false, String(state).c_str());

lastState = state;

// Create an MQTT Sensor for Home Assistant Discovery purposes, this includes a pointer to the topic that is published to in the Loop.
void mqttCreateHassSensor(const String &name, const String &topic, const String &deviceClass, const String &unitOfMeasurement)
String t = String(F("homeassistant/sensor/")) + mqttClientID + "/" + name + F("/config");

StaticJsonDocument<600> doc;

doc[F("name")] = name;
doc[F("state_topic")] = topic;
doc[F("unique_id")] = String(mqttClientID) + name;
if (unitOfMeasurement != "")
doc[F("unit_of_measurement")] = unitOfMeasurement;
if (deviceClass != "")
doc[F("device_class")] = deviceClass;
doc[F("expire_after")] = 1800;

JsonObject device = doc.createNestedObject(F("device")); // attach the sensor to the same device
device[F("name")] = serverDescription;
device[F("identifiers")] = "wled-sensor-" + String(mqttClientID);
device[F("manufacturer")] = F(WLED_BRAND);
device[F("model")] = F(WLED_PRODUCT_NAME);
device[F("sw_version")] = versionString;

String temp;
serializeJson(doc, temp);

mqtt->publish(t.c_str(), 0, true, temp.c_str());

void setup()

void loop()
// if usermod is disabled or called during strip updating just exit
// NOTE: on very long strips strip.isUpdating() may always return true so update accordingly
if (!_settingEnabled || strip.isUpdating())

// do your magic here
unsigned long currentTime = millis();

if (currentTime - _lastLoopCheck < _checkInterval)
_lastLoopCheck = currentTime;

_lastStatus = _aht->readRawData();

if (_lastStatus == AHT10_ERROR)
// Perform softReset and retry
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("AHTxx returned error, doing softReset"));
if (!_aht->softReset())
DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("softReset failed"));

_lastStatus = _aht->readRawData();

if (_lastStatus == AHT10_SUCCESS)
float temperature = truncateDecimals(_aht->readTemperature(AHT10_USE_READ_DATA));
float humidity = truncateDecimals(_aht->readHumidity(AHT10_USE_READ_DATA));

// Push to MQTT

// We can avoid reporting if the change is insignificant. The threshold chosen is below the level of accuracy, but way above 0.01 which is the precision of the value provided.
// The AHT10/15/20 has an accuracy of 0.3C in the temperature readings
mqttPublishIfChanged(F("temperature"), _lastTemperatureSent, temperature, 0.1f);

// The AHT10/15/20 has an accuracy in the humidity sensor of 2%
mqttPublishIfChanged(F("humidity"), _lastHumiditySent, humidity, 0.5f);

// Store
_lastTemperature = temperature;
_lastHumidity = humidity;

void onMqttConnect(bool sessionPresent)

uint16_t getId()
return USERMOD_ID_AHT10;

void addToJsonInfo(JsonObject &root) override
// if "u" object does not exist yet wee need to create it
JsonObject user = root["u"];
if (user.isNull())
user = root.createNestedObject("u");

JsonArray temp = user.createNestedArray(F("AHT last loop"));

temp = user.createNestedArray(F("AHT last status"));

JsonArray jsonTemp = user.createNestedArray(F("Temperature"));
JsonArray jsonHumidity = user.createNestedArray(F("Humidity"));

if (_lastLoopCheck == 0)
// Before first run
jsonTemp.add(F("Not read yet"));
jsonHumidity.add(F("Not read yet"));

if (_lastStatus != AHT10_SUCCESS)
jsonTemp.add(F("An error occurred"));
jsonHumidity.add(F("An error occurred"));



void addToConfig(JsonObject &root)
JsonObject top = root.createNestedObject(FPSTR(_name));
top[F("Enabled")] = _settingEnabled;
top[F("I2CAddress")] = static_cast<uint8_t>(_i2cAddress);
top[F("SensorType")] = _ahtType;
top[F("CheckInterval")] = _checkInterval / 1000;
top[F("Decimals")] = log10f(_decimalFactor);
top[F("MqttPublish")] = _mqttPublish;
top[F("MqttPublishAlways")] = _mqttPublishAlways;
top[F("MqttHomeAssistantDiscovery")] = _mqttHomeAssistant;

DEBUG_PRINTLN(F("AHT10 config saved."));

bool readFromConfig(JsonObject &root) override
// default settings values could be set here (or below using the 3-argument getJsonValue()) instead of in the class definition or constructor
// setting them inside readFromConfig() is slightly more robust, handling the rare but plausible use case of single value being missing after boot (e.g. if the cfg.json was manually edited and a value was removed)

JsonObject top = root[FPSTR(_name)];

bool configComplete = !top.isNull();
if (!configComplete)
return false;

bool tmpBool = false;
configComplete &= getJsonValue(top[F("Enabled")], tmpBool);
if (configComplete)
_settingEnabled = tmpBool;

configComplete &= getJsonValue(top[F("I2CAddress")], _i2cAddress);
configComplete &= getJsonValue(top[F("CheckInterval")], _checkInterval);
if (configComplete)
if (1 <= _checkInterval && _checkInterval <= 600)
_checkInterval *= 1000;
// Invalid input
_checkInterval = 60000;

configComplete &= getJsonValue(top[F("Decimals")], _decimalFactor);
if (configComplete)
if (0 <= _decimalFactor && _decimalFactor <= 5)
_decimalFactor = pow10f(_decimalFactor);
// Invalid input
_decimalFactor = 100;

uint8_t tmpAhtType;
configComplete &= getJsonValue(top[F("SensorType")], tmpAhtType);
if (configComplete)
if (0 <= tmpAhtType && tmpAhtType <= 2)
_ahtType = static_cast<ASAIR_I2C_SENSOR>(tmpAhtType);
// Invalid input

configComplete &= getJsonValue(top[F("MqttPublish")], tmpBool);
if (configComplete)
_mqttPublish = tmpBool;

configComplete &= getJsonValue(top[F("MqttPublishAlways")], tmpBool);
if (configComplete)
_mqttPublishAlways = tmpBool;

configComplete &= getJsonValue(top[F("MqttHomeAssistantDiscovery")], tmpBool);
if (configComplete)
_mqttHomeAssistant = tmpBool;

if (_initDone)
// Reloading config


_initDone = true;
return configComplete;

const char UsermodAHT10::_name[] PROGMEM = "AHTxx";

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