Data manipulation GeoData
import matplotlib .pyplot as plt
import cartopy .crs as ccrs
url = ''
layer = 'VIIRS_CityLights_2012'
fig = plt .figure (figsize = [10 ,8 ])
ax = fig .add_subplot (1 , 1 , 1 , projection = ccrs .PlateCarree ())
ax .add_wmts (url , layer )
ax .set_extent ([- 5 , 9 , 51 , 42 ], crs = ccrs .PlateCarree ())
# Paris marker
plt .plot (2.21 , 48.85 , markersize = 10 , marker = 'o' , color = 'red' )
ax .set_title ('France map night April/October 2012' )
plt .show ()
import matplotlib .pyplot as plt
import cartopy .crs as ccrs
import cartopy .io .img_tiles as cimgt
import cartopy .feature as cfeature
# Create a Stamen terrain background instance.
stamen_terrain = cimgt .Stamen ('terrain-background' )
fig = plt .figure (figsize = [10 ,8 ])
# Create a GeoAxes in the tile's projection.
ax = fig .add_subplot (1 , 1 , 1 , projection = stamen_terrain .crs )
ax .set_extent ([- 5 , 9 , 51 , 42 ], crs = ccrs .Geodetic ())
# Add the Stamen data at zoom level 8.
ax .add_image (stamen_terrain , 8 )
ax .add_feature (cfeature .COASTLINE )
ax .add_feature (cfeature .BORDERS , color = 'red' )
# Paris marker
plt .plot (2.21 , 48.85 , markersize = 10 , marker = 'o' , color = 'red' , transform = ccrs .Geodetic ())
plt .show ()