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Natural langague processing - Preparing data


Tfidftransformer will systematically compute word counts using CountVectorizer and then compute the Inverse Document Frequency.

With Tfidfvectorizer on the contrary, you will do all three steps at once

from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer

stop_words = ["a", "an", "the"]

tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer(

vecotrized_texts = tfidf_vectorizer.fit_transform(source_dataframe['text_column'])

Langage detecting with langdetect package

from langdetect import detect

text = "Bonjour le monde"

if (detect(text) == 'fr'):
    print("text is french")
    print("text is not in french")

Lambda function to normalize text

import re
import pandas as pd

''' Example of simple function to normalize text '''
def pre_process_text(text):
    # lowercase
    text = text.lower()
    #remove tags
    text = re.sub("</?.*?>"," <> ", text)
    # remove special characters and digits
    text = re.sub("(\\d|\\W)+"," ",text)
    return text

dataframe['text_column'] = dataframe['text_column'].apply(lambda value:pre_process_text(value))

Lemmantize function

Lemmantize using spacy module. Be aware that you have to download the langague core that you need. Here "fr_core_news_md" whas downloaded

import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('fr_core_news_md')

def lemmantize(text):
    result = []
    for token in nlp(text):
    return ' '.join(result)

dataframe['text_column'] = dataframe['text_column'].apply(lambda value:lemmantize(value))

Filtering tokens using spacy

Pos will detect the type of token, so here we can filter only on NOUNS VERBS and ADJECTIVES for instance. Is alpha will indicate if the token is composed only of letters

Full reference for universal pos:

Preview data available in a token

import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('fr_core_news_md')

text = "Etablissements est un fabricant des mécanismes de combinaison de coffre-fort, tours automatiques, décolletage en raccordement traditionnel."

for token in nlp(text):
    print('token: ' + str(token) )
    print(' token.lemma_:' + token.lemma_ )
    print(' token.ent_type_: ' + token.ent_type_ )
    print(' token.norm__: ' + token.norm_ )
    print(' token.is_stop: ' + str(token.is_stop))    
    print(' token.pos_: ' + str(token.pos_))    
    print(' token.lang_: ' + str(token.lang_))
    print(' token.is_alpha: ' + str(token.is_alpha))

Filter data by NOUN VERB and ADJ.

import spacy
nlp = spacy.load('fr_core_news_md')

def lemma_sentence(text):
    list_result = []
    for token in nlp(text):
        accpeted_pos = ['NOUN', 'VERB', 'ADJ']
        if (token.pos_ in accpeted_pos and token.is_alpha):
    return " ".join(list_result)

text = "Etablissements est un fabricant des mécanismes de combinaison de coffre-fort, tours automatiques, décolletage en raccordement traditionnel."

lemma_text = lemma_sentence(text)