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In how many languages is machine translation available?

187 languages

22251 directions

Languages (ISO 639-3):

afr, amh, apc, ara, arg, asm, ast, aym, aze, bak, bam, bel, bem, ben, bho, bis, bod, bos, bre, bul, cat, ceb, ces, che, chv, ckb, cnr, cos, crh, cym, dan, deu, dgo, div, efi, ell, eng, epo, est, eus, ewe, fao, fas, fij, fil, fin, fon, fra, frp, fry, gla, gle, glg, grn, guj, hat, hau, haw, hbs, heb, hil, hin, hmn, hrv, hsb, hun, hye, ibo, ikt, iku, ilo, ind, isl, ita, jav, jpn, kaa, kan, kat, kaz, khm, kin, kir, kmr, knn, kor, kri, lao, lat, lav, lin, lit, ltz, lub, lug, lus, mai, mal, mar, mhr, mkd, mlg, mlt, mni, mon, mri, mrj, msa, mww, mya, nep, nld, nno, nob, nor, nso, nya, oci, orm, ory, otq, pan, pap, pol, por, prs, pus, que, ron, run, rus, sag, sah, san, seg, sin, sjn, slk, slv, sme, smo, sna, snd, som, sot, spa, sqi, srd, srp, ssw, sun, swa, swc, swe, szl, tah, tam, tat, tel, tet, tgk, tgl, tha, tir, tlh, toi, ton, tsn, tso, tuk, tur, twi, udm, uig, ukr, umb, urd, uzb, vie, xho, yid, yor, yua, yue, zho, zlm, zul


pip install iso639-lang

This code will create file like mili.tsv


  • Online web version should be available for users
  • Language should have ISO 639-3 code
  • Next version should have translation quality control