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File metadata and controls

112 lines (87 loc) · 5.8 KB


ENRE (ENtity Relationship Extractor) is a tool for extraction of code entity dependencies or relationships from source code.

Entity Categories

Entity Type Description
Package Collect related Files
File The .java files which save the whole java information
Class Like a constructor of objects
Enum Like a class only included fixed constants
EnumConstant A set of predefined constants defined in enum
Annotation To get program information while running through it
AnnotationMember Like a method, which provides extra actions about this annotation
Interface A way to achieve Abstract in Java
Method To perform specific activity
Module A closely related set of packages and resources and a new module descriptor file
Record A restricted kind of class that defines a simple aggregate of values
TypeParameter A container which stores type in generics
Variable A container which stores values

Relation Categories

Dependency type Description
Import A file imports other class, enum or package, or static imports method or var
Inherit A class inherits the other class
Implement A class implement an interface
Contain A package contains files, a file contain classes, enums and other types, etc
Call A method calls other methods
Parameter A method needs parameters to use
Typed A variable's type is one of the (self-defined) Class or other types
UseVar An entity uses a var in its scope, which could be a local var, a field or a parameter
Set A method set some variables
Modify A method modify variables which have been set
Annotate A annotation annotate entities
Cast A method cast another type to a variable
Override A method which has the same name, return type and parameter type of the super method
Reflect A entity which call Class.forname("...") method to get a specific type.
Define A type define fields or methods, a method defines variables.


1. Prepare the executable jar

The released jar of ENRE-Java is named as enre_java.jar

2. Set up Java environment

To execute enre_java.jar, you should set up Java environment: at least JDK 11 version.

If the project is quite larger, such as base columns under Android, please increase the memory heap above 8G.

3. cmd usage

The usage command is:

java -jar <executable> <lang> <dir> <project-name>

The detailed information of the parameter and option of the command is:

Usage: enre_java [-h] [-a=<aidl>] [-hd=<hidden>] [-d=<dir>]... <lang> <src>
      <lang>          The lanauge of project files: []
      <src>           The directory to be analyzed
      <projectName>   The analyzed project file name
  -a, --aidl=<aidl>   If the analyzed project is an Android project which
                        contains .aidl files, please provide the corresponding .
                        java files which have the same relative path with the
                        original file
  -d, --dir=<dir>     The additional directories to be analyzed
  -h, --help          display this help and exit
  -hd, --hidden=<hidden> The path of hiddenapi=flag.csv

To increase the memory heap, you can add -Xmx before -jar, like:

java -Xmx20G -jar <executable> <lang> <dir> <include-dir> <project-name>
  • The executable jar package of ENRE-Java.
  • The language of source code that will be analysed, now it must be java.
  • The path of the source code that will be analysed.
  • A short alias name of the analysed source code project.
  • Use enre_java.jar to analyse a demo project "halo_1.4.10" written in Java:
# in windows platform
$java -jar enre_java.jar java demo-projects\halo_1.4.10 halo_1.4.10

After analysis, ENRE-Java finally outputs the resolved entities and dependencies in JSON files in current directory.

  • Use enre_java.jar to analyse the /base directory under AOSP, also providing the corresponding .aidl path:
# in windows platform
$java -jar enre_java.jar java ...\frameworks\base base -a <aidl-path>
  • Use enre_java.jar to analyse the /base directory under AOSP, also providing several mirror paths which contain source files and share same project name:
# in windows platform
$java -jar enre_java.jar java ...\frameworks\base base -d ...\base