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Recipe Manager - A Full Stack app built with Node, React, PostgreSQL, REST API, AWS, GitHub Actions

Live site:

Technologies used


  • Code quality with ESLint.
  • Auto-formatting with Prettier.
  • CI/CD with GitHub Actions.
  • 100% TypeScript, no JavaScript.



  • Node.js server built with Express.js.
  • Database with PostgreSQL.
  • Data validation with zod.
  • Testing
    • Unit tests for functions with Jest.
    • Unit tests for route handlers and middleware with node-mocks-http.
    • Integration tests for routes with supertest.


  • Frontend deployed to S3 and CloudFront automatically using GitHub actions.


  • Authentication: register, login, validate email, recover password.
  • Settings: change user name, email and password. Delete user account.
  • Recipe: publish, edit and delete recipes.

Database setup

  1. Start PostgreSQL with brew services start postgresql.
  2. Create the database: createdb reciperest. (If the database already exists do dropdb reciperest && createdb reciperest.)
  3. Start psql with psql reciperest.
  4. In psql, create the tables by running \i server/database-setup.sql.

(Exit psql with Ctrl+D or \q.)

Database seed

Once the database is created, you can automatically fill the database with some recipes with server/database-seed.sql.

Note that you need two users with ids 1 and 2. If you don't have the two users yet, start the server (cd server && npm start) and in another terminal run:

  • curl http://localhost:5000/api/auth/register -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"Albert", "email":"", "password":"123456"}'
  • curl http://localhost:5000/api/auth/register -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"Pere", "email":"", "password":"123456"}'

Once you have two users with ids 1 and 2, seed data into the database by doing psql reciperest and \i server/database-seed.sql.

(Exit psql with Ctrl+D or \q.)


cd server
npm install
npm start
cd web
npm install
npm start

Email account setup

Sending emails requires creating an account at Click the 'Create Ethereal Account' button and copy-paste the user and password to the .env file environment variables EMAIL_USER and EMAIL_PASSWORD.

You can view the emails at URLs to view each email sent are also logged at the server console.

Git pre-commit hook to run Prettier, ESLint and TypeScript checks on every commit

To run Prettier and ESLint on every commit, run cp pre-commit .git/hooks.

Note that the checks do not abort the commit, they only inform you of any issues found.

Manually deploy React web app to AWS S3 and CloudFront

Note that there's a GitHub action that does this automatically.

cd web
npm run build
aws s3 sync build s3://<s3-bucket-name> --delete
aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id <cf-distribution-id> --paths '/*'